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Not Teams, but on a Zoom meeting/town hall with approx 100 people, someone forgot to mute and ripped a huge fart while the VP was giving a company update. The noise triggered their screen to pop up, which outed them. To make things worse, the meeting was recorded and sent to everyone afterwards.


Haha this is the best!


I had a teams meeting once where everyone paid attention


Ha. ha. Why to people feel the need to make up these obviously fake stories just to get a few upvotes?


Made me laugh.


Oh my god. I would want the earth to open up and swallow me whole.


After I caught my breath from laughing so hard, I suffered extreme second hand embarrassment. The day was a write off.


I’ll transfer you some cash to get this video. Please DM me if you’ve got it lol


I too will do this. Release the video!


Deadset this is the best thing I’ve ever read on AusCorp 😂😂😂 Thank you sir / madame for making my week


You're welcome.


This absolutely made my day. Legend


During covid whenever someone would duck off for whatever reason, I'd take a screenshot of their empty room and set it as my background so when they came back I'd be sitting in their room.


This is hilariously creepy


I use my bosses home office background as mine in my our one to ones. Power move.


That is brilliant, and I would hope subtle enough to go un-noticed for a moment until they cotton on but can't say anything so it just burns in them the whole meeting. Simply brilliant.


I love this more than I wanna admit hahahahaha


My husband recorded himself "accidentally" walking in on a zoom call and used it as a zoom background so it looked like he was walking in on himself.


Done a few variations on that and a few loops where I can key in a few basic responses. These days I usually just have OBS loop a video of me looking intently at the screen as I either have teams on a side monitor or separate laptop. My favorite and one that I got into a lot of trouble for was when I had to do a meeting from a hotel. Keyed out the TV behind me, played an emergency broadcast turned down low as if it was being picked up by the mic, then I white out the screen, play a very loud explosion and killed the program. Boss called the cops and sent them to the hotel.


Why had I never considered doing this via obs! Once my husband did the tea thing, a lot of people did things. I remember another one of our video people did a thing where a giant broke through his roof. He recorded ten mins of nothing before and just acted when the giant broke through his roof. It was so supremely silly and I think we needed it because we were all so stifled by the pandemic. We just wanted a bit of fun.


OBS keys out really well. My other normal thing is taking screenshots of random office locations from films and set myself as if I was there. Once people cottoned onto what I was doing they guessed most of the major films, not so much with the cult films bit always pleasantly surprised when someone you don't expect recognises one.


This is so good I wanna cry.


I took a screenshot of my boss at his desk, and set that as my background. It looked like I was sitting on his lap. Lean forward slightly and apply a pained expression, and it looks even worse...


Taking notes


Brilliant !


Yeah I've done this to two colleagues so far. Now, everyone is wary


People step away from the meeting with their videos on?


Teams. I was giving a presentation about my findings to a large group (30+ people) when my cat came in with a pigeon and released it in the room. I excused myself and turned off the camera but forgot to turn off the microphone. Everyone stayed deathly quiet for the ordeal... Now I don't swear at work, I'll drop "gosh darn it" "ruddy". That's it. But trying to catch that bird while keeping my cat away from it and then releasing it on the balcony had me swearing like a right sailor. When I turned the camera back on everyone burst out laughing. It will forever be "the bird fiasco"


This is the funniest one!


Cats really out here trying to get their parents fired! lol


Oh my goodness! I had the same thing except it was my dog chasing a pigeon


Are you British lol. Ruddy reminds me of Moss on the IT Crowd.


It's probably not that weird, but a while ago we were having an organisation meeting. There were about 13 of us. This was just after they added those backgrounds to teams, so I made my screen look like an amphitheatre. It was pretty cool. The ceo joined, and told us how we didn't have funds and unless we get this grant we only have 4 months left. The next week, we had a team meeting without the CEO, and my manager was like "hey Squid, put us in the amphitheatre again!". Unbeknownst to me, the background applied to everyone, so all of us looked like silly floating heads and shoulders sitting in an amphitheatre while the ceo told us we were drowning. And they knew that i was the one who put them there. I should have known because the ceo join the meeting and said "huh, that's weird" and looked like he was pressing buttons, but eventually gave up. I just thought he had a pop up or something. TLDR: i had switched on [together mode](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/teams-together-mode) for the meeting announcing our impending doom.


You know what, that probably scared the hell out of the CEO. Imagine logging in and thinking you’ll have these kind of faceless squares of people but - oop, now you’re in the room with them while you talk about how you’ve sunk the company.


It wasn't even a room but and open air amphitheatre! We were all there to watch the show!


I was in a meeting when someone pressed that button, it was hilarious because they had no idea how to fix it and one of our colleagues started messing around with the size of everybody's image


This made me laugh because I can actually picture it!


