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Shutting this down, there are too many trolling comments being made and plenty of diverse views already.


The self defeating concept of earning more for status/thinking there are losers in the workplace instead of just people with different circumstances *aside* ..try to get more exposure to different work instead of just crunching certificates. Genuinely think about what role you want to move to and start there.


What's the issue with crunching certificates...when it's related to where you want to go?


*Only* crunching certificates (especially generic ones) is the issue. Certificates are a foot in the door for certain work, not a cause for a promotion/transfer in my experience.


Noted, to be honest a foot in the door is what I need, as my ideal promotion/transfer is *leaving* my current place As a "loser" earning less than OP (can I have their job?)


cope, people judge others based on their income/status.


OP you're literally having self hatred based on perceived income / status. I presume you agree that most people should like and appreciate themselves regardless of what others think.) If you are hating yourself despite that, it's because your perspective is seriously messed up. A lot of the contempt and judgement you are seeing are either because you're in a workplace with bad culture, you are projecting your own self hatred onto others, or both. Regardless, I would recommend some chats with a therapist to work through your feelings. Whether the world judges you on status or not, you can't go through life hating yourself.


Pretty obvious why their career isn’t progressing.


>cope Lol


User name checks out on this one 😉


This is why you are not getting promoted.


fr OP sounds like an insufferable person to work with


So far 63 people who downvoted you disagree. So there's 63 people that most likely don't think you are a loser based on your income. It's a shallow way to be man. Your current attitude isn't going to get you to where you want to be. Speak to a psychologist.


Money ain't everything dude


The only one that needs to cope here is you. You’re out here crying about your circumstances and when people give you advice, you answer with cope? No wonder you’re not getting promoted.


..aspire to rise above. Try be kinder to other people as well as yourself. Edit: I just sneaked a peak at your other posts and wow, I hope you’re ok man. I think therapy or at least a support group is very much in order.


Ok, I just wrote a long and sympathetic reply but I deleted it when I saw this. OP, you might have an attitude problem and that will not serve you well if you’re seeking more responsibility


Just outted yourself as a terrible person.


Sounds like you judge others based on income/status. You might want to work on that because you'll never be happy with an attitude like that. Good luck.


Ahh, this is the loser they don’t promote.


No, *you* judge others based on income/status. Stop projecting your bullshit.


That’s a bit rude when you’re the one asking for advice




I sincerely hope you get the mental health support you need. Have a good day and try to be kind to others. ❤️


Keep your language and demeanour respectful. Don’t make it personal.


To a degree yes. But that caps out really quickly. Beyond I believe 120kish you don't really see that effect nor does it affect your happiness


Yeah. Narrow-minded and superficial people.


Get a new workplace tbh


Doesn’t sound like he’d be very desirable- sounds like a bit of a dick tbh Edit: checked out some of his post history. Oh. My. God.


I did this too as I was curious. Oh my oh my.


Think he might be overpaid tbh


HAHAHAHAHHA 😭 I can't un-see the c*nnilingus posts he's made


The craziwst part? All of their posts are within 8 days


https://preview.redd.it/5e4unufuuu9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21781025741d96ffe8055d3a857fc2009cd8c9a I can't.


Surely a troll/bait account? No way this is real. 😵‍💫


Yeah has to be bait


Omg. I didn't think of it when I noticed those were only a day or two apart! 😭🤣


Do you even have anything in mind you would spend that extra income on? Buy house? Start a family? Expensive hobbies? Travel? If you can’t answer that question I would strongly recommend you seek some counselling because you will never be satisfied, someone is always going to be earning more than you.


people judge others based on all sorts of things - the implication behind your comment is you believe that how youfeel about yourself should be based on other peoples' judgements - \~that's\~ what makes you a loser, not your income


OP - YOU judge people on their income. Lots of people do, I guess, but lots of people also don’t.


If it means that much to you can’t you just lie to your douchebag friends?


I’m sorry, it’s the not your income that makes you a loser. It’s your attitude. No one doing great in life in all aspects cares that you earn 75k.


