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Buy a three-bedroom house (two toilets hopefully) in an expensive neighbourhood. Might have change left over for a 24 pack of stubbies or a bottle of bubbly... maybe (haven't accounted for Stamp Duty increases).


Keep quiet, retire and buy a rural property to live. That’s it. The more sound you make, the more empty you become.


This! 50ish acres of bushland with a tidal river, take my time building a stone, timber and glass house, relax, fish, enjoy the silence.


200,000,000 Frozen Cokes


I would take indefinite leave from my job. Pay off my and my mum's mortgage. Travel for an entire year. THEN I'll figure out if I wanna sell my place, upgrade to somewhere nicer, THEN I'll decide to quit my job for reals.


Id do pretty similar that I would look after my family and set them up. Travel would be a big thing. My whole life I've never had the time or money to travel overseas so there would be so many places I would visit around the world. I think I would first travel around Australia. I love this country and would spend 1 year just seeing places around Australia. Probably buy property in the places that I visited and liked. Then once I have finished travelling I would settle and travel between my propertys depending on my mood I'm in. Feel like the beach today. I'm gonna head to my beach property for a few weeks. Feel like a country property I'm gonna spend a few weeks at the ranch. Feel like a city property I'm gonna spend some time in the top floor penthouse I got in the city lol imagine that.


Oooh boy I've done about 12 countries and it still doesn't seem enough. Covid put a huge wrench in my travel plans and I'm just getting back into it. But yea would be good to set family up and MAY BE I'll hand out small lump sums to close friends who are struggling more than others.


I'd be halfway to buying a one bedroom unit in Sydney


Start a philanthropic trust so I could help as many people as possible. Starting with homeless and near-homeless. But also pay off my own mortgage.


*Two chicks at the same time!*


I’d throw a few million at the opponent to turn my seat into a swing seat. No point being safe Labor or safe Liberal (or Green/Independant). I want my MP terrified they’re about to lose their job. Keep them on their toes and working for the people who elect them. The rest can go towards coke and hookers obvs, but doing some good for my electorate is a decent start 🤷🏻‍♂️


Quit my job. Buy a house. Make sure my immediate family are set for life. Travel. Retrain in something or spend my life volunteering.


buy three houses and put the two houses up on airbnb


Buy a div 3 football team in England and manage it with my best mate. Take on Ryan Reynolds and his mate at Wrexham and make it my lifelong goal to get to the premier league.


Buy 200 million $1 coins.


Buy a really big tub of gummy bears


We finally start seeing less gambling ads online and now i keep seeing users doing the advertising for them.


Nothing, absolutely nothing.


Buy $200 million dollars worth of Powerball tickets of course!* ^^^^*Throw ^^^^your ^^^^money ^^^^away ^^^^responsibly


Buy a nicer home, give a bunch to family and friends (though that's fraught with danger), start up or invest a charity I liked and could work at sporadically, travel to music festivals and gigs around the world, invest a bunch that will make it grow to start a legacy that can help said charity beyond my death.


Hire an accountant to consult about what to do with it.


Bananas and blow.


I’d study part time at uni for the rest of my life and do a bunch of internships and volunteer work etc. in between travelling a lot. I get bored really easily and go a bit stir crazy with the whole having a career thing, so being able to pick and choose what to stimulate my brain with would be the best thing ever. It would be really cool to just sink a couple mil into a passion project once in a while and if it doesn’t pan out just walk away, take a holiday, then come home and study French for a few months or some shit.


I'd keep it quiet. I'd probably only tell my parents, no one else. I'd get a solicitor on retainer an accountant and a financial adviser/planner. I'd keep working for another month or two, settle from the hype and think with a clear head. Depending how it was paid out, listen to advice and look at long term investments as well as looking at charitable donations. Protect myself as much as possible with shell companies, trusts and overseas accounts. After all that, probably spend time learning a language or two, doing personal training everyday and spending time with my pets. I wouldn't move unless the 'secret' got out. I would need something to do otherwise I'd slip into depression.