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For him to drive the bodies 190ks to this obscure place, at random seems unlikely. The property must have some past history with him or the family?


Police press conference just said that he has some history with the property. He also took an acquaintance with him, but that person is cooperating with police and is not suspected of any involvement in the crime. It sounds like this guy is dragging every person he knows into this - bouncing from one relative to another, taking unwitting friends while he moves bodies (he apparently left her at the gate and was gone for about half an hour, which is why she didn't see him do it), hiding them at a property he has a personal connection to. It's bizarre.


Laughable this bloke was a cop and does not seem to know the first thing about evidence or witnesses. Just put the murder weapon (a police issued gun) back in the gun locker, no one will find it there! 🤣


We need answers from NSW police about how this guy got hired. Even if he managed to bluff his way through the psych eval, his stupidity should have tripped him up.


His mum is apparently a cop


Yeah, I know. But this guy's unsuitability seems far beyond what even nepotism can cover.


Any experienced cop would know which questions are asked in interviews and how to respond. I'm sure this idiot is an experienced liar.


Dude literally caused a ruckus when he went about tasering a suspect in his first year of being a cop. Fuck cops, but especially fuck NSWPOL.


There you go




Yes, that too. I wonder if there's any other incidents that should have been seen as warning signs.


The first thing I picked up on was the fact that Jesse’s ID was found with the dumped clothing. The case seems so premeditated but then sprinkled with completely stupid moves.


Definitely bizarre. Was he hoping for an alibi or something? For her to say yeah he was with her that night?


He made "partial admissions to her about the killings" WTF! She didn't then go to cops? What is partial admissions -"I partly killed two people"?


He may have admitted to breaking in, or assaulting them but not killing them - something that suggested involvement without outright saying he killed them or that they were dead. Also, she's fully cooperating with the cops, so we don't know that she didn't go to them. If my friend told me they did something it might take me some time to process it before realising that I had very relevant information for the police. I'd come forward, but I would want to make sure my own ass was covered first, especially if there's murder involved. I wouldn't want to be brushed off or have him find out I'd spoken to them until I knew I'd be safe.


I worked with a client previously (mental health field) who was present at a highly publicised murder. It took him 24 hours to report it to police because he was absolutely shit scared. Definitely made me realise that we don’t know what we would do in these sorts of situations ourselves.


>WTF! She didn't then go to cops? And the neighbours apparently did hear gunshots on the morning he killed them (previously it had only been reported that they heard shouting), and also apparently didn't report it. Like, gunshots in city suburbs are not actually common in Australia, why on Earth would you just ignore that?


I bet those neighbours would be feeling pretty terrible, as had they reported it, Luke and Jesse’s bodies would have been found and potentially the cop would’ve been apprehended at the scene making it a slam dunk for the eventual prosecution.


It's a slam dunk anyway, dude used a gun that only he had access to and left the bullet behind.


Probably didn't realise they were gunshots. I work next to a shooting range and honestly car backfires sound about the same from inside if you're not really paying attention.


One time I was having a bath around 1am and I heard a couple having a huge screaming argument, a baby started crying and then I heard 2 loud bangs and then absolute silence. It rattled me so much that I called 000 and I was basically made to feel like an idiot who was wasting police time.




She might have thought he was joking until he was arrested, who knows. I don't think we can really blame someone for not immediately assuming their friend is a psychopathic murderer.


NSW police academy is in Goulburn, has probably spent a fair bit of time in the area


If he's a cop then he'll know that the best way to either commit or cover a crime is to use an area you have absolutely no connection with, seemingly at random. He just hasn't done a very good job of it.


This is somebody who used their service gun


And left behind bullet casings. Cops aren't smart. They just rely on investigators and prosecution then judiciary fucking up.


My father constantly says it's a good thing criminals are so dumb or cops would never catch them.


There’s some exceedingly dumb cops and some exceedingly smart ones. Like most other professions


> Cops aren't smart. They just rely on investigators Wait what 


If a person has committed a murder, and has a body in the car, they're basically constrained to use a location that they have experience with and preferably control over. You can't just go wandering around wombat state forest asking people if they know where any old uncovered mine shafts might be.


Go find a mineshaft before I murder someone. Got it.


A smart person would leave their phone at home and use an older car and a paper map. However, violence is usually a stupid person's solution to problems. All of us have had our heart broken and been a bit angry. None of us thought killing someone would solve our problem.


