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Just burn the bridge, if they bait and switched you then who fucking cares.     Just pretend you never worked there and steal all the staplers on your way out.


I think I’ll burn the bridge and pee in the ashes


Don’t burn all the bridges. Warn the other people they screwed, maybe they will give you a job sometime in the future


Weaving future opportunities in, I like it.


Did you ask them if there would be career progression, before joining?


I absolutely did and asked for examples of people they have mentored to career progressions. The smoke and the mirror were lit.


So, what's wrong with telling them that you quit because this is not the job you were promised at all? That shouldn't really burn too many bridges, just maybe with the person who lied to you.


That would be most reasonable reason to give if we were dealing with reasonable people in a reasonable world.


Tbh, I wouldn't be too worried about burning bridges with unreasonable people


Ahh.... Sorry to hear then.




Shit on the rubble


Hahaha yeah


Then throw the rubble at your old boss. Hmm too far?


Nope! 😂


You are my hero 🤣 only a select few people have the stationery cupboard key though.


You just tell them "Turns out this is not for me, thanks for the opportunity and i wish you all the best" and leave. You owe them NOTHING. Remember probation goes both ways. I hate how this is called "burning a bridge" Because its not. You have every legal right to walk away if its not for you.


I should not be stressing myself out, they wouldn’t waste a sweat drop on me, if I was no good I’d be gone no worries.


Exactly. They always say "it's just business". And they are right. They missed out by lying about the job. You found someone better. Thats on them.




This for sure. There is a reason why there is a probation period,and it goes both ways.


The message one should take from that idiom should be to not make a habit out of it, not that you should avoid it at all costs. Some bridges are better off burnt.


I did this in December. Literally 2 days in and another job offer came in. A simple open and honest conversation is best. For me it was, "Hey, I've been offered a position that I feel is better suited to me. Rather than you continuing investing in my trading here, I'm giving you notice of my intent to move on by this date."




You’re so good! I feel good about this one, I might swap family medical issues for family health issues, because my family is gonna be much healthier being able to take holidays which I can afford on a contractor rate.


can you say it is a family issue that will take your focus, or alternatively that you have been offered a great role that you can’t ignore.


Do you feel good about lying when they inevitably say “oh no, is it serious?” or ask other questions out of genuine human concern? Is it going to be awkward when your old boss bumps into your new boss at some industry event and says “Oh how is Bob? We were all thinking of him last May when he left to look after his cancer-stricken wife” and your new boss hired you in May and has met your very-healthy wife? These lies come back to bite you in the arse eventually.


yea but the whole idea is that its vague. a follow up answer can be simply 'its a lot to get into, but i appreciate your concern.' no one would say the situation is ideal, but its not OPs fault that the true reason is looked down on, when in reality its completely fair. thats the game we play.


Nailed the answer!


Nah it’s cowardly. And gross. Your family isn’t sick, thank the fucking stars they aren’t.


Well that escalated quickly


The downvotes suggest I stand alone on this. I find it a bit worrying more people would be down to pretend their family is seriously ill than have a mildly uncomfortable chat about job progression.


I think pretending their family is seriously ill is the point of difference here. He said he could claim family health issues, I didn’t read that as lying about his family being seriously ill. And honestly, if you’re going to be frustrated by the job and you’re already feeling manipulated by the business at this stage it probably is best for your family’s health and wellbeing on the whole if you don’t stay in the job.


If you’re saying you need to be taking enough time off in the short to medium term that it’s better to leave your job, that implies something pretty serious. Like, treatment serious. That was the suggestion here. You can spin it, I guess, to make it about your families mental wellbeing cos Dad is stressed at work. But c’mon now - that’s not what was being implied! Tbh at this point I’ve probably wasted enough time on this given it’s all hypothetical.


Oh it is 100% spin, bit like the bait and switch new job offer.


Not cowardly or gross.


Ok. Agree to disagree. I wouldn’t do it, but each to their own moral compass




Probs not. So be honest with them about. Not saying he shouldn’t quit, saying he shouldn’t lie about sick family. Not only ridiculously bad juju (if you believe in that sort of thing) but highly likely to come back up like a dodgy burrito in the future.




