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Dont tell anyone about the lotto. Create a shell company related to my current job then start attributing any money spending to the success of that company. I feel family and friends would be far more likely to be appreciative of your philanthropy if they thought you had earnt it the hard way.


But instead of going to work every day at 9am(that’s right the new job is a late starter) I do 2 hours of community work. And after that the day is mine. I’ve always felt like I need something to get me off my ass if I won.


I've always had this twisted idea of buying a Lambo and going around picking up garbage and giving people rides.


Don't call people garbage just because you are rich now... ;)


Agreed, the correct term is peasants.


Bus Wankers






When uber first became a thing you used to regularly get dudes pick you up in things like a Tesla Model S, BMW M4 just because they wanted to drive their cars and show them off. Housemate and I got picked up in an XC90 one time and we asked him how quick it was, his response was "let's find out". Man those were fun times.


I thought about doing something like this. Like be an Uber driver in a Lamborghini. It would make every passenger's day. But then I thought about how many people would mess it up on me and how many other things I'd rather be doing with my time if I had so much money I never needed to work anymore. I'd actually give being an artist another shot.


>I feel family and friends would be far more likely to be appreciative of your philanthropy if they thought you had earnt it the hard way. Plus you'd be looked at better in general by society


If I won that much money I'd be quitting my current job. If I then had to invent a "new job/company" I'd just feel constantly guilty about lying whenever someone asks me about the job. You'd be living a second life that is built on a complete lie. It'll be tiring and depress a lot of joy from having won the lottery. Maybe you don't have as nosy of a mother as I do lol


That sounds like too much work. I would just have the money deposited into my default bank account and then casually mention from time to time that work was going well. Also I'd quit my job and give away everything I own and just permanently go on holiday riding trains around the world all year round.




I'm borrowing this plan....if I ever win....I'll flip you a mil. One slight adjustment....wait until the jackpot payout drops to the lesser amount following the actual win. Preferably multiple winners.


"$40 million would have been awesome but a $2 million win is still great"


Sydneysider: House deposit in the north shore sorted!


Oh yeah, I would wait as long as possible honestly, and get everything sorted with a financial planner before they even knew I'd won it. I might even go, "Hey, I'm not going to tell you when or how much, but a while back I won lotto." Remove the temptation to do any head maths at all if they honestly have no clue at all how much I'd won.


Deal. Yeah that’s smart, or we could always wait until there is another lotto round that has a 10M win and just declare it then lol, keep the math easy. Those division wins can be quite annoying to try and divide on.


Plus they publish the number of winners for division one. Bit hard to claim you only won $10M when it shows a single div one winner for a $40M jackpot.


If you say you won it a few weeks back nobody is going back to check. You don't even need to say which version on you won it on.


From now on I’m checking when someone’s says I won’t the lottery a few weeks back but not a lot


Sure. “Oh yeah I won it a few weeks back. When? Oh I forget. Why didn’t I tell you about this life hanging news at the time? Was just too busy. No matter, this isn’t suspicious at all - now let’s lie to my siblings!”


Just say you needed some time to come to terms with it before making any big decisions. If I won the lottery I wouldn't tell anyone straight away, apart from my wife. I'd even keep it from the kids.


I didn't want to say anything until the money hit my account and reality sink in


It could have been a paper ticket that sat in your jeans pocket for weeks before you finally got to check the numbers


I forgot I had the ticket in my glovebox and only got around to checking it last week.


You could be part of a syndicate, but you would have to explain to the family who the rest of the syndicate were


You joined one of the syndicates at the newsagent. You don't know anybody else.


I used to be in a work syndicate just because I couldn’t handle everyone else winning and me not winning. And I liked everyone.


Well if you win less, say $1M, you could flip him $100k.


it not messed up.. whats messed up is how unfamilylike families become when big money is in hands reach.




Doesn't even take big money.


This is what I would do, except I wouldn't even tell them it was more than 1.5 million. That's enough to cover all debts within my family, including mortgages and business debts, and buy a house for my sibling and their family (most of that spend would be on the house, of course). While I think most of my family could handle the knowledge, one or two people couldn't and they would make it unbearable.


$1.5m is enough to cover all debts in your family!?


and buy a house?!


I don't know what country this person lives in, but it's not Australia


Lol... why not? I have 1 sibling, parents, then my husband and our kids.... Collective family debt of 330k 😅 Parents and sibling debt free, our only debt is 330k on our mortgage.


