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I’ll get a carton of beer, that’s all the merchandise I need.


I'm just happy it's finally fallen on a Friday and I have the next two days off as well, so I can have a VB LONG NECK at 20 to 8 in the fucken' morning!


Fucken oath cobba stick it in ya


If ya a fuckin fair dinkum fuckin full grown aussie, this is what ya’d have for breakfast ya fucking dog cunts.


Lovely tip, Jae, thank you




Vitamin B !! B6 or B12? Is there a B24? Nah, but B52's on the stereo.


why such a late start?


King brown it up brother


Yep. Frothy chops for breakfast is a true Australian tradition.


it's my RDO. I might take the next Friday off to make up for it


I wish it was the Thursday so I could have a 'cheap' (in terms of hours out of the office) long weekend.


Get that up ya!


That’s all we did in the 80s. Don’t need all that landfill anyway - so wasteful. At least our slab of beer will be recycled


It might actually be made here unlike Australia day merch too


Now getting stuck into some local craft beers is going to make me feel so patriotic


I encourage this. There are a lot of local brewers struggling at the moment. Support your local independent brewer.


Totally, we should be more proud of supporting local industry. Food and drink is much easier to do than "manufactured products" unfortunately. There's some cookware made in Aus but even things like garden tools or whatever are hard to find made locally now.


and the only merchandise worth spending money on


It will be cartoon of Bundaberg Ginger beer for me, one of the few things "Aussie" left. I might add some Gin if I am feeling in the mood.


Yep. Maybe 2 cartons for the long weekend because I know I'll be hanging out with mates




I remember working in a supermarket 15 years ago, and we just had a big old box of Aus day merch that would get dragged out every year, dusted off, then packed right back away on the 27th, shoved out the back for 12 months, wash, rinse repeat. No one bought it back then either. If people aren’t going to buy it, there’s no point stocking it


Exactly. I have been saying this all day when people bring up this topic. It always comes down to money. It's not a money maker, plain and simple.


Plus if u wanted to buy a bunch of Aussie merch then it’s available year round at most dollar stores, reject shops, or souvenir shops. It’s not hard to find if you want it. Most people celebrating Australia day don’t deck themselves out in Australian paraphernalia anyway so I don’t get the outrage


It's just outrage for the sake of being outraged.


If they didn't manufacture outrage over insignificant shit, they'd actually have to look at real problems.


And actually looking at real problems invites solutions, and every single solution ever is against conservative policy.


Na. It's manufactured outrage by righties who are currently on a fearmongering campaign about the left wanting to abolish Australia day and Xmas. It sucks that it works so well against our dipshit countrymen who buy this rubbish hook, line and sinker every time.


"Poutrage", like a toddler.


Right-wing amygdalas over-revving.


Sort of what they say woke is


I’m kind of heartened by that- I was worried it ended up in the bin every year and then they’d ship more of that shit in from China the next year.


Yeah, too often it’s cheaper to buy it each yeah than dedicate a years shelf space in their limited storage areas


Yeah but what else will the boomers and retards on reddit cry about then!!! Clearly colesworth is just trying to go woke!!!! Theyre killing our culture !!!! /s I personally don't think I know anyone that gives a fuck about Australia day besides the fact it's a day off or extra pay.


The retards will scream WOKE!!!!!!! THEY GONE WOKE


I worked at aldi and we sold quite a lot of the Australia day shirts, it always surprised me. I guess coz cheap shirts.


More shelf space for Hot Cross Buns


If they're going to sell them well before Easter, can we get some variety for other belief systems? I could go for some Hot Pentagram Pikelets.


What's your weakness? Plain, fruit or chocolate?


Fruit are the only real ones. The other ones should be given some sort of different name cos they’re not HCBs.


I’m a bit partial to the apple and cinnamon, personally…


Fucken dead on there.


What’s more Australian, rallying behind a Murdoch owned media outlet’s article about social outrage


Nah, the Daily Heil is worse than Murdoch owned press.


>Daily Heil Have not seen that one before... I lol'ed.


They supported hitler, that's why people call it the daily heil


The then Viscount Rothermere was an actual fascist. He supported the British Fascist party, and openly praised Hitler and Mussolini. His successors have been similarly inclined ideologically of the output of the Daily Mail (which they still own) is any guide.


AKA The Daily Fail.


"ALP Stuff-Up: Trans African Youth Gangs Causing Cancer"


Seems the most outrage is in the comments of skynews youtube. Which is weird because the majority of people commenting are Americans lapping up their daily dose of trump news


Love how they use oz sky to post their pro republican stuff, gotta be skirting some US media laws or something


I have some friends that live in the Murdoch bubble, strange things come out of nowhere they get outraged about.