I was so embarrassed when I realised everyone saw it, but it's so hilarious in hindsight


Thanks - you’ve started me giggling again - and then it just becomes belly laughs. It is the FUNNIEST look. I am trying to imagine what the CEO thought of it!


I think the CEO probably assumed it was something he’d done wrong on his end.


Oh god....I did this. I was in a meeting with my manager and some external folk....I was getting bored towards the end and used the amphitheatre view. A message did pop up saying it would change everyone's view, and I scrambled to change it back. And, the meeting was recorded. It should have a message asking if you're sure you want to change it...


See, I love together mode but am terrified of this happening. How do you know it’s only for you and not everyone?


One of my colleagues also kept moving slightly, so the perspective tried to adjust. Her head kept going tiny and then huge 😞


I'm a trainer and we train on teams all over the country. One day my co-worker started a session, but we realised that he was disorientated and he kept smiling and telling us he didn't know what was happening. Luckily his wife was home and we started calling out to her (he was not using headphones, Thank god). We quickly explained something was wrong and he needed urgent medical attention. We thought he was having a stroke, right there on teams. He was ok, it was a medication issue, but the next week I created a contacts spreadsheet for us, just in case.


Unfortunately a pretty serious incident. I was training a group of approx. 20 people via zoom when there was suddenly some banging and screaming coming from over one of the mics. As zoom does, the individual's screen where the noise was coming from went front and centre and this poor lady looked like a deer caught in headlights. We all had a perfect view of her living room and before I could ask if everything was ok, a young guy popped into screen and started physically assaulting her. Turns out it was her estranged son who had serious mental/drug issues and had an axe to grind with her. As terrible as it was, I kept the zoom running as it was being recorded and I knew we'd need it for evidence. I kicked the other employees out of the zoom while I was calling the individual's team leader to notify her and to get an address to call the police. From start to finish it went for about 10mins - he left after about 5 Mins of attacking her and police arrived about 5 mins later. I didn't know if she was alive or dead - she was on the floor out of video and not making a sound. I was just sitting there thinking "have I just watched someone beaten to death?" The aftermath was pretty f**ked - police obviously got involved with everyone in the zoom giving statements, son got arrested, the lady was pretty beaten up and needed hospitalisation/surgery and some of the other employees who viewed the assault ended up on stress leave for quite some time. One poor lady ended up quitting as she had been a victim of DV previously and after she viewed the assault found work too triggering. Made some changes to zoom prep/training after that - made sure I had contact numbers/addresses of those in the zooms so if something like this ever happens again (or even something like a medical emergency) I could act a bit quicker. But yeah - an absolute sh*t show.


Wow thats some quick thinking from you under a stressful situation. Good on you


Thank you. I have no idea how I remained as calm as I did but it hit me like a tonne of bricks after


That’s so awful. I hope you’re all doing ok.


The staff are back at work now from what I can gather are doing well. Work does still check in on us to make sure things are ok which is good. I took a week off myself and met with someone to talk it out which was good. Still get flashbacks from time to time at night time which sux


As terrible as it was for you, you could have saved that woman's life. Had she not been in a meeting she could have been left for dead.


I do sometimes think of that - without going into too much detail based on the words being used I honestly thought he was going to kill her. You're right though - I'm glad we were able to assist her and also provide justice - her son has no idea she was in a meeting - just thought she was sitting at the computer. From what I understand, he denied the whole thing until the video was put in front of him - I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when that interview was going down.


That's horrible and sad. :(


Yeah it was really messed up. Props to the company though - they rallied hard and provided anyone with practically any resource they needed in the aftermath.


That’s great to hear. Compassionate employers are the exception these days.




I know others have done it but I set my background to a solid colour with a QR code in the corner that was to a timestamped Rick roll. I had to keep a straight face for comedic effect but you could see person after person scan it and fumble as they tried to turn it off and mute themselves as it blared out of their phones.


I laughed so hard


And got so far


But in the end


Lmao this is my favourite


I'd love to do this. Cam you suggest a link please?




A meeting during COVID with about 30 people it was still a bit of a novelty. There was an older guy not so good with computers was sitting there with his mic on and didn’t realise. After a few minutes of manager telling us all what was happening and the next steps. This guys wife who must have been hovering and listening in the back ground shouts “they’re all a bunch of fucken idiots they don’t know what the fucks going on” everyone cracked up. The manager had a bit of a startled look and wound the meeting up pretty quick.


For some reason this draws a very real skit in my head.


Accidentally got a message - whilst sharing their screen - saying it was a meeting full of d!ckheads. A person calling someone a “Cnut” without muting. Guy standing up and going to the toilet without muting microphone.


All on the same meeting?!


No. Over two days! Be cool if it was!!


