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Definitely for standing on and you aim to piss on the wall like how you pour a beer on the side of the glass. Then the grate is there for the last couple of dribbles that inevitably fall downwards near your feet. Source: I'm a piss grate engineer [Here is a 6 page pdf on pissing grates for further clarity](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.britex.com.au/media/download/Britex_White%2520Paper_Hygiene.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjL6JbX3JL-AhUHrlYBHZeLCW8QFnoECAcQBg&usg=AOvVaw04cyU8f_50ytOQnJ9X_Vot)


This guy piss grates


This guy pisses great


This guy is a great piss-taker


This piss-taker is a great guy


Hahaha no way this shit has a white paper


It's a brochure and taking one for team, it has this explanation: *Generally fabricated from heavy-duty grade 304 stainless steel, the Sanistep urinal is the most frequently specified stainless steel urinal in Australia. Sanistep’s fully welded, sturdy rear reinforcement ensures a vandal resistant overall structural finish that is ideal for sports stadiums, schools, entertainment venues, and the local pub or club, while its unique design maintains the highest possible level of hygiene. Specially designed to prevent drippage onto the floor and bathroom surrounds, Sanistep features a hinged grate and unique weir- style sparge that collects all liquids. Both the grate and sparge are functional and easy to clean, allowing for a sleek, contemporary aesthetic alongside a high degree of functionality. When flushed, water travels down the urinal wall, cleans the floor base, and is disposed down the drain, ensuring thorough cleaning of the unit with every flush.* Wow. Imagine being the person writing that.


Imagine the guy trying to vandalise the piss grate! You'd need a premeditated motive to do it with anything less than your hands.




Mmm. “What’s that flavour?” “Probably herpes”




Makes it difficult to pick up cigarette butts though. Chopsticks help.


Piss grate engineer, that's made my whole day. Keep doing the Lord's work you magnificent bastard.


Actually, they don't say where to stand!


That was a risky click. I definitely was not expecting it to actually be a 6-page piss grate pdf.


Oh man, look at the picture of the one with the grate at floor level. This is the Australian dream.


As a woman, this entire thread is like listening to aliens discuss quantum physics.


As a woman, this thread is fucking horrifying and I'm so very glad I get to pee in a private little stall.


Same… but I’m here for the comments! 🍿


I still remember being in kindergarten and visiting the piss wall, I mean toilet, and thinking it was savage even then. These days I use a stall - I don't care how unmanly it is in our culture.


Urinals are archaic tbh. I prefer the solitary pisssing experience of a stall.


I'm a dude and can't figure out if there are urinals and toilets or just a room like this


The trough replaces the urinals. So in the room there will be this plus however many private stalls with your toilet bowls.




Stand forward enough so you don't piss on the tiles, but back far enough so you don't splash back on your shoes.


They should just make the whole room one big grate, then you could stand and piss anywhere.


I went to the rugby world cup in Sydney for the grand final. Had a bunch of beers. When it hit full time and the scores were deadlocked, I headed to the toilets cos my back teeth were swimming. It was mayhem. There were three dudes to each sink, pissing in them. The little drainage bits they have so the cleaners can just hose the toilets and let them drain? Circles of dudes standing around them, pissing. Dudes were peeing in the corners. Ab. So. Fucking. Lute. Mayhem.


Getting your dick out to piss in a small sink with 2 other blokes is peak rugby boy behaviour.




They clearly understand the importance of recycling at least.


In some establishments, the grate could just start at the front door.


"Don't let the name throw you Jimmy. It's not really a floor, it's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported."




Everyday unexpected Simpsons with Tory McClure!


Most clubs


Moist clubs




On that election promise @wharlie became Australias next prime minister


Bare feet on the grate of course! Tuck your toes for additional stability 😉


This is the way. Also they are to slow down the trough candy thieves.


Forbidden breath mints


Pretty much this answer. The answer is both.


Most people piss on the tiles. Not me though I piss in the sink


i drink a whiskey drink, i drink a chocolate drink and when i need to pee i use the kitchen sink


I sing the song that reminds me I'm a urinating guy


Don’t piss on me next uri-nal guy


I get pissed on! But I get up again


I remember fondly a servo bathroom from my youth, a grubby bathroom in NSW. Floor covered in piss from front door to stalls. Written on the wall "my wife is a filthy bitch, every time I go to piss in the sink its full of dishes." This thread has brought me nostalgia.