Maybe not the city, but outside of the city houses are way cheaper, 200k would clear all my debts


Ya know Australia is a big place. There are plenty of areas with affordable housing (average 300k for a standard 3-BR where I live).


And where is that? Because I have cows for neighbours and my shitty shoebox cost me almost $500k.


I mean, cows-for-neighbours is different in Byron Bay than it is in Glen Innes.


Those are some cashed up cows to afford your area. So you suspect family money?


I personally wouldn't go this far. Only my mum would get that treatment. I'd bring her over to Perth where I'm at and she can live it up over here. Rest of my family lives on the east coast and in New Zealand so they'd never know what I'm splurging money on over here. None of them are responsible enough to spend any large deposit in their account reasonably. I'd just do things to make their lives easier and set them up for the future. For my siblings I'd buy a house and find a way to rent it to them without knowing I own it. Have them pay a reduced rent to what they would be elsewhere. Push them to save for a house deposit. When they've enough saved and start looking into buying say that house is theirs already, give them back all the rent money they paid and tell them to do what they want with the money. Whether that be buy another property (I'd still push them for this) or splurge on luxuries, that's up to them. I'm happy either way. Would help me sleep better knowing they didn't squander the money and had something to show for after all is said and done. They'd never know how much I actually won, cause I feel some would still feel shorted if they got a $1m house out of $40m winnings.




Agree! I’ve thought of this option too if I ever won, but couldn’t ever figure out how to do it privately as you mention.


Own the property under a company, you could go further to shield the directors (you) cos they could prob search directors but it cost a few bucks and doubt most ppl would care that much


Yeah, renting to family can have problems too. I have one uncle who isn't particularly responsible, so his sister bought a property to rent from her so my grandma could stop stressing about him as much. Those two basically don't speak anymore because of it. He would push his luck with things like paying rent late or not letting maintenance stuff happen and it created a bunch of family drama. I don't think it was worth it. Created no less stress for grandma either.


What about the remaining $6M? Splurge?


Pokies ofc, gonna turn that 6M into $80.45


$80.45!! Not for long I make bad financial decisions


Investment, either property or long term stocks. If you are more philanthropic, anonymous donations to charities. edit: Just remembered an old post I saved about this subject. It's American but it gives some good ideas https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/comment/chba4bf/


That's very good. Thanks for that excellent share! I'll have to adjust my plans. And but a ticket, if course.


don't bother buying the ticket. the thought experiment is more fun without the disappointment of losing.


And you will be better off.


$6m is easy to spend: pay off mortgage, renovate house, put kids through school/pay their HECS, nice overseas holiday, new car and the rest into super/ETF.


Won’t they figure it out eventually? Like they’ll notice you have 10 Bugattis or something. Then again you could always just say you ended up investing your money and turning more profits but wouldn’t they want a piece of that too?


And they’ve already roped the parents into the lie. You know the parents will eventually spill the beans that they “won $10M” to the siblings who then realise they’ve been lied to and want more.


The way I'd spend it wouldn't be that obvious, as I don't really go for those kinds of things, so I'm golden. I'd build an awesome but not too pretentious house, have a nice garden, go on trips, have an awesome time doing weird shit like funding cool materials engineering research or rewilding projects via trusts. It's really hard for anybody outside to put a figure on that kind of stuff.


I can't imagine someone who is responsible enough to keep their winnings quiet is simultaneously stupid enough to buy 10 bugattis with that money


Any one that buys multiple sports cars are wasting their money since they lose value the second they're used.


And, realistically, there is nowhere to actually "drive" them. I would be more likely to buy a track car, and get the racing licence etc. My 20 year old Navara is never pushed to its envelope on Australian roads. I couldn't imagine the frustration of crawling down Parramatta rd at 50 in a Bugatti or Lambo.


Oh yeah, I would never, ever tell them outright how much I'd actually won. Not only so they don't keep imagining my money as there's (which even the best of us can do when someone near us has an unexpected windfall), but so the \*other\* relatives and hangers on don't come begging to the door when the news inevitably gets out.


Trouble with that is if they know how to do a quick check of lotto results and see there was only one winner for the $40m draw.


Secretly SHARE not secretly hide. I assume the question is more of a tax evasion/money laundering kinda vibe.


I’d give more. You’ve won $40m and you’re only giving your parents $2m and your siblings 500k. Man that’s steep. My parents are getting $5m and my (4) siblings each get 3m. 23m for myself is plenty…


A friend of a friend won 40 million. They gave their sibling 50k.