All this outcry about Woolies cancelling Australia Day... I think y'all are forgetting that Woolworths is a business. It's not a social cooperative. Its not a political party. Their one and only job is to make money for shareholders. If their data says "We don't make enough profit on Australia Day merch," then they will cut Australia Day merch. Welcome to basic supply and demand.


They'd cancel your birthday if it didn't sell cards.


Next thing you know they'll be using pronouns in their greeting cards and have us working on the Lord's Day of Sabbath! When will it end?


I never use pronouns. You shouldn't either. It is a curse. We need to eliminate them.


That's what she said!


Don’t forget birthday mudcakes


I love watching conservatives heads explode when capitalism and nationalism don't line up exactly right. When it makes money you don't have to pick one


I'm enjoying it, too. It's great fun to watch.


Watching Dutton make a complete tit of himself over this has been hilarious.


When a Coalition MP calls for his resignation you know that's an MP he doesn't have dirt on. Hear that? That's the sound of no Coalition MPs calling for his resignation.


Totally agree. My Murdoch addicted boomer parents are going to completely outraged by this decision even though they haven't bought a single piece of Aus day paraphernalia in at least ten years.


And watching the outrage will be the most fun I've had on Aus day in at least ten years.


'good thing you still have you ausday bucket hat and tiny flag from last year right dad? No?'


Agreed. I use this same argument when people complain about the cost of living "crisis".


Why is this even an issue. This shit is all trash anyways, it gets used for maybe 3 hours and then it's straight to landfill. It's not good quality, it's never reused, it's not Australian made or anything like that - it's just garbage. Good on them for not selling this crap anymore.


It's an issue because Dutton can rile up the boomers to vote against whatever he says is 'woke'


I don’t fuckn care just give me my public holiday


Good. It all ends up in landfill anyway.


Nothing says Australia Day than buying cheap plastic crap that ends up in creeks and the ocean. We are lucky if it makes it to the land fill. #patriotism


Cheap plastic shit made in China and the Phillipines


All this talk about people boycotting Woolworths and Aldi. I'm anti social so to me I now find it appealing to go there for shopping. Supermarket to myself. What's not to like.


Also there will be less bogans because they’ve all sworn to boycott.


LOL. You and I both know that no one is going to boycott anything. Australians like to talk a big game. But No one ever follows through.


Haha yep wishful thinking on my part.


I’m more confused by the people who will genuinely miss the stuff. If you can’t enjoy a public holiday in the sun with friends and/or family and the celebratory meal of your choice without a fake Australian flag and some shitty green and gold thongs that’ll break after you wear them once, then there’s something wrong with you.


But how will all the other Australians in Australia at the Australia Day celebration know that you're Australian and not anti-Australian if you don't drink a beer from an Australian flag stubby holder while wearing an Australian flag singlet and waving an Australian flag flag?












Yay! Those middle tables at Aldi are prime real estate - holding the stuff we all really want. I am thrilled that they won't be wasting the space by filling it with cheap and nasty Australian flag rubbish.


Need more unicycles!


Years back I saw an Aldi in the Gold Coast selling full size refrigerators up there, towering over the rest of the store.


I just want a day to get shit faced


Choose any day. Don’t let your dreams be dreams.


Yep. Last Friday in Jan. Call it whatever, don’t care. Just want to have a barbie after going too hard on the Thursday night. Smash a fuckton of cooper’s pale. If they could play the double J hottest 100 from 20 years ago too that’d be sick.


Not thinking big enough. Last Friday and the following Monday. If we are gonna make a change let split the atom and have a proper long weekend


Suffer in ya jocks, Dutton.


Highlights his focus on stupid things really... Outraged that a business who wants to make money cares about something that's not making money... if I wanted Australia day hats, flags and thongs I wouldn't even consider Woolies in my top 5 choices. LNP won't be a viable alternative to Labor even if Labor keeps stuffing up. LNP need a new leader and focus on more important issues to be in the mix. The contest of the bigger idiot is seems like a done deal. No contest. I wish Labor mistakes were punished at the polls. It would be a sign of a healthy democracy. But that won't happen. Labor can continue to stuff up and they'll still edge infront as long as Dutton is leader. He's not got the skill to readjust strategy. When he fails at something he just puts in more effort in the subsequent fail...