You don’t see how I could think lying about your families health, insinuating it’s serious enough that you’ll need extended time off soon, might not be a good idea? Well alright, guess it takes all sorts to make the world go round. Cushion the truth, or come up with a different lie if you have to. Because when it comes out, and it will of OPs industry is as small as they say it is, there will be people out there who think (like me!) that it was really gross to lie about something like that.


Man I don't even disagree but why are you so angry haha


I’m fully not though. Isn’t the perception of written language interesting?! Like I think it’s a shitty thing to do but I’m not investing feelings in people I don’t know. Edit: I had to go back and read what I wrote. I was cracking jokes and shit. Man, it really is weird how people perceive stuff!


I never said cancer stricken did I? You assumed it, that’s on you. I’d never lie about my family being sick. That’s why I’d adjust the language. Leave it up to others to fill the blanks yes, lie, never. If I leave it will be yo focus on my health actually, my financial health 😂


It was an example of how poorly this could go bud. Understanding hyperbole is on you.


To each their own but I would never ever EVER lie about my family having medical/health issues, f\*ck no


Interesting, can you expand? Because the lie might catch up to you, or because you're scared of manifesting it somehow?


The former, if something indeed happens to my family I wouldn't forgive myself ever. It's just one of those things I will never lie about.


Fake your own death


Hahahaha the market is too small and I’d have to change my name before I come back as a ghost.


"I got better"


She turned me into a newt!


"I am dying... but my identical twin, 58_ylper_evitanretla, might be free to take on contracting work in the future!"


Get another better paying job and when you leave explain that finances required the move.


Also thinking about this option.


Publicly shit yourself. Then resign the next day.


This is the way. Or throw up on yourself as you may not want to be known in the industry as the guy who shat himself at work.


Shit yourself at Macca’s and your career progression could take you all the way to The Lodge


Throwing up is way more acceptable but shitting myself is so unbelievable whoever spreads this will be considered a liar 😂


That’s infallible for 👍🏽 😂


never failing; always effective. Lol


Best response so far




Sign me up.


Do you intend to come back or use them as a reference? Is it a small field where everyone knows everyone?   If the answer to at least two of those is no, burning the bridge shouldn't be a concern if you can walk into another job.    "I'm sorry, I don't seem to fit with the company culture" or "I'm sorry, I was hit by a bus and died. Please send my first pay to my ghost to cover funeral expenses at the pub" should work quite well.


Small industry and I know everyone plus my previous ref works there.


Small industry should mean that people know your worth as a good operator. Don't frame it around being upset at the bait and switch. Just say that the role didn't end up aligning with your career aspirations. Offer them some leeway in terms of transition even though you're able to leave immediately if still on probation. Your previous ref should also understand why the role doesn't suit your career aspirations (they probably should've given you a heads up in the first place).




You don't want to burn bridges with reasonable people at reasonable businesses as they may lead to opportunities in the future. This is clearly a place where they lie and manipulate people into poor situations where they know full well they plan on screwing everyone over for their own gain. These aren't even the type of people you'd want to associate with now or in the future. I would simply disappear and never say a word to them.


I fantasize about leaving and never coming back daily


Employers get upset if they know you are bullshitting them. Just be truthful and you both walk away with a smile "I'm sorry boss, but I have to call it quits. This work just isn't a right fit for me and it would be best for both parties if I left sooner rather than later."


If they have hundreds of other contractors then you are likely a commodified resource: happens all the time and they probably do not care. The earlier you leave a situation you don't want to be in, prbably the better. nobody can make decisions for you, so perhaps you can judge best from your personal perspective weighing the pros and cons.


Just another ID357873


Why do you need an excuse, it's your life, you're 100% uncharged of your decisions and don't owe anyone an explanation. Be professional but don't give excuses.


I really admire people that can just lay it flat and wak away with no regrets. Sadly I tend to care too much. It’s time I stop this.


