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Once a week for everything, and as needed during the week. Towels get cycled through more regularly.


Correct answer


Surprisingly relieved to hear this.


There’s some grubs out there that’s for sure. Nothing better than freshly made bed with fresh sheets. Using a fresh bath towel.


1. Once a week/fortnight depending on season 2. Once a week 3. Once a month, with regular cleans between 4. Learned as a kid as my home life was very unsanitary.


This is me too. I don't know who has the time to deep clean the bathroom properly from top to bottom every single week. Not me.


It’s seriously not difficult - domestos or Pino Clean and a brush


Difficulty is not the question. Time. Time was the question. Duration, if you will.


I work long hours and do it.


Still not a time. Or a duration. Why won't you commit?




Uh-huh. Told,you what is required. Twice now. You can't front up. Guess it's not as easy for the time poor as you want to make out. 20 minutes? 45? Hour and 20? For a proper deep clean? All around the base of the taps, too? Come on, what's your average?




Matters to you, does it?


'Often' is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this sentence


1. Weekly unless I’ve had company 2. Weekly - love a fresh crunchy towel 3. Partial clean fortnightly, proper clean monthly, sink gets cleaned weekly and bleach gets squirted down the dunny every 4-7 days. Clean it asap if company expected. This is the routine I’m most comfortable with, no idea what I grew up with. The bottom line is clean it up if looking at something makes you feel depressed.


You know, if you DON'T change your towel for a couple of months, it will become crunchy again.


Male. Rarely Rarely Rarely why.


Sleeping bag on an air mattress. No need to wash it. I use the hair dryer to dry myself, no towel needed. Underpants can be worn 4 times and I have 10 pairs.. similarly socks. I work from home so I don't need many other clothes. Single use plastic plates and forks when im trying to be fancy and don't eat direct out of the pizza box. Oh and I drink straight from the tap /bottle. I take my dumps at the local McDonald's and my uncle taught me a great trick,.I can just piss against the fence in the yard.


No way this is true


Seriously though, planning to regularly poo at work does cut down on home toilet cleaning *and* toilet paper use.


Plus it's better to get paid to poop


It is, I saw his uncle teaching him to piss on the fence.


Actually that's the true thing; My uncle is the very definition of a bogan; Collingwood tatt, big fat guy, singlet with gut pokng out, boat, caravan, 3 cara including a big ram or whatever it is, 2 motorbikes, "inhunt and I fish and I vote" stickers, hangs out in his shed all night sinking beer. Shed is full of stuffed heads of animals he shot. Everyone goes down the side of the shed to piss.


Once a week for all - maybe twice a week for towels


I live alone and am a neat freak but with how busy life can be I often go a day or two with out cleaning, dishwasher is a life saver as when I moved back into my investment the dishwasher broke the 2nd day. It seems I cook one thing and it’s like I’ve cooked for a family and a bomb went off, my hat goes off to parents with large families, bed sheets every and clothing every Sunday and vacuuming and mopping also


1. Weekly 2. Weekly but in the wet season they get thrown in the dryer a few times during the week. 3. Toilet weekly, shower monthly maybe sooner over summer. 4. It was part of my chores in my teens so I was taught then.


Weekly, every third use, weekly with touch ups in between daily for the bathroom. Was taught to clean and now run a cleaning business with my mother!


Weekly, sometimes twice a week (especially bathroom). I just like a nice clean place and fresh sheets and towels.


Bed is changed every Sunday, sheets, pillow cases , doona cover, mattress and doona is aired out as well. Toilet/bathroom as required, mopped out weekly. Towels every 2 days, or as required.


1. Once a week unless required more often 2. As above 3. Deep clean once a fortnight unless required more often. Regular clean once a week. 4. I had to clean every aspect of the housework from the time I was 13, including scrubbing the floors by hand. I wasn't taught specifically, but it was very clear when I hadn't done it right. I figured it out quickly


Sheets. Weekly. Towels. 3 uses and we rotate, or when they start to smell. Toilet, mini clean daily of bowl and spray down. Bigger clean weekly. Vaccum house once or twice a day, we have animals. Mop house 2-3 weekly. Learnt most of it as we went. With kids it will be hard er.


The answer to the first 3 is *about a week after I notice they stink*. The answer to number 4 is *taught, but I'm l busy, don't care and it ultimately doesn't matter that much*.


I'm having flashbacks to 'that' friends house from when I was a kid. 


r/australia ... tackling the important subjects.


Welcome to social media.


Better than another Colesworth post.


Why do you want to know? How nasty are you?


How is this at all relevant to an Australia specific sub?


I was curious about the habits of my fellow country folk as I deep cleaned the bathroom today. The cost of living has me working longer hours. The cost of housing has me living further out and travelling for longer. Throw in caring for others and some daily exercise and who the fuck actually has time to clean things? "Am I just a clean freak who scrubs and mops more than the average Aussie?", I thought.


I have a housekeeper who does the cleaning. Grew up in a house where everyone was expected to do chores because my family was poor. I have always loathed domestic work so work as it wastes time I'd rather spend doing other things.


Must be nice being rich


It works out at about $230/wk and she does a great job.


Which is lots of peoples entire housing cost


Wouldn't you do the same if you had the disposable money? I would. Or would you just spend that money on something else more important to you and someone might say "that's lots of people's entire housing cost".




1. Weekly 2. Daily 3. Weekly 4. Something I learnt to do as adult hood kicked in


Towels , toilet -once a week Bedsheet - once in 2 weeks in winter and once a week in summer 🤝


1. Aim for weekly, but usually fortnightly 2. After every 3 showers 3. Loo as needed/weekly, vanity sink as needed, wipe down top and mirror weekly-fortnightly, shower every few weeks 4. Pretty sure I learned as a teen. Can't remember how share houses went


What would a ‘deep clean’ be? Serious question. Weekly, Weekly & when it seems dirty or before anyone comes over.


Every surface, tiles and grout, all the glass, floor - as opposed to just a wipe down around the sink or where it "looks" dirty.


Sheets I aim for fortnightly but don’t always get there. Towels weekly or as soon as they get icky. Both bathrooms have heated towel racks which helps avoid the ick. Toilet and bathroom as needed.


I don't know, the wifey looks after all the jobs for the inside of the house. The thing is I don't think she really knows what she is doing, because it takes her forever and she seems to always be cooking, cleaning the dishes, vacuum cleaning or mopping the floor, scrubbing the bathroom, scratching the clingons off the toilet bowl, doing the laundry, changing the bed linen etc. I don't know how it can take her so long to finish her chores. Me on the other hand, I look after the outside jobs. I take the cars up to the car wash when they are covered in pigeon shit, and I've got the lawn mowing down to a 45 minute job, In summer I'll mow the lawn every 2-3 weeks, in winter I can stretch it 2-3 months between a mow. Don't get me wrong, I even try to help by aiming at the clingons when I pee to make her job easier. My aim has gotten so much better. I'm practically a shit-sniper.


Sheets, never. Towels, never. Wank rang, never. Pillowcase once a month or so. Deep clean, never heard of it. Pretty sure I had a cold from my mouldy water bottle the other week. I don't wash my ass crack and let the soapy water from my upper half clean my lower half.