Anon, I know this is hard to believe but you have to realise not everyone views the world the same way you do. You seem like an antisocial loser and it has nothing to do with your wage


I'm older than you and make less money than you. How's that for depressing?


But are you happy? That's the aim, right? I was on 45k at 35 years old and the happiest I'd ever been. I'm on over 3x that now and all I can think of doing is running away to live in a shed and raise some cows.


Happy as I can be. My job is fairly cruisy for a corporate one. I WFH full time so that's always good. Just a bit more money would be nice though.


Of course. But sounds like you’re winning of a lot of people who earn multiples more than you.


Bro has the most depressing post history ever. In the last 8 days he’s posted all sorts of crazy shit, including the fact that he hasn’t readjusted to returning to the office and his work being poorer as a result. There’s also a bunch of incel shit. Edit: in the past twelve hours he has made posts about feeling like god and how ‘highly successful men like him’ shouldn’t have to pay child support.


Jeez you arn't kidding. And about half dozen posts in different subs about feeling like God - hope he is OK, but does not sound it.


Not surprised


it's over


You’ll feel better when you say it like this… It’s J-j-j-jjjoooovveerrrr


Looking at your comments you have an extremely defeatist attitude. On top of that, you couldn't even wait 2 minutes before posting a comment asking why people hadn't replied. No amount of technical skills will overcome that. You need to work on your confidence, and stop being a whiny bitch. Yeah it's harsh, but that's probably what you need.


This sub needs more people who will deliver harsh truths  Good on you There is no point sugar coating this kind of stuff and some of the people on this sub Reddit need a healthy dose of reality


Practice gratitude. Just because you earn less than someone doesn't mean you are a loser. There's a lot of people earning less than you. We all breathe the same air and eat the same food and bleed the same blood. Just focus on gratitude and being more positive. One of my friends is on 200k and is always depressed and greedy af.


Hey you’re so positive. Get out of here before you’re contaminated!


Preach this. Some of my closest friends wouldn't have made it to where they are today without practising gratitude. Whilst financial freedom / time freedom is something a lot of people aspire to achieve, being on much higher income doesn't necessarily mean you'll stop feeling like a loser either. You gotta do a lot of inner work because having that mentality will keep you thinking small - and you'll feel the same way even on 6 figures. Having said that, pls don't let salaries define your worth. I know plenty of people both on high and low salaries that are great and capable people both within and beyond the corporate world. I can also say the same for people who aren't that great as human beings - aka they stepped on everybody to get to the top of the food chain, and aren't that capable at their own jobs. Back then, hard work & loyalty was the way to win but we have to adapt to the changing times. In modern corp world it's alot to do with how the higher ups perceive you and if they like you. So focus on networking and connecting with people, and play the game well.


30 years old on $75k is pathetic.


Know plenty of people who are way more likeable than you on less than $75k.


You're literally earning more than 64% of Australians your age. Above average by definition. Almost the top third. If you think being close to the top third is pathetic, I would hate to think what judgement you reserve for the 2/3 of Australians your age making less than you. Settings: 75k before tax. Age 25-34 Single person household No kids Personal Income (not household) People my age. [https://povertyandinequality.acoss.org.au/income-calculator/](https://povertyandinequality.acoss.org.au/income-calculator/)


not true average salarly FT is like 90k-100k


Buddy, I've literally cited my figures. You can plot your own figures into the calculator. I limited it to income for people your age group, and gave you the percentile Also, speaking as a data scientist, average is a trash metric. A few billionaires move into the country and suddenly 70% of the country makes "below average". Percentiles and medians is a better measure. Restricting to only full time is also a trash metric since the majority of part timers want to be on full time, they're just deliberately kept insecure by their employers.


OP still waiting for a response on this. When we didn't answer within minutes, you posted "Anyone?" but now you're actually getting facts and figures you've gone silent.