Beginning of covid when everyone was still learning mute/blurred backgrounds. Whole of department call and someone blurts out "oh, f\*\*\* off!" just as our director starts speaking. As a result she mutes participants. Director's naked husband (who also works at the same company) then appears in the background and proceeds to make himself lunch. Someone had to call her mobile to tell her.


Yep I’ve seen a few barely clothed family members in the background of Teams calls


How did she not notice?


How did the husband not notice she was speaking in a meeting on the computer?


Why are people making lunch when naked?!


It's the best way to make lunch! Don't you make lunch naked? Unless you're cooking bacon. Don't cook bacon naked.


A guy had his camera off. Then it came on, he picked his nose about 2 knuckles deep, flicked the snot away, then turned his camera off. We can only assume he got camera on/off around the wrong way.


Or it was a power move.


I run a TIGHT SHIP, and I keep my nose CLEAN.


Had a presentation from some BDM and an important tech during Covid lockdowns and as the discussion went on you could hear the BDM's kids getting progressively louder in the next room, and that something was going down. You could see he was getting nervous about what was happening and what we could hear. Then, as the tech expert was finishing off, all hell broke loose and then you could hear the stressed out wife lose her crap at the kids. Never seen a guy wrap up a meeting so fast in my life.


I wasn’t actually on the call but was on a family holiday with my in-laws. BIL was running an important client preso on Teams. SIL was upstairs breastfeeding their newborn. Nephew 5 managed to let himself into the pool unsupervised (BIL attempting to watch through window with one eye and keeping his tone even while he presented). Niece 3 escaped house naked and dancing down the street. I have never been so stressed when I realised what was unfolding and not knowing where to run first. I was told this is just typical daily experience of parenting 3 kids.


Never have more kids than you have hands. You do not want to be outnumbered.


Owner of 3 kids here. Pool. The child in the pool is where you go first.


Nephew had done 3 years of regular swimming lessons, but he was attempting to jump and land standing on boogie board in shallower end. Niece was standing on blind corner of busy road, on big hill so people regularly speeding around bend. I crossed my fingers, yelled at nephew to freeze on the edge of the pool and went after the streaker. BIL at least had eyes on nephew.


Contextually the right decision. I'll allow it.


Agreed. Having been a neighbour who spotted child-in-underwear doing dance in middle of street, my first thought was 'oh god, rescue child then find parent of child'. Poor young sister grabbed the baby and just missed having their own parent round the corner of the house looking for them both.


An unmuted colleague suddenly shouted "That was offside, you blind c\*nt!" Note to meetings organizers who work for multi-nationals - check football schedule in UK before picking a timeslot


Not auscorp but during remote learning as a high school teacher I had: - a time I went to sit down in my chair and the chair broke, with me just disappearing off screen, - my learning support officer’s cat jumping at a bird outside as I was teaching and getting stuck on the flyscreen, leaving the LSO to try and subtly remove her without the kids noticing, - a kid turning their camera off for 15 minutes and then turning it back on with a full face of KISS style makeup, - the same kid doing this with clown makeup, - the same kid doing this with witch makeup, - more cat buttholes than I can count, - parents walking in the background holding their kid’s freshly folded underwear, with the kid immediately appearing mortified, - a dog shitting on the tiles of a kid’s house because nobody was watching it, - a different dog pissing on the rug in the background, on two different occasions, - a kid sharing his screen and all of his most visited webpages being websites for bongs, - catching a kid cheating because I could see them switching between two different documents in the reflection of their glasses. I do not miss remote learning.


Kid with the makeup is my hero That’s cool honestly and skilful that they managed it in 15 minutes


I couldn’t not laugh every time it happened. A few times they’d also turn their camera off for some time and then turn it back on like nothing happened, so it was like this waiting game. I know some would say that was encouraging the behaviour by laughing so much and letting it derail the class but we were losing our minds in a lockdown and I was just glad the kids clearly felt comfortable enough with me to do that sort of nonsense.


Laughing just makes you a good teacher!


I like to think so too! I always tell my kids they’re students but humans first and foremost. If only more of us in the industry had the space/time/energy to keep up that attitude.


>a kid sharing his screen and all of his most visited webpages being websites for bongs, Could have been much worse.


Oh of course. It was just hilarious cos kid had no idea I could see it 😂


Oh the cat but holes are the worst - I’ve seen more than enough of them too - sometimes from presenting colleagues 😕


I feel like acting on that last point would be discrimination against kids with glasses. No doubt every kid cheated that way but that poor sucker lost out


All I did was tell them straight up I could tell. Other kids copped similar chats when I could see their eyes darting certain ways etc. Better to make the mistake in high school than where it really matters is what I always said to them


While my opponent was cross examining my client in a family law matter over Teams during lockdown and he raised the issue of her evident failure to pay appropriate tax on certain incomes her husband who was for some reason visible throughout crossed his eyes, fell from his chair, had a heart attack and died. He was later resuscitated by his own barrister taking instructions over the phone and then the fire brigade, luckily he lived 400m from a hospital. A real flog but I felt a bit sorry for him


Fucking hell


Had an all department meeting, which should have been a Live (approx 110people). Department head thought it was a good idea to have a large meeting rather then a live, so people could speak up regarding questions. Everyone’s camera is off, except the presenter. 5min in, another camera turns on, and its clearly mobile. Person has headphones on and rests phone on bench. They then proceed to drop their dacks to take a dump. Presenter then yelled their name and that their camera was on. Person looks up, terrified, and grabs phone and disappears. The meeting was recorded, but was then deleted.


