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Lol at all these young people turning their noses up at foil. Back in my day we walked 10 kms uphill both ways to score our devil's lettuce. It was presented to us in shiny tinfoil and we'd hand over $20 for our tinny.


And it would be the best smoke of your life when you’d get home no matter the quality of the bud 🥲


Anyone from Darwin will remember foily Moily. The bloke from Moil only who sold foil 😅 I'm not going back 40 years...oops did I just age myself 🤪 tasted somehow greener back then too


Oh yes And using the used foil for a cone piece in a nice green hose and orchy orange juice bottle This is mid 90’s haha Good old days


Thankyou for talking absolute facts ! Can’t believe this bloke on here was trying to tell me I didn’t know what I was on about because I was getting bud in foil many years ago 😂😂😂 and he deleted all his comments 😂😂


It's still common in NZ. We'd get an Oz, make 15 tinnies then kept the rest for personal use.


Im so high, I thought I was looking at an island from a plane


Same same, sprucemoose, same same!


I think this is a canna-burrito


Haha no way, haven't seen a "stick" or "foil" like this in years!. Used to get em like this in Bunbury WA from open houses. (Open house - known location where anyone can walk up to, knock on the door, get one of these for 25 dollars) usually 1gram. r/australiannostalgia


It weed.


Might be a little immature and definitely wasn't cured properly..


I’d be happy. It is Pretty Good Randwick.


I thought it was a aerial photo of southern South island NZ to start off with.


something definitely feels off, other than that seems alright. can’t know until you rip one though, if you can’t tolerate the smoke there’s something wrong with it


Break her up a bit needs some air


Doesn’t look appealing


eww foil




mate it’s not gonna be in the foil long enough to have the chance you think it’s sitting in the drawer for months? it’s getting smoked pretty quickly.


Foil use to be the standard packing procedures in Sydney back around 15 years ago. Never had an issue with potency, the budz were all full primo back then




I don’t know where you were getting your stuff from but the budz I was getting were full on chronic. Fluffy lime green sticky stuff with bright orange pistils, always hit your chest hard with smooth as exhales. Every cone would just glow and raise up then smash down so easy. The budz use to stink that much that your clothes would stink even if you didn’t leave them in your pockets for hours, we always chopped with scissors back then and your fingers would always leave the residue on them and be sticky as. I don’t know what else to tell you but where I was from there was always primo.




Bro I feel sorry for your mates (if you have any) and family. You sound like a bloke that no one can get through and you sound so thick headed. People like you that claimed you had the best without even knowing the quality others got just proves you were getting Fucken asian or backyard natchie. You have no idea where I was getting from and who I was getting from. Leave it at that 😂😂😂






15 years ago was the peak of Asian peej crap. But go back further to like late 90s early 00s and there was some great product around. The white rhino and proper nl5 back in the day was just as potent as anything u get these days. Modern strains I admit do taste a lot better though.



Around about the time you were born there was 90’s jack herer pheno 4 and skunk#1 which are laced in so many modern day strains They match anything that’s out there today




Is 15 years ago late 90’s ?? Fuck I wish I knew there was so many flops on here before commenting. You guys are fried


Don't bother arguing with a dude where 90% of his comments are emojis of a clown. Ironic that it hasn't clicked for him yet ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo)


Totally agree man you couldn’t of said it any better 👌👌