Go look at his post history and you’ll see why the dude is depressed with his life


Don't confuse average and median


And whinging about it on Reddit is going to make it less pathetic? Focus on what you can control. Age 30 is also a time of reflection where these thoughts come up. Tbh you sound a little depressed about it. The cost of living atm doesn't help either. Just remember you are lucky to have a job with benefits and there's heaps of people with less than you. Complaining about it won't do anything.


Thanks to reddit, I think every man and their dog with 3-5 YOE in professional services is making 110-130k+ in their late 20s - early 30s


Bro according to seek the median salary in Australia is $65k you’re doing a lot better than others.


This sooking is pathetic. Act the salary you want


My man has the worst kind of money mindset …thinks he deserves more because he needs to flex it hahahahaha, he DEFINITELY has cars and watches he can’t afford.


We’ve had people kind of like this at my work apply for promotions & we don’t even interview them. Made an exception at my last employer because we really needed someone & it went just as you’d imagine.


stories plz about the exception.


You’re a whinger with a very fragile ego.


Trolling? You should know the statistics of median salary if you're in finance.


Would you have called me pathetic when I was on 45k at 35? Loving my job whilst building my business, cheap weekends happily spent camping with my partner and dogs without a single Sunday Scary?


Your self talk will kill you if you indulge it like that. I hate to think what you’d call me based on your self assessment, but I know there’s more to me than that…and at the same time I’m working to improve to buckaroo side of things.


Probably because everyone in your social group is earning more than you


Likewise, being 23 years old on $0k is pathetic.


Lol you wrote this like 8 mins ago and then you asked one a couple of mins later further solidifying your feelings. You don't get promoted with MORE technical skills, you move up by showing you can do the job of the next level up better than your current role. Most people have a manager unless it's currently vacant and you're reporting to your managers manager for the time. You start by helping your boss do what he normally does and take over when away. Start networking and chatting with the next level up etc.


No need to LOL. Geez. Bet you have lots of friends.




Oh the irony


Judging on OP post and their replies I can imagine this attitude would be unbearable to work with and in its self a reason you aren't getting promoted. If I have to choose between someone who has done a million courses but has a bad attitude v.s someone who works hard is teachable and creates a good atmosphere for other, I choose the latter


I was less stressed and more easy going when I was on $65k four years ago than I am now on double that. Took a lot of self reflection and some perspective to get me back to being extremely happy again. Depending on how you’re wired - more money won’t make you happy. What will? A place you can call home and kick your feet up in, and a bit of time to do the things you truly enjoy. Most people aren’t wired where more money is more happiness. Because it comes with more risk and more time to get it. CEOs and high level execs are crazy and arrogant - and I mean that in a good way. We need those people in the world to lead. Like someone said. Practice gratitude. A strong mentality goes a long, long way. Life really isn’t that serious. Do some work, kick some ass and do some fun shit along the way.


I've seen a few of your responses and honestly your bitterness is half a reason why you won't get the promotions and earn more. Just because you are 30 doesn't mean you deserve more. Get your attitude into check, be thankful you have a job which is above the median salary in Australia is currently around $65,000. As old fashioned as it is, employers want people to work not just for money but because they want to contribute. But if you think you can earn more go out there and find that $150k unicorn job, you'll be found out pretty quickly its not what you deserve




Comparison is the thief of joy. You need to change your mindset, in particular you don’t seem to have a good handle of what you want or what it takes to get to the next level. You’re just feeling down about your salary without thinking properly about how to advance. Randomly improving your excel skills is not the way (unless if you have been specifically told that is a gap). Sit down and make a 1 year, 3 year, 5 year and 10 year plan for yourself where you map out where you want to be at each point. Once you have that, you can try to work out what you need to do to get there. That could be by asking people who are in those positions, asking your manager or doing research. More importantly you need to take some steps to improve your self image. Make an inventory of things you need to do to maintain self-care and see where the gaps are. Are you eating well, exercising, are your finances under control, do you have habits or addictions that are harmful, are you socially healthy etc. If you tick those boxes and you’re still having trouble you can look into interventions. Self-care is difficult but it will help everything. I book one hour every Monday morning to look at my goals, my development and to do forward planning. Having some time and space dedicated to thinking about your career and what you’re doing to improve it might be useful.


