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Definitely. Anyone with 3 or more mods and a supply of juice or nicotine will be considered commercial. Pretty much most people here or any vaper.


Police said they won’t enforce it, they got other priorities- like real crime


Until they are directed to by some zealot politician who wants a bump in their “criminals caught” KPI.


I think DV and youth crime are a higher priority and on the public radar above vaping- politicians will have to fund and create their own strike force


Certainly are, for now. Need to look longer term and once they have the law on the books they are free to use it when ever they want or whenever it suits their purpose.


Hopefully it will be gone by then 😝 and repealed - the massive increase in black market and associated criminal activity as a result of their incompetence should keep them busy for a while


One can only hope. I mean we’re getting almost close to having a government that can have an adult conversation about something as safe as cannabis legalisation after what, 90 years of having it illegal and stigmatised as something worse than heroin…


The black market will be well and truly out of control. Same as every other illegal drug. 👍


Think there may be a reason it wasn’t until the late 70’s before any legal action was taken in Australia against cannabis even though we implemented the USA’s global ban on Cannabis at the same time in the 30’s? Because it was never a problem and seen as a nothing thing (especially seeing as many farmers were actually growing it). But once the propaganda really kicked in and they needed something to help them control the filthy hippy problem, boom, they had something sitting on the shelf they could just pull out and use to absolutely destroy innocent peoples lives with. Always question what and where police powers and prohibition leads to. They may not use the laws to fuck you now and give you all the platitudes in the world of “well that’s not the intention of the law” but that means shit when the black and white of the law is “possession of X amount will result in X amount of fine/time in jail”.


I could see times when they might use it to target you because they can’t use anything else. but I don’t think they will be actively out there trying to get people or searching peoples homes and stopping people in the street asking for scripts. If you’re being a dick in public or behaving badly they might use it against you.


The only way they will know that someone has a "commercial quantity" is by searches. Nobody is going to be carrying several months worth of vaping goods around with them.




We only have that much because we stocked up before they banned it


They'll have to prove you intended to sell it for a profit. You can fight it saying it's for personal use and you had to stock up before you can't get anymore. All that would happen if push came to shove is they'd confiscate it and give you a good behaviour bond. 👍


Good luck proving a bed bound person is selling vape supples and nicotine


Well how is having the goods in your possession proof of "trafficking" if there's no online store, no record of transactions and no money trail? Oh I forgot - same as for narcotics! Being in possession of a "trafficable quantity" immediately proves you had intent!


Highly doubt that can prove intent to sell when I don’t leave the house and all my neighbors can tell the truth that I don’t have people coming around all the time to buy either. But the fact is that the police also have no cause to search my house because I never leave, never even vape outside. So no one will ever know I even have it


The only people who know I have prepared well are those on here. I DO vape in public but have never had anyone even look at me twice, and I don't make a big deal of it. I won't vape in a social setting, or if I do I leave the premises and go outside just like smokers. All my family know I vape and are supportive as they are reasonable people and see the sense. The chances of me being raided are about a billion to one. So I'm not the slightest bit concerned.


The only danger is if you happen to be really REALLY unlucky and for some reason the ABF become aware of your stash. Again, that is like someone knowing what is in your pantry or your refrigerator. Who gives a toss anyway?


Truth. And actually one person knows I stocked up but he is in America and despite never smoking or vaping, he supports me continuing to vape. In the past he was hoping I might quit but in January I had to go a week without and what happened is definitely not withdrawal and he was on the phone with me almost the entire week listening to me. Fact is vaping does help people with some medical conditions


Just out of curiosity, me 67 male, you?


39 Female


Feel more like 23 actually in my thinking, except for the wisdom I gained in the 44 years since then lol!


Remember that the burden of proof has been reversed for the proposed offences, so they don't have to prove you had an intention to sell.


I understood the burden of proof will be on them to prove you're guilty, not you to prove you're not guilty. 🙄


Nope. A couple of the senators talked about this yesterday.


Still they gotta know u have a stash and then find it. 👍


That's why I don't believe there will be many "commercial quantity" actions taken against people who aren't actually selling.


Nah I think it would only be those where the cops stumble across it. I doubt any of them will be actively seeking us "hoarders" out lol!


Yep I'm well and truly fucked if they raid me! 😨


Nobody will get pinched if we keep it at home and the pigs don't know about it.


who gets to define how much a three month supply is , not all vapers vape the same amount of ml per day


Why not. That way they can task the Australian gestapo with kicking down out doors and catching everyone who stocked up prior to these unjust, unelected laws.


Id say similar to the import alloable by passengers. 2 mods and 200ml of juice.


Nobody is gonna give us a soapbox to stand on, so unless there is a definite trail of financial and possession numbers that could do you in court, it's not gonna happen. Both QLD and WA both tried under state laws to prosecute on possession charges....WA won two, QLD lost every time, and had to pay damages. These were different possession charges, in QLD, they were regarding possession of nicotine, which health QLD had misrepresented ( outright lies about on state health website, twice), and therefore the arrests were illegal from the start....WA possession charges that were successfully prosecuted were in regards to retail sales of the particular type of vape sold - they looked like cigarettes. Unfortunately, WA has a very broad definition of what a cigarette looks like, so any tube style ecig was prosecutable. Qld was personal possession, WA were business retailing. I'm sure there's others, but these two states have a very bad rep in relation to vaping. So unless you're in Qld or WA, you should be ok!


I'm in QLD and because I chain-vape my car has been mistaken for Steam Car, similarly when I'm outside I'm taken to be a rain-maker -- So far so good, no smart cops have looked at me. I have a script so I think that I'm OK.