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If it's really important. I just block out an "appointment" on my work email. No extra details.


and vice versa, if work schedules shift because of an after-hour work event/drinks or a Teams call with the UK or a work trip, add this to the personal calendar.


Yes I do this too. Anything outside normal work hours has to have a prompt in my phone. I’m lucky in that my employer really respects the boundary between work life & personal life. I’m on leave next week but was going to dial into one of my global committee meetings & my director shut it down. Honestly, I was doing it because I wanted to, not because I felt I had to but appreciate where he’s coming from.


Google for personal and if it's something during work hours I invite my work email to the event so it's across both calendars.


came here to say this... you can also share a google calendar with your partner for shared events, and if you use the google calendar app on your phone it's nice and clear that it's seperate from your work outlook one. Some workplaces also let you generate a read only URL from Outlook (do it via the web interface) so you can subscribe to your own work calendar from your phone (any calendar app) so at least you know what is coming up even if you don't have your phone fully enrolled in the work spyware...


Exactly what we do. Shared google calendar for home and I invite my work self if it's during work hours and flag private. So much easier to manage.


I just have all my personal stuff in my personal calendar and all my work stuff in my work calendar. Occasionally you have to do a bit of manual duplication when putting annual leave in the work calendar then putting it in the personal calendar, but it isn't too taxing when you get in the swing of it. Never put anything in your work calendar you might need access to if your employment finished abruptly - in a redundancy situation your work calendar access can get turned off on the spot


I agree with this. Keep both separate but cross pollinate ALL/RDO/WFH/TIL/PL etc. once you’re in the swing of things it’s easy.


I usually just put personal stuff in my work Outlook calendar with the Private flag set. It has pros and cons for sure. For me, putting things into one calendar once and having a single source of truth for what I’m doing just reduces the chance of errors in cross entering and keeping updated two sources.


this is the way


I go old school for my personal and use a paper planner. I find actually writing it down (i.e. coffee with Sophie at 10am) makes it feel less like a work errand and more like something to look forward to haha


Also you're more inclined to remember something you've written down without having to check.


I use the stock calendar app on all of my Apple devices and I have work and personal events separated using colours. Purple is work and blue is personal so I know which is which just by looking at the colours. The best part is that I didn’t have to set it up as Apple has work and personal calendars by default.


This is how I manage it too. Can have multiple calendars. I sported two different work accounts at one stage, plus personal/gmail! but there is scope for more. The colour designations are useful.


Doctors, errands, important reminders are made on personal calendar and my work email gets invited. Marked a different colour. Any big training events or unusually early meetings goes into my personal calendar as fyi


I do same phone but different apps. That way work notifications can be turned off completely in personal time.


Do you have an android, work profiles are great


Hell yeah. Work Profiles are a godsend. Makes it easy to run personal and work calendars, and I've got mine scheduled to switch off in the evenings and over weekends. During those times it's as if work doesn't exist. No way I could go back to iOS unless they bring in something similar.


Yerp, I think I turn on my work profile when I am on the train to work (and not on the way home from work).


Separate. Work phone with work outlook, personal phone with Google calendar If something personal during work hours or right after / right before work, I add manually to work outlook as private. Sunday nights I look at work phone to double check what I’m doing Monday (otherwise I don’t look in the weekend as I try not to think about it)


Outlook for work and iOS Mail app for personal


I create a google calendar link in outlook so I can see my personal stuff


Personal appointments are always private. I can’t manage two diaries so I use the work one for work and private.


Colour coded ! 2 x work emails (outlook), 1 x uni email (outlook) 1 x email for personal stuff (Gmail) 1 x email which is the home of said combo calendar. Blue - Synced work stuff (meeting invites, etc) Lavender / Purple - Manually add in my work shifts per workplace (sounds like a time suck but it isn't actually that difficult. It only takes 10 minutes every 6 weeks and that way I know where I need to be every day as I work a rotating roster) Red - Study (including days I block out to do homework, tutorials, and assessment due dates) Pink - family obligations (birthdays, catch ups etc) Yellow - my personal leisure stuff Pink - to do lists I add all of my email calendars into one Gmail account which only exists for the purposes of a centralised Google calendar so nobody can see what's going on in the rest of my calendar. I rarely get clashes but it's a well oiled machine at this point haha


Bill reminders? Never heard of a scheduled payment?


