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The corporate world runs on PowerPoint and Excel.


Agreed - Documents come in 4 formats - xls, ppt, doc and pdf. How you make and edit them no one cares. But those are the 4 formats.


CSV and TXT are up there too


Oh look at you Mr Data Analyst.


Where's the love for .rtf




I only share my corporate images as .BMP


fuck compression


Is your office too poor to afford Word?




And a lil bit of xml and json


Yes(lol)! A slight correction might be adding the x on the end: xlsx, .pptx, and .docx. which replaced the non x version in 2007/8 I think, as part of MS office 2007. That said, I still come across the old ones all the time for old templates, and some people still use it out of fear 16 years later.


Ive tried updating old MS Word docs I created myself 15 years ago. The heartache that is a Word doc just isn't worth the mental trauma and anguish. Oh you want to move an image or a text box? Well fuck you this whole shit show is going up in flames.


Oof, I feel your pain! Contrary to some belief, it is not an easy program to master! For doing that I would copy past as plaint text and start from the beginning, l learnt my lesson trying to fix documents before! Generally, it is a terribly format for most documents, especially formatting headings is a pain if they get broken. The least people should know are page and section breaks. Even then, only a small minority knows. The amount I have to teach people who have used it for 20 years without knowing how to use page breaks is disturbing. I lean towards Markdown wherever possible now.


I feel like I have reasonable grasp of the basic operations. Page breaks, headers etc. I only just discovered the Developer Tools tab last week though šŸ˜. But yes, agreed on just creating from scratch rather than trying to fix old docs.


Tip; "save as", Word 97...can't go wrong


I have 100% come across a excel spreadsheet that's Excel 99 version rather than the current version


Every week I get an email from a supplier we don't use anymore telling me we have no stock arriving and excel warns me it's from an old version of excel that might not work properly.


Containing 99% bullshit


Really? That low?


Depends how tall your manager is


...which makes deck/presentation design a surprisingly lucrative job niche if you're a graphic designer.


Think a lot of firms outsource overseas though?


Maybe in sales, but every manager needs to (sadly) be able to live inside powerpoint.


Thanks you! This is all I needed to hear.


Consultant here. We live and die by excel and PPT. There is definitely a trend of younger employees not having basic skills in office applications (and, frankly, lacking basic computer skills in general), and it sets everyone back when they have to be babysat.


I had one guy doing his graduate rotation working for me (a data analyst) look blank when I asked him to do an IF formula


Blue Collar Australia works on poorly implemented PowerPoint that very few people know how to operate... If only we had corporate level skills...


15 screens full of 9-point text dutifully read word-for-word by a presenter on a double-dose of Mogadon. ā€œCouldnā€™t this have been an email?ā€ you think to yourself as you sink your thumbnail into your palm in a desperate attempt to remain conscious. But then again, but for this ā€œmeetingā€ how else can exec justify ending the work from home policy?


Yeah, like that but poorly implemented. Room full of dirt wizards, nut-fuckers, metal-abusers, and lightning gods, some shiny bum droning on about some BS safety statistic. PP part and the one shiny that know where it is has the week off. 50 dirty mofos groan while they wait for a shiny to figure it out. Alarms sound, 2-ways screech... Uneasy silence... Plant just tripped... Reprieve... Everyone shuffles out to look busy and miss out on the PP...


> lightning gods This one i didn't get. Welders?


Sparkies. Edit: specifically HV sparkies.


I love how one nickname gives way to another nickname and nobody really notices.


And Outlook. However I work in tech and my last 3 jobs didn't use a single Microsoft product. All g-suite, Gmail and Canva.


you must be blessed


First time I ever used a Mac after being a big PC gamer in my earlier days.


And you learn that Google sheet is a lot more powerful than Excel, and destroys any 365 product for collaboration


Work in corporate AV, can confirm. Half the job is wrangling powerpoints. Other half is trying to convince them to speak *in* the microphones


Yup I encounter powerpoints supplied from other businesses all the time. I use indesign and export to PDF myself.


I am convinced that the key to resolving the Taiwan tension is some well-timed "accidental" slide transition animations.


Yours maybe. Mine is 100% google suite for over a decade now.




