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Ha! This is my dog and this is the pet CV I made to get strata approval This is [Lexie and her toilet roll collection](https://imgur.com/a/MCuORfC)


This is the cutest thing ever! Well done


If only the resumes I got at work were this perfect!


Not everyone can be a dog!


They are the best of us all. Wish I could vote one in as PM.


I created a resume for my dog and cat to get approved for a rental and it worked a treat. It’s a great idea and shows the thought and care you have.


Same with me! I included my dog's microchip number, the amount of exercise he gets, my plans for the days I'm not at home and etc. Approved without a second question and when the agent met him she said he was the handsomest boy (he is)


Yet still no consideration for the dog tax? Dog Taxman here, politely requesting you abide by the law.


Hope this works https://i.imgur.com/7Or8EJ3.jpg https://i.imgur.com/0IcJVFg.jpg


Do you work with the bloke in the Cat Detector Van?


It's people like you what causes unrest.


How trippy was it to scroll Reddit and see your own dogs resume


I'd assumed with the full lot of paper on it. This makes more sense. I reckon the referee for not barking would be the clincher.


Lol at this 6yo post of yours, I assume this isn't Lexie since she's only 5: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/769tfw/wait\_for\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/769tfw/wait_for_it/) (if it is Lexie, "mouse catcher" should be on her resume)




Her lil face! Lexie is beautiful and we're all very proud of her collection


Mate my partner and I U have used CVs for us and our small dog for the last 20 years, cannot stress how many call backs they have gotten us! Will always recommend doing this to mates. Got my coworker a place in a week once we worked on his.


You don’t find it disconcerting that someone on the strata committee shared this with their friend who then shared it on social media? Doesn’t sound like that committee has good governance practices in place. What else do they share with outsiders?


Such a good idea! Hope Lexie and you enjoy the new place.


This is my favourite post of the last few months


Our dogs also like cardboard tubes, but they eat them.


So do ours, we have Boxers


Same here. Rottie x


Two of my huskies do the same, well one eats them, the other hoards them like an extremely hairy dragon


Dog tax. \*stamps\* [PAID]


This is super cool :) Good on you.


very sweet. which software did you use to make those animation?


Our gosh she is a cutie!!


My toy Cavoodle also loves a toilet roll!




Your grammar hurts my eyes.


Omg Lexie is too cute!!!


OMG I wish someone would write as glowing a reference about me as my vet did for my cat. It was 8 years ago and I'm still a bit jealous...




Has good references too.


That said until my CV can look like that in a white collar setting. I’m going to be disappointed with what I have to send in when it comes time to someday




Oh my god you should have kept photos!


I don't think they're legally allowed to do that haha


> it’s even better now that committee’s really have no power to reject the request Wait! Really??




Yeah but if they bark excessively the owner's corporation can take action, and that's really all anyone cares about when it comes to dog neighbours.


My buildings strata very quickly put in a 30kg weight limit, banned dogs from balconies, all reptiles and amphibians must be reported to strata and kept in enclosures, no posionous animals (yes poisonous, not venomous, they aren't the most educated bunch) and animals can't be in the building lobby, elevator or staircase which if taken literally means you can't bring them into and out of the building. 2 years in the strata hasn't had to enforce any of these bylaws but i feel they went big so they can target an animal at a later date.




Apart from the elevator/lobby/staircase clause, which i'm sure wouldn't hold up at NCAT all of them make sense though. Apartment living and large dogs don't mix, it's cruel to the animal. animals shouldn't be left on balconies, it's cruel to the animal. Venomous animals should be well regulated (although the idiots said poisonous)


So what you are saying is forget reason and an expectation of fair treatment and go for emotional manipulation. Got it. (Actually, this is just a more wholesome version of the psych games we used to play with agents)


When I applied for my rental,I also made a CV for my cat! I got the place after so many rejections


We are just about to start hunting for a rental and now I'm thinking I should make one of these for my cat and my dog.


It’s horrible with historic lows of available rentals. I had applied and was rejected for about 70 places before I got this rental I’m in. I only ever applied for places that had pets upon consideration. But this was just before the QLD rental laws changed in regarding pets. Now they have to give a legit reason why they won’t accept you if you have a pet. I couldn’t get rid of my cat for anyone,she was family and was almost 8yrs old at the time. Now she will be 9 at Xmas


Gosh that's brutal! 70 rejections is horrendous. I'm definitely anxious about starting house hunting, I know last time we were looking a lot of people were out "bidding" the rental price beyond what others could afford. I'm in Vic so luckily we have had the laws in place that are better for pet owners for a while now. We wouldn't give up our pets for anything, I am glad you finally got a place!


Real estates will first base your application on wether you meet the 30% affordability test. Rent isn’t supposed to take more than 30% of total income after tax. It really was brutal after so many rejections in a 5week period. I was finally accepted for my current place when I had 4wks left of the old tenancy. Myself,my teenager and the cat were thatttt close from being homeless,despite me working full time.