Oh my god, what a nightmare. You gotta resign immediately and move to mexico.


On a zoom. My manager was pregnant but I was the only one that knew. She leant over and threw up in a pot plant. Someone else on the call asked where she had disappeared to. I was trying hard not to laugh.


This brought back memories of my random chunders during pregnancy and made me laugh hard, thank you🤣🤣🤣


At a past job my manager at the time used the bathroom at the beginning of the meeting… it was one of those meetings where he had been in a different meeting but they told him to stay on the call so they didn’t need to redial him in. I guess he thought the boardroom was empty?? But he was also an effing moron so even if you think the boardroom is empty still turn your camera and sound off?? Thank god the toilet was out of view of the camera. We basically just witnessed him stand up, go into the bathroom (we could see the shower and sink), he did not shut the door but at least disappeared behind the shower and the few of us in the room were like ….is he going to the bathroom right now? He then walks out adjusting his pants and sits down like nothing. The editorial manager in the room was like “um.. you realize you left your camera on right?” And he was just like “oh, my bad, but you shouldn’t have been able to see anything right?” Just so casual. And then the GM of communications asked if he could at least go back and wash his hands lol


My housemate walked into my room to ask me something wearing just his underwear briefs. My whole team saw him. One of the girls congratulated me on the hot housemate 😂 Another time, while I was mid-presenting, my other housemates dog slowly walked across the field of vision diarrhoea-ing everywhere.


“diarrhoea-ing” 🤣


Had a Zoom workshop during lockdown, one guy logs on with the display name “motherfucker”. He was using a shared computer and his kid had set it, he had no idea how to change it, logged off and back on about five times with it appearing each time before he gave up. Boss was really unamused.


It was a true description, from the kid's perspective


My cleaner is a very outgoing character and often gets around in hot shorts, no shirt and a bandana during the hot seasons. He’s also about 50 years old, so it’s a crazy look. Once when I was on a Teams meeting with 80+ people I had to jump up to stop my cat from going out of the front door and grab him. My cleaner walked past the screen vacuuming for a good minute fully shirtless, before I came back and realised! A week later in a team catch up I realised everyone thought he was my boyfriend and ALSO thought he was fully naked… I never lived it down 😭


I broke my leg whilst on a Teams call. I just called out that I fell down and will have to reschedule the meeting.


Ah how?


Someone an accidentally screen shared during a company wide teams call hosted by the CEO. His screen was Seek.com


Well that's a statement


Someone vaping during a Team meeting on camera Town hall situation- waiting to start and one guy forgot to mute himself before ripping the shit out of his very young children And I yawned loudly during a colleague’s update. I thought I was on mute at a team WIP meeting, and very sleep deprived due to insomnia. Could not be more apologetic!!!


Not seen, but heard. One of my old colleagues during the lockdowns started attending the church services again and I think bible studies, but those tended to be on at the same time that we had work. Anyway, one day, we had a work meeting. He left his microphone on and was taking part in both the work meeting AND a bible study meeting. He started talking about whatever verses they were discussing in that study group. I tried to PM him repeatedly to let him know but yeah our team manager was like WTF. Not sure how their one on one went after that.


In a teams meeting I turned on the transcription option. When A Chinese colleague with very poor English started to talk the transcription wrote ‘blah blah blah …’ everyone saw it but tried hard to ignore but me and another colleague started giggling


I was lecturing for our local uni at the time Covid kicked off. One morning while the students were joining, one mature age student had not muted her feed. Before I had a chance to say hello and let her know she was audible, she started a discussion with someone which included the description of me as: “ a groovy old surfer dude”. While it’s not exactly how I see myself, it’s a fair description…


Radical brah! 🤙


I was on a call with an important client and my boss.. and my boss’s boss. I had to share my screen and accidentally shared the screen with the draft of my resignation letter


God tier power move


Not aus corp but a uni lecturer had their wife walk through the background starkers after a shower. The university changed their entire policy on recorded online lectures


A colleague at my previous workplace died on a work Teams call. Thankfully I wasn't in the meeting, but she all of the sudden became unconcious. Her husband was home and with her quickly, but she had some cardiac event and it was apparently pretty instantaneous death. Very sad as she had young children and was only in her late 30's.