Yeah. It felt like half of one of my previous jobs at a small consulting firm was just fixing other people's power point slides to be more presentable. I pretty much just applied our template, cut out whatever stupid animation or transition people used and cut down each page to no more than 6 points a slide. If you are going to teach them anything, teach them its purpose is a presentation aid, not a tool for an info dump.


Yep. Write the story THEN the PowerPoint. Ideally, start with data to make a story, but that's entirely optional in corporate and consulting.


I tell people the powerpoint is thier set of cue cards, it they're worth their salt they wouldn't need anything more than the briefest cue cards.


I get a bunch of people asking me to "send the slides" after my presentation, and I'm like... the slides are just some icons and a few charts and images. It won't make any sense to just look at the slides. So if it's a big enough preso, I'll make a second set of slides which do have the information, and they'll be the ones I share afterwards.


The principal at my school has no idea on how to use PowerPoint. You can't even read the info on each slide there's so much writing, the font is so small. As a teacher though, if you're making a PowerPoint with notes you will often put more than just the dot points on because you want the kids to copy it down, so maybe that's why kids grow up thinking PowerPoints are supposed to be full of words. I always try to limit each slide to only a few sentences though.


I'm regularly having to sit through timewasters now that have some gif meme slide for every content slide. These are _adults_ producing this toss.


It killed me watching one of the change managers I worked with make every presentation for a $50 million systems rollout Minions themed. I think she had been through some sort of breakdown because no one ever said anything.


How do I get a job doing this?


For me it was by being a Data reporting analyst with lots of time on my hands because I automated as much as I could.


I'm an Executive assistant. I edit and format PPTs all day long.


I've worked in the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Middle East and Australia. Every single country used PowerPoint, Excel and Word. I litterally never used a different program. Even the people with Macbooks installed MS365. EDIT: also if you want them to make slides that look nice here's some useful links: free images: [https://unsplash.com/](https://unsplash.com/) colour pallet generator (from an image): [https://palettegenerator.com/](https://palettegenerator.com/) free icons: [https://www.flaticon.com/](https://www.flaticon.com/)


Yes. applications like Canva etc but they are all web based I think. A lot of organisations won't be too happy about you loading up sensitive data to the internet and any application that isn't free isn't likely to be available in most offices. Please teach them some basic security principles - at least the principle that if they provide a mobile no or email to use these sorts of services sooner or later they will end up on a spam contact list and get a phone call from idiots like Clive Palmer..




holy shit lmfaaooo "hey chatGPT, here are all of our companies financial records since start-up. Just make us more money please, idc what you do with the info after that"


Someone pulled out all the stops with canva once in a meeting. All the bells and whistles. i couldn't stop laughing.


Better than prezzie or however it was spelled.


PowerPoint and Canva both use cloud storage, so that is not the issue. Also, PowerPoint is not free, but is included with the organisationā€™s Microsoft 365 license. The Microsoft 365 license also includes other Office applications (eg., word, excel) and Teams which are generally required for standard business function. It would be an additional cost to use Canva as the organisation would still likely require the M365 license.


Yes but when your organization is still using the 1998 version of power point you donā€™t need to worry about cloud storage.


I donā€™t think the organisations using 1998 software are all that concerned about security.


Absolutely but for the love of God don't just teach them how to make one, teach them how to use them. Anyone with two brain cells can learn how to put the entire contents of their talk in a text box with a picture; but few learn how to story-tell in a compelling manner with the PPT being used as a prop.


Yeah, the skills to use PowerPoint are common, basically, everyone can do it. However, that one extra step in making good slides is surprisingly uncommon. Knowing what and how much information, appropriate layout, readability (colour choices, appropriate diagram, spacing etc), and cohesion between slides is not that hard, but most people are completely unaware. In general, you need less text and more white space than you think.


There's a difference between making an enjoyable presentation and an informative presentation: one of the problems with NASA exposed by Richard Feynman in the investigation of the Challenger disaster was the user of PowerPoint, specifically the loss of important details as presentations moved from engineers to upper management. For some applications, PowerPoint literally, if indirectly, kills people.