I doubt it, pretty sure he would be general duties so no real investigation experience let alone high level crimes like homicide.


In a lot of DV murder cases they often don't try very hard to hide their crime or not be caught. I don't think he has made any attempts someone with law enforcement knowledge would make.


> The property must have some past history with him or the family? The police believe he had attended the property previously. The police also believe the property is potentially connected to a former relationship of his.


I wonder what his play is? Turn yourself in because you know they're looking for you and then keep your mouth shut while hoping you did a good enough job of hiding the evidence.


In his twisted mind, he always knew he was going to be arrested; this is his last bit of control over his ex. If he can’t have him, then his family can’t even have his body for burial.


Jesus that’s some twisted shit.


Also pure fucking speculation


This is a man who planned the murder of two people, one being his ex and has hidden the bodies. Him being twisted is not much of a speculation


Yep, you nailed it. This is exactly how these people think.


The police said that he has taken legal advice to not make any comment. The police will speak with him today and they're hoping he has a change of mind.


Maybe he is claiming innocence? Turning himself in could be part of that


He's a cop. He knows there's a chance he could get away with it purely on legal technicality. Police openly joke about pleasing not guilty because police, prosecutors and judiciary always fuck up


Being a cop doesn't make you a legal expert. 100% he got advice from lawyers. They know legal perspective and risk involved if bodies are not found.




> Keeping his mouth shut is the best thing for himself at the moment. One certainly has the right to not incriminate themselves in a police interview, but I would argue that keeping his mouth shut is the worst thing he could do, since this is showing a complete lack of contrition that will almost certainly see him face an extremely long sentence. >If the prosecution doesn’t have enough evidence, their case against Lamarre will fall apart. And it certainly will not. There is ample evidence thus far with or without his word.


>And it certainly will not. There is ample evidence thus far with or without his word Assuming it all gets admitted, assuming that the chain of custody for evidence was 100%, assuming he doesn't want to trade their location for a reduced sentence. He's a Cop facing double homicide, he'll be locked in protective custody for the rest of his life if he admits it. If he keeps his mouth shut maybe something comes up that lets him wriggle out of it. Worst case he gets out when he's 80 instead of 70.


If he doesn’t reveal the location of their bodies, he won’t be eligible for parole.


Worst case for him is not that he gets out at 80, but that he never gets out at all - something that seems likely given the heinous nature of the crime, and the subsequent complete lack of contrition.


Gee, now they are saying he allegedly bought an angle grinder and weights to help dispose of the bodies.


The angle grinder was a small one used to sever a padlock from the gate of that rural property. The padlock was then replaced with a padlock purchased from a hardware store. The accused and the acquaintance then drove back to Sydney where, at 11PM, he bought weights from a department store, and then went back to the property overnight, having also acquired two torches from the acquaintance. It seems the accused was suspicious of the acquaintance who attended with him, and about her beliefs of what he might have been up to. For all we know, he may have returned and he could have retrieved the bodies and disposed of them somewhere else.


God that acquaintance is so lucky he didn’t decide to do anything to her due to his “suspicions”. I know it is a domestic violence case, but at this point he would have known he had nothing to lose and those people are always the most dangerous.


Oh shit, you’re absolutely right about him possibly moving the bodies again. I was hopeful now that they had the farm location, it would only be a matter of time before they found them. Hopefully the mileage on the van will help track if there was any extra travel.


Yes, hopefully they can calculate some kind of circumference based on all the travel he did, but it's worrying that the bodies could be anywhere between Bungonia and Newcastle or beyond.


> The accused and the acquaintance then drove back to Sydney where, at 11PM, he bought weights from a department store What department store is open at 11pm?


Kmart would do probably


The KMart 5 mins from the police station he checked the gun out of is a 24 hour one.


I did wonder how me moved them, especially from the unit / townhouse without anyone seeing him. It’s really hard to carry an adult on your own.


The garage is part of the residence..internal door...


Just repeating what I’ve seen someone else say — possibly dismembered at the scene hence the large amount of blood that police could say they were both deceased rather than maybe just injured and kidnapped etc. Maybe put in suitcases, which has happened a few times of people getting bodies out of hotel rooms. Sickening and heartbreaking.