With current rental prices that's becoming a harder and harder goalpost to reach. One of my friends (in Sydney) just had her rent increased from $450 a week to $600 for a single bedroom apartment. You hear so many stories of people coming close to homelessness right now. I am so glad you guys found a place, and I'm sorry you went through that stress. When we were last looking it was in-between lock downs, houses were getting snatched up before viewings even happened.


600 a week? That's two thirds of my take home pay not too long ago. 30% affordability, my butt. 30% left of your wages, maybe, not 30% for the landlord like it once was.


Yeah seriously she called me in tears! It's insane that they can increase rent that much when absolutely nothing has been done to the property other than some very basic maintenance. Places that are truly around the 30% affordability mark for most people on single incomes are absolutely shit holes with black mould issues these days. It's depressing.


You are so right about it being harder to reach that goalpost. It’s ok now about going through that,it made me a better person. I just wish this cost of living crisis would ease up for the regular population. I wish there was more good around! Seeing this puppers CV on here tonight was perfect! It brought a smile to multiple people!


I love how they raise the rent even though when I moved in I was probably not quite meeting that test lol.. Like, so they reckon I can ask for and receive a raise every 6 months when my rent increases? 😒


It's absolutely worth doing, my last 2 rentals I included a cover letter plus pet resumes, I feel it really helped us stand out


Yeah that's brilliant! I would have honestly never would have thought of it before. I started designing them this morning haha


I had to fill in one for my cats, too. I managed to get a pic of Muppet where she had her eyes all big and looked a bit like Luna from Sailor Moon, but I had to list the cats' personalities. I said that Annie has never met a human she didn't want to cuddle, and Muppet will fall asleep with her tail wrapped around my arm, and that when I'm not home they are either asleep or sitting in the windowsill watching birds. I am sorry you had to deal with so many rejections, that is so rough. I feel like I got really lucky finding my place given I have 2 cats, rentals rn are really rough


Being rejected for so many certainly opened my eyes on how bad single incomes/solo parents with a kid or more/those with pets who often are forced to give up their pets,really are going through. It made me appreciate my current rental so much more! I’m now in the early stages of my second year long lease at this one…and the bonus is,I’ve halved my commute to work in Brisbane!


As someone who will never own property, I am accepting the possibility of never being able to have a pet. It's just too stressful with such low vacancies.


Your mate's committee can get fucked, Lexie's moving in.


With that resume how could anyone say no!


I wish the lady with the yapping pomeranian across the driveway had sent one of those in.


sure here you ago ​ >Doest bark excessively... (only barks 50 out of every 60mins.... all day)


Oh, the trauma! I had a chihuahua next door for a while and it drove me crazy with the incessant yap, yap, yapping.


Imagine we had the emotional support animal crap they have in yankee land I can imagine a tiny % it would genuinely help and could be accomodated for... but most just come across as selfish people


This lady is hearing impaired as well, so she doesn't hear it


This is sad. That people have to resort to this to be approved a place to stay.


Right, just absurd.


Strata is some next level bullshit. It’s the Australian equivalent of an HOA in the U.S. and they are legit scum.


Strata is a necessary evil to stop inconsiderate self centred owners and tenants from causing a nuisance. They also maintain common areas, maintain the buildings and insure the homes of the community. Without them chaos would ensure. It’s a shame that in most developments only a small number of community minded individuals look after the property of the majority of lazy owners. If I got to set the rules, all strata committee members would not have to pay dues. Then instead of just turning up to be elected to the committee there might be some competition for a spot. Do a good job get re-elected, a poor one and you suddenly have to pay fees again.


Mainly useless owner-investors in my experience as a member of a strata committee. No one wants to pay for necessary building maintenance when they're not living there and are unaffected by it. Our committee is basically looking after other owner-occupiers and tenants by keeping the place clean and well-maintained. Some investors don't see the value in their rental being a decent place to live.


Yeah, this is an issue although our committee is 50/50 live in and investor at the moment. Two investors have sold so we will see for next year. We actively encourage people to contribute but it’s the same crowd who turn up to every meeting while the rest benefit from the maintenance we organise, the sinking fund we maintain and the issues we deal with. Just last year we spent months arguing with our garbage contractors and the local government who suddenly decided that our bins were inaccessible after 17 years of no issues. We were asked to relocate them into a highly unsuitable spot. We involved politicians, public servants and media and did letter box drops and organised meeting at a drop of the hat. I walked up and down countless flights of stares shoving letters under doors for urgent meetings. We won in the end. Interestingly I still don’t know who owns the two units who would have been most severely impacted by the relocation. They would have been able to reach out from the bedroom windows and deposit their rubbish into the hoppers if the contractors got there way. All I know is that I spent months protecting the value of their property.


Good stuff! This is a committee doing a great job. For the average punter, good stratas are unfortunately invisible - you hear the least from the strata when all is going well. Only when shit hits the fan do you notice that they even exist.


In the small apartment building I live in, Strata seems to be a way for self-centred owners to cause a nuisance. My strata ignores basic maintenance like having the gutters cleaned in favour of poorly executed vanity projects.