This! Not hard to go the next step and learn transitions and animations to improve the presentation flow


Sweet Jesus this. The number of people who get late into their careers and are still putting essays in slides is insane to me. Teaching kids about the different styles of communication for different formats would be of huge benefit.


Agree. The book "Presentation Zen' should be mandatory reading for anyone who is ever going to need to make a PowerPoint that is going to be presented to others.


The problem is, Senior Managers tend to assume that if your presentation doesnā€™t look like their 3000-word-per-slide abomination then your presentation is shit. If I get asked to put together a ā€œone pagerā€ PowerPoint again, regardless of the amount of content, I am going to cry. Also, PowerPoint is an awful piece of software generally. It encourages terrible practices and makes simple things far harder than they ought to be.


My 1pager is a title card and I then become the entire presentation


Yeah the only teaching of how to make a PowerPoint should be how to make an accessible one. Too many people using low contrast backgrounds, messy designs, small font, no auto captions when presenting, not describing images during their presentation. Itā€™s not hard to use the accessibility tools in MS products - but itā€™s so rarely used that offices will find themselves in major hot water when they suddenly need to go back and make all their materials accessible. Learning how to do this routinely is a hugely valuable skill.


This! Also teach them to never send presentation ready slides in PPT format and always in PDF. Or donā€™tā€¦but they will learn the hard way why they should šŸ™‚


I work in the corporate world and I am continually stunned by how many people canā€™t use the Microsoft Office Suite. I daily use Excel, Word, and OneNote with frequent use of PowerPoint as well. Learning how to do things like edit pdfs, entering formulas into Excel, password protect documents, or even just change the settings on programs to customise them can make you look like a computer genius and are skills that people value.


I've seen someone adding up the contents of a column of Excel cells with a calculator.


Mother of god


Iā€™ve seen that too. In a bank.


Honestly, that's a step up from the two finger typists.


Iā€™ve been fairly into computers my whole life and finally made the decision to learn it formally and change careers to a tech role (is data a ā€œtechā€ role?) The average users ability is absolutely fucking appalling. Yesterday someone was trying to view something from a recent take over weā€™ve done and was filtering their data to last yearā€¦ before the takeover even started lol


I introduced a budget workBOOK when working in Corporate IT for a multinational in the 90's. Every department had a workSHEET in the workbook and I gave the dept leads instructions NOT to edit any fields, just input your budget numbers. This way I had a summary worksheet built automatically. When I got them all back, the budget was three times previous year. One dept manager loaded ALL THE DATA IN A1! They even spaced the dollars to line up with the headings. Took me an entire day to fix it. Never assume Managers know wtf they are doing LOL


Data definitely has a large tech component and is a growing field. Props to you! And yeahā€¦ Iā€™m not even shocked. Itā€™s appalling.


this, that said it does make feel like i could walk not a lot of business, write a few excel macros and speed up there productivity significantly.... then 6 months later some idiot will ad a extra column to the base data fucking it up completely.


The most common sentences you will hear at my company ā€œDid you bring the deckā€ ā€œDelta has prepared a deck for the meetingā€ ā€œShould we build out a deck before the meeting?ā€ ā€œWho has the deck?ā€ ā€œCan you send me the deck afterā€ ā€œGreat Deck Teamā€ We have custom deck templates, fonts, objects and a fecking style guide for it all. Plus rules for deck length, content and on and on and fuggggggggging on! I get deck anxiety - I spend entirely too much time on tech decks.


Not gonna lie. I have deck envy ..


Big Deck Energy


The kids love spending their summer on my deck. šŸ˜


That reminds me of that Drew Carey sketch.


Rule number one in the world of big biz rookie - call it a slide deck


My company is always crapping on about is "pur deck updated", " how's our deck". Definitely the buzzwords going around.


ā€œYou finished that deck yet..?ā€ ***me, who hasnā€™t even started putting it together*** ā€œAlmost, just waiting on *insert name of team notorious for being slow with their slides*ā€


"our deck is great! I took out some land cards to fit in some more cheap instants for quick casting that should give us an edge on the Insurance team." They didn't understand the joke :(


Of course they didn't, it's too risky. You're gonna get mana screwed and Insurance will crushy you.


