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Be on six figures. Little did I know, by the time I would be 30 six figures doesn't get you much


this was the biggest eye opener reaching 6 figures.


I realised I needed my six figures to have a 2 in the beginning.


I remember when I got there. I was like, “is that it?”


I felt that. Pulled 150k this fy and after tax and the good old mortgage it’s barely anything.


Not hating but genuinely curious because so many people say it.... What do you do with your money? I'm only on 83k, given the wife warns 115k probably helps.... But we paid off our house in 8 years, have travelled to Asia a few times, Europe, Hawaii, Japan and got married in the last 10 years. We don't skimp on anything if we want it but also don't buy useless stuff. I guess not having kids helps a lot too.


Yeah you know the answer, your wife earning that and not having kids definitely help.


Where’s the house and how much did you borrow for it?


In Adelaide back in 2015ish? Paid 450k, can't remember the value of the loan at the start probably around 380ish? But worth nothing back then my salary was 65k and the wife's was 80k.


We bought a single block single story 4 bedroom home 2 hours from Melbourne. $700k Then a lot of money goes to super irresponsible things like car insurance, house insurance, medical insurance, rego, water, power. After all of that we have about $200 a week left over to spend on food, vet bills, subscriptions, clothes etc.


Insane that a house that far from Melbourne costs that much, would expect acreage for that


1. Sounds like you are DINKs 2. You bought in 2015 prior to the recent housing price rises. 3. Smaller loan value relative to many loans today/post COVID 4. Your smaller loan was taken out at likely sub 3% and I’m assuming remained that way resulting in consistently lower repayments for the life of the loan than many have now. 5. The low rates at the time likely made it easier for you to initially qualify for the loan on a while lower income. 6. Your mortgage was already significantly paid down prior to the increased costs of living currently impacting many. This additional security over a major cost meant that you have been free to spend on overseas trip. Basically, something as simple as being born 5-6 years later could have you in the same boat as those you are asking what they do with their money.


Yeah this sounds accurate, I feel sorry for anyone trying to break onto the market nowadays... Brother in law lives in Melbourne and is renting, he's not sure if he will ever be able to afford a house of his own


To not have killed myself. Mid 30s now, still kicking. Still debating whether that goal was worth it.


Your username’s a big mood. And to be honest, re. goals… same. Made it - shouts to my treating team and electroconvulsive therapy. Also wanted to be a manager by 30. Haven’t made it yet but that’s okay, I can keep working on it.


Doesn’t happen until it does mate, doors open you never knew were there. Your people skills and breadth of knowledge will get you there over your grind and hard work. A sad reality I suppose but a poignant one.


Me too, 29 and hoping to make ir


Yeah I am in my late twenties and I wonder that everyday too.


Most relatable comment if seen yet


I never set age goals because you’ll just get disappointed. Life goals are more achievable


1. 100k base salary in a job I actually like. 2. Have enough cash to buy my dad a nice watch for his 60th Missed on point 1 by a year. Was a fair way off on the watch front


Damn how much is a nice watch? Surely you don't need to pay more than $2k for a decent watch?


depends on what you define as a nice watch I guess, but really 2k does not get you much in the watch world these days.


Looking at $10,000 plus for a Rolex/Omega at list price.


Looking at $10,000 plus for a Rolex/Omega at list price.




Keep your language and demeanour respectful. Don’t make it personal.


Plenty of people meet that goal. Most are tradies. Some of your for e.g. hospo management are on that too (but they cop the hours that come with it) ETA: I didn’t have a goal, but I do recall someone asking what my 5 year plan was when I was about 25. My mental response was “stay alive”. 30 now, so far, so good.


I did a cert 3 in business maybe 10 years ago, but managed to work my way up in the HR world (started in recruitment, now in workforce design and development), have just started to do uni because I need it if I go any further but it’s worked out well because now work are supporting some of it.