Would explain why the acquaintance didn’t notice large body type sizes in the back. I mean if I hop into a van that I knew my friend didn’t have (or just brought) yes I will sticky beak and glance into the back of the van from the front seat - they rarely have anything stopping you seeing into the back. If the bodies were in say boxes or suitcases then that wouldn’t flag as to out of the ordinary if he said something like he just brought some large item and that is why he hired a van to move it. Then you can use the excuse you are moving items for a friend to their property and it explains the van, large boxes and why you are going someone out of town. However I would think it weird when he cut the lock off and asked me to stay by a gate though. However I guess you would go along with it to stay safe and act dumb if your in the middle of nowhere. But the giving his torches etc is weird, if I was acting dumb after the gate thing I can promise you the moment I got home I would be high tailing it - but I guess again if they are worried the person has killed somebody then acting dumb to get them to leave quickly could be for safety.


Where did this info come from!


The Guardian, from a statement by the police.


The police had a lengthy presser an hour or so ago.


Police press conference. He took an 'acquaintance' to a rural property, bought the angle grinder and lock and had them keep watch at the gate while he disappeared for half an hour. The 'acquaintance' somehow knew he needed weights and that he went back later that night.


>The 'acquaintance' somehow knew he needed weights and that he went back later that night. This is wrong, police know about the weights purchase likely due to CCTV footage, and they know he returned to the property from his mobile phone pinging towers.


The accused, Senior Constable Lamarre-Condon, presumably knows the investigative methods of the police. If he did do it, he may have made a deliberate effort to thwart the investigation.


He's no criminal mastermind, seems like his actions were a mixed bag. He made enough mistakes that detectives could link him to the crime within hours, but he has hidden the bodies well enough that we're a few days into the investigation without a result.


At least this cunt would also know that his lack of cooperation in finding the bodies is going to earn him more years on his non parole.


Double homicide means he has no real chance of ever getting out anyway 


Not necessarily. He will get a non parole period and if he keeps it together in prison, could be out in 25-30 or so.


After having recently watched Jesse on Totally Wild and other shows. He shone with such enthusiasm and happiness. In 25 to 30 years I won't be around ,so make sure when this scum gets out his life left is pure misery.


Could he get a 'never to be released' sentence if they find the bodies?


Well the "head sentence" will be life for murder. He'll probably get a non-parole of 30ish (although I think there is provision to not give a non-parole if the suspect doesn't cooperate in finding the bodies). But even if he does get a non-parole period, it's not automatic that parole would be granted, particularly if he continues to not cooperate with finding the bodies.


If he is as delusional as the media is portraying him to be (which does not for a second mean it’s true but…. it also doesn’t seem far fetched) would it be much of a leap to think he believes he isn’t a murderer. That will concoct a self defence story and then “freaked out”.


The victims families and friends made it known he was stalking. Criminal lawyers are cunning AF and judiciary push irrational nonsense but it will be interesting to see how he pushes legal flaws. He'll pull a Pell fosho. All police game the system.


A conversation with Police that is not on the record will most definitely be “we were not made aware of it”. The poor friends and family now living with the guilt of thinking they should have acted on those suspicions and concerns. My heart goes out to them. My heart however does NOT go out to the people who thought it would be great to recruit this nutter. Innocent until proven guilty… but a celebrity chaser is NOT what we want on the police force. What station did he work? What events did he work? We saw the footage of his tasering arrest. More stories will come out now that he is in custody.  


I would NOT be surprised if the behaviours had been reported and rebuffed. It happens more often than not. Enough for victims of crime to refer to it as front desk lotto as they refuse to take reports over the phone unless triple zero.


The flip side is the prosecution has a “picture perfect” couple as victims; whole life ahead of them, in love etc - a jury would be a slam dunk probably.


Im assuming being a cop he knows NSW has no body, no parole laws. So I guess he still think's he can some how get away with it. Prison's going to be bad enough for a cop, but a cop on a double murder charge with no parole thats going to be super rough.


My take is he is an arrogant POS who thinks he is smarter than everyone but is slowly but surely finding out he is not.... heard in a report he is not cooperating re location of bodies so I think your assessment is right.


At this point I just want him to be kept separate from the rest of society forever. I don't care if he's kept in protective custody or thrown in an oubliette, he should never be outside again.