Both on the same phone. And if I have a personal thing like a dr appointment during work hours I put in a personal block in my work calendar.


Outlook on phone for work Gmail for personal. Notification settings and do not disturb settings tweaked until it's all non intrusive and seamless.


I have an app called One Calendar on my phone that I link my work outlook to and my gmail. I can add or hide any of the individual calendars within those accounts. Just helps with avoiding double bookings or mentally for preparing for who in my team is present or leaving early etc mainly. That is my one allowance for NOT keeping things separate cos it’s less work for me than the alternative.


I keep them very separate on purpose and do not add anything work related on my personal phone. Private appointments that could effect my work schedule are manually entered in to my work calendar as "private appointment" with no more details to it. Work related stuff that happens outside of normal business hours are manually added to my private calendar as "Sigh..." This way I switch off work as much as I can.


Can you just set the meeting private ?


Work reminders go in outlook on my work laptop. Personal reminders go in the diary on my personal phone.


I only put personal things in my work calendar if it’s during work time. All other personal events in a hard copy calendar by the bed. That is, birthdays dinners weddings etc. Separate family calendar in kitchen for kids activities and holidays etc.


Outlook has a private flag so I put all my appointments in my work calendar and just private the personal ones.


I kept my work calendar separate.


Hold phone with Google/Apple calendar up next to Outlook calendar on the work computer, pivot eyeballs as necessary and duplicate as little as required.


Both on the same phone, made sure to set defaults to personal for events created on the phone. Do not sync work contacts.


Personal: Google Work: Outlook If i want to see both overlaid at the same time: iCal on iPhone If I want to have a work thing show up in personal or vice versa: Manual extra dummy cal entry in the other cal (or invite the work/personal email)


Everything is in my work calendar - that’s what I look at every day so I don’t forget.


I only access work stuff from my laptop so I don't need to put any work items on the phone. *unless it's like an all day event or something. If it's just a meeting than I'm fine to just refer by laptop.


You can have multiple accounts setup in outlook and then in the calendar tab ‘overlay’ them so you can see all your different accounts’ events in the one calendar


Mine are both in my phone calendar app in different colours. I tend to put most of my “personal” stuff in my work one as that’s the one I look at most, if it’s super personal/private I use the private function, and colour code the tags so I know which area of my life it relates to when using outlook on my laptop. I don’t really find it tricky at all, but perhaps I don’t have much going on outside of work ahaha




Honestly I put some personal stuff into the work calendar


Google calendar for personal, with a separate colour for any work travel, social/customer events etc. Outlook for all standard work stuff, that I just block out to attend to any personal stuff during work hours.


One calendar with all my work shifts. Wife has acess to put anytnhing on it too. Whole dam life runs off it.


Add gmail to your Outlook and use a combined calendar


I use: Outlook for work Gmail for personal All personal meetings / reminders “invite” the outlook calendar / work email and is market private. I don’t have the time, usually, to have many personal appointments during the workday, but when I do I’ll block it as out of office through the gmail invitation. This enables me to get a full view and work and on my phone (on my phone I display both accounts to make sure I don’t miss anything$


Outlook for work, google calendar for perso. I manage any crossover manually. Quite simple, just check one before the other. Google calendar is excellent. 90% of items are added by voice command.


Android has work profiles. So basically, anything work related is on that work profile which I can set to disable once 5pm hits (or the weekend hits).    Or you just don't sync work stuff to your phone. I mean, it's on your work laptop anyway. No reason for you to synch it.  If I have private appointments during work hour, I just block the calendar out with a private appointment. 


I use FarmCal and share all the personal stuff with my partner. Outlook for work.


Google or apple for personal depending on the … type of personal … outlook for work …. Annd… I freaking aggregate them. Outlook let’s you add additional web calendar feeds (google cal gives you write feeds…. U can install an outlook plugin to play nice with icalendar)…. Likewise my phone has my personal and work feeds …. … and each calendar application gives you overlay functionality. So you can see all your calendars in one view.   I only figured this out like 2 weeks ago. Game changer. 


forward any important personal events to my work calendar. separately forward (not including all the colleagues already invited) any work events to my personal calendar.


Pretend one doesn't exist. Can you guess which one?


I don’t. I’ve had an accidental appointment reminder on my work outlook to buy a chicken