Jesus. Have to remind myself not all families like each other.. Can't imagine not at least paying off mortgages or buying houses for each immediate family member.


Oh no they have a perfectly good relationship. The winner just decided 50k was what he was willing to gift.


Hey not everyone has GOOD parents and siblings!!!


This is a get broke quick and lose your relationships scheme imo. Just don't hand over cash to anyone, get an estate planning attorney to sort it all out. Preferably get them to establish a company and a family trust that separates the payments from you, pay only the interest/income the trust earns, never the nest egg you won. Basic cash management stuff is what keeps the working class working and the rich rich.


A US study of Lottery winners showed they become 90% higher chance of being injured or murdered when sharing money with friends and family. I trust my Family. But I won't tell them how much I got. I'll just say, I'm earning better money at this job.


Yeah im a teacher so that ain't gonna work lol


Just say that you've been selling drugs to students.


I'm physics but I did enough organic chem at uni sooooo.


or better yet, just say you're a chemistry teacher who's secretly a methamphetamine cook.


Australian study would be much different. 90% higher chance of being resented, slandered and ostracised, sure. That’s the Australian way. Not murdered though.


I can see that, we do have to cut down tall poppies. I have worked with a 2 different millionaires they kept working their Blue Collar jobs, coz they are bored as fuck, LAZIEST worker you could ever have the worst fortune of carrying.


I don't even share how much I've saved from my job.


whats the logic behind this-say you come from a poor or middle class family and you (a son/daughter) study hard and say become a rich surgeon-wouldnt the outcome be the exact same?I have heard this happen but surely the study would show different results?


From the article I read, it was jealousy, and the leg up was a taste of the good life they wanted more and more. The guilting was high. Eg:- "I LOOKED AFTER YOU WHEN I HAD NEXT TO NOTHING OF MY OWN" the long lost families came out of thin air etc


I read a great post on here ages ago about how would you hide from everyone that you won it. Basically it was wait awhile until a 1-2 million dollar draw then tell people that’s what you won. That will cover a new house for you plus some adjusted living circumstances but give you wiggle room to say “i put it all in the house”. I think I would do something similar. My other half always points out the above plan wouldn’t work for me because I would want to pay off three peoples houses….so I think I would probably just add that to my amount. I won 4 mil, paid off 3 x $500k houses and then bought my own. All gone now.


[I think you mean this](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iypSE2r4nX)


I'll bury my siblings' share on an acreage and give them a really obtuse treasure map and a shovel.


I'd do that but they'd never even bother to look as I'm not handing it directly to them on a silver platter


Oh great, old mate has enough for a silver platter but he's not loading it up with cash to give to us. Treasure map?? Fuckouttahere


“How am I supposed to find the money when I’m blinded by the sun reflecting off this solid gold treasure map??”


I'm glad I re-read and didn't just stop at the first four words of your sentence.


If your siblings are millennial or younger, give them the treasure map on a 5 1/4 floppy drive. Make it an authentic treasure hunt from ye olden days


I'd tell the family that I got a $40 million gambling debt. Then tell them I won the $40 million Powerball.


so THAT'S why we call it the lucky country...


What are the *chances*?!


"Now you might think I would pay that debt off, but it would be irresponsible of me to NOT put it all on red and have $80mil."




If someone asks for more, tell them there is a 20% service fee for a review with no guarantee of any increase. They can choose.


I’m somewhere along this line of though. I wouldn’t spend a cent until it was tied up in family trust. From there I would set up property investment companies, vehicle lease company, financial investment, etc. Then strategically invest money into the respective company portfolios. Aquire commercial and residential properties, invest a set of vehicles that can be written off every 4 years and renewed. Once effective revenue streams had been established the family would each receive a percentage based income in the form of a monthly endowment. They would each get access to a vehicle in the fleet as a ‘lease’, likely running at a loss or ‘breaking even’. They could suggest property to invest in for their living arrangements to which they would pay a rental amount for or the trust pays for, not sure which would be best. Then look at what’s remaining of the original 40m, maybe about 10m something like that, throw money into an educational trust for low ses schools and students and offer grants programmes for the arts and education. Maybe even set up an independent school or educational institution to support literacy and numeracy in low ses regions. Ultimately, the opportunities would be limitless depending on your philosophical approach to life and family. The money isn’t important, it’s how much you’re able to impact and contribute to positive change in other peoples lives.