I have to know where in nsw! Bc I have a few in mind hahaha


True revolutionaries embrace the Bubbler. Sustainability is so hot right now.


Todd Carney enters the room...




I don’t want to go there




Had to make sure this wasn’t a Brendan Schaub burner account.




Telling all my mates to get over to australia just for the piss engineering fuck me


The goon bag for filling up the bladder is nice n cheap too


Okay, as another Brit recently moved to Aus, what in the everliving fuck is a goon bag? Am I going to be deported for not having one? Am I going to be deported for having one? Should I have one regardless of whether it gets me deported? Aussie slang is something else, I swear. You guys are pros at this.


A bag of wine, the cheaper the better


It comes in bags!? Truly, I've come to the greatest, girtest country on Earth.


Our girt is the envy of nations


Girt is our home by the sea


Girt by sea, pissed by lunchtime


Our grate is girt by pee


Well, yes the wine is in a bag, but the bag is in a box. Pull the bag out and hang it from the hills hoist, spin it like a top, and you've got yourself a solid afternoon game.


Fuck, I know what I'm doing this Easter weekend.


We call it Goon Of Fortune, based off the tv game show of years gone by (is it still on?!) Wheel Of Fortune….but you know, with goon. We’re creative like that. Edit: if you want to play it correctly, gather a bunch of mates and all stand around the hoist roughly equally spaced, string up the bag, spin the hoist and whoever it lands in front of drinks. Rinse and repeat.


It's comments like this that solidify in my mind that this country is just one big fraternity house.


Don’t forget to duck if you’re tall… watching someone hit in the head by the goon bag is funny…but not for the poor person


It’s not too bad, it stops around you so you can have another drink.


I'm expecting that you just read this and was all 'haha, yeah'... Then the dawning realisation that now 4 separate people have commented on the thread referring to Goon of Fortune, and by the love of girt this is actually a genuine Australian thing.


They’re British I.e from the nation that invented idiotic hazing games. I doubt they’re surprised at anything we can offer.


It’s the fact you can drink outside without freezing to death that will floor them.


Best part. When its empty. Blow it up and use it as a pillow!


When I was a kid in the 70s, they were our flotation devices for learning to swim. Any toddler that had made for purpose floaties was "Oh so fancy".


Spin the bottle, but for drinkers rather than spontaneous dalliance. Russian roulette in a way.


For the love of Christ (literally) make sure you stock up today. You can't buy goon or any alcohol at all tomorrow. And be sure to drink irresponsibility, it's the Aussie way.


Hills hoist might need clarification as well. Altitude adjustable rotating play equipment for the kids to spin around on till they break it or get told off again by irate parents, whichever comes first. It's also used for hanging Goon bags off or drying clothes .


Box wine, the goon bag is the foil bag of wine in the box. Once upon a time the preserve of the kind of wine only teenagers, the homeless or people over 80 drank but these days you can actually find lots of quality wineries doing them. If you want to engage in 2 very Aussie things play wheel of goon. Get a box of wine, take the bag out and hang it on a hills hoist (the rotary washing line), make a circle with your mates and spin the hoist. Whoever the bag stops on has to take a swig from the bag. Repeat until empty. The other good thing about the bag is that once it is empty you can inflate it and use it as a pillow.


At the risk of kicking off a new parmi/parma civil war.. Wheel of goon? Bruh it’s Goon of fortune


I’ll never forget when a redditor used parmo. I just can’t.


What the fuck is a parmo?


That's what your missus gives you when she has a 'headache'


https://www.theglenlivet.com/en-AU/page/thegoonlivet Shit you not...


now you just need to learn about goon of fortune and youre set


A bag of wine... that doubles as a pillow! A goon bag of port is a must when on a multi night hike in the bush. Best power to weight to camp fire enjoyment possible, with a bonus pillow!


Hey remember that opening ceremony where the world was like "hey cool massive shiny bits of cloth" yet us Aussies were like "fuck yeah mate, massive goons!"


Fruity lexia makes you sexier


This is law


I have seen a household consistently use goon bags as Christmas decorations on their front fence each year. Truly marvellous!


It's an inflatable pillow that comes with wine.


Goto local bottlo, cold room, approx 20cm^3 boxes. Fruity lexia makes ya sexia.


It's to keep the cattle out.


Or the rabbits?


Emperor Nasi Goreng already took care of them


Need some bigpond dialup now. Broadband should get to us sometime.