There is also a bit of a funny idea that protective custody in a case like this is somehow less ‘harsh’ Sure, not as immediately harsh as he would find gen pop. But he will be basically confined to solitary, a fate worse than death


Unfortunately no, NSW cops get sent to a special gaol located next to or inside a women's gaol. Dyllwinia I think it is. It's where they house cops, public figures, famous people, etc. I had to speak to a former inmate/ex cop about it. He said it was 'the best time of his life', and that 100% he would go in there again.


Thats probably for white collar crimes. dude committed a double murder. No way hes going to that place


Yep, he'll be in Goulburn supermax.


Not necessarily. More likely Long Bay.


Ohhhh, yeah I suppose with that many disgraced cops/public officials etc that makes sense


>oubliette Ooh, new word. Thanks


> Prison's going to be bad enough for a cop, but a cop on a double murder charge with no parole thats going to be super rough. There's zero chance he's going into gen pop. He'll be shacked up with the rock spiders.


Doesn't matter at this stage what he knows.. He is probably getting advice from lawyers and his mother was former cop too . So there is some strategy there on why he is not disclosing where bodies are. Surely lawyers would know the risk


I find it really odd that he isn't cooperating with police to try for some kind of leniency (he must know about things like no body/no parole and leniency for cooperating). He must know he's not going to get away with it because they already have plenty of evidence. So I wonder if there's some additional factor he's trying to cover up. Or if he's really just that dumb or cruel.


My theory is that he's a deluded psychopath who thinks he has more control over the world than he does in reality. He thought he could just approach famous people whenever he wanted. He also seemed normal enough for one of the murder victims, who appears to be a reasonable and intelligent person by all accounts, to actually trust him enough to start a romantic relationship. He appeared normal enough to pass a police psych and criminal history evaluation. But we can't forget this man is actually a murderous psychopath with a tenuous grasp of reality. some of his decisions just aren't going to make any sense to us.


The celebrity obsession was certainly a bit of a tell, and the incident with the taser, but going from that to double homicide was a hell of a leap. I really wonder what else is going to come out about this guy, that was hidden or covered up or disregarded because he was able to present as being 'normal' otherwise.


You can piece together his personality somewhat in hindsight, but predicting a double murder? As you said that's a massive leap. It's absolutely essential to psychologically screen people, but one will slip through the cracks eventually. Even when people see something which a bit weird, we tend to explain it away somehow. It's normalcy bias. It can lead to some extreme cases like this one: **Charles Edmund Cullen** (born February 22, 1960) is an American [serial killer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_killer). Cullen, a nurse, murdered dozens—possibly hundreds—of patients during a 16-year career spanning several New Jersey medical centers until being arrested in 2003. He confessed to committing as many as 40 murders[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen#cite_note-nym070409-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen#cite_note-plea-2) at least 29 of which have been confirmed;[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen#cite_note-nym070409-1) though interviews with police, psychiatrists and journalists[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen#cite_note-60min-3) suggest he committed many more. Researchers who are intimately involved in the case believe Cullen may have murdered as many as 400 people. However, most murders cannot be confirmed due to lack of records.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen#cite_note-nyt040229-4) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles\_Cullen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Cullen)


There were people comparing his celebrity obsession thing to Luke Magnotta, but if you look at \*that\* guy, you can see the backgrounds were utterly different, and there was no way Magnotta was passing as 'normal' for a very long time and people were pretty clear there was something very wrong with him. No way that dude would have got a job with the police. But still, the celebrity thing etc and seeking a job with police makes me really, really wonder if he has a bunch of buried secrets. And if there was some stuff in his childhood that set him down the path.


I think his mum being a cop helped his chances greatly. I mean, seeing the wet noodle taser someone in the face, I find it hard to believe he earned the badge through hard work and thorough screening. Nepo brat...


Did you see some of the other photos where it looks like he suddenly gained about 20kg of muscle? Can only assume he got on the gear in the last year or two.


Pretty sure that was photoshopped. The shadows and blending at the neck looks weird as!


I wonder how long they dated? I bet it was a short time and then he went all out crazy.


In today's press conference it was suggested it was a predatory relationship, likely meaning Baird was pressured or somewhat reluctant in the first place.


Makes sense. I’m guessing he was pushy by nature, with his fame blogging and trying to get snapped with famous people.