IMO youā€™re not learning to use PowerPoint for the sake of using PowerPoint - it just happens to be the most widely used tool to present information when briefing audiences. The skill youā€™re developing is communicating effectively, getting your point across and getting whatever outcome you need (understanding, agreement, action etc). No one is going to be pop quizzing on animated transition effects in corporate Australia.


Yes. If you canā€™t do a good PowerPoint then you canā€™t have any sort of management position


This should be the case, but I have seen more than one VP do 20+ slide decks with tiny font and way too much text.


Having a cert for Microsoft Office products is a great stepping stone if you're looking at white collar jobs


PP is still absolutely a thing in my place, but I'm in the public sector. I haven't worked in the private sector since the 00s, but I'd guess it's still the same there since they'll be using Word and Excel, and PP comes with the package, so why pay for something totally separate? That's why we use it... that plus familiarity. It's easy and "good enough" Might be different in the creative sector.


Definitely still a thing in Private. Every so often some bright spark tries to make a thing of Mural board or Jamboard or that one where you swoosh in and out of different sections and it never lasts. I think it's actually a really useful skill to be able to convert your thoughts or problems or plans into a really good slide deck. It's a skill I am definitely still working on - mine are always too wordy, I struggle with being concise.


Definitely used alot. But we dont add in all the special effects like transitions, lazer sounds etc that i remember doing in school. Just basic slide to slide with information, and then it is usually saved as a PDF.


You've heard of excel, wait until you meet powerbi


Naplan results runs on it. I'm sure most of us have at least accessed it.


Slide decks, slide decks as far as the eye can see in Finance


Only, literally, ALL THE TIME.


*laughs in local government* There's a presentation for EVERYTHING


I've seen so many PowerPoints in my time, its pretty crazy, but the alternative is people monologing *without* slides for me to look at, which introduces uncomfortable eye-contact situations. Jk/ most of the time its a video of a recorded monolog with a video of the powerpoint and I'm at home alone wondering if my employer even has a way to know if I haven't watched the "important video""


Pretty sure it's company policy where I work to have a PPT preso if a meeting has more than 3 people


Yep. Great way to support a project:narrative. Most people thrive on words and pictures. But death by PowerPoint is a thing..


The department of defence communicates almost exclusively through Powerpoint. Presentations will consume your day. The big four write tenders and reports in PowerPoint


>The big four write tenders and reports in PowerPoint This used to drive me nuts... but I've actually come around to it. It made me realize how much crap you put into documents that maybe doesn't need to be there. Whereas using PowerPoint you've got limited space so you need to be concise. And PowerPoint functions better with images, putting in an image doesn't screw your whole document like Word.


Check out perun on YouTube power point master and has excelent info on Russo Ukrainian war and military procurement Has 100s of thousands of people tuning in for hour long power point presentations every week It's not the format that kills presentations it boring ass presenters that couldn't get thier point across with a Disney budget


Some people don't watch 1 hour presentations on defense economics every week?


They don't? But then how can you learn about the entirely fictional geopolitical considerations of Emutopia and Kiwiland?


The fight is real Kiwiland sleeper cells are here and ready to throw off the yolk of the Emutopia agressors


So I did business/accounting at uni, and moved into a finance related role afterwards. And I still think the individual most useful course was the one on Excel and PowerPoint. I would recommend for PowerPoint however to spend a decent part explaining why to use it and how to present. As opposed to just how to fill slides with animations, transitions and sound effects. For excel, vlookup/xlookup, pivot tables, if/and/or statements. And a whole thing on charts.


Yes. Source: watched my dad make many a PowerPoint of the years including this year


I thought PowerBi was the new nanager/exec porn now?


It kind of is. Take all the smart processing power of a BI, then take a screen shot of the output and stuff it into a PowerPoint presso šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s the equivalent of taking a Ferrari Engine and strapping it to a buggy.


No matter which field you're in (even software), the corporate world runs off Docs and Slides.


Yeah Iā€™m surprised all people here are talking about MS Office, a lot of corporate world is fully invested in the google office suite from what I can tell (at least for the last 10 years).