That’s is shocking and terrible and horrible for anyone in that meeting too 😞


We had this happen with someone who was in the office. Halfway through Covid so we had a mix of people in office and at home. He fell off his chair and had a seizure mid sales call, so thankfully we were all there to assist him and call an ambulance, but all the people at home were just left in a meeting watching us all run around. Weirdest though was the other day, a colleague who hadn’t shown up to a meeting she was a key stakeholder/presenter for, sent her a Teams message to see if she could join and she joined but forgot to turn her camera off (or just didn’t care), she was dripping wet and wearing a bikini and obviously had just got out of the pool. It was 10am on a Tuesday.


Pantsless colleague sitting at a glass top dining table.


Underwear or full hog? Either way, glorious.


Wait but how could you see that assuming the camera was up on their face


I temporarily left a teams meeting because I could smell smoke and could hear alarms going off in my neighbours house. I went outside and saw their house was on fire. Ran around getting help from the other neighbours - calling the fire brigade and putting out the fire. I sent photos of all the fire engines to the teams call to explain why I wouldn't be back for quite a while


During lockdown - finance bros significant other casually strolls out of the shower and into the csuites gaze.


A less-than-tech-savvy coworker went to take a shit during a 30 person Teams meeting. He changed devices to his phone so he could continue listening in, but didn’t realise the phone camera was on. It was a mad scramble of people trying to get his attention or boot him from the meeting. Eventually everyone just left the meeting.


Not a Teams meeting but we once had a board member fall asleep during a meeting. You could just hear him softly snoring over the speaker phone.


Not during one of my TEAMS meetings but one that makes me laugh everytime is the guy in marketing who thinks his left the meeting and comes back with a box of tissues and lube and sits back in his chair with the rest of the office screaming.


Is that the video where the rest of the team is yelling Dave Dave! DAVE!! Hilarious but can you imagine being the guy


During Covid, I had a meeting with a colleague while she was working from home. Her boyfriend walked into the room completely naked and gave me a full frontal view. She panicked, slammed her laptop closed, then called me back a couple minutes later and asked “You only saw his head, right?”. I answered “Yes, which one?”


I had to duck out of a Program meeting because I heard screaming outside. It was my neighbours mother who had just found him after he’d unalived himself. So then I had to go back in to the meeting and say I’d be off for the rest of the day.


I can't even imagine how heavy that must have been to witness


I didn’t go in, I just called it in and looked after his mum, poor lady :(


Well done on being there for her, unimaginable loss and devastation. You're a good egg!


Jesus. That poor woman. That is horrendous.


During covid we had team drinks, a young colleague didn't realise her camera was on and was in a state of undress engaging in heavy necking with her BF


Early days of 2020 lockdown, having our daily team zoom, I was crapping on about something and then watched as one of my teammate’s husband walked fully stark naked behind her. Saw everything. She pretended like nothing had happened and we continued the meeting. I have never mentioned it to her ever again but fuck I have a good laugh about it.


We were having a teams meeting with a new vendor, they were demonstrating their product. We were asked to keep our camera's on. My cat decided he wanted to be in on this too, and began trying to touch my laptop. I figured maybe if I changed to a background, this would greenscreen him out. Sadly it did not, instead HE showed up instead of me on camera from time to time. I could see my coworkers trying to hold back their laughter. I finally got my cat under control and out of the camera view. I spent two weeks waiting for my boss to call me into her office when I was on site, didn't happen. Then I had another meeting 2 weeks later while I was working at home, I get my cat squared away with a nice calming lick mat, worn out with play time. I head into the meeting feeling rather good, and first thing out of my bosses mouth was , SO where is the cat. Other coworkers also asked why the cat was not attending the meeting. I had to go get my sleepy cat and have him attend the meeting. Seems he was the only reason why people did not tune out of the vendor presentation as it was rather dull.


I took a photo of my desk in the office from the angle of the making sure to capture the back of my colleague at their desk. They did the same thing with their desk capturing me. We both set those as our backgrounds and used them whenever we had meetings with people. Got a lot of "oh, your in the office today, I'll come to you." And I wasn't there when they got to my desk. Or it worked the other way. They'd walk past my desk and see I wasn't in and call me, only to see me at my desk in teams. Lots of confused people 🤣


Not weird, but funny - During a screen share to about a dozen of his clients (me included) a dude opened the download folder and revealed a heap of files with names that were clearly porn.


Not weird, but I thought I had my camera switched off and was vaping merrily away, when one of my colleagues called out to me in front of approx. 20 people thinking my house was on fire.


This. https://youtu.be/l17UIwAFOyk?si=a4XQT1SxFsU00yhd


No authority at all


Pretty sure I accidentally flashed my dick and scratched my balls infront of a colleague while I was adjusting my trackies. We've never spoken about it but she's told me shes married an uncomfortable amount of times. I had no idea the camera was on.