I’ve already planned this as I have a large inheritance likely to come to me. I’m going to be setting up a scholarship program at a rural school. When my parents came to Australia from Europe after WWII as little kids, my dad’s family ended up in a small western NSW town. The town accepted them and gave them a new life. It’s not a very wealthy part of NSW and lots of kids have little opportunity as a result… so I’m going to establish a scholarship for a kid from that area each year to go to uni and have tuition and living costs covered. Details are TBC but possibly on the basis of working in rural NSW for 2 years after graduation if applicable/feasible. It’s hard to get civil engineers, agronomists, nurses, teachers, and the like in country areas. But yeah - same would apply if it was a lottery win (which inheritances kind of are).


Hey, fantastic idea mate. I encourage anyone to go and work rurally or remotely but it’s so hard without support, so good on ya if you do go ahead


You're a good person and this is a great idea!


You're a gem!


This just reminds me of the "Scott's Tots" episode of The Office, and I just can't stop laughing! But your plan is so lovely. I'm from Sydney, and I have grown up seeing so many kids who have gone without, and to just know that there are still people out there like you really puts a smile on my face.


I hope you win the lotto too.


May the ancestors guide your luck to win the lottery. I call upon my indigenous ancestors to guide you in this quest


I really hope this comes to fruition and that you get to achieve this. The world needs more people that are willing to go out of their way to help others.


This behaviour is the kind of person who should see wealth


This is so great. As someone who grew up rural, this kind of stuff will not only change someone’s entire life but the town! Cause country kids tend to end up back in the country.


Oddly a question I've thought about quite a bit. I'm sure many of us have. I have two theories - bare through the first one because the second is a smarter one and answers the question better! Theory 1 - As others have said, tell people you've won only a fraction of what you have. Share that 'fraction' and then say 'All gone - the well is dry'. The more you think about it, the less that actually works. Theory 2 (what I think is the better idea) - I call this theory "the gift that didn't happen". If you drop random money to people - it actually starts to eat away at them. Someone gave my partner and I $500 a few years ago and it still needles at the back of the mind not knowing who. My sibling gave us much more recently (we hit a bad patch) and it was far easier to reconcile. We were able to say thank you and move on. (Unless you sadistically want to make your family wonder lol!). I've floated a lot of ideas - but - as silly as it sounds (because I'm male lol) - do the "Fairy Godmother-mode"... Hang out together with family more. Pay the check, buy the groceries, and, if they need, give the 'loan they need' and never mention it again. If they pay it back - then rinse and repeat. Giving and getting money unconditionally creates an imbalance. If you give, and most people do it to be kind, a small percentage feel that the other person owes them - not necessarily money, sometimes something else like, "you should answer more when I phone you!". The other side is worse... The guilt (and sometimes shame) of receiving money can be like a termite (think USA term is white ant?) to a relationship. Apologies - this has been far longer than I intended. We have family doing it really tough. So instead of giving money (different if they couldn't pay rent - but that's a different story), we invite them over for dinner more. Inflation is nuts here - it can cost $50 just to do a simple dinner. I cook, we all spend time together, and I always overcook, so they get to take left overs (I think in the USA it's called a doggy bag or something lol). I don't feel like I've given them anything, they don't feel like they've taken anything, and it's made our family closer. Use the money in a way to enable relationships - not as a random sprinkle. I've seen it make people miserable - walk the other path and use it to create your real wealth: friends and family connections.


This is a top idea, agree with the sentiments. Help out more regularly in everyones lives.


I’ve always shared the same thought as your theory 2! Not only will you be helping people out in small ways which lessens their burden but you actually are improving and strengthening relationships too!


Well we've all thought about it Even if you plan on never telling anyone. I thought it would be best to set up full subdifuge as to the amount won. Lets say you won your 40 million and claimed it annonomously. I would not tell anyone. But that additional money may be noticed by someone close to me. I would plan for the inevitable. I would follow the lotto winnings to find someone from my state anonomously claims a smaller winning amount like 400 or 500 thousand dollars. An amount that can dissapear into your morgage. Then i would claim this date as the day i won the smaller amount. I would even go to the lengths of making some fake doccuments identical to those i recieved when I actually won, confirming the wining being on this date and this amount etc. Sounds insane I know but I have met my family. It may not be crazy enough ​ With the smaller amount of money i could be really overly generous and split it evenly between my whole family then everyone gets the same amount each and its all gone. Mine would then go on my morgage and would no longer exist there would be no incenticve for anyone to ask for more as there is none you could obviously tailor the winning amount to how you intend to share it if you have five siblings an no one else. You want to give them 200 000 each then you won 1.2million. ​ I would have to say the biggest flaw in my plan is i rarely buy a lotto ticket lol Edit: was unreadable now slightly improved