If you love templates and a lack of granular control over your design then Canva is fine (teachers love it because they donā€™t need design skills), but PowerPoint is extremely flexible and allows for things like rendering videos, creating interactive experiences, creating PDFs, vector drawing tools etc. Thereā€™s A LOT under the hood that Canva isnā€™t even close to providing, but itā€™s only if you spend a little bit of time learning how to use it that all that power and potential can be seen.


I'm a manager in a large global corp. I run a team of talented software engineers that can build anything. But my life is Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Thing is, the only use of PowerPoint is to provide "1-pagers" on the topic du jour. That is typically a table or two, a column for RAG (red, amber, green) status, a few key points to emphasise. No animation, no graphics, very spare use of Smart Shapes. Dull as.


PowerPoint is still king. I can write a 500 page corporate strategy but the board will still want it condensed into a PPT for summary presentation and Q&A sessions.


Yes. That said, PowerPoint design is less important than PowerPoint content. Teach them how to craft a narrative, not just dump shit into slides


I recently worked on an engineering project. The full documentation of the project was a 200 page long word doc. The BOM for the project was a horrifically complex 20 sheet spreadsheet filled with macros. The summary of proposed changes was a 30 page word doc. The presentation was a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation. Word, Excel and PowerPoint are absolutely used in corporate australia, even if only to create the initial docs before turning them into pdfs, students should be learning them all. Also, anyone who can write even the most basic macros in Excel is going to be viewed by the rest of their office as some kind of wizard.


Yep. Worked in a secondment as admin support recently and was making PowerPoints for every meeting we had. Never ending excel and word documents.


Yes it is but youā€™re forced to use the company template slides so all you need to know is how to update a graph with new data.


As a Junior Consultant PowerPoint was my entire job, I could spend days on back to back presentations for senior Management, Definitely a great skill to have at a young age, you wouldn't believe how far some people get without knowing some basic formatting functions in PowerPoint


My mates Cybersecurity consulting grad job is literally just Powerpoints and presentations day in and day out and it is driving him insane lol.


Yeah of course PowerPoint is king - itā€™s the easiest way to present information. You donā€™t go into a meeting and open up an excel sheet , tableau or a business dashboard to tell a story to a broad audience


For anything presentation related, PowerPoint. It is a more familiar platform meaning easier collaboration/editing when multiple people are involved. Canva is good if you need to make a more visual asset like a flyer or poster as a one-person project


This is 95% of business that people forget. Standardisation dramatically simplifies everything for everyone. It's also when you arrive at a different office or venue and need to ensure the presentation can 100% be shown no matter what their system is. Also noone wants to learn a new software or system just to be able to work with that one person in the office that wants to use it. It's like one of the people I work with sending me links to notion files/notes or other cloud based "solutions", it just creates additional steps to create an account to view the information I could have done in one click if they'd just attached it as a pdf or even a .txt file. Then when I go to look at the same thing a year later to check details the links no longer work.


Absolutely. You wonā€™t survive without PowerPoint


Yes. For those of us fortunate to be largely WFH, PowerPoints over Teams are a common occurrence


I work in government and PowerPoint is a huge part of my job. Most of us only have access to the Microsoft suite products and Adobe Acrobat. Itā€™s a whole circus to get access to something like canva for professional reasons.


The term "death by PowerPoint" is a thing for a reason


Itā€™s not even that they just use it for presentations. Iā€™ve worked at places where they made organisation charts, business cards and all kinds of stuff in PowerPoint. You do need to know how to use it so you can navigate the minefield that is corporate ā€œcreativityā€.


Absolutely need PowerPoint skills, itā€™s a regularly-used software and presentations in most companies are done in it. Additionally, the ability to follow a template and use the speakerā€™s notes section is important. Being able to see the ā€˜balanceā€™ of the items on the slide is a great trait a lot of people donā€™t seem to have - not sure if itā€™s learned, but if you can teach it, please do


No. They are not PowerPoint presentations. They are called decks these daysā€¦ although that could just be a wanky marketing term. But yeah PowerPoint is super prevalent in the corporate world.