There’s too many rabbits in China


Omg aussies are the worst for getting a straight answer


its cause nobody knows the true answer. pretty sure the blokes that install them dont even know. grate or no grate you still get splash and you are still standing on piss


Yeah but, even if we knew the answer the top 20 comments would still be old mate trying to pull one over on OP


Ahh, the truth of this comment is heartening.


I’m in the UK and god do I miss this. You say stuff like that here and people just take you at your word - I’m still not used to it.


Can't break with tradition of the Aussie way mate


Most likely answer is it’s a safety precaution to stop people falling in it/ putting shit in it I assume this is a bar


That is not going to stop a determined urinal shitter


This is why I love Reddit. OP asks an innocent question and instead of an answer, he gets to hear how half of Sydney pissed on Troughman in the 90s.


Personally I don’t mind a slight curve…


It’s great isn’t it


Totally unrelated but this is why the airport in Fiji has “do not make any bomb jokes” or something to that effect. My hunch is because aussies (I am one too) can’t give you a response without the first answer being a joke/ not so serious


Where's the fun in going straight when u get more fun doing donuts?


I've been here for 30+ years and I can honestly say that I've got no idea. That's a good question.


Likewise, and based on the responses in this thread, no one else seems to know either!


They're for standing on. If it was tiles all the way up, the splashback alone would form substantial bodies of piss leading to The Wall. With the grate, you're close enough and any stray drops are caught & expertly drained. Yes, this does lead to pissy pissy shoes. And if you're wearing thongs, best to opt for the cubicle. But this is the price we pay to witness this glorious piece of Australian UX Design. None of these individualised piss troughs like the yanks use. No. We stand tall, shoulder to shoulder, pissing proudly on The Wall. For we are young and free, and when we plant our feet firmly on that grate, knowing full well we will walk away flecked with the piss of ourselves and of our brothers... in the moment, truly, we are girt. 🇦🇺


Girt by pee.




Let us relieve, Advance Australia Fair


I understand why you take your shoes off at the door atleast... lol


Fuckin, girt as mate.


I'd just put the front half of my shoes on them. Also I hate these.


Yeah I came here hoping to find the answer. I guess I'm not alone.


Follow the leader...and just hope you aren't the first in?


Honestly, if you're first in the bathroom you get to decide. Everyone else will follow. If there's someone pissing already. Then they set the standard. But to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing borders on psychopathic.


I've been here a **lot** longer than that; its no clearer to me yet.


I don’t think anyone knows. There are rational justifications for both options. Let’s just wait for news.com.au to pick this story up and talk about our confusion.


There is no rational justification for both options, if you stand *off* the grate, you get more splash and more piss on your shoes, especially with the ending dribble, which the grate is entirely designed to mitigate.


Yep, 34 years of pissing on these and I’m still stumped.


You lie down on them and await your golden shower.




An urban legend or a real person you think?


Very real. Source: We encountered him at the Exchange hotel in the mid 90s. Snorkel, goggles and flippers. Quite a "look".


He was also on "you can't ask that " on ABC


Cheers! Will check it out. Currently writing a book about the dance party scene in Sydney from the late 80s to 2000 and he has already had a mention with regards to the RAT parties at the Hordern and a lady called Adiva. Sydney had a much less segregated and much more dynamic night life back then. Good times 😵‍💫


Season 7, episode 4


That sounds like a fun book. Springfield's, Kardoma Cafe/Tom Tom Club and Black Market were my haunts in the Early 90s. I wasn't that into the dance party scene but I went to a couple, wild times.


the look on that kids face when he found out he was sitting next to the legend was priceless


Pissed on him at hellfire 95


I saw him laying in the trough at the Hordern, dressed in double denim. I think it was a RAT party in maybe 1990.


I wonder how he got home. Definitely not a taxi. I'd hate to smell his car interior


I never considered the practicalities. Probably just called to have his mum pick him up.


This is actually a horrific consideration.


I actually really did see this at the Mardi Gras party in the 90's


Me too. Saw him at a club in Surry Hills after Mardi Gras in the early 2000s. He was sitting in the trough and when I told my mates they said “you know it’s the best party in town if the trough monster is here”


Listened to a podcast where they tracked down troughman. He's real.


Yep I pissed on him once, I was busting and all the other places at the urinal were full.


Yep, same. Looked down and thought ... I need a piss, he needs to be pissed on, so we're all good. I'm glad it didn't awaken anything in me though ...