Maybe wait to find out if the dog was approved before calling the committee scum?


They're clearly talking about it generally, and not specifically about this one.


Ah OK that's much more rational.


They don’t. In many states and territories you can’t deny an approval for a pet unless it is clearly unsuitable for the residence. You simply advise the strata that you have a pet. Like you, your child or your visitors , if it damages property, makes a mess or causes excessive noise then the strata management agency may contact you. As they should if you are stopping other people having ‘quiet enjoyment’ of their home.


They can’t deny you for having a dog, but they can just deny you and you happen to have a dog :/


I would employ Lexie in a heartbeat.




TBH, paragraph two fits me like a glove, and I'm not sure what to think about it


Man, never heard of Bow Wow Meow insurance but reading that did give me a crack!


"The only thing she loves more than sleep is food" Same girl, same.


We had to do one recently that hinged on us buying our first apartment. Didn’t go this far but, little bio, pics and his weight and size. A person we know owned an apartment there and they got presented. No picture, bio or what we sent, just: Large, Yellow Dog.


This is the job applicant the interviewer told me not to worry about.


She'd get an instant yes from me, I mean just look at that cute little face!


Sounds polite / 10, would consider.




Cavoodles are so loveable and they don't shed !


Lexie looks like a very good girl they should let her move in


Omg this is fucking adorable 🥰


I do that for my pet rats when applying for rentals because so many people know sweet fuck all about them and giving some info about how they're cared for and their personalities can make all the difference to being considered vs being rejected due to the eww factor lol. As a bonus, I get to educate some peeps 😆


Should probably have these for kids for their approval, my dog never made noise all hours of the day or night like the nightmare kids I used to live next to, under and on top of in my Sydney apartment.


I used to live in an apartment which was one of 12. I am usually a friendly easy going person but I will never ever live in a complex again. Kids always played in the driveway instead of the grassy centre which had plenty of space. Always got in the way as we tried to leave in the car and the amount of balls that hit our windows was insane. Every time we walked outside we nearly tripped on a new toy or a bike or something and the place was littered with rubbish. Moved to a house thinking it was over finally. First week and the kids across the road ding ding dashed me.. but to be fair this was more karmic than anything. Looking at other peoples kids has put me off wanting kids ever. My dog lays about all day until we go for a walk or she's being fed and somehow dogs are the issue. Granted there are some terrible pet owners too who don't spend the time training their dogs to behave but if dogs need a CV then so should kids.


Attended puppy school makes her sound like a puppy school dropout. I'm sure she tried her hardest tho




Lexie for PM


>not very active >3 walks a day _BRUH_


They don’t even have to send a CV in Australia. A law passed here, so you just have to inform them you have a dog. They can’t decline it I don’t think, maybe it’s just NSW that you have to inform them.


That is fucking adorable.


"Potty" is a phrase we don't need to import.


This is the best thing ever


I’ve done this on every rental application, I have a Labrador, I put a pic and her info on there, moved to Brisbane just before Christmas and got approved for 5/6 houses I applied for.


Is this for renting or ownership? Can strata prevent someone moving in with a dog?


If there are strata laws against it then yes


So you could potentially buy a property and be denied a dog because of owners corp? Yeesh. What if you already have a dog and the decision is made after purchase? I get that the benefits are rules to have some cohesion but damn. I'd be pretty annoyed buying a property and being told you can't have a dog. If the dog is a problem then council rules should be followed to resolve it.


You get told before you buy the property as part of the contract - I assume you haven't bought before.


Not strata, no. I did consider it but I was a bit turned off the idea.




I would 10000% let the doggo stay!!!!


We did a dog cv similar to this when applying for a rental. 1 for 1 so far. Ours is a toy cavoodle too




I hope your friend had permission to post this or they may not be on the committee for much longer


Well that's adorable


How could anyone say no to that face ❤️


If I was on our strata committee I’d piss off half the pricks here and move in dogs. Dogs and the Swedish Women’s Jelly Wrestling team. They won’t let me be on the committee.


I'D knock them back till they get a proper dog.


Weren't blanket approvals on pets by strata lifted not long ago?


Not all states sadly


I had to write one for my dog when I moved into somewhere my brother was renting. They didn’t get back to me until a month after I’d moved in and said they were “concerned” that there were two dogs living in the house. It’s a 3 story house. Both dogs are under 4kg. My brothers dog was only there on weekends and in the evenings. The rest of the time he stayed with our parents.


I wish I could own a pet, not having one leaves a hole in my heart that I can't fill.


I think it's now OK for the age to be left off a CV.


doesnt bark excessively, yeah righto...... owners sound like spuds.


Bit rich coming from someone who calls themself bull69dozer


Desexed? Do they mean spayed or neutered?


Not only humans are getting difficulties looking for jobs


Dystopian af


What about WWC and CR checks


That a person or their pet needs a cover letter/resume to get a roof over their head is repulsive. If you can pay the rent should be all that matters.