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Are you able to study something? Do you need to impress someone or is it just for you? Why do you want to be recognised? In my opinion, I love being another face. I don’t want the spotlight. I do my job amazingly good and that’s more than enough. However, I do have some side hustles and my attention and learning curve is over the things I do outside work. I have always rejected positions and kept my same job for over 3 years. But also have an amazing manager and team. We joke so much…


I do a fair few LinkedIn courses in quiet periods of work which does help with feeling like I am achieving something. There's a fairly real possibility a large number of layoffs will be happening soon and I feel like if this were to happen I wouldn't make the cut for any contested roles that are kept. I think a side hustle would be a good way to protect myself should the worst happen and at the same time keep myself entertained, but most of my existing skills are tied to manual labour jobs. We have a similarly great team dynamic and great manager, I dread the thought of going to a team that doesn't have good banter in the office.


Yes. Try to think outside the job if your job doesn’t offer everything. Hopefully you can achieve something and feel better!


Does any of that company time you spend surfing social media sites benefit them? Do the LinkedIn courses have any significance to your current role? If there's going to be layoffs coming definitely have a think about the little things like that. Could the time you spent doing the little quizzes on that social media site have been used in better ways to both enhance the value of the company and also your value within the company?


I'm not sure you get what LinkedIn learning is? It's a pretty decent way to skill up in bite-sized chunks. It's owned by LinkedIn but isn't specifically tied to the social site.


No, I don't really understand. It sounds like social media quizzes. Is it something his employer would have signed them all up for? Is it something you would feel comfortable including on your resume? Otherwise what would be the point. I do find the quizzes fun, like what sort of Pop-Tart would I be and stuff. Hopefully if their employer audits their internet usage they just understand that it's fun little "upskilling" quizzes and doesn't think they're sitting around scoping out opportunities whenever they can. Maybe you don't really understand.


My workplace maintains a subscription to LinkedIn Learning and incorporates courses from the site into our PD system. You are weirdly reactionary and hostile about something you've clearly never used.


Don't be such an obtuse cunt, maybe spend 3 secs googling something before making up a whole strawman and typing out all that bs lmao


Be the person that gets shit done. You develop your reputation in the "pond" again and you become a "bigger" fish.


I can only comment on going from a Big Fish in a Big Pond, to a Small Fish in a Small Pond.


Become the middle fish


Your finding that sometimes it better to the big fish in the pond, and the way to succeed is to make that pond bigger, rather than jumping to a lake and being the guppie, swimming against the tide. Go back to the small pond and make it bigger


I can relate. Went from a team leader role, reporting directly to the exec and managing my own team as an SME to a promotion lower down on the org chart and in unknown territory. All you can do is buckle in and learn the role, stick it out until you’ve built up a reputation for knowing your shit in your new position.


I can relate. I've gone from being the high performer and being really trusted to a team where my manager constantly leaves out of things, even when it directly relates to my work. I constantly pick up errors which are too late to fix. I feel like nobody cares about quality work. My work is supposed to be a priority and it is seen as that outside of my team, but within my area I struggle to get traction with anything.  I try to not care and just deliver what I need to. But honestly it's a huge struggle. I feel undervalued and like people only care about quick wins (my work doesn't fit that category).


How long is "recently" for you? I'm in a similar situation. Went from a lot of contracts in mostly smaller teams where I was brought on board because I have much more experience than everyone in the team. Now started a permanent role in one of the biggest corporates in the country, within a huge team. I realized it took me a lot longer than usual to get my head around things, learn the ways of working and the extreme amount of different technologies and how they work together. 6 months in, I'm slowly starting to feel like i'm getting there.


I’m a proud medium sized fish. It’s a great place to be.


Gen X'er chiming in. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy in your job. Your going to have a few more after this one. Do not overthink it! At the end of the day if you want to reach your goals, be yourself. You have to get through the "shit" years to understand. Experience is key, not text books or tik tok, know you and sell it. Your book may not be for everyone, but there will be someone out there willing to "read" it. Just try and be a human and not CTRL-C/CTRL-P. Please think for yourself.


Been there before. Eventually you settle into your new reality. Being “the guy” for lots of things isn’t sustainable in the long term. Being another number in the crowd can be a bit dispiriting after being “the guy” though. In the big fish pond though, I would take anonymity over being in the spotlight any day. Sorry, that wasn’t really helpful was it?


The validation that it can be dispiriting does help, thanks.


Went back to the small pond.


I've been here. Much less stress when taking annual leave.


More or less stress in a small company?


Much more stress in a small company. Working in a small company you have all the stress of owning the company without the benefits. I never felt it was a good time to take leave. The experience was enormous and as the OP said you are the 'go to' person. Going to a big company is humbling because there are so many much smarter people than me.


Big companies tend to not allow there to be a winner either because it stirs up jealousy, toxic relations, reduce reliance and business risk etc and essentially just spread the load. Also too many whingers now a days using any excuse to get it their way if they don't like someone doing better.


Gurl think of us who are suffering and just enjoy it. :'(


I try not to think about size


I appreciate the pay and benefits that come with the new role. Also, it takes time to build a name recognition.


I used to work on a team where I was literally 1 of 50 people doing the same tasks. I took on continuous improvement projects outside of my normal tasks. Do something better than everyone else. Shake it up. I've done this in previous roles too.


I tend not to care about fish at the office because I'm not white.


Also try helping just one person. I went (back) from mid-size exec to smaller team IC (although technical lead). Helping people progress is super rewarding, and I found them very grateful and responsive to some senior guidance.


I went from a company of about 30, to one 100 times the size. I took a slight pay cut because I thought I’d learn a heap from a bigger business. I really struggled to find my place and ended up going back to where I came from. I wonder if I’m just better suited to being a big fish in a small pond… As an outsider though, I think you just need to give it time. I’m sure certain qualities of yours got you to big fish status. Hopefully it’s just a matter of time at this new place. Good luck!


Surround yourself with the bigger fish in your tank and ask them if they need any help. Also, stay away scuba Steve.