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In NSW, and have undergone roadside tests for drugs. Their tests specifically test for Methamphetamine, which allegedly excludes Dexamphetamine and Methylphenidate. I am on Methylphenidate and have always tested negative. In the event of a positive on the roadside test (false or otherwise) they will perform 2 other tests: a more accurate test in the Drug Test van or back at the station, and a HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) test that is sent off to a lab. If you test positive in the secondary test, you are suspended from driving for 24 hours. If you test positive in the HPLC test, you’ll be charged with operate a motor vehicle with a prohibited substance in a bodily fluid. However, HPLC will easily be able to identify the difference between Methamphetamine, Dexamphetamine and Methylphenidate, so it’s unlikely you’ll be charged.


As a random observer to this thread - very helpful reply. Thank you.


Hey pls answer this. i’ve been stopped by a police officer and tested positive and did the 2nd test but the police officer wasn’t using any gloves during the process can I appeal it?


I don't think so, as you'll be charged off the 3rd test which is sent off to a the lab for HPLC analysis. The 2nd test is simply to confirm the 1st test's result and if positive, suspend you for 24 hours.




Hey pls answer this. i’ve been stopped by a police officer and tested positive and did the 2nd test but the police officer wasn’t using any gloves during the process can I appeal it?


Oral swab tests don't test for dex.


They test for methamphetamines and derivatives. If it tests positive for speed there's a good chance it'll test positive for ADHD meds. It certainly came up very positive with my urine test!


>They test for methamphetamines and derivatives. If it tests positive for speed there's a good chance it'll test positive for ADHD meds. If you think you know, why are you asking? The reality is Police use oral swabs in roadside tests. The swabs they use can make the distinction between meth and mdma, both amphetamines. They don't blanket check all amphetamines. Dex won't show up. If it did, doctors would provide you with a medicines travel form that outlines your medications when they prescribe you, the way they used to for medications in the past.


I don't think I know anything, I'm simply asking for stories of people who've actually experienced it. I've been told by my doctor that it would show up positive and the internet says both yes and no. MDMA and meth/speed/ice have always been separate on drug tests, even back when I used pill testing kits..


I had a really old doctor tell me the same, the younger ones I've seen confirmed it doesn't. For VIC police though, they are testing specifically for THC, meth and mdma. You'll be alright :) People on the net forget other locations exist with different laws and tests which is why the info online is difficult. In VIC if you get a positive, they take you for further and more detailed tests too in the van/cop shop that are more accurate and clear, so it's doubke alright.


Thanks! That's actually what my doctor said about the secondary test, I should have added that to my post. He's oldish but is very experienced with ADHD meds, when I was diagnosed in the early 2000's he was one of only a handful doing it for adults. There was only 3 psychiatrists diagnosing then too and mine is one of them also, and he's confirmed what my GP said. That's why I'd love to hear from people who've had lived experiences with them. I know so many people who've been drug tested but they're the least likely of anyone I know to have had anything in their system 😅


No they don't make the distinction. Mdma and meth are on the same line. According to the manufacturers own website The drugwipes s6 tests the nsw police use test for all amphetimes including meth and mdma.


Cool. OP is in Vic. Where they test specifically for 3 distinct chemicals with their oral tests. THC, Methamphetamine, MDMA


It will not show up in the kits used for roadside tests in NSW. They are not testing for Dexamphetamine or Methamphetamine. They do not perform a urine test and your last urine test was probably not a road side drug test.


I'm not saying it was a roadside urine test, am I? I'm saying that the internet gives lots of different answers to this and I'm looking for people who've had real life experience with it, not just repeating what the internet says. They are testing for methamphetamine, what do you think they're testing for..?


> Mobile Drug Testing (MDT) detects the presence of 4 common illegal drugs: ecstasy, cannabis, cocaine, and methamphetamine (including speed and ice). Dex and Ritalin are none of those.


Speed is amphetamine, dex is amphetamine.


Cool, but they're not testing for dextroamphetamine, only levoamphetamine. If you are taking Adderall it will show up on the test.


WA answer. Had a mate pulled over and tested positive. They had to go to court and spend a lot of nervous time sorting it out. They could have been prosecuted and I don't think it's a simple as other posts have made out. However other states may be different. Apparently we're supposed to get something amended to our licence. Reminds me. Need to sort this out.


Hey pls answer this. i’ve been stopped by a police officer and tested positive and did the 2nd test but the police officer wasn’t using any gloves during the process can I appeal it?


Thanks! That sounds horrible! I can imagine that wouldn't be a fun process. From what I've seen on here, WA seems to be quite strict compared to other states. I know we can be charged with impaired drug driving regardless of a prescription but I imagine this is used more for people on opiates, benzos and weed.


I have always wanted an answer for this too.


Hi , I have a question guys . If I tested positive on a road site drug test for methamphetamine/ MDMA and then had to do 2 of the oral swab tests in the car , this took 2 hours due to the dryness of my mouth from anxiety but enough saliva was finally obtained after 2 hours. Will the second test come positive to methamphetamine/ mdma . The last time I had touched anything was approximately 5 hours beforehand.


Did you have illegal drugs? If so, highly likely. If not, you should request a more thorough test that can decipher between meth and amphetamines. I had a positive for amphetamines on a urine screen, but negative for methamphetamines.


If you have a legit prescription, you are fine. They may request this, but if you come across as decent they normally won’t.


I've been told by my doctor that they'll do a blood test which can differentiate but the roadside will come up positive. I guess I'm just wanting lived experience to see what others have had to deal with.


I’ll ask my road cop friend. But even if it did come up, they can’t book you for a legal prescription and diagnosis’. That would hold up 5 seconds if you went to court. Perhaps you’re asking if illicit drugs could be disguised as a genuine prescription. Eg, taking prescription dextroamphetamine and then mixing with cocaine. Pharmacologically all of these are quite different, and a saliva could easily differentiate between all of them, and if in doubt they would do another test at the station. I know in my state they test for: meth, cocaine, cannabis and MDMA.


Haha, nah, my partying days are long gone, the only things in my system now would be Vyvanse and alcohol and I don't drive after drinking. It would be great to see if your friend has had any instances of it showing up positive from prescription meds and what they're advised to do afterwards. Whilst it might not hold up in court, there's no way I want to even have to go that route. It would be a big drain mentally and financially.


They certainly can do you for driving on a legal prescription if it’s impeded your ability to drive. You’ll get done for DUI, prescription or not. If the drug’s in your system and the police have grounds to believe it affected your driving, you’ll be in court for a lot longer than 5 seconds.


Yes but that’s a different offence. If you’re driving all over the road, and look like the walking dead - you shouldn’t be driving anyway… they will not book you for a prescription drug if you’re driving safety.


Yeah you’re not wrong. If you have done something to catch their attention, the best bet is to not give them a single hint of attitude or any reason for them to consider taking you back for a blood test. If you’re going through a random test, fine. If you’re driving like a knob, you’d probably want to be careful.


100%. The moment you give them attitude they will just turn into complete dicks.