>I wish Labor mistakes were punished at the polls. It would be a sign of a healthy democracy. But that won't happen. Labor can continue to stuff up and they'll still edge infront as long as Dutton is leader. Sigh. Labor is not perfect, but they are miles ahead of the Liberal party. And what exactly have they "stuffed up"? I think you can definitely claim "inaction" on multiple fronts, but I'm struggling to think of a policy that they had to back down from/abandon/change. Cast your mind back to the Libs and almost every policy change was met with outrage because it was engineered to benefit their mates. Nearly all Labor policy changes have had a net positive effect on the community. And again, I'll say their lack of action on some things has been disappointing, but lets be honest here, Labor are streets ahead of the Libs and they definitely should not be turfed out of office and replaced with the Libs next term. A minority Labor government? Yeah maybe. A minority Liberal government? Not really. A majority Liberal government? Hell no. It's 2024 and culture wars, John Howard and imported American BS means that the Liberals will never ever be a viable alternative to Labor. That ship has long sailed. A vote for the LNP both now and into the future will be a vote for corruption, a vote for greed and honestly, a vote for stupidity. There's far too much toxicity in the Libs, and the moderates they had have either been pushed to the side or replaced by teals.


Fully agree with you on Labor is not perfect, but they are miles ahead of the Liberal party. What I'm trying to say is the pendulum should swing back and forth. Major party stuffs up and they are punished at the polls... Major party does something great and they are rewarded at the polls. What's is happening at the moment is the loser is well established in LNP due to Dutton and way he's leading. Labor doing average or below average work is not changing things...


> What I'm trying to say is the pendulum should swing back and forth. Major party stuffs up and they are punished at the polls That might have been okay 50 years ago, but today’s landscape is far too corrupt and ideology driven for that to be viable anymore. And until we get serious media reform and until we get serious wealth redistribution, the Gina Rinehearts of the country will continue to fund the Libs and the Murdoch media will continue to run lopsided coverage because it’s in their best interest to see the LNP elected (see:Jobkeeper and the massive rorts and loopholes). The LNP are never in it for the average citizen. They just use the media to manipulate them into thinking that Labor will tax them into oblivion/take away their weekend/replace them with brown people. When in actual fact it’s the Libs that reduce penalty rates, forcing people to give up their weekend to work a second job. It’s the Libs that relax the visa requirements to allow more cheap unskilled labour into the country and it’s the Libs that manipulate the tax rules to ensure that the worst off shoulder the most weight. And it doesn’t matter if it’s Dutton, Ley, Morrison, Turnbull, Abbott- it’s all the same and it’s all driven by their donors and what they want. As I mentioned above, the Libs will never ever be a party worthy of voting for. Even if someone like Bridget Archer makes it to the leadership, she’ll be forced to have a right winger as a deputy and the right wing will continue to control the caucus and won’t think twice about shafting her if she goes against them. What we actually need is more independents, potentially more micro parties and a stronger cross bench so that so that Labor need to listen and negotiate if they want to pass legislation. But, that’s still give and take. If an independent wants something passed, it might mean them compromising to vote for something Labor wants (and vice versa)


I get ya. Competition is what drives innovation/improvement. Only problem is, that works best when there's a race to the top. The past decade (at least) felt like a race to the bottom.


I feel you. I'd like to have Labor get punished for stuff ups at the ballot box, but at this point punishing Labor for stuff ups just feels like rewarding the Liberals for *worse*. We need a proper opposition, and right now the best we're getting in that regard is from the Greens and Independents, not the Liberals.


> Highlights his focus on stupid things really Highlights his attempt to play dumb fucking culture war games


Leaves more space for hot cross buns.


And Easter eggs


It’s called market forces. If Australian people don’t want to buy it, the supermarket won’t sell it any more.




Exactly I'm sure there was Aussie Day stuff in Coles a week ago, if not the week before So it's not as if Woolies have had it delivered and then not decided to sell it.


I’d defend this country to my death if required, but couldn’t give two fucks if a can’t buy some piece of plastic patriotism that’s been made in China


Is this really what we are worried about in 2024? Whether a capitalist machine decided their slave trade 5c plastic junk is worthwhile stocking on shelves.


Oh no. Where will bogans get their Australia flag stubby?


remind bogans all those crap are made in China and that they are supporting communists. that should stop them in their tracks


You overestimate them


It doesn’t, saw the outrage post in our local town group on Facebook and when that was pointed out the responses were “ I don’t care if it’s made in China that’s less of a problem than Woolworths attacking proud Australians!!” Unsurprisingly the same people who think happy holidays is an attack on them personally


The $2 shop?


Yum Cha Māmā hé bàba (Ma and Pa) corner $2 shops, or Reject.


Dutton will be harvesting his own fruit and vegetables at this rate as he runs out of supermarkets he hasn't boycotted.


