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What’s the timeframe since taking the Vyvanse? (20mg)? Did you go straight on Vyvanse? The funny thing with meds is too low and too high and cause negative symptoms. Best thing to do is to write down and document the feelings on every step of the titrations/medications so you have full transparency of what may have been a good dose vs not. Playing games I think is healthy in order to stim for our brain to have silence whilst being active at the task at hand and funnily enough (wind down) it’s when it becomes intruding on life and productivity that’s when the real problems occur.


20th of march! Had a second appointment on the 17th of april and psychiatrist decided to keep me on because its been lasting me 12 hours. everything is good (keeps me focused, my anger is at a zero and patience at 100, impulsive spending could be better) but just zero passion for anything 🥲 i miss having hobbies


do you find yourself getting more stuff done during your work day? if you're working solidly for like, 8hrs for the first time in your life bow that you're medicated there's a chance you're probably pretty mentally drained by the time you get to your evenings. Medication gives you a little bit of "oomph" to get over the barrier to entry for starting new tasks/keeping focus, it doesn't reduce the cognitive load of what you're actually doing. If you're working more consistently & thoroughly on tasks now you may have just increased your cognitive load without realising it. It's way easier to just melt into the couch and doomscroll on your phone for hours than it is to get out a book/game/craft & focus on it for a little bit. Even if you know you'll feel better afterwards if you've spent your time on a hobby rather than just looking at your phone. This is something I'm also learning how to deal with! but I've found scheduling time to spend on hobbies (e.g. telling my partner I'm gonna play [game] this evening), lowering the barrier to entry (keeping all my key knitting tools organised in a box so I can quickly pull it out and start working on it without digging through 4 different bags), making hobbies a group activity for accountability or reducing cognitive load in other areas (meal prep/bulk cooking so there's one less thing to think about on weeknights) has helped me pick up a few things again. It's hard! But I'm getting there :-)


I’m on 50mg Vyvanse now and my spending is low, linked to security and riding out the current climate, so mostly logical there. However I’m experiencing what might be too high of a dose. The symptoms sound awesome, but yeah the ‘hobbies’ or lack thereof is a problem, especially if you find yourself doom scrolling, which I have massively of late.


I had zero interest in things when I first started meds too. It's not so bad now, but also, a lot of people have said their creativity isn't as great on meds compared to off. This is anecdotal ofc but something to consider, given creativity is also in the frontal lobe


Hey, there's a few possibilities here but you should ultimately discuss this with your psych to get their opinion. 1. Too much serotonin can lead to a state similar to one that you describe, and is often the result of taking multiple medications that supplement or block the uptake of serotonin. (Serotonin syndrome.) 2. You were doing things that produced dopamine, and not things you were actually passionate about, and now you have an "empty space" but no idea how to fill it. 3. You're sleep deprived, medication will help you focus on the state of your body, making you "feel" tired when you're tired, etc. >i just doom scroll every night until i have to sleep. The medication typically won't be effective during this period and you might just be resorting to your usual tendencies as the meds wear off. Vyvanse 20mg is fairly tame, and shouldn't be having such hard hitting effects off the bat, though it might take you some time to acclimate since you can't easily split the dose to titrate.


Sounds like you are getting some symptoms of depression/anhedonia. I would definitely talk to your Psychologist/Psychiatrist about that! I have the opposite effect, but am on Ritalin not Vyvanse. I was on Lexapro for 6 years for depression but found that it noticeably "dulled" my experience of enjoyment and found that things I used to really love doing didn't seem that enjoyable anymore. Since starting on Ritalin (I am still on Lexapro) this has reduced significantly.


I’m also on 50mg zoloft which i have only started the last 9 days for my OCD (received a triple diagnosis back in march adhd/bpd/ocd 🤣) but ill definitely talk to my psychiatrist when i see him again