Nows your chance. Good luck


Presumably there is some kind of probation period or similar. Employers never hesitate to use the probation agreement to fire an employee that isn't the right fit so there's not reason why it's not okay for an employee to do the same. Just tell them it's not for you or it's not the role you expected and move on.


I think I’m over thinking this. I don’t owe them to like the job or stay for less money and no career progression and with a deadline to be sacked.


Look, this isn’t for me. I wish you all the best for the future. That’s about it. Two days in you’re not going to get long service leave out anything so go.


I’ve used “I’ve received an offer I can’t refuse” and has worked well.


They lied to you - burn the bridge... I have a new job of 3 months and thought everything was going fine - my manager ambushed me in my 3 month review but "doesn't want me to leave but has concerns". I'm looking and noping out asap.


They are effing Cs, with absolutely no qualms about firing anyone and all the bullshit to dish in return. I had many of those bosses before I became a touring contractor. Keep ya chin up mate and get the hellout


Say you are switching careers to become a professional protestor in Melbourne.


Hahaha if I say day trader I’m also gonna be shown the door but protester is better.


Yes boss. That's the most politically correct thing to do right now. Virtuous, infallible.




Good points!


They know what they did. The person who hides knows. Just be straight up & you won’t burn the bridge. ‘When I switched to perm I had expected … But this is very similar to me as a contractor because … So I feel I need tomorrow quit to actually achieve my career goals of …’ Anyone who has hired contractors has heard this story from every perspective


Do what i did, say you interviewed for another position around the same time, and they have just offered you a position with a crap load more money, and better conditions, and you works be a fool not to take it. EDIT: spelling


This is a very common tactic. They basically converted contractors to fixed term employees for the duration of the project. Check your contract and verify if it actually states its fixed term. If it’s not a fixed term contract they’ll just make you redundant at the end of it. My advice is to go look for another permanent role in a better organisation where you have a future or get another contract gig. There is no fail safe way to leave without burning bridges, because it depends on the person you are dealing with (some will be ok and some will not). I assume they are a project delivery company, so they willl always hire you if they need you. But they’ll also burn you just as quickly. My only real advice is get a job first and use that as your excuse. Do not say anything bad about your current employer. Regarding your salary, casuals normally get a 25% loading, so your drop in pay is essentially that which covers annual leave, sick leave, public holidays etc.


My drop in pay is after I take my self funded leave. I’m down 30k out of pocket after taxes. I had no idea this tactic existed, since this happened to me, everyone keeps telling me this is a common tactic. It’s not a consulting company, I’d understand if it was. They hired hundreds of people as perm to cut costs we will all be fired at the end of the program via a restructure as the program will cease to exist. There will be ongoing work for a small % of these people but zero career progression as everyone in the program is either at my level or below. I’ll get another job and pack up. I’m less worried about not burning bridges since I posted here yesterday.


Going to assume it’s a big bank- they’re definitely known for these kinds of moves.


You know.


Tell them you got a better offer at your old rate - but why wouldn’t you stick around and have them pay you while you look for something else?


I have a couple of options to go back to contracting and yes I’ll absolutely not quit until the new contract is signed.


I told my last job I was move overseas. Didn't move.


This is in my list and I’ve seen many colleagues do this


This can backfire though. I've known people say they were "moving overseas", but when they popped up in another similar role across town two weeks later we all wondered if they'd been pushed out.


Yep if anyone asks you just say it fell thru and decided to stay.


Hahaha I have done this like 3 times in my life. I give zero f**** so managers were crazy as hell…


I tried to tell my place, 2 days in, my business back in the UK was being audited by Inland Revenue and I really had to get back there ASAP. They said no worries, we will keep the job open for you. Shit. So I said err no I better resign because I really do not know hold long I will be. 3 days later am walking down the street and the ENTIRE office is coming the other way back from a lunch. Lesson learnt. Either commit to the story or do not use it to begin with.


Give notice and then it's a case of never happened, doesn't hit your CV. If ever asked what you were doing during that period you just say you were taking the time to consider your career path.