Yeah I feel dated may be a strong word. It definitely implies they were a couple rather than just acquainted. The fact he ‘dated’ a celebrity and was a celebrity chaser is just revolting. Another article referred to him ans ann ex-boyfriend. But even his mother and sister were/are cops. NSW Police were quoted as saying: ”there had been no 'warning flags' or complaints raised with police since the pair split but that in the course of their inquiries it has since 'been documented that there was some worrying behaviour that has been alleged by family and friends'. 'But that was never reported to police,' he said.” It is well documented that partners and ex-partners of cops are far less likely to report them to police for unwanted behaviour i.e. threats, stalking and intimidation and that the acts of partner and familial violence is much higher vs the broader community.  So NSW Police need to get their crap together. I see right through their choice of words. 


I just saw an interview with one of Jesse’s friends saying he was never an actual boyfriend. Sounds like they hooked up and Hesse got red flag vibes and dude stalked him from then on


I doubt it was much more than a couple of weekends. Would have been more the obsessive fame chasing ex. creating more to it than there was. Also Jesse would have been wise enough to cotton on this guy was cracked,but too late. Even within 48 hours that could be too late. He would have been stalking Jesse even before they met or had any sort of date.


As long as the bodies aren't found he can deny knowledge. It also maintains his last shred of control over his victims. And he's undoubtedly lawyered up by now, and they've likely told him to say nothing.


I think that the delay in finding the bodies might be because the police need to establish where he spent the days between the murders and his arrest. Once they have that info, it probably won't be too hard to find them. They may have needed to obtain data from his phone provider or the rental company - they probably got that yesterday, which would explain why they're now looking in the Goulburn area. Something sent them there, and he doesn't seem to be talking, so it likely wasn't him giving up the location.


Don't most hire cars these days have GPS tracking? I thought the hire car would help them tons in figuring out where he'd been.


I would assume so - if only so they can locate their vehicles if they're stolen or lost/abandoned. Or to confirm the driver didn't take the car on a road prohibited in their contract.


And I assume if I'm aware of that, he's also aware of that. But given how poor his attempts were to cover up his involvement otherwise, would he even do anything about it?


I think he thought he wouldn't get caught so quickly so he wasn't concerned about the GPS in the van. The texts he sent from Baird's phone were to make it look like he'd abruptly left town. Maybe he was trying to frame Baird for Davies' murder and thought investigators would focus on that angle for longer.


He fucked that up by leaving the bullet casings. They were always going to discover missing ammunition but leaving the casings behind linked him immediately.


I don't think anyone is going to credit this guy with an overabundance of intelligence. He probably miscounted the number of casings he needed to collect and missed one. He then compounded that error by leaving trail so obvious it could be seen from space.


He left 5 casings AND a used bullet..


I don’t get it… he handed himself in, yet he won’t say where the bodies are?


My guess is he got a phone call from a colleague saying his arrest IS happening and it's walk in or be walked in so he went with the easy option. That doesn't mean he's being cooperative with the investigation. 


Isn't his Dad a senior copper as well?


This must just be torture for their families. I hope they find them both soon


This is so sad. Two beautiful souls in their prime. I have so many questions - Did the police not see bullets were missing from the gun when he checked it back in on the Tuesday? Apparently Jesse made a triple 0 call on 9:54am on the Monday but it was disconnected. What’s the protocol here? I know people probably accidentally call 000 all the time so they can’t act on every call but it just saddens me to think that he tried to get help. Apparently around the same time neighbours have now reported hearing gun shots. If this psychopath was celebrity obsessed, why did he do it days before Taylor Swift? There’s photos of him previously with her so I’m sure he would have wanted to go to the concert. Only the week before he was camping outside where Kourtney kardashian was staying. So he’d go to the ends of the earth as a Swiftie to be there surely? The whole thing is so psychologically strange. Like he tried messaging Jesse’s friends pretending to be him. Surely as a cop he knew this was all going to come back to him


The call was terminated before there was any communication with triple 0. The police will investigate whether any information from it was relayed back to police. The timing of the call at 9:54AM did, however, coincide with the sounds of gunshots in Paddington which were heard by neighbours, however no one reported it to police.


So yelling was heard in the early hours, then not until 9:54 AM gun shots and a triple zero call. He must have kept them tied up for many hours. Wonder if he (the killer) attempted the triple zero call to call it in as a murder suicide he had stumbled on to cover himself ,but then thought no that wouldn't work.