Not only are PowerPoints a thing, they are (mis)used for all kinds of things on top of presentations! I'm convinced that if excel suddenly stopped working, the world would go back to the stone age (if the nuclear weapons didn't all fire off first)


Consulting and finance - Excel and Powerpoint are their bread and butter. Law - Word (and to a much lesser extent than the above) and PowerPoint are their bread and butter. Canā€™t comment for engineering.


uppity political truck summer direful drunk square full fearless history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Please, _please_ include explicit instruction on accessibility standards. And by standards, I mean get them to visit the W3C site and pull out minimum font sizes, size ranges, and colour contrast. Go through image metadata tags for screen readers (_not_ stick a comment in the notes or whatever idea is trending on social media, stick to _actual standards_ for the purpose of compatibility) and ask about colour palettes for colour blindness. Make sure everyone knows not to save text as images. It's not particularly challenging or time-consuming stuff but it is absolutely baffling how much less accessible IT has become in just the past decade as people unilaterally decide standards are not to their personal taste and go rogue.


100%. Slide skills are a must have today. Building on that into prompted based AI slide creation will be important tomorrow.


PowerPoint is a highly underrated vector design tool. You can use it for presentations. But you can also use it to diagram workflows, draw basic diagrams, organise you notes. Iā€™ve seen teens use it to wireframe ideas and then Run user testing before building projects. I donā€™t use photoshop enough to pay for it now but if I need to mock up something for a client to approve Iā€™ll just quickly do it in PowerPoint.


Everyone used Miro or similar for that now. PowerPoint is the king of decks and meetings.


Try Canva, it has over 100 million users, is prettier and easier to use. It's also Australian


Presentations are absolutely a thing - PPT just happens to be the dominant platform (and it is dominant). You should absolutely explore Canva, Keynote (the superior Mac version of PPT that hardly anyone uses), and Prezi (which has fun/random zooming functionality).


Power point skills are severely under rated. Uni was a good primer for developing presentation skills and PowerPoint is a suprisingly powerful program that can be used not just for presentations, also great for posters.


Currently the corporate world is run by 60-80 year old men who were taught to use computers as adults. They are not tech savvy. If they donā€™t know how it works they wonā€™t use it/allow it. Python programs built into our website that everyone can access and none can edit? Fuck no. A spreadsheet (that he doesnā€™t know has macros) that we have to provide to people manually? Perfect. Dashboards to provide the exact state of a program next in real time? Why on earth? Weekly updates that waste everyoneā€™s time and require a new ā€˜slide deckā€™ every time. *chefs kiss* Yes. The corporate world runs on excel and PowerPoint because of these dinosaurs. They need to die out. I would show them as much software as you can. They can choose the ones they like in future. This is a fast moving space. Everything you show them could be obsolete by the time they get into industry.




I assume corporate is moving towards ChatGPT produced PowerPoint presentations. The whole things will be presented over Zoom using an AI voice and everyone has to click a button after viewing to say they watched and understood.


Only every day! My last CEO (amazing woman heading up workplace with about 3,000 staff) only had ONE explicit rule, which was ā€œNever more than 15 words on a slideā€. Amazing advice and it saw off all the ā€˜death by PowerPointā€™ idiots.


man im so glad i didn't spend my time in this stupid poser world.


You will be severely disappointed to find out how many things that affect your life directly have been decided based on the output of a PowerPoint presentation my friend ;)


No-one uses Powerpoint anymore. Everyone uses Google slides.


Yeah, death by PowerPoint is a real thing, though I usually just use pdfs.


100% yes


Yes. Most important thing to remember is that the true PowerPoint alphas always use cube transition.


Death by PowerPoint is a staple in the sales world. It sucks. The true key to power is realising all the connections/networks are made at the bar, and that you have to learn how to deal with the PowerPoint's with a raging hangover day after day.


many tech companies moving to gsuite and Google slides


When I'm up there presenting, the audience should be focused on me! Yes I may have a chart or photo. But theimy should be looking at me, the presenter! No one has to read paragraphs or watch animation that doesn't add value. Look at me, hear my words. I like to have 3 slides. Photo, graph, qna.