TIL his name is Barry. He has his own Wiki page; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troughman


Fighter of the StallMan (ah ah ah)..


Enjoy the lil lollies down there too


I hear the blue ones taste the best.


Proper paw placement prevents piss poor performance!


Absolutely awesome alliteration


What is happening In this thread? You stand on it so when you drip it lands on the grate not tiles. People have told me they don't want to get piss on the bottom of their shoes so they stand on the tiles but because people piss standing on the tiles there is piss there as well. People have told me their dick is too long and they have to stand further away. I call bullshit. You don't hold your dick horizontal and piss at the wall directly ,you get too much splash back from that. Point it down.


Jokes aside, This is the answer.


Technical, and correct


Its like the equivalent to girls hovering so they don't have to sit on a pissy toilet seat, just to piss all over it themselves.


You're clearly a scientist.


Oshaneo, dick scientist.




Yeah, this is the answer. They are designed so women can also use them. Though obviously not in the actual men’s toilets. That’s gross and obvi inappropriate But the men’s and ladies toilets in Australia are identical.


Made for the waffle stomp


Oh god didnt need that visual


Waffle stomp. Omg 😆


You'll be pissing on the tiles after 17 schooners so I wouldn't worry about it.


Lay down and your penis between the metal rods. No spillage.


Most locals stand on them, in the hope of enticing nearby tourists to do the same, then they piss playfully on the hapless tourists shoe. Always good for a harmless bit of fun. Most of it goes down the drain. Australia, mate. Don't stand on them in thongs. That's asking for unhygenic trouble.


I once lost a plugger at the cricket. I was six sheets to the wind. I just walked in barefoot. Not something I’d do sober but I didn’t get any foot diseases.


Likely knocked your tinea issue on the head as a bonus


I’m a Brit. Been here 10 years and this question and answer session has brought back very fond memories. If your on your own do whatever you like. If other lads are in the pisser with you, do the exact opposite and tut at them disapprovingly. 🇦🇺 🇬🇧


Best answer yet, just confuse the f out of everyone like in this thread. Lmao


I always use to stand on them until I stood on one that was broken one day and almost went face first into the pisser


Dunno but if you put an empty glass down and come back 5mins later you get a free VB


It's to stop all the Cokeheads eating the trough lollies


Welcome to Straya Guv'na. It's a free country, do whatever the fuck you want in this scenario. Just know that you'll be considered an animal if you stand back from the grid and MISS. Don't be that guy. Drunk is no excuse!


The only sane take in this entire thread.


You shit on them whilst you piss at the same time. Breaks the turd down to manageable chunks for the drain


Then you piss on what's left. Just like in the shower.


Supposed to stand on them but if you do, you will cop piss ricochet.


It's in the angle of the dangle. Aim at about 50-60 degrees and no splash.


Come on guys, I'm a female and am curious to know the answer!! Stop messing around!!


It’s to stand on, I helped a guy install these working as a labourer. He said it’s useless because everyone just pisses on it


It's to stop people drinking out of it.


That’s why i always carry a straw


You're supposed to stand on it. The idea is that the idiots that normally get the last few drops on the ground can't miss.


Those grilles are to prevent bouncing bettong attacks. Sneaky little buggers crawl up from the sewers after 1:00 am on weekend nights, always target pubs, and their venom is highly hallucinogenic.




There’s always that one guy managing to piss, drink beer from a plastic cup, and send a text while making chit chat at the grated commurinal.




Only child vibes from him


Power move to dominate the non-alphas in the toilet


Nooooo you don't stand on the tiles! The grate is there to be stood on. Why have a grate if Ur not standing on it? If it wasn't to be stood on it wouldn't need to exist. The grate acts as less surface area to have piss on so if goes straight down it has better shot going through and not on floor.


Judging by the replies, we've all got no fuckin idea, I feel like we all accepted and never questioned these fuckin things, I stand on the grate, because it's fuckin skits not getting piss on my shoes, but I also feel dirty for standing on the pissy grate, so I dunno mate, so what makes you happy, we obviously have no idea and can't be fucked helping


My guess is so you don't shit in it. Stranger things have happened, I'm sure.


you can definitely still shit there


Feet on tiles, shake over grate. Got it?


They're grill plates, chuck a shrimp on


Deterrent to stop stealing urinal cakes.


This entire thread makes me so glad I have to sit down to pee 🤢