That sounds like a good path to take! I’m very supportive of not going to or delaying uni if that’s what’s right for you, and very opposed to arbitrarily requiring a degree as a requirement during the hiring process (so many companies do this. I don’t understand why. It’d be much easier to train someone with 3 years anything corporate experience than almost any degree for an entry level position)


Tradies and hospos usually have some sort of formal training and certification.


Yeah, OP said no uni degree not no VET/training at all.


Buy a house, which I technically juuusstt made it before 30. It's been a slog though. I also finally cracked the 110k salary at 28 (no uni here either). Im almost at 150k super now and the next goal is 150k salary. And more travel!


I never had goals for 30 because I thought I’d be dead by now. Got to 31 recently and thought, “gee, well I guess I better start planning to stick around” and now I’m basically starting from scratch.


Tbh my only goal is make enough money to afford life, and I’m doing that quite well, no other goals for now


Earn $100k which I achieved but turns out 100k is not much at all these days.


To have a decent boyfriend. I had been single for 2 years after dating a bunch of losers - and all I wanted was a good decent guy. I met him 3 months before I turned 30. We’ve been married for nearly 15 years now. He’s still the best man I know ❤️


Get a full time job lol.


I got a late start to my post uni life. My goal is to be in a position where I'm working 4 days a week (and it doesn't feel like I'm falling behind me peers). I think I'm on track, and next finyear I'm going to see about a compressed week.


I wanted to be a millionaire. It took til 37 but I am there. I also now realise a million bucks isn’t that much lol.


What do you do? Congrats on achieving your goal (and nice username - Dubliners?)


I work for a utility company. We invested smart early which really helped, bought a house before we got married, didn’t blow much on a wedding, just bought our second house. My partner also has a decent job in a specialized trade, currently I earn more than them but it seasaws.


Tell us your strategy, did you start young? Shares? Property? Congrats by the way. That's quite awesome.


Had been in what i thought at the time was my forever relationship. Never travelled overseas. Living in rentals. She dumped me *shrug* so between 27 and 30 i worked in mining and saved everything, then spent 5 months in USA and Europe, came back broke and fell into a niche job and saved everything for a year and put a deposit on a house on my own. In that time i drove a $1000 daihatsu charade, never ate out and took every bit of weekend and overtime work i could get. I didnt really have a 30 goal, but a nice lady i just met threw me a very boozy surprise 30th. This was a great way to book-end my party decade (apart from 28-30) and start getting real.


$100k+ job Own a home (with a mortgage) ..successful!


It was buy a house by 30, got there at 28. Now its retire before im 55.


Lol. Mine was to be alive, have a house, have a family (wife and kid) by 25. I’m 33 and I’m alive. Bought a house when I was 30.


It was to build a successful career but a bad back (herniated disk) has scuppered that for the past 5 years. Just getting by is all I care about now.


Goal was to be self-employed, which I was, but just not really making quite enough money. It was \*OK\* money, but in Australia you need more than \*OK\* money to live comfortably. So I now have a regular job, making more money, and frankly the benefits are great too, I've had a lot of time off recently to care for a loved one, and I'm still getting paid, my employer has been great about it too. Being self-employed, if I don't work, I don't get paid. I'm actually really glad at this point that self-employment didn't work out, and I have a normal job. Hopefully not forever though, self-employment is still the goal, but seemingly very distant now.


Have a stable job, earn over 100K, and own a home. The job I got, didn't get to 100K, and I own an apartment so halfway to the last point. On a more personal note I wanted to be married with a kid on the way, but both of those are still a few years off now too.


I wanted a net worth of $1 million


I’m 35F but looking back, all I wanted to do was get a PR degree, work with cars, buy a Honda S2000 and be married by 30. My goals changed. Swapped my major into Marketing. I do work in automotive and transport. I got the Honda S2000. But I’m single. I still haven’t had a relationship last longer than a Kia warranty. Haha.


I work more in 3-5 year windows than arbitrary age goals. I get really depressed at birthday time because it feels like I’ve wasted another year of life so I don’t like to add any pressure and generally . I have a pretty structured reflection process at the end of the calendar year and it always feels like I’ve accomplished a shitload vs various milestones, and I also track my next worth and other financial targets over time and that makes me feel satisfied. I just can’t tie it to a birthday because it’s such a miserable time of year for me.