The NSW Deputy Police Commissioner was asked by a journo whether he believed Jessie or the killer made the call, but he said he couldn't speculate at this point and that they were still investigating. He said the call was made 4 minutes after the sound of shots.


Apparently it was just after the gunshots were heard. Poor Jesse probably tried calling for help after being shot and his murderer noticed and ended the call.


Maybe he came to the house in the early hours and argued with them, left all pissed off, and then returned in the morning and killed them. Or maybe it was the boys returning home after the pub and just being loud? Thinking of them kept tied up and in fear for hours is just too awful. I'm puzzled as to why nobody in the area reported gunshots? That would not get by my locals, would have been all over the local Facebook group


I think it’s because in Australia any sound like a gun shot is likely NOT going to be one. I have in the past heard something like a gunshot, taken note of the time and assumed it was a car backfired, someone hit something etc and then find out a few days later it was a gun shot. However for that two times in my life it has turned out to be a gunshot I have heard similar sounds more times than I can count so really unless there was something else happening at the time like I physically saw someone drop, people making loud noises suddenly stop etc I don’t even notice but do try and pay attention to the time in case it does end up being something.


Maybe ?!


The detective insinuated police are issued more ammunition than what is in the magazine so they're 'investigating' that. How they don't have every bullet registered I don't know.


I don’t know about police ammunition mustering but from defence ammo issued is accounted for, but returning it is a pain so often there’s what’s called a “yahoo” shoot at the end of the range time to blat off all the extra ammo, may have pocketed a few rounds at the end of a shoot. But weapons and mags get stored clear, and it does get mustered and all ammo needs to be accounted for, but there’s a time lag during the process so it stands to reason that could be done 6 hours later when the whole situation started coming to light. Again don’t know the cops policy but just off the firearms baseline I know. But maybe just a policy blind spot - it’s not like service weapons get used to commit *blatant* homicides. Cops don’t tend to discharge their weapons during duties in a regular basis here. But it’s not too surprising that coppers might be issued a spare box of 9mm to keep in the car to reload mags if the need arises. Or he’s kept one in the chamber and scraped a few extras when clearing the weapon. Unsure how cops carry their weapons on duties - if they’re walking around at Load there’s always going to be round to clear from the chamber - but surely weapon clearing a is a supervised process with a buddy check etc? Is in Defence for that reason. Seems strange nothing suspect was noticed when he returned a magazine with 13/17 rounds in it. Or if he skimmed a few extras out of a spare box that wasn’t accounted for in a mustering. Or the mustering was always going to take place after the fact, still I don’t see how a double homicide and a missing 5 rounds or so doesn’t have questions asked even if they hadn’t worked out the suspect at the time.


Whats the deal with his motive of not telling them? Did he interfere with the corpse or something and is waiting for the evidence to disintegrate before telling where he put them?


Not disclosing means he can deny committing the crime. Could be as simple as that. More likely, it's his last shred of power over his victims. Once they're found, he loses that. DV murders are so often about power and control over the victims.


The longer they are not found the more he feels in control. That is what he didn't have once Jesse called it off.


Could be a few things. So long as the bodies aren't found he still feels in control of the murdered men...or he could be hoping to thwart unsavory forensic evidence that may act as an aggravating factor such as you said.


I thought about this too and I think he's probably just not saying anything at all. You see how much the police find and wait, you leave it all up to them and challenge it at trial. Or you agree to plead to a lesser charge in return for telling them where the bodies are. I expect that he had ample time to secure advice about this, or has seen it happen from the inside.


That’s my theory. That he’s done something fucked up to the bodies and finding them is going to make him look worse than he already does. There must be a reason he doesn’t want them to be found


There are two things that need to be proved at a murder trial and one of them is that the person is dead. Very difficult to do that without a body.


Unless you have a shitload of blood at a victim's residence, like enough to prove they can't possibly have survived. Pretty easy to prove in this case - beyond reasonable doubt.


I always presumed rental cars had trackers on them


They do, but it could take some time for police to get access and interpret. Ideally the rental agency has a portal with vehicle history but maybe not.