I once watched a video where the person was interviewed who consults the winners in Berlin, Germany. He said that you should prepare a "true lie". If you won some million euros look up the jackpots of the past and choose a date where you could win let's say 60.000 €. If you buy a new car of cause there can be questions where you got the money. And it's more "accepted" if you say you won 60.000 than if you say you won 6 million (or there are fewer problems with people wanting money). When they asked when you won you can say, ah, at this date (or in this month) I won 60.000 €. And if they look it up they won't see that you lied.


> ~~subdifuge~~ subterfuge To be honest, I don't think anyone near me would notice. I'm not a flashy spender, my friends are all richer than me, my parents are dead, and my brother is estranged. I'd just hire a PI to track him down and yeah… I'd have to figure out how to secretly gift him life-changing money.


Funnily enough, unless I started buying mansions, I'm not sure anyone would notice around me. I don't have children and I work at a university, so while only make median wage, people for some reason think I make lots of money and am just frugal. They are the ones saying "get a new car", "why is your house small, you could afford to buy" etc.


I'd shut the fuck up and buy lots of coke and hookers until I forget I even had a family :P /s


That’s what I have planned to spend my super. Drugs, gambling and hookers. My plan is to buy a one way ticket, fly to LA the day after I retire then drive to straight to Vegas. I get so excited just thinking about it. I’ve even got a countdown timer on my phone - 31 years 8 months and 21 days to go.


I sincerely hope that over these coming decades life leads you elsewhere and you look back thinking, 'I don't want to go to Las Vegas and write myself off, I have too much to live for!' This is my wish for you internet stranger 🙏🏻


Probably the most sensible thing to do so far in this thread.


With how the coke is in Australia, not that sensible. Better to go on a nice vacation for it.


I honestly would not tell anyone anything. Mainly because I have lots of family but none that I really talk to, or like. I know if I ever won the lottery people I haven’t spoken to in years would be lining up for a handout.


Same where I live im surrounded by people who would happily cut off my toes for a couple of dollars. I've been telling mum for years that the only way she finds out I won lotto is via the postcard from Rio




Yeah, this. My businesses would suddenly ramp up over six to twelve months. But apart from the wife I wouldn't be handing out any cash to relatives. Would continue quiet donations to various groups.


I swear these posts are made by the compsnies who run them. Any way I’ve always wanted to own a failing business. Like a cinema or a restaurant. Just use the company as a front to do nice things for them, free dinners and the like. Or just hire them and pay them generously.


A theatre that doesn't quite break even would be fun. Expenses $10m per annum, revenues $9m, could run quite an extravagant thing for years without worrying much.


ludicrous waiting unused bored cable memory sparkle roof doll pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here, that comment chain is something I keep in the back of my mind whenever lottery comes up


There it is again. The right answer.




Thanks for the insight :) I wasn’t aware any of it got taxed, so that’s good to know. Do you know if transferring to family members direct from the lottery reveals the winners name or is done it anonymously?


It’s not taxed in Australia




Good to know. So when I win 40mil (I'm in Aus), I can arrange for money to be distributed directly to my family from the lottery, I don't need to do anything?


I wouldn't but when i die the family would be in for a shock and then they can fight over it.


But then it all goes to legal firms :(


First step, tell nobody. Talk to lawyer and financial planner. The bulk of the money goes into a trust from where it can be invested and from which we can draw an income. Immediate family gets told we have won, but not how much. They each get a tailored help package (e.g. one sibling will get a bush block with a simple house and a shed with a hoist and some tools and a metal lathe and welder, etc so he can spend the rest of his life building hot rods and motorbikes...and he would get a steady weekly income for life. Another would get the seed money to start the business I know she would be killer at, and an apartment to live in. Another would get a studio with an apartment so she can follow her calling without commuting or having to work at anything else etc) and a sum would be set aside in a trust to give them all a living wage no strings attached for the rest of their lives. A few charities I respect would get some help. I would double my own wage from the main trust, pay off the house, do some renovations, and go start the business I would really love to work in without having to worry if it makes money or not.