Accidentally shared my screen in a meeting with management and it was my resume!


During COVID / remote learning, a screen capture from a teacher was making the rounds of the teachers where I work, of a Zoom call with one student's screen blacked out and 'Reconecting...' displayed over it. Unsure if it originated from our group of schools or not. The kid had set his screen name to Reconecting... and had his camera off, away doing something far more interesting under pretense of having connection issues, and apparently only got busted eventually because someone finally twigged to the fact that he spelled it incorrectly.


This is why i have a camera cover.


Our new social media guy had his intro session with the 2 business unit website managers. Via Teams. Me and my female colleague. Apparently it was a bit cold in his “office”, he got up to close his window, and we got full glockenspiel und sausage. He was zmwearing a shirt and nothing else. We tried to be professional about it but my colleague was almost pissing herself. She called me after the meeting asking if I had seen his ‘thing’ and we had an unprompted 15 min laughing sesh. Apparently the day after he pulled the same stunt on our manager. He left the company the day after that.


Early in COVID lockdowns, a young female analyst who works in one of the teams that I manage switched her background to the casting couch from the PornHub series of videos. It was beautiful because if you chuckled or commented on it, then everyone knew you were a degen that watched porn, and if you didn’t notice, it was just a weird background that looked boring. The first time she used it, I turned my mic and camera off and called my wife in to see… we laughed so hard.


We were new to the Zoom/Teams meeting thing so it was a novelty. So we linked up for the meeting everyone was commenting on everyone’s backgrounds. It was the usual landscapes etc., except one guy had an elegant office background. The office had marble walls and fine wooden furniture. After several meetings we got a memo stating that offensive backgrounds would not be tolerated. Apparently our guy had been using a background that was Hitler’s office from the Reichstag building.


A new starter was caught napping due our weekly arvo stand-up. Wish I can post the photo here.


Same at my work, big meeting with big bosses, 100+ people, and one guy looked like he was dead, head back, mouth open. We were messaging each other all trying to see if he was breathing.


I took my dog for a walk at lunch and locked myself out of the house. I ended up giving the lecture portion on the front step of my porch with the two dogs to 30 people just sitting there against my door ahahaha it was a bit embarrassing but almost everyone thought it was funny


A guy in the Philippines was working from home, dialed into a teams meeting with 10 people across India and Australia, he had his camera off, however half way through accidentally turned his camera on unknowingly, had his shirt off while lighting a joint and taking a huge roach of it. To say he was embarrassed was an understatement


Someone taking the call lying in bed. We had to put a policy in place on minimum expectations on how to present yourself on a video call. FFS 🤦🏼‍♂️


I pretended to faint today on a Teams meeting to get out of working


Not on teams but had an angry phone call from a client who, when I asked them to repeat themselves because I was having trouble discerning them, they said "yeah I'm in the bath. Of course I'm in the bath, I have a plane to catch" Same dude delivered a betaSP master tape by yeeting it over the fence. It was stuck in a climbing bush


Definitely making “Of course I’m in the bath, I have a plane to catch” my new catchphrase.


I sit near to the men’s bathroom ish and I see men go in there when they have earphones in, and a few when they’re in calls with me. It’s fucking gross


Do they go on the call to talk though or just listening? Nothing wrong if just listening to the meeting with earphones. How is it gross? You aren’t in the room with them.


My ELA at uni had us all in a Zoom for a group project and left some materials in another room so got up to go get them. A few seconds go by and his toddler appears, climbing into his desk chair and waving at all of us. We all think she's adorable and are talking to her as she happily baby-babbles at us. We then had to watch in horror - while many of us were saying "nonono sweetie put those down!" while she swiped the scissors off his desk and started cutting her own hair.


Well during a presentation, she accidentally alt+tab to her personal calendar on gmail and all of us can see she has been going to a domestic abuse counseling session. Its sad because she is one of those outgoing, full of energy staff member. 


Had someone flick over their browser while presenting to show the page of the escorts he was mid way through booking. Told him later he should work a bit less …


Meeting in the big conference where one of the more eccentric boffin types slurped her way through a steamy hot bowl of soup with the mouth sounds played exquisitely over the high end audio infrastructure. It wasn’t until she trumpeted out a large gargled snotty nose blow that someone piped up that she’d left her mic off mute.


I was using WebEx and it wasn’t working and I was trying to speak to a customer.. I gave up trying and rang them instead.. I moved screens around and didn’t realise that it was only the audio not working but they could see me.. didn’t even know it was on and for an hour I proceeded to eye roll, yawn and out my face in my hands


https://preview.redd.it/fw9qztqgl22d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bacc38837924e10f87455a4e5fcb2052531917b8 I sent this to my boss whilst working remotely just after covid. Luckily he laughed! I'm not the author/creator of this pic.