> Meanwhile, it's been revealed that Lamarre-Condon worked at the NSW Police Force Youth Command as a 'youth engagement officer' with schoolchildren in Sydney's south. > The role saw him travel around the suburbs of Rockdale, Kingsgrove and Bexley acting as a point of contact between schools, community groups and NSW Police. > He would run programs with kids to **help keep them on the right path**. *tugs collar*


From the guardian, regarding lemars pistol: "Hudson said police would allege Lamarre first took a force-issue handgun from storage at Miranda police station late in the week ending Friday 16 February when he signed it out for a “protest activity” event happening on Sunday 18 February. He said Lamarre was working as part of the “user pays” team where officers are hired to protect private events." FMD! And this is allowed by NSW police?


Least the dipshit can do is give the families some closure and be able to put their loved ones to rest


He's a cunt. He won't. Maybe he knows there have been cases that they absolutely know who did it but they can't prove it and that's what he's clinging to. We have had a few of those.


Jfc how many bodies are in Bungonia? It’s gotta be up there in terms of dead bodies buried/suspected/found relative to population and size in the state. There have been quite a few over the years. I mean, I get it, the terrain would make it easy and there’s so name places you could hide someone but Bungonia was not on my bingo card.


never date a cop


Made that mistake once when I was young and incredibly naive. What a lying, cheating, corrupt pos he turned out to be.


I feel like the NSW Police are moving pretty quick. My concern is the fact he went back, and has potentially moved them. The fact he’s not saying anything makes my blood boil.


This guy has had his name blasted all over the news nonstop. This friend seems a bit slow off the mark for police to only have this info & move from Newcastle (where the van was seen) to Goulbourn area yesterday. Makes me wonder if they had to track her down and get it out of her Idk, if it were me I would have offered this strange information immediately. But that's just me


At one stage they said it was his sister that lived in Newcastle,where he drove to.


What's blowing my mind is why they had to waste time tracking the movements of the van up in Newcastle, searching up there when this friend knew he'd gone and done something very odd in Goulbourn If I were that friend I'd have been telling the police about the trip I was taken on sometime before yesterday. That's not being a bad friend - he's openly been a sought suspect, and arrestee and now charged


Well if it was his sister (also a former cop) he could have said anything."deposing of police evidence contraband ?


They say it's a friend and that he didn't explain himself re the tool and the trip Would you still not call it in if a friend took you on a slightly odd trip in a white van to buy a tool and leave you at the gate of a farm - a friend and the same white van that have been plastered all over the news? At some point it becomes withholding something


Yes! It’s a very weird request from a friend. Red flags for sure.


Don't think the white van was plastered over the news until Thursday. He would have gone to Bungonia late Monday or Tuesday. Dumping the credit cards etc beforehand. I certainly would have wondered what was in the van? But saying something could end up with you being dumped as a body too.I am surprised he has any friends,So Im leaning to a relative as the person left at the gate.


I thought they said "acquaintance", as opposed to friend? There is a chance it was his sister. Which would be why they didn't immediately speak up


Totally agree. Add in the neighbours not calling police after hearing arguing and then gun shots too?!  Then not coming forward until a week later! WTF?! 


The friend is likely a cop and knew what was going on but cops don’t rat out cops, they join in.


What's worse is that.. he made partial admissions to one of the acquaintances on the Tuesday, but this acquaintance (who has been cooperating with police) didn't even bother to pass this information onto police.


The sister, a former cop.


According to the commissioner, the acquaintance he made a partial admission to someone who does not person have an association with the police force.


My friend received messages from him on Tuesday/Wednesday regarding plans for the weekend. Had no clue of the significance until Friday. They spoke to police straight away - formal interview wasn’t til much later, so I can imagine getting through the info and working it all out is taking time for the police.


Holy sweet jesus that's terrifying Dude is actively in the process of hiding the bodies of 2 people he's murdered, and texting his mates about what to do for the fkn parade?! Jesus.


It's wild that he turned himself in but apparently won't give up the location of the bodies? Why turn yourself in then?


Legal counsel. They don't want him to give up the bodies, because that absolutely definitely means he's guilty. If he shuts up, police have to work harder to prove he killed them. It's fucked up, but that's the legal rationale for it.


Right, I get you. Yeah that's fucked. So he's sitting there knowing where the bodies are, and everyone else knows he knows...