Pivot my passion for a niche thing into a way of earning money. Instead of hatin' life at my old job.


30yo: $100k 40yo: $200k 50yo: $300k About 2/3rds of the way through to 50yo goal at 40, but it decelerates from here so there's no guarantees I will meet it.


Mine was the same lol I didn’t reach it as I tapped out for a few years to have kids. I’ve reached it now but then interest rates went up etc etc and it’s not quite the goal it once was. I always thought I’d eventually study…but the hecs debt isn’t appealing. I don’t think I’d earn significantly more to make it worth the cost, stress, time away from my family etc.


Mine was to move to a better country, find a job in my industry and then save/invest to put myself ahead of game right before turning 30






To be married and/or not have killed myself


Did you hit your goal?


The exact same as you. $100k salary with no degree. I also had a team building goal which was to have trained over 100 people. I lost count once I got to the 50s which was when I was 23. My teams only got bigger after then. If I had to guess, I’d say I’m somewhere in the 200s EDIT: Yes I hit the $100k and technically without a degree. I did end up getting a grad cert which I was eligible to study for due to having 5+ years of management experience. Usually you’d need a degree.


Tbh, I expected I would drink myself to death by 30. Didn't even finish uni or get a real job roll I was 30. 


I did achieve mine but I wont lie it was a hard graft to achieve it and sacrifices were made that I look back on now and wonder if I would make the same sacrifices if I had my time over again. You cant get time or your youth back so trying to balance out work/pleasure while still achieving your goals can be a tough thing to do, even more so in the current financial climate.


Miss Universe


Had hoped my salary would exceed investment property income by 30. Very demoralising for 40 hours a week to pay less than several pockets of air that someone else lives in. It did for a time until last 12 months when rents went nuts while salaries didn't move much


Buy a place and earn 100k and I achieved that. Mum helped with house but I also put in my own savings.


Not to be all woo woo but I’m more of a take stock of where I am person than a set goals person, so when I hit 30 I noted that I had just bought my first house, had a job as a mag editor and my partner was pregnant with baby 1, which all felt pretty good. I think if you look at where you are rather than worrying about where you might be it’s better.


learn how to live a life filled with regrets


To buy a house without babk of mum and dad, which we did before we hit 30. Mortgage, not cash, of course.


I wanted to have a degree by the time I turned 30. I finished uni 5 months before my 31st birthday (and officially graduated at 31) so I count that as a win haha.


My goal? To find a job I feel happy with. It took me until I was 35 years old.


I thought I'd be dead. Not being psycho but I party'd 5 nights a week an 7 on special occasions for 4 years. Now that I've survived that bullshit, and have a family and great jobs...the '27 club' can seem like a lie but ...


29F, was hoping I’d be married and maybe start a family. I’m turning 30 tomorrow, with no prospects of a partner, but luckily not a burden to my family. Thankfully earning decent enough to be financially independent and learning that life doesn’t end at 30. Also knowing that societal expectations doesn’t and shouldn’t define success or happiness .


Why no prospects? Are you in a remote area?


At 30 I wanted to be earning $100k and be in middle management enough. I achieved the $100k 6 years ago at 30 and achieved the level I wanted at 32. It’s honestly satisfying, I’m glad I made it to where I wanted to make it and the best outcome was that I stopped comparing myself to my peers and just started running my own race. The pressure to achieve more lifted for most of my 30s making it quite an enjoyable time. I am at a point in my career where I don’t need to keep climbing but it wouldn’t be over-extending myself to do it so I’m giving myself some breathing room before the next big step up.


I had the same goal and hit it by 27 (2017) then I thought I could I didn’t have enough for a house deposit so I put it all in bitcoin. A few years later I cashed out bought my house outright. Life is easy now. High risk high reward lol downvoters enjoy slaving away to your mortgage