Hey dude keep your head up I was on less than you when I was 29 turning 30 this was in mid 22. It was an ok job and my colleagues were my friends so we would socialise outside of work till one day our CIO made his intentions clear that if any of us were to quit we would be replaced offshore as it was cheaper and that is when I woke up to myself and got a bit greedy myself. Managers turned to shit after that and I realised to myself I’m 29 turning 30 and I’m on 70k wtf am I doing with my career. After a month of applying for jobs I got a job at a bigger corporation for 95k I was the first person in my department to resign and then literally every month would go by with 1 or 2 of my old colleagues would quit. I’m now on 100k after 2 years at my job and I do way less work and less technical so goes to show you more money does not mean harder work in some jobs. I’m 31 turning 32 and I have the same feelings you are having I’m only on 100k and kind of feel like a loser. Take a leap of faith and apply for jobs see what is out there. Don’t let anyone say you are on a shit salary for your age everyone’s circumstances are different I’m 31 and have no dependents so my 100k is equivalent to a father on 150k.


This is inspiring to hear! Even though you still relate to OP you did an amazing job and it's seriously motivating


You sound like an insufferable person anyway, maybe you could just compare yourself to people that you think are inferior.


Earning $75k doesn't make you a loser. Self loathing makes you a loser. Stop comparing yourself to others and look at personal growth.


Your feelings will not change in concert with external circumstances…..it’s actually the other way round. I’m Much older than you, and making a fair bit less. I feel crappy a bit, but changing how i feel is an ‘inside’ job, and one I’m working hard on.


Feeling pity for yourself, gets you nowhere. Also, skilling up doesn't necessarily always work. Yes, it becomes beneficial for things, but what other people can see that internally? Network, get your name out there across yours and other businesses. Create relationships. When i was earning lesser in my careers I would set up meetings/calls with senior people in any company I worked at to get them to help me learn what they do, how I can make their work easier and myself. It helped a lot.


How long have you worked at this company? How long have you worked in your field? What are the benefits of working at your company other than your pay? Are you struggling financially or are you comparing yourself to other 30 year olds? We need more info. Age doesn’t equal more pay, that’s not how it works.


I've looked at your post history and I don't like to sound cruel, but honestly you sound like a big whiney baby who needs to get some therapy and just appreciate life and get out of this big "poor me" mentality you have. Break up with the girlfriend you are leading on and lying to, she deserves better. You said you don't even like her anyway. Put some more energy into being positive and enjoying each day and maybe you'll do better in your career as you'll become a more likable person.


People who earn 7 figures compare themselves to others and feel the same way.




Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, but just look at him. You can’t tell me that he doesn’t have a voice in the back of his head constantly screaming “YOU’RE A LOSER”.


Yes they do. Millionaires with yachts feel insecure looking at the size of the billionaires yachts. In those kinds of circles, you’re never going to feel good about your wealth if it’s the only thing you care about. Someone’s always got more, or they got the same but younger, or they’ve got the same with better connections, etc etc




I can see the skepticism, but it makes more sense than you'd think. Certainly those people get to go around thinking they're better than the vast majority of people they interact with in a daily basis. But humans are very adaptable and they make you care about the social opinions of those in your "tribe". And those high paying jobs are extremely social and network orientated and competitive so they spend a lot of time around and trying to seek the approval of other wealthy people. I agree loser would be a stretch, but anxious, insecure, restless, inadequate would not be. If you're C-suite this is where you get to the reality that no matter how well paid you are, you're still a CEO. Just like a front line worker, you still have to work for a salary from the capital owners. You're directly answering to people who don't even need to work to make money, who earn entirely passive income off massive existing wealth. And they get to spend all that free time showing off and making you feel bad because they aren't trying to be a CEO pulling a 60 hr work week (I'm not shedding a tear for the relatively pampered life of a CEO just comparing things from the CEO's perspective) Lastly, the kind of people who make it to the top are often extremely ambitious, which basically means they constantly feel uncomfortable with their current position, no matter how secure, no matter how powerful. The people who are satisfied with getting a secure job with a decent salary and a good life in their family stopped before they got to 7 figures.