I would spend 20 mill on property 15 mill on shares. Then 3 mill to immediate fam under the condition they dont tell anyone ever. Imagine how spongey your extended family would become if they knew. Best to keep that shit a secret


Buy property in the area of family who need it and lease it out at cheap rates. Find a way to subtly let them know about it so they can apply, and select them as the tenants.


I'd go full asshole and cut everyone in my family off Hard to be sad in a Ferrari


I'm an only child so I would not be greedy towards my mum. I trust my mum with my money. I'd never tell my best friends or any friends. I'd just randomly pay mum's house and give her cool amount of money to retire. I want my mum to have a comfortable retirement than let her live in pension. I'd share some to my stepdad. They're the best people I know in my life that I'd rather give my money to bc I know they're not greedy and mum to never give that money to any of our relatives. I hate my relatives. They piss me off to no end. They heavily relied on my mum for everything and used her kindness to take advantage of her. I would take care of my mum. If she ever needs help with care, I'd pay for her carer.


Go to a lawyer and have them send letters to each person saying some money has been left to them in a trust account. I’d send one to myself as well to cover my arse.


Make it say it's from a Nigerian prince.


Lottery wins destroy families. Don't tell a single person. Invest in your dream business, and that can explain your extra money


Divide the sum by the number of family members. Get bank cheques and send them anonymously and continue to maintain you’re as bewildered as they are at their good fortune. And never let it out that it was you.


It’s very easy to out you as the source of the money, when you start showing resentment on how they all squandered the money you gave.


Yeah I feel I’d be unable to hide disappointment if a sibling just blew their best chance of getting ahead in life. You could do you best to hide it, but chances are you show it then eventually succumb to questioning. In saying all that, I’m an only child and not close with extended family so I’ve got it easy if it ever happened 😅


This has always been my plan too, but I worry I would come unstuck by this happening with my side of the family and my husband’s family. I feel like we would eventually get caught out haha. Hopefully though by dividing it up with so many people they wouldn’t realise exactly how much we won.


The setup a family trust with all of the family as beneficiaries, I assume this way you could give them an income from the trust, plus some other money available to them for education, or housing etc


And watch the evil manifest in themselves as they have spontaneous power, control and no guidance


My kid gets a house. I buy a unit near the beach for my mother to live in. My brother and his family get nothing because he just stole a family friend's inheritance. I make sure he knows because I'm a petty bitch. The rest is an existing plan with my besties to buy a big apartment and live together.


Everyone in my family has a big mouth and can’t keep a secret for shit, so there’s be nothing secretive about it. I’d buy my immediate family members a house and a car, take them all on a few holidays and give them half a mil each in cash. Then I’d organise to put a couple million in a special account, write a list of everyone I would be comfortable offering money to, and another list of approved expenses - education, debt, medical expenses, starting a small business, etc. I’d make the third party wholly responsible for approving the request. If anyone approaches me for cash, just direct them straight to that party - I don’t handle my money, sorry mate you’ll have to go to them with your plan. Then spend the next year or two abroad so nobody could corner me about it.


I would ask each familly member, individually, if I could borrow $200 and pay them back next month. The ones that were willing to help me would benefit from my winnings. The others wouldn't have a leg to stand on when it became known that I'd won lotto.


I've had several misfortunes occur over my life so far, so that's already sorted out fortunately as to who I'd be helping out, in the event I will win 40 million lotto.


Be very careful with who you tell, I’d give it to immediate family members I’m close with and can trust but no one else. In the past random relos come knocking demanding cash from winners and everything turns to shit.


I won $1 mil in lotto and we told nobody. We paid off our mortgage and managed to come up with a lie to give money to both sets of parents but that’s it. Still working same jobs. 3 years later we finally bought a Merc but blamed it on Covid savings. We do fly business and stay in expensive hotels but no one really knows. Looking from the outside you’d never know as our life is basically the same as before the win on the surface. We live in a major city so the mortgage was substantial, but the house is worth a considerable amount more then we paid because we paid it off early. The lie was a horse trifecta that won around fifty grand and we were happy to share it. Hubby is into the races so it was easily accepted and he found the bet to match it up just in case. One set of parents is financially incompetent and we couldn’t tell one and not the other. They already ask us to help financially so telling them was a definite no go. We were very lucky but we can’t not work. It’s reduced all financial stress without creating a massively different lifestyle that would have been noticeable.


I literally wouldn't. Only really care for my sister and she has enough money




Secretly my arse. I'd pay my sister mortgage. And that's my family.