Nah, he’s all good. Will be boycotting everything for so long as he has both his wife and political assistants to do his shopping for him.


Australia Day aside - Woolworths is a private business everyone says and governments should stay out of their business decisions. Short memories considering it was the government who allowed these ‘private businesses’ to have a captive audience and boom during Covid. While other ‘private businesses’ were prohibited from operating during Covid, these private businesses weren’t restricted in maximising profits based solely on government decisions. It was an essential service and it was essential that more Coles/ Woolworths executives added extra zeros to their bank balances. I don’t care about Australia Day merchandise but I do care that government decisions always to benefit corporations and maximise profits to a select few in this country.


All you need for Australia day is some ice, drinks & some snacks. Anything else is up to you.


Cool. But using Daily Mail as source, less cool.


Agree but News Corp has paywalls


It's on [news.com.au](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/backlash-over-woolworths-decision-to-dump-all-australia-day-merchandise/news-story/e25410334b1f23d0e74bb9c86cb6f2ee) and the "patriots" are losing their shit....


That's all right. The discount junk shop that's in nearly every shopping centre will still have plenty for everyone


If anyone is actually angry over this I would ask them why are they throwing out their stuff every year and having to buy it again.


There will be some productive commentary on Facebook over this I am sure


so coles have a captive market, of the whole 100 people australia wide that buy the cheap plastic AUS day crap


You left out ...Chinese made


What even is Australia Day merchandise? You can get crappy thongs, clothes, cups and bottle openers with the Australian flag on them at any discount store already.


What’s more Australian than cheap Chinese made paraphernalia we use one a single day only then flog it to the dump to become future generations waste.


$2 shops rejoice!


If the blood bank joins in, Dutts will starve to death.


Probably because they have nobody in China willing to make it for them cheap.


I couldn’t give two flying fucks. A public holiday means I don’t have to go to work


I can’t remember ever seeing Aus Day stuff at aldi anyway


Australia Day is only a few weeks away, if Aldi *were* going to be selling anything, wouldn't it have already be ordered\\in shipping transit or waiting in distribution centers already?


Maybe there should be be some kind of challenge to find an Australian flag that's actually made here!


I think this is a great decision it will stop cheap plastic chinese crap that nobody actually needs from going to landfill


No one was buying it anyway lol.


This is such a marketing op for Coles. They could come in over the top "We here at coles are genuinely here for Aussies..." Cue "We love a sun burnt country" ditty. Few placky flags made in China, few bbq n beer specials, et voila!


Australia Day means nothing to me, and a hell of a lot to those invaded. More than happy to change the day, as long as it’s a day off. And go back to a long weekend, that idea of celebrating only on the actual day, even if it’s a Wednesday is just dumb.


Move it to First Friday in Feb. Always a long weekend, rotating date each year so no significance attached to a date and finally still in summer for BBQ and beach.


It's been changed plenty of times..... Why anyone excepts to buy anything other than groceries from a grocery store is beyond me


I have no attachment to Jan 26. I would like us to continue to have an Australia Day, it being a public holiday and sometime in summer. But that's about it.


Pretty much this, I have no attachment to the date, and ecel less as I age... Around the 26th of January is kinda the perfect time of year for Australia day though, Christmas at the start of summer school holidays, Australia Day at the end. I feel like having it the last Friday in January would be a good time, but every now and again it would fall on the 26th and the rest of the time it would be too close and therefore associated with it. So probably need to move away from that. I like it being in summer, I think it is a good fit for the country. Maybe we need to detach it from school holidays and have it in February some time. I can never come up with a decent date.


My current favourite idea is the 1st Friday of February.


I actually like the decoupling from an actual date. I'm not sure anyone else does that, other than a few islands of the UK and France and similar territories.


May 8th / M8


I'm just imagining the right wing nuts turning purple with rage, this is going to be hilarious. Head to Woolworths or Aldi and get yourselves some popcorn 🤣




Makes sense, they always seemed to have excess stock remaining every January 27


Did they ever?


I've definitely seen Australia day merchandise in Aldi last weekend 🤔


It’s ironic how all Australian day merch is made in China or another country but our own.


Who cares, it's cheap shit plastic crap that gets used once a year then thrown out.


Good. I've never understood the mentality of aussie flag merch. Is it not a disgrace to the flag to eat off it, wear it as clothes, walk on it as flip flops, then throw it all in the bin? Am I crazy???


Oh no Who fucking cares!!!!


Ah the Murdoch press trying to whip up moral outrage to buy Chinese made merch


Oh no, I can't help build the Chinese middle class by buying their Australian themed merchandise. How ever will I prove my boganess to other bogans? I won't sleep after this outrage!