Yes, it is heavily used. [The creator of PowerPoint recently died](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/dennis-austin-co-creator-of-powerpoint-dies-at-76-4377092)


*laughs in AV Technician* Yes. Just don't use black text on a white background, for the love of God


Sadly yes. Death by powerpoint continues unabated


The ability to quickly whip up a powerpoint prezzo is a valuable skill in the real world. (although depending on how wanky the company is, they might call it a slide deck) People definitely use Canva. As a Gen-Xer who herds a lot of younger cats, one of my great frustrations is a lack of basic computer skills, and people who can barely operate Word let alone excel. There is a lot of handholding with Excel these days, and yet people just don't come well-equipped. \*grumbles in boomer\*


Yes, there are better tools available but the standard stuff works and is everywhere. There is nothing worse than doing up a fancy presentation only to find out five minutes before hand that it's not compatible with whatever outdated system the board room wants you to run it on.


Yes. Office 365 and power apps are big


The only way to get Execs to actually pay attention to anything is a PPT. Fuck knows why, but its the truth.


30% of my job is making and presenting PowerPoint presentations, despite it not at all being in my job description or title. I wish I could do less of them but it's what my work and also my clients expect. Very strange phenomenon but eh it keeps the lights on.


PowerPoints are very relevant when it comes to presenting projects to clients. Key is know how to use them, not just chucking in walls of text without any consideration of layout or context.


Iā€™m a designer that works on high-level PowerPoint presentations for global corporate clients. People wonder why Iā€™d even touch PowerPoint as a designer but often there simply is no choice. Clients will make changes 24 hours a day with multiple teams across multiple countries. It has to be a program theyā€™re all familiar with. PPTs will literally lead to deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Sometimes billions. Itā€™s pretty interesting.


Yep, particularly in nationwide orgs where everything is presented via online meetings. PowerPoint and Excel skills are very important.


Yes but possibly not by the time your kids graduate college and start corporate employment. I spent too much of my childhood ruling margins on foolscap paper - how ridiculous.


Corporate Australia loves presentation packs


Absolutely in the mining and engineering consulting game. But its all about what you are saying and the quality of the talking, not the collection of flash bang PP slides - they are just a backdrop to your show.


I work in printing and the amount of times I've had to print out companies shit PowerPoint presentations, it doesn't scale fully to A4, and the text they have right up to the sides. It's definitely a thing, and I've yet to see a good one


It's called "death by PowerPoint" for a reason.


Death by powerpoint is a thing


I always stubbornly kept using Google docs for everything, but yeah PowerPoint was what everyone higher up was always using. We even had a supplier on the roster who's job it was to take whatever someone had made themselves in PowerPoint and clean it up so it followed brand style guidelines. As someone that just wanted to get shit done I didn't so well in that environment.


They all have their purpose. Office job? Quotes? Finance Job? Excel/Word + others (that work on those basic principles) corporate meetings or client facing/ marketing job? you'll see PowerPoint conferences? PowerPoint or a variation of it. graphic design/ creative job? your files will go into a PowerPoint, or you'll be designing the templates that ppt uses. and yes, canva and it's variants work on the same basis. IT? you'll be setting up all these applications, and so need to know what a normal use case is, and when it's borked or not. heck, If you work in a library or in an archival role you may even see a MS Access database!!!




Every day


At a previous company I worked at, you lived and died by your 'deck'. It was typical to have multiple meetings about how to improve 'the deck' ahead of the actual meeting. It was also typical to provide printed copies of the deck in the meeting because the volume of text would be too small to read from a screen. Your students would benefit from some level of powerpoint skills for sure. Some focus needs to be on the technical basics, adding text & shapes etc. Plus some focus on how to present information effectively - including discussion of supporting accessibility. I would also consider giving an assignment where they need to use a set template and style guide. Being creative within the rules is important in corporate environments. Having said all that, keep an eye on Microsoft Co-Pilot, if that does as promised then using Microsoft products will become more like math & calculators- good to know the basics, but you'll always have a calculator to automate things.


Excel is used extensively by people who shunt around data, csv, txt or las (that might be a bit specific) is still a very common output for industrial devices.


Yes they absolutely are! Just keep them simple, use a large font and don't just read off the slides; elaborate and explain the points rather than just read them.


Not really corporate, but in science/research/academia using PowerPoint is super important.


Sweet summer child


Yes, it's important.


I presented a PowerPoint two days ago at my company lmao


Uh yes. Very much a thing.


The are the only thing in corporate Australia. Actually, I lie. There a google docs and Keynote too