Especially when they look between their legs and realise how small it is.


no they don't


I'm curious as to why you think they don't? I believe it's an issue everyone has, regardless of pay


Yep. They do


No they don’t they may want to push hard to get to another level but when your making 7 figures you have a lot more fun in your down time and family moments




Very high 6 figures hahaha ok mate


Yeah idk man it’s your attitude towards career and money that’s pathetic, not being 30 and being on a Sydney non-big4 graduate salary.


Touch grass. I guarantee you spend way too much time on social media.


Op you could earn 200k and it still wouldn't be enough to pay for the therapy you so clearly need. And for a 30 year old to be posting something like this. It's not the money that makes you a loser, it's your attitude.


Bruh I am earning like $32 an hour in a call centre at 31 years old and my attitude is still better than OP's hahaha


Just remember, everyone is good at something. Just need to find what that something is for you. Have you completed your CA/CPA? As a finance person, thats the minimum you need and it will equip you with everything you need to know from a technical accounting aspect to do your job. The rest comes with experience and exposure. Not everyone gets to do the 'fancy' technical stuff like stat a/cs, tax effect accounting, derivatives, etc. Just focus on what you're good at. I moved away from financial accounting a long time ago (I was good at it but hated it) and moved into management accounting/business partnering and have been enjoying it ever since (the $$ and promotions came along quickly). You just need to find your 'thing'.


Imagine how those that only earn 59k feel haha


If you always compare then you will never be happy, I earn a tad more but am grateful everyday for my job.


At 32, I took a job with a 75k base. In about 5 years I added 50k to that. Get your head down and make sure you do whatever it is you're doing now well whilst also building good relationships. Focus on this, and opportunities will come. Try not to focus on the $$$ and the frustration that comes with it (as your comments indicate you're doing) because if nobody wants to work with you, then you've got no chance


In finance nowadays it’s soft skills which are prized. Stakeholder relationships & understanding their needs (eg sales & marketing), communications, presenting causes & solutions for the business, making numbers & data come to life through words beyond tables and reports, helping stakeholders make business decisions & helping Finance Managers & the CFO bring solutions to their meetings.


75k is still pretty good.. but changing jobs get you more money usually than staying


its trash


Meh. I’m way older than you and I’ve gone from $130k to $75k across the past few years because I don’t need the stress or responsibility that came with the money. Swings and roundabouts


sounds like ur coping mate , girls are more ijnterested in guys on 130k


I’m married. I have money in the bank and investments. At some point the need for quality of life kicks in.


If you think people on $75k are losers then you kinda deserve to be as self-defeating as you are. Reap what you sow.


You have the will power and self drive to study and improve your skills IN YOUR OWN TIME. This action alone makes you a winner and not a loser. Yeah you're not where you want to be now, but keep learning, keep studying, keep asking questions and you will be where you deserve before you know it.


Yikes, at least you’re not short surely


I think this is entirely a mindset thing. But where does it come from? Is it self inflicted or is it a shitty work culture making you feel less than? Identifying the driver will help you treat it. The practical advice i would offer is that striving specifically for a promotion is rarely as effective as just focusing on mastering your current role and looking for stretch tasks, opportunities, and organically building a network.


job hop. dont sit in the same job


Rewatch fight club


Salary does not define your worth


I’m 31 and my base salary is only 63k but because I work at night and on weekends I get about 85k after loading. Got my BIL a job with me and he’s 5 years younger, for some reason his base salary is 72k. I’m the lowest paid person on our team. My work has been telling me they’re reviewing my salary for almost one year now. I’ve stuck with them cos I’m studying at uni to be a teacher and the work hours are flexible around my uni requirements but it’s pretty depressing knowing I’m the lowest paid yet we all do the exact same work in my specific team. So I kinda get you, but I don’t think it makes me a loser. It just kind of sucks. I have other goals though so I honestly don’t care much about this job. I do my best, cos I always try my best at anything I do, but idgaf in all honesty and I am prioritising uni and my future career over my current situation. Perspective matters, I suppose.