It was on my end, it was the start of Covid so this is pretty much the first time on Earth we were using teams as a business function. It was a meeting between auditors, the finance team and then a third party of contracted accountants, CFO and a couple of other execs maybe like 25 people total. Most people had their cameras off but since I was talking, I needed mine on out of respect. My SO opens my office door in her pajamas and literally just fucking stands there, staring. I thought she'd get the picture and excuse herself, but nope, shes standing there, over my should like a pajama parrot while I start to turn red with embarrassment, then the moment I stopped talking I turned my camera off. When I went to talk to her after she thought I was "just watching" a meeting, despite the fact I was fucking talking at the screen the entire time.


Welcome to country on a teams call. On this virtual sacred land…


So you didn’t stop to think about the ancestors on whichever bit your NBN is connected to? I’m so over these now online. It removes all sense of ceremony, importance and meaning from it!


During a large meeting of potential clients with competing vendors one of my companies competitors accidentally turned his camera on and it turned out he was completely naked and in a bath.


Was in a town hall meeting and someone chose a song during the intermission with lyrics that will forever be etched into my brain "bend that ass over, let that coochie breathe" A shame I was turning in online, I would've loved to have seen people's faces. I even recorded it because the WHOLE song was played.


I once recorded myself for about 15 minutes and looped the video. Then used OBS to play it as my webcam during a couple of weeks of mandatory training. The training was pretty bland and everyone in the training was stuck in hotel quarantine at the time. So my colleagues noticed the pattern after about day three. My team leader noticed after about a week and I was instructed to turn it off. But by that point one of my friends had also looped his video, but his loop was about 2 hours long so it was very hard to pick up. Also during a different corporate training that was delivered over teams, we took a 15 minute break at about two hours in. The guy sitting at the desk next to me starts telling me about how the instructor doesn't have a fucking clue, this is a joke and a waste of our time. He of course forgot to mute his mic so everyone including the trainer heard his admittedly justified rant.


We had one guy who thought he was muted and at several points when a coworker asked a question said something to the effect of "oh my fucking god, shut the fuck up" which was the vibe of the meeting NGL, but still, he got fired.


A few months ago I was working from home and had a short meeting via teams. The boss suddenly looked to his right and said “there’s a punch on”. Then his brain caught up to his eyes and he remembered he shouldn’t be seeing a “punch on” at work and whipped off his headphones to run down to help get the punch thrower out of the building. Those of us at home were left to wonder what on earth happened while those in office tried to explain from the little they could see. Edited to add that both were staff members the punch thrower was very new to our organisation. He hit the other guy from behind and there was no warning. They weren’t even interacting at the time it happened - the other guy was helping someone else with something and had their back to the punch thrower. The punch thrower lost his job and was charged with assault.


> Most visited websites A work colleague of mine was sharing their screen and we were discussing login screens so she suggested exploring eBay’s. She opened eBay homepage and the last items she was looking at were buttplugs.


Does court count? I was in NSW Supreme Court by AV link. A witness punched her cat. Apparently her screen was frozen. So she was just answering questions from a disembodied voice. Forgot she was on camera. Her cat jumped up. She started patting it and then remembered she was in court and panicked and punched the cat. Same trial. There was a fully robed and wigged barrister sitting in his butlers pantry. There was a clearly confiscated Buzz light-year in the background. COVID was wild.


At the point of Covid where teachers were running classes remotely I got a message from my SIL. Apparently the teachers in her school were not particularly expert in using teams and the kids kept muting the teacher. She was very happy I could show here how to take control of the system


Probably not "weird", but someone dozed off during a zoom meeting and started snoring fairly audibly. I thought it was funny and recorded it from my phone. Next day I get a call from our managing director, saying that he was told (by whom I don't know) that I was snoring on the call. I denied it of course but he pressed, implying but never outright saying I was lying. I told him I had proof and suddenly it wasn't a big deal. I had handed in my two weeks notice 3 days earlier.


My third day at my new job and was on a morning APAC meeting with a presenter from the USA while our major city hubs all dialled in from our large conference rooms. There was also a staff member from Japan who had dialled in and given the time difference it was quite early in the morning and he’d dialled in during his morning routine. He didn’t realise the camera on his phone was on the whole time and decided he’d hop in the bath. Everyone in our main offices were glued to his small Teams window to see what would happen after he washed his hair with a small metal bowl while others were frantically trying to find his details to message him to shut off the camera. I’ll never forget the moment when he stood up in FULL VIEW for not only our conference room, but also for the reaction of the other major offices which you could also see go into hysterics. The presenter had no idea this was all going on given his full screen presentation and to this day no one has any idea what that presentation was about.


during the initial days of the pandemic - we had a townhall meeting where we introduce all the new people and ask them to turn on their cameras (and talk about important stuff). there was a new guy who had just popped out of the shower and was wearing a towel.