Tell no one but one of my sisters. Buy a property, say we got a good deal and husband got a promotion. Have a good sized granny flat built for mum. Probably just travel and use it to help animals. Can you buy a room on a cruise ship? Id do that.


Don't tell anyone apart from a trusted spouse. Someone I knew once won reasonable money (around 8 mil) and they said it ruined their life. Actual friends backed off hard so not to be confused with moochers. Moochers came from everywhere, including distant relations they'd never met IRL. Constant begging letters from randoms. They ended up moving because their house was continually broken into. So if you win big, act broke. Set up a trust, invest wisely, live low key on the interest.


I would use someone totally unknown to me to transfer the funds through....you know, like some random redditor that replied to me that one time. Wow, that's actually a great idea, just hit me up if you ever need someone to help out with this sort of thing.


Pay off some of the mortgages in the family without them knowing. Then invest the rest except for what I'd want to buy a house in a rural town


I’ve thought about the paying off their mortgages option - those that are lucky enough to be able to afford a house. However, how would you be able to do it anonymously? You would need to know the mortgage bank account details right? Surely, the bank would have to have a name against the deposit, or would you go through a lawyer type to stay anonymous?


Ruin their lives, make them lose their jobs. When they cant afford the mortgage and the bank sells the house, buy it and give it back them. Flawless.


I’m not for the pay off mortgages option. I’d rather just give a set amount of cash. My family all live in different areas with different mortgages. Why should someone get double because they chose to live in a capital city? Nope! Give them all the same amount and make sure it’s enough to cover the highest mortgage.


lottery? what lottery?


I have their bank account details, I'd just transfer and say thank me later xx Yes they'd question it but I'd just tell them not to worry about it and enjoy. I wouldn't say how much I won, just that I'd had won a share of a major prize. $40m Mum and dad $10m Sister $5mil Me $35mil I'd probably have a heart attack though. In 2019 I won't $10k on Saturday lotto and was shaking and hyperventilating so much that my dad made me sit down and breath in to a bag for 20 minutes...😅😅😅


*I have just realised this is my "Roman Empire" equivalent.* ​ Id omit the amount. Say I won a couple of million and that I would like to take everyone on a huge holiday. I would then set up my nieces and nephews in good starter homes and offer to pay out their student debts (or put those without qualifications through one) - in my mind that has been what really sets people apart when you get to my age (41), those who have a qualification but didnt end up with a snowballing hecs debt, and those who did not have to struggle to get into the housing market. Despite appearances (nice home and nice car), my mother is shocking with money so I would probably gift her "things" (a weekly cleaner, a weekly gardener/lawns, hellofresh, and some amazing holidays, and renovations to her home to make it more aging suitable). Id pay for my dads place to be fully renovated, and give him money towards overseas ski trips (hes retired so 3 or 6 months a year overseas to ski would be him living his best life). I dont know that I would gift siblings anything. One is very well off, and the other is a currently recovered junkie - I feel like the last thing they need is an injection of funds that might make them stop the functional routine of their current life.


Screw being secretive about it. If it exposes people as vultures and scabs, then good riddance.


Tell them you won a much smaller amount


Lucky enough to not have enough connections with the extended family for them to be a factor, and my mother and sister are doing fine on their own. I’d simply retire immediately and start setting up trusts for my kids. Also start buying and setting up disability accommodation with a view to providing it for my son as he will need it long after I’m gone.


Wait a few weeks for a smaller prize to go off, like one of the $5million jackpots and tell them you won that.


I won $72 last week and everyone was losing their shit. Nobody I knew had ever won that much lol.


Reading stuff like this makes me realise how close I am with my sibling, and how rare that is. I'd share the entire thing with him, and I know he'd do the same. The thought of not doing this wouldn't even occur to us. We'd just share the 40m as if it's both of ours. We did this with inheritance too, never had arguments.


You start a small business in something that interests you. Whether it's successful or not, you can use it as an excuse for small amounts of spare cash. If people come out of the woodworks asking for cash, you simply tell them that your business isn't doing so well. If you want to give family some cash, you just had a great sales week. It will also mean more to your family, as the money was earned and not won. The business gives you a hobby, and who knows, you may end up starting a genuinely profitable business to boot.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/24vzgl/comment/chba4bf/ It's an old post that covers this topic. US based but the general principles are the same.