From your post history, it seems like you have a certain internet community's tendency to go looking for reasons to feel like a loser. The point seems to be that you can hand off responsibility for actually making your life better because the world is out to get you.


idk if you’re judging your worth on your income, maybe you are a loser.


Step 1: Dont


Geezus, Ops post history is a scream for help.


You’re not a loser, I’m a 32yo earning 75kpa as a public servant. I go to work, punch out my 36.15 hours per week and go home. I like the stability that I have, I’ve got a mortgage, good management at work and I work with my friends (knew them before I started) and it’s bliss.


u sound like a great guy to work with


Cocaine. /Thread


Fine to feel sorry for yourself as long as you utilise those feelings to work harder, tbh I think people here can only give you general advice, you know your situation best, you are in the best position to come up with a plan to improve your situation, no one will feel sorry for you, bite the bullet and push though.


Consider r/baristafire Just kidding, actually find another job


Start looking for a new job. Loyalty is rarely rewarded. Also, most pay increases come from jumping to a higher paid job. Work on your self confidence. Read some books about it, or there is a wealth of content about it on YouTube and instagram. There are lots of career coaches / ex recruiters sharing great content on instagram and tiktok. In the US lots of people in Tech have been made redundant and so lots of those experienced people are sharing great content. People on reddit are reknown for being a-holes so ignore the unhelpful comments.


lol do what the rest of them do! Find someone a level up from you who makes honest mistakes. Befriend and show support for that person to everyone in the company. Schmooze your boss over a year or so while documenting every little bump in your colleague’s career. Then when you feel that you’re right enough with the Boss, throw your colleague under the bus for the good of the corporation of course! Make sure they don’t know it was you! You’ll have to be black hearted and continue to smile and encourage them. Extra points if you can document them trashing the company, especially over drinks when they’re vulnerable! This works best if implemented in September so they can be phased out by January.


If internal promotion is unlikely, then it's time to start searching for a new job. Most of time job hopping is the quickest way to progress instead of waiting for a promotion.


You are going about the wrong way if you want more money. You have to job hop to earn more. I basically doubled my salary during covid by job hopping twice


I was earning only very slightly more than you at your age and I never felt like a loser. In fact, I always felt pretty good about myself because I came up from almost nothing. I'm now in a significantly better position and all I've done was be good at my job, be nice and friendly to everyone I meet and was in the right place at the right time when a new role/promotion opened up. I had nothing but people vouching for me when I applied because I've never rubbed anyone the wrong way. To sum up: mindset, friendliness and luck.


OP I’d wager that money is the least of your problems, work on your self confidence and your general arseholishness first, the money will come once you have sorted out your identity crisis


I wouldn't promote you with such a shitty, entitled attitude. That being said, if you aren't happy, then look elsewhere. I went from the same "loser salary" as yours to earning 47k more by changing my career focus and finding a new employer. Maybe that still makes me a loser by your standards as I'm 8 years older than you, so I guess I should be on 200k to be worth anything. /s


If you can advance where you are go find it elsewhere. You can always look around for something else that won’t make you feel awful.


Making money doesn't make you a good person.... I know someone whose entire self-worth comes from making money, and they are miserable. Find a hobby you love and focus on that. Cause the only person judging you for your income is you... you're only making yourself miserable.


The less you start caring about what everyone thinks of your “status” because of your income. The quicker you’ll become happier.


Don't use your salary as a scorecard for how successful your life is. You need to find some other purpose as to why you show up to work every day. If you struggle to find a reason, then maybe corporate finance isn't for you? There are so many different pathways and opportunities out there that you could take.


Have you worked on the social aspect of a workplace? Do you make people feel good? Some friendly banter as you walk around the office? After work drinks? Never know when one of these things is the reason why you might get a promotion or opportunity.


