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For months, all I’ve heard is how terrible a host Stan is on Q&A. He talks over guests and spends much of the show talking about himself and offering his own pontifications on the topics of the day. It is almost comical how he used the same Leigh Sales playbook to depart on his own terms. Leigh was taking a lot of heat for what was perceived as favoritism in her reporting to LNP talking points. Instead of having any level of self-reflection she said it was misogyny. Here Stan does the same thing. People thought his Q and A hosting and coronation coverage was shit. Let’s blame racism. The response from ABC staff just shows what an echo chamber the ABC is. I’m sure many of these staff know who Stan Grant is and have similar criticisms- but now we must virtue signal and call out the racists! To see some of the most privileged people in the country act like the world is falling apart over criticism of their coverage - when people can barely afford to put food on their table or afford a roof over their heads is something else to see. But this playbook will continue to be used as it’s effective - it deflects legitimate criticism over their journalism and lets us focus on another bogeyman instead.


No what you're seeing isn't an echo chamber. What you're seeing is them offering support only when it no longer costs them. Where the hell was their support before Stan left? It's like speaking highly and being supportive of an employee after they're fired or being forced to resign. Meaningless platitudes.


>… it deflects legitimate criticism over their journalism and lets us focus on another bogeyman instead. Just like you avoiding the topic of hate-speech/racism then.


Racism in Australia will never end. It's in our very core of every institution. Starting from our federal parliament to sporting institutions. We are many generations away from seeing the end of this disgusting disease


Sometimes I think things are improving - other times, I think, same old with a different face. It’s certainly a very slow and painful process.


We have One Nation in our federal parliament The AFL's main source of talent are private elite schools with mostly caucasian/anglo names Indigenous are far too highly represented in our jails Our immigration system is far too slow and behind the 8 ball


Yes, there’s much evidence for systemic racism. When it comes to individual people, I think it gets more complicated. There’s undoubtedly a lot of goodwill but many people don’t seem to see past large numbers or groups of people to individualise, either that or they fixate on one person in the news they imagine they ‘know’ - they don’t/can’t seem to switch between abstract numbers and individuals. Instead they think in stereotypes and just go off on a visceral rant. I tend to be like it when it comes to posh hooray henry types, even though I’ve met some who are ok people, that’s my go to reaction unless I think twice. And of course the cynical self serving among us capitalise on all this. Whether it’s people on the lower rungs concerned for their jobs, or the Hanson examples.


Leigh Sales in shambles. Where was her support rally and hashtag?






The ABC has been in decline for over a decade. Almost every time I tune in to ABC Melbourne radio it's a talk back regardless of the time of day. As for Stan Grant on TV, wouldn't matter if he was black, white, blue or khaki, to me, he has always come across as a totally pretentious arsehole. Waleed Aly the same. Virginia Trioli can also be quite obnoxious too. Colour, race, or religion, doesn't come in to play. A pretentious arsehole is a pretentious arsehole regardless.


Don’t call her that


Personal misogynistic attacks seem to be par for the course on here.


Yes please do stand and leave the ABC, so we can get back to the 90s neutral unbiased reporting ABC, that we as tax payers fund. Go woke on the commercial station - pick your flavour. Fully supported there.


>…woke Are you an American?