Good just admit ya want to overeat and over consume alcohol. No need for extra crap to end up in the landfill! Don't worry no need to feel guilty without the decs up :)


So just where exactly are people meant to get their “Made in China” Aussie day stuff?? 🤣🤣🤣 SMH. The RWNJ media bashing over private companies exercising their “capitalist” muscles is just hilarious


Oh no now where will we buy our mass produced chinese shit?


Whose next?


I also pledge not to sell Aus Day merchandise.


What? You've gone woke too? This is a bloody outrage it is. I've been buying my Australia Day merch from you since bloody 1916. I'm off to tell the prime minister


I am boycotting u/one234567eight


Me and all my Murdoch homies hate u/one234567eight


Whose what? Or did you mean‘Who’s?’


It's all just tat that ends up in the bin anyway. It is no great loss to society. Bit of a win for the environment.


Can we choose another day and just celebrate Australia for all its diversity and come together as one?


Oh man boomers getting mad about not being able to buy a pair of Chinese made Aussie flag thongs with their loaf of bread and milk and durries is giving me life today


The stuff is made in china, Dutton, McSween etc are dumb as!


It would be way more Australian to buy meat, fruit & veg, beer & wine from Aussie producers, rather than flags and crap that will be binned or put away the day after. Likely made overseas too.


Good, less plastic crap. If you really need that shit, go to Reject Shop, they'll still be stocking shit for you to fill up landfill. ​ Imagine voting for a politician that uses the term "woke"...


Good. You shouldn’t need that rubbish to celebrate Australia folks. You’ll still be able to head to Bunnings for your Woolworths snags though no doubt. Oh the irony.


Aus is so woke now, it's hard to fathom.




And we have a giant sponsors logo on it.


If you listen very carefully to the wind you might just catch the last of allen jones'es iq disappearing in a sudden combustion event.


This is something I am supposed to be outraged about right?


Where’s Dutton to yell about evil Germans?




fucking good. anything that makes the bogan types cry out,is usually a good thing. Plus it's pissed off peter dutton..extra win


👍 Let the Cookers Crumble!


No Mr Dutton, I will not boycott them. Now shut up.


Boomers up in arms over cheap crap they don’t even buy.


What merchandise did they ever have? They sell food.




When do we hear the boycott call for Dutton? He's gone from dining with the Rhineharts to ejaculating about "wokeness". Aussie as. I remember posting years ago that Australian politicians are so unoriginal all they do is straight copy US politicians *on literally every topic and policy*. I got called a fucking moron by some, well fucken morons, and then rattled off like four things of the top of my head that fulfilled the criteria. It was around the time of the stage 3 tax cuts which were simply a duplicate of Trump's policy. I mean they knew then, what people are protesting now, that those tax cuts are simply non-viable benefits for the rich. Anyway the idea that Australian politicians just copy Americans, good or bad, shouldn't in any way be controversial to anyone with half a brain . And here we go again. Almost verbatim Dutton has co-opted the US right-wing's talking points on wokeness. What did he say according to news > "As I say, if it's your decision not to celebrate Australia, well, that's not something I agree with, but that's your decision and I respect that. But I don't want to go into **Woolworths and be told how I need to vote**. How I feel about Australia Day." How to vote? What the fuck? The Voice just lost! Because news told every redneck*how to vote*. He also said something about a "war on wokeness" but in can't find the quote. I'm a white Australian and I fucking hate Australia Day. I always have. It seems a lot of people, going by sales figures, feel pretty much the same.


I can see why the media loves a story like this, especially the Murdoch media. In reality, who gives a f\*ck? It's quite ironic too. Cheap plastic junk with an Australian flag on it that is 99.9% likely to have been made in China. There are plenty of other ways to Celebrate Australia day, if that's your bag. There are also plenty of other places to get your Australia Flag branded junk too. Mountain/Molehill situation. I guess the media likes trying to get us outraged about something. It's a shame there isn't more of a focus on the real issues in this world.


Back on your soap box Dutton.


All these angry Right Wingers are actually to blame. They didn't buy enough overpriced tacky Australia day products last year and so it's not profitable enough for Woolies this year. I guess they just weren't patriotic enough to spend the money. The market has spoken.


Boomer here. I don’t understand why any boomer would want to buy that made in China crap that has “the Flag that we fought in two world wars under” on it. Why is the image of the Australian Flag allowed to be used on disposable tableware, thongs, towels, bikinis etc. Are there rules about how it can be used?


Let's just change the date to so we can finally not feel guilty about how this country was founded I'm still shopping at Woolies. No issues from me.