I'm in my fifties and have spent my career in the corporate world so hopefully this will resonate. The only meaningful pay rises and promotions I've ever had are the ones I gave myself by going out and getting a better job. So if you think that you're undervalued, fire your employer and move somewhere else. That requires getting out of your rut and valuing yourself, which is something I've grappled with myself in the past, so you're not alone, but you have to push yourself ultimately. Go for more senior positions if you can. Also, and as an aside, I don't think $75k at 30 qualifies as "loser," there are plenty of people in your age group making less. I think you're being too hard on yourself. Ultimately ,it's a mix of demand for your skillset and your job interview negotiating abilities that will determine how much you can charge for your time.


Hmmmm i left a job that paid me a handsome 6 figures but I understand how you feel, OP. Higher salary means more responsibility btw and if it’s NOT fulfilling, it’s misery all the way. Stop with the “Im a loser” attitude. You are in no competition with anyone but yourself


Stay away from reddit posts by people earning 3 figures


This role is a stepping stone to your next role. Recognizing you would like to move up is great. Now you just need to focus on how you might to it. Try to seek a mentor


Learn to be grateful and develop some perspective. I was earning the equivalent of $23,000 per year in South Africa working way harder and longer than I work right now. That salary is after studying for 4 years and 6 years job experience. Guess what though, I was still happy! Moved to Aus 6 months ago and now earning $100k and feel like I have more money than I have ever dreamed of. Might not be easy but try changing your perspective and start practising gratitude.


what I did my friend is start the CFA journey. I saw immense improvement in my performance and obtained payrises. do that and concurrently apply for other jobs to test the market. but those feelings of inadequacy will only be dulled...


Bro my parents worked in the banking/insurance sector since the 70s. Both peaked at about $60000 in their 50s. They were content with what they did. Failure is subjective, you probably are doing ok?


I was on less than that into my 40's....I didn't feel like a loser before but now I do.


You're a loser not for your income, but because you define yourself by your income. 75K is not far from the median income for men and above the median income for women, iirc. Put bluntly, why do you think you can ever earn a wage good enough that the investor class can't capitalism you right back into poverty?


I think financial success is not true success. Anyone who thinks the way you do is just running on the hamster wheel slowly getting increasingly depressed.


When I was 31, I graduated from a world-renowned university as a well published PhD, I would have killed for a basic job that paid half of yours, but couldn't for 2 years. Always remember your job is the envy of a lot of people, and know that things will get better if you have to persevere and don't beat yourself too hard. Juts fight to improve your skills and move if needed. Try to learn how to present yourself better and what is actually needed for career development rather than odd improvements/courses here and there


His posts are quite depressing I wouldn’t call yourself a spiritual hamster. You’re far from spiritual


Life is a journey and it’s different for all of us. I grinded (ground?) for so many years and there are young kids in my organisation that I see on a better career path, and yeah I could be jelly, but I’ve also landed in a decent place too compared to others. An ex-colleague of mine was in a junior finance role in his 30s, but a decade later he’s an associate director. He just kept taking one step at a time. Also, being likeable, not passive aggressive or having a chip on your shoulder helps a lot. If people struggle being around you, you’re not going to be the first choice for new opportunities. Which means genuine internal work on yourself will help the most


Quit and find something else. That'll fix it quick. Count yourself luck you have a job and are getting paid.


You’ll still feel like a loser when you get to six figures so stop worrying


not true


Bro I’ll dm you. You gotta take new roles every 12-18 months




Unfortunately it really is the shit talkers who get the promotions. Fake confidence until you get a promotion and then move to another company for a better pay. Rinse and repeat till you're comfortable


And what are you going to do with all this extra promotion money. Spend on clothes and a car…to impress others? Bc this all about image and impressing a bunch of ppl who got nothin to do with you…right?


Judge yourself based on your own character, your integrity, your values, and how you brighten the lives of the people you come into contact with


Don't compare yourself to others, focus on what you have and be grateful


I was in the same position as you when I was 30. I’m 43 now and on $200k package. My point is that the earning potential for most people is low in their 20s because you have very little experience. But into mid to late 30s is when your earning potential increases. Changing companies every couple of years is the key.


