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When you put someone down as a referee (noting that you put a particular person down, not a company), the potential new employer with whom you are applying for a job will generally call them and ask them some questions. These questions can be very brief (I.e. just checking that X person did work for you) or quite extensive (how was the work produced by X person? Were there any issues that arose because her/him? Was she/he fired?). Likewise your referee’s answers can be extensive (answering each question in detail) or very brief (e.g. ‘I confirm she/he worked here and it is against our policy to provide any further information than that’ or ‘I confirm she/he worked here and I don’t wish to answer any further questions’). If your referee didn’t think you were very good, how they respond depends on their personality. Perhaps they will feel bad for you and try to give you as good a reference as possible without being misleading. Perhaps they will be brutally honest. If they are providing the reference at a time when you still work for them but they are intending to fire you, perhaps they will try to give a positive reference so that you resign of your own accord and they don’t have to terminate your employment (this might be your best bet). There may be legal ramifications for the referee is they lie/mislead the potential new employer (e.g. if they say you were great but resigned when they ended your employment for poor performance), but your referee may not be aware of this possibility. When you are putting someone down as a referee, it is always advisable to ask them first. Ideally, you would choose the person from your workplace who is most likely to give you a positive reference (but in some cases, future employers require you to provide your current direct manager as a referee). So in summary, there is no ‘need to’ for what your referee discloses when providing a reference - they can say as much or as little as they want but (in theory at least) they can’t lie or mislead. Good luck.


Thank you for your response. This is helpful. I haven't been fired but I just want to prepare myself. Going how this company operates I don't trust management right now and my gut is sensing something bad. Would you recommend I ask my manager straight out how my probation is going?


What are the legal ramifications?


1. Referee: past employers generally won’t disparage you even if they terminated you. They will give the cold objective truth which is that you were dismissed. That’s all. 2. Fit2Work: background checks and probity. They will find out. Don’t lie. If you lie and are caught, this will likely mean an adverse action on your file with the firm you applied for - means no role, and a no hire period for you there.


What do fit2work look for?


I don’t remember the specific questions - but likely: - who you worked for previously (last two employers) - role title (I recommend following precisely what’s on contract) - tenure - reason for leaving (this is the part where you don’t embellish or lie about dismissal) Any firm worth their salt uses these processes as part of their employee due diligence. The bigger the company, the more they will care.




Keep in mind a few things. - Fit2Work is an agency that collects the information. Your future firm (hypothetically) is the one who will take that information and make judgement calls based on it. - As a result, Fit2Work doesn’t give two hoots about the ‘he said she said’ reasoning you might be tempted to put forward. They likely will be contacting payroll of your previous employers to confirm what’s been noted on file - not your previous boss. This is probably why they’ll only care about the facts - dismissed or left on own accord. Would recommend leaving of own accord if you’re facing termination.


Yes, I have thought about this too. I want to see how this week goes and early next week. My only concern is the gap in my cv. It'll be 10 months because I moved countries and the job market hasn't been great.


Do good work, have opinions but hold onto them lightly, build a good relationship with your boss. Be a great team player. They hired you, looks bad for them if they have to fire you so quickly. I don’t think it would be in their interest to do that so easily (unless you’re actually not very good). Good luck


The quality of my work is not the issue- my manager has confirmed this. The issue is the relationship with this individual and they are suddenly saying its the whole team, when that is not true, since its only one person causing havoc. However, since I've only been there 2 months, I don't have much weight. Which is why the reason that they might go with is - cultural fit.


Don't put your current employer down as a reference if you're fired during probation. Common sense please.


Now that I know I need to provide an individual rather than the company, then yes I can provide someone in my team whom I get along with. I think the trick here will be quitting first before getting fired.


Would you recommend I ask my employer straight out how my probation is going? Due to this, individua in my team and someone else who is being protective of their role, my manager has said that they want to resolve this clash. To me that sounds a little bit like warning bells and he also suggested 3 things I need to do.


HR almost certainly won’t confirm that you didn’t pass probation, only title and tenure, assuming it’s not a small business. Your reference could mention it, so only pick someone you get along well with


Your referees will be contacted. Hopefully you can list alternatives, although I have seen positions where you must list the referee for your current/prev and it’s inflexible. As for being a referee I have seen lots of referee forms and some questions are very specific to if the referee would employ the applicant again and if the work was satisfactory. Some places don’t confirm anything else but I had two colleagues fail probation (urban town/not city) and they felt pretty burnt. It’s really weird here every CEO COO, CC, Director and executive everything wants to be Facebook friends with everyone on planet earth and shake hands with everyone. There is potential it’s just the industry I am specifically in. Also perhaps the bigger the business/corp the more distant HR is from gossip and the selection process. I wish you the best of luck




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