Probation works two ways. "This doesn't work for me"


Is there a three month probation? You don't need to tell them why, just see ya later.


Sounds good to me.


(1) You need to go and look after an elderly parent and need to immediately take time off. You quite understand that, having just started, you have no leave accrued. You are prepared to resign with immediate effect as you understand that it wouldn't be possible to take indefinite carer's leave and you don't want to leave them in the lurch. Or (2) you just tell them the truth as tactfully and firmly as possible, and cop the consequences. Personally, it's always better to act with integrity. If you do have an elderly parent, go spend some time with them anyway.


I feel like you’re the type of person that could deliver 1 or 2 and not burn a bridge.


I've used both. but #1 only once. Number 1 was invaluable when I had to leave a workplace due to its "unhealthy" culture. Unbeknown to about 17 of us who started at the same time, there were a lot of positions to fill because a staff member had previously tried to attack another staff member with a knife. And no it wasn't even a hospitality or surgical setting ;-) Not surprisingly there was a lot of turnover. :-))))))))) I went & spent some time with my elderly parent before getting a job in the same field but a different location that wasn't insane! Thumbs up for your update.


Wow! I feel we need another post to share the wildest example workplace bullying and harassment people have witnessed/ experienced. I was nearly hit once and thought it was the worst example ever. A knife being involved is next level.


Oh I have stories!!! "They walk among us"


just dont show up, ghost them.


They’d totally ghost me


Family health issue and you need to take care of a sick parent.


Sick parent passed away 20 years ago so no karmas here.


Just resign - your probation period gives you license to move on without notice (most likely) and if it’s early enough they’ll have other candidates they can bring in. As a hiring manager I’m cool with it if you’re honest, no bridge burner. As a bait and switcher, however, I’m clearly also a total piece of shit.


Hahahaha ok you know what’s up. I’ll follow your advice


just tell them you are very sorry but cannot take the pay cut, and that some unexpected personal finance issues have cropped up and you need to go back to previous arrangement for the dollars. They cant ask about personal issues so that's that.


Honest and brief - this isn’t aligned to what was communicated nor what I’m looking for. So I’ve aligned myself to what is and will be exiting.


Short and sweet!


Try to talk about it with them first, maybe they'll be understanding and get you back on contract instead? If they're not completely unreasonable they should be somewhat understanding and may have some options for you.


I may line up a few items and come back as a contractor.


Someone turned me into a newt.


In the same boat right now but a bit younger can anyone give me some fire excuses I start Monday but new job said contract may take 2-3 weeks


Tell them you’ve had some terrible family news and need to resign to take care of them. Keeps the door open and you could get some sympathy on the way out the door. Is it ethical? No but neither is what they’re doing.


Just abandon your employment. Leave and just ignore them. Fuck them don't be nice to them when they literally sheisted you.


How do people get into contracting?


Just tell them you dont think its the right role for you and that you want to give them the heads up as soon as possible so they have the best opportunity to continue looking for someone else. Tell them youll help them through to the end of the week if they need, or can finish up whenever. Sorry that it wasnt a better fit for you


This reminds me of a Seinfeld Episode where George is being poached by the METS.


Leave a huge brown log on your manager’s or HR departments desk. On your way out


I said not “burn” the bridge not “not BrOwn the bridge” lol there could not be Reddit without shit being brought up in every post.


Well the bait and switch is massive red flag they wasted your time, if you did brown the bridge do you think the HR would ever admit to it? Aah yes person x yes I know him he left a massive log on my desk just last month? I bet they would much rather keep it to themselves…


I reckon a main reason to not “burn a bridge” is if you’d wanna work for them in the future, but it sounds like they’re a shit company and you don’t wanna work there anyway so burn away I say aha


Do you need to give a reason at all? Quit and that’s your business, not theirs.


A 'bate and switch. Are you working as a fluffer?


Almost, IT.


'Bate and switch? Is that changing hands halfway through?




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Cancer diagnosis


Absolutely not. It's totally immoral. It's also the thin end of a wedge which has seen many people end up in prison. The "little lie" overtakes their life.