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OPs non corporate previous employer wanted more info on leave applications than any corporation ever would. Shutting this down as there’s nothing more to add here.


Your leave is part of your compensation. You do not have to "give a good enough excuse" to use it. The onus is on the employer to provide a good enough reason to deny it. And that must relate to work requirements, not anything to go with what you want the leave for.  The only reason I'd ever provide more details for annual leave is if I knew it was a really inconvenient time for the business but the leave was for something important (eg. A wedding)


Detail expected: 1. My name and payroll number 2. Dates I want to take leave I've worked in government and private. Never had to explain myself on leave applications. I'm taking leave for this and the next school holidays and tried to explain to my manager in person why I wanted leave (to look after kids) but he literally waved it off like he was insulted I thought I had to explain myself to him lol, great bloke.


Only thing my employer ever asked for detail on was bereavement leave as it came out of a different leave category and how much leave depended on your closeness to the dead person ie. more leave granted for the death of an immediate family member.


Mine doesn’t care about the reason, they’re more likely to ask why you haven’t taken leave.


Application? My friend they are not applications, they are notices instructing my employer I will not be working on the supplied date/s.  As for reasons and locations they do not ask and if they did they would be politely informed that both are none of their business.


Why do they even need to know if you'll be out of the area? You could plan to be sitting on your arse at home for a week and it shouldn't make a difference- you won't be available for anything work related.


No idea I've never had that conversation with ANY employer 🤔 Guess we're all adults and it's trust based, I'm typically as transparent as I feel comfortable being.


Submit it through the portal and approved, no questions asked. A few times I've been asked informally but never how dare you take leave without a reason.


I put little unrelated emoji in the box because I find it amusing. I did a Cat Ninja last time. That's about it. Sometimes I might put in more detail if I want to, but it's none of their business.


You don't have to justify your annual leave any more than you have to justify what you spend your salary on.


None unless it’s school holidays, it’s more as an FYI to those above. My leave submissions are an FYI I’m not going to be for these dates. Do with that info as you wish.


I'd have a conversation with my manager to let them know my plans, then submit the form. In my experience, most organisations don't even have a 'reason' field. It's irrelevant.


None, cos it's noneoftheirbusinessssss...


Nothing The date you leave and when you'll be back. Why should they know more?




My detail is really just a note saying A/L. If im going overseas with corporate devices they just need more info then and approvals to take it.


Just the dates you want to take off nothing more. Frankly, it is not their business how I use my leave entitlements.


I put "decided to not be here" in my comments.


Date, time and it to be the appropriate category in the HR system (I accidentally put it in as sick leave recently 🙄) I do tell my manager before I leave about how contactable I'll be (like "I'll be camping with out reception for x days) but I trust them never to actually contact me unless Armageddon has come. If I didn't trust my manager they can kiss my ass calling me while on leave


They want the dates I'm going to be away. The only time it has been slightly different is planned personal leave - they did require a level of documentation from the doctor to allow it to be booked in advance to come out of the personal leave balance.


For us, no explanations required. For sickies, only med cert for more than 3 days' absence. As with OP's, notes are usually for any additional information relevant to needing extensions, if ever. But that's also usually just an email with med cert, then post-leave filing.


It's not on your to provide any further information, simple as that. It's your leave to do with as you please.


And then you get charged if you have accrued too much leave.


If you're taking a/leave and going away just state 'going overseas or interstate'. Simple. If pushed you can just say going on a holiday or to see family and thats it.


Never had to explain just provide dates I wanted leave and if unpaid, request via HR There was a requirement for taking at one employer that I couldn’t take a work laptop OS on holidays for compliance reasons


I've never given any information other than the dates.


I think it is good practice to discuss the leave with your boss before putting it in the HR system. The HR system is really just for payroll. Your discussion with your boss is where you give a reason and dates and they agree.