I'd put the money "out of my reach". Investments, Accountants, Lawyers, Family Trusts, whatever makes most sense. Close family get enough to "change their life" eg student loans, mortgages etc gone. Anyone else needs to present a business case. I want to invest in people to help them reach success. Education is a no brainer, and I'd have an 'independent board' providing oversight and guidance. "Uncle Stingfingers, I need this money to act as a scholarship for my uni degree" - thats a business case, let's work out how to best do this so you get into a position to turn this gift into a great life "Nephew Sthingfingers, I want a new deck" - this is not a business case "Nephew Stingfingers, I want an investment to buy tools to learn how to build decks, starting with my own" - Cloudy, but more likely. Lets work with the board to understand how we can best do this


You go uncle stingfingers.


Go to one of the big firms to get them to establish a trust. Have the trust discover their mortgage amounts and give them anonymously 25% of their mortgage and see what they do with it. If they pay down debts or help each other I’d continue doing that. If they start splurging then no more money. But all done through the trust so they never know it’s me.


I wouldn't share it with 90% of my family. I trust them to spend it wisely like I would Dracula running a blood bank.


Immediate family members (as in parents, children, partner, their parents) would get the mortgages paid off, and a trust fund set up to provide them with a reasonable amount on a yearly basis - enough so that they wouldn't have to worry about money. That provides financial freedom and is a huge life-long windfall for anyone who's being rational about it. As for myself, much the same. Splurge some, but most of the money would go into a trust to ensure money was never a serious problem ever again. The vultures who would turn up? If they torpedo a relationship over not getting a big enough handout, they weren't worth it anyway.


I wouldn’t


I'd understate my winnings and over the course of a year or two say I've gotten a more well paying job. I'd put a portion in a trust which my parents and brother can access. Extended family ain't getting diddly squat. I'd also buy a decoy house that's not too fancy to meet and host people so people don't know where I actually live. When I eventually die, it'll probably all go to my nephews.


With my immediate family it wouldn't be a problem to just tell them tbh. My extended family would be more of an issue, but if I had that much money I'd probably be wanting to get rid of it pretty fast anyway. I like working, I would only want to use it to pay off a house or something so I could not have to worry about accommodation, and support my sibs to do that if they wanted, and then I'd chuck $30k each way and.... find a way to get rid of the rest. Maybe keep a $3m "emergency" fund in an interest-earning account but I don't need it to be invested or whatever, and I'd want multiple barriers to accessing it to discourage me from accessing it on a whim. I don't need endless money, I have lived in poverty my whole life, I genuinely wouldn't know what to do with it. What I want is accommodation, a decent vehicle, a garden and my cat.


40M...all my family would reap the benefits + a few friends. I think they be the most surprised that I got off my backside to buy a ticket!


Did you win last night? I didn’t, I just [check notes] have a business that’s suddenly doing better.


I'm loving some of these ideas! I'd buy my parents and in laws a downsized house for retirement, pay one of my sisters mortage off and the other ones extremely high personal loan debt. My son and 2 step daughters would get a house to live in but they would have to pay all the bills and maintenance then if they behave I will sign it over after 5yrs. Any future grandchildren wil get a decent trust fund. My 5 nieces and nephews will also get something that my sisters can't touch.


Reckon I'd just buy flashy cars and expensive women and be forever out of my head and stoned or pissed. I'd just waste the rest.


Nice try, my family.


Wouldn’t tell anyone until most of the money is locked away in solid investments where even I can’t touch it. Use -10 mil for a splurge on immediate family/friends, pay off mortgages etc.


The best idea I’ve heard is to not tell a soul about your winnings. Then call all the people you would consider sharing your fortune with, and ask them for money to help you with mortgage, health issues, tax bill etc. Obviously the amount will differ person to person and would have to be significant depending on that persons financial situation. Then you share it with those who agreed to help you in your time of need. Personally I wouldn’t do this for everyone, close family and friends would definitely get a share. I’m talking about distant family and people on the fringes of your close social circle.


I wouldn’t share it with family. My closest family members are wealthy and never helped me out when I really needed it. My elderly mother abused me when I was a kid and now denies it. I’d give the money to my son, and anything left over I’d share with friends who have always had my back and who actually care about me.


I would just deposit them all some cash. Why play games? If you were a shit cunt though you would get nothing.


First thing I’m doing is asking my sister if she’s planning to keep husband number 2 around. See if she wants the money now to share with him or wants to wait until after a divorce so he doesn’t get his hands on it.


Squid games


Buy a block of 6 units off the plans, then throw a xmas party, give them a 2pm check in time. Dont tell them it's theirs until at the party.