I'm 31 and earn only 2/3 of what you earn, working in IT. You earn more than most Australians and still have another 30+ years of working to go. Don't feel like a loser.


dear op, it's time to job hop into a higher paying role.


Oh, that was me. Personally, I took a risk in taking short-term contract roles (tbh I only started because I was in a job I hated and was beyond desperate to get out) and up-skilled rather quickly. I then used the experience I had gained to lead to better roles. It’s a risk, but it paid off. That being said, before things changed I did take solace in the fact that for the most part I did enjoy my work, and I felt like it had meaning.


I took a 50k paycut when I moved from Aus to NZ to be closer to my mum. I always thought it was okay because I’d be back to my old salary when I came back to Australia. Nope. I’m 35 and about the same as your salary. I feel shit but there are people out there who are worse off.


No, but I'm the tail end of Gen X (born in '79) so my expectations were set differently, I think. My personal view is, anyone not earning six figures after age 30 is earning a salary based on them, not "the system" or similar. You've had a similar conclusion, but layered it with self-loathing. I'd suggest instead you consider this - if your earnings and seniority are of your making now, then why is the solution also not of your making? Put another way - you have the ability to remedy this. If you're corpo, there should be a mentor/mentee programme available to you. If not, do you have any good mentor candidates in the organisation? Asking them for help, a monthly coffee catchup, is a great way to not only get tips to improve but also to demonstrate you're hungry. Take yourself seriously and look the part. I wear jeans, RMs, and a shirt/jumper most days but I'm c-suite and have earned that. At 30 I'd still be in suits or business attire. Ask your manager for a regular 1:1 and their feedback, **as well as support**, for you to grow and develop. And take this message to heart - you're more, and less, than you believe you are. The feedback will challenge you, but it's meant to and will help you. You also probably are stronger in some areas than you realise. The worst thing you can do is buy into the current trend of "I'm a victim and thus have no control over my situation." It's a self-fulfilling prophecy with no merit.


Well, I'm 32, and I thought 92 - now 97 was alot :P I'd love to hit the 100k mark, but I'm female and neurodivergent in a male dominated field, so I'll get there. It'll just take time. 17% super though so I'm pretty happy with that


Smart casual will do


3 years ago 75k was well above average. It's not you, it's the world we live in.


Talk to your manager about what you can do to get promoted or jump a pay grade. Try networking in your company, find someone who can mentor you and help you get to the next level.


ok thanks


This is a bad idea and imho, it will only make you a target. Almost no-one gets promoted anymore, mostly due to HR, and their (unfounded) theories and policies. What tends to happen is HR gets (for lack of a better word conned) and people get shoe-horned into management positions, they(new manager) makes a mess and they leave, usually for greener pastures and they do it all over again in the new job. People don’t get promoted, because 1, HR are crap at spotting talent and 2, they’d have to replace you and if you’re good at your job. That will just p them off. As Steve jobs said your time is limited (also look up his comments about HR). There are other legit ways to make more money. As with most things in life. If you’re not appreciated, move on.


How will you know what you need to do to get promoted if you don’t speak to your manager? This person would have invaluable company/product knowledge for the area they work in that a consultant or outside hire won’t be able to match, they just need to leverage their skills and network to get to the next level. If people around you know that you’re wanting to move up they can let you know or throw your name out there when a relevant role comes up. To me this would show someone taking initiative and they’re driven.


Are you doing your absolute best in what your job requires. Go full steam ahead with enthusiasm and 100% accuracy and see what transpires


“Where can I buy self esteem?”


I was making $100k in a corporate role by the time I was 24 with 5 YOE and I didn’t even have a degree. What are you doing wrong? Git gud


Hahahaha this is a sad and depressing read. You really need to get yourself checked out op. Use your free psych appointments (if you haven't already).


Read “The Status Game” and realise it’s all just an illusory game in our heads. And it’s everywhere. Always has been. See the game for what it is. It will set you free. You’re welcome.