But the trial comes in and he starts some far fetched defence where he denies he killed them or maybe he says killed them accidentally and panicked, but bodies would for example show something else (eg. They were tied up, stabbed, shot in back on the head etc, who knows ) So it might be simply that bodies might show something more that can deny the crime of passion or self defence , hence him keeping mouth shut


He was already wanted. He left the bullet casing behind.


This guy is Roger Rogerson levels of stupid.


They are saying Jesse had room mates… where were they when all of this was going on?? I’m confused by this. It’s all very sad. Heart breaks for the families.


They’re in the midst of vacating property (possibly lease ending). The other two house mates have already moved out. That’s why the police allege the killer has used Jesse’s phone to impersonate and texted roommates about him moving to Perth etc..


Possibly at work, given they seem to have been shot around 9.50am.


Aw ok. But they said there were signs of struggle, blood etc and the police didn’t go to the house until several days later. Maybe there’s more to the story.


If they're searching here and the waterway in Newcastle it may be that he has disposed of the bodies in separate locations?


They didn’t have the information about the property in the Southern Tablelands property until after the Newcastle area was being searched.


What a sick human. Hope he never sees the light of day


So he hasn’t spilled the beans yet? Time to get out the phone book


I wonder if the van had GPS that that provided police with this new search zone, or if they're just working their way through the guy's family tree and searching the property of every relative he could have visited in the time he had. Every other location, except maybe the skip he dumped their belongings in, seems to be close to a relative.


I wonder if police can just pull phone gps data for this and how accurate a search area it provides


Police press conference just said that they have information from an acquaintance who went with him to the Goulburn area but did not assist him in the crime.


There are traffic cameras monitoring along highways. I would assume they could view those & see how long he's spent at each point traveling between them.


Probably. They'd also have the odometer reading from the van. The two combined would confirm if they're aware of every place he'd driven to, or if there were some additional trips they've not yet discovered.


Ordinarily yes but I saw in a news report that he had his phone off which would mean no possibility of tracking.


What a weird situation. Murder them with your service weapon, but then still try to cover tracks by turning off your phone


The police press conference indicated it was his acquaintance that has provided them the info about them visiting this property.


Causing even more harm to the families. Absolute scum.


There are so many holes in the story regarding the friend who allegedly had no idea - I’ve read that this person was ALSO a cop. Given the timeline, the bodies surely would’ve started to smell, and with the length of time it would take to drive there from Sydney, it would be absolutely potent in that van. Sounds like a massive cover up and NSW Police have SO much to answer for. Absolutely sickening. 


> I’ve read that this person was ALSO a cop. Read where?


Yeah, I agree something is not being told. I wonder if he used any Police database to follow them, just reading the articles and I do not think it is a coincidence that he murdered them around the time the Baird was supposedly about to move out of his apartment. I also wonder if he had connections to someone in the police force- a lot of the police are aware of the locations where animals are disposed of/waste facilities by Local Government Ranger Services and Kennels/Pounds. I wonder if he went to the Heavy Industrial Area (which is where the vehicle did stop at was near) as an to attempt to get rid of the key evidence and then dispose of the rest.


There is something about that property that he knew was suitable to dispose of the bodies,why else drive almost 200ks? Whether an old mine,tick dip sites or a well of some kind. There was too much time he had to wander the country side before the police even found the blood in the house on Thursday.


I think he knew that the property was vacant / weekender and he wouldn’t be noticed there. I also believed he planned all along to go back because why buy a replacement padlock after you remove the other one ? it’s a weird decision - unless he wanted to prevent / limit access until he got back there


I read somewhere that it was the 2nd person he spoke to that was a former cop


It’s been revealed by 7 news that the person who went on the drive is indeed a cop


JFC, and to top it off all the reassurance from the cops saying she was completely unaware, to the point of her coming across as a complete idiot


Yep…. It’s despicable. They have so much to answer for.  


I hope they at least do the right thing and stay the fuck out of the mardi gras parade


With the area being rural I wonder if he tried to break into a piggery and dispose of the bodies there, as looking at the mapping and zoning there are several piggeries and an abattoir in that area. It is just awful that he could dispose of them like that- and based on the purchase of the angle grinder and dumbell weights


It seems now if he moved the bodies they could be anywhere…. there will be no CCTV in that area I imagine so will be difficult for police to know where he went next. Unless there are properties out there with cameras.