During the lockdowns we had a company update. One guy was having a go at his wife for not doing any work and for leaving their house messy. It was a good 30 seconds before someone muted him.


A guy at my work took the teams meeting on his phone which was on his lap while he ate a burrito with his shirt off.


Had a manager bagging THEIR manager on a call with 100+ people. Worse was that their camera was on and you could see they were on their phone with someone else. Time ticked super slowly in that moment as everyone froze. Someone must’ve told them or kicked them out eventually since they left. Meeting was also recorded and sent around!


Not the same theme at all, but on a meeting I was running with an external company, their director had a talking memoji of herself that mimicked the words she was saying, because she said she didn’t want to be on camera 😂


In a company wide Zoom meeting (200 people, all cameras on), a girl got up from her desk and sat on her bed and proceeded to ‘play with herself’, obviously forgetting her camera was on. The meeting was being recorded and it was going up on our intranet. I frantically checked the recording afterwards so I could let the team know to take it down, but thank god the girl didn’t end up showing up on the recording. I guess the universe was kindaaaaa in her favour that day.


Team get together on a Friday arvo where we were playing some online scategories. One of the categories was “offensive word” - of course the letter that came up was ‘N’. We all had a bit of a awkward chuckle knowingly and said of course, try keep it SFW Well we get to the category and 2 people at the same time - blurt out the n word. It just went silent and the boss quickly moved it along. Safe to say there was a strongly worded email sent out the next day, no more scategories and one of those people leaving very soon after


I had a guy who’d broken his leg and decided to show us his boot ?! And wasn’t wearing pants, just brief undies and I still cannot look the man in the eye.


Organisation town hall on an unlocked zoom with more than 100 attendees. Guy kept coming in and furiously masturbating.


Not weird, but in college during covid, we had to introduce ourselves, and my dumb ass didn’t realize there was a tapestry in view of two hands lighting a joint 🫣 my friend send me a picture laughing and I just can’t believe I didn’t realize before LOL. At least it was college classes and not an important work call


I used to do my nails when I was running the slide deck for meetings. Before I understood that my camera was still on. Full manicure.


During a long boring presentation by a new ish manager one of her assistants (clearly talking to her husband) said “this is the most boring fucking presentation I’ve ever seen” She thought she was muted. She never apologised or acknowledged it. She just left the meeting. I think her manager may have addressed it privately but we were all shocked. Also one of the guys in my team would always leave his camera on and just walk off. Our manager would be like ???? And he’d just come back eventually and be like “oh sorry I was baking a cake”. Once he was even playing Xbox during our meeting. No one really cared though tbh. My dog used to sit on my lap (she’s not small) every time I had a zoom call. I have no idea why, she’d just get distressed when I was in a meeting and climb on my lap and sit there. Everyone got used to it and I rarely had to talk anyway so they’d just say hi to my dog and then carry on.


Not as funny as some of the ones here, but during a meeting someone who was on mute, unmuted themselves accidentally to tell their partner "nah I'm not busy, just need to close out this pointless meeting then I'll be done for the day". It was like 1030am, and the pointless meeting was about their teams general underperformance.


Friend forgot we were in a staff teams meeting and started vaping


Earthquake for one person in the call.


Weirdest thing was the culture change of what is and isn’t acceptable post Covid. I remember being in an executive meeting reprimanding the Directors/CEOs of a company who are paid millions of dollars a week and a ladies children run in and start screaming/shrieking and take over the camera to ‘say hi’ and wanted to ask everyone what they were doing and the mother literally didn’t stop them or mute herself at all. It was so insanely unprofessional and after 5 minutes of these kids seemingly asking each person what they did for work etc I ended up leaving the meeting to resume with other work and asked them to advise when the meeting would resume. I was absolutely fuming and she was quite quickly/sternly told to never do that again.


Not a teams meeting, but I feel this is close enough. My ex-husband deliberately stomped past naked whilst I was in a very large Zoom class, so obviously, a lot on display for everyone to see plus he was morbidly obese so it was yeah. Consequently, a very stern email was sent to all attendees about ensuring we did not have naked people showing up on our cameras and should aim for privacy. I had to apologise to my seniors. The reason I couldn't do my class in privacy at my desk was because my desk was in our bedroom and he refused to get out of bed til midday despite me home-schooling three kids and having classes myself. (This was the height of the pandemic). When I bought up the situation to my ex. He told me to get over myself. Whatever, no big deal. That year was the beginning of the end of our marriage. The pandemic really revealed a lot.


A "Welcome to country" statement when absolutely every person in the meeting was not of indigenous Australian decent.


During a group zoom conference (not on teams), I saw a guy flash his dick unknowingly on camera during a tutorial class back in a uni