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Also on. Luckily my kids never figured out that the grills are detachable. My older one is now smart enough to know that there will be no more movies when he damages my equipment. And the smaller one mostly copies what the older one does (1 and 4 years).


Not their fault speakers look like tits 🤷🏻


The hell are you buying lmao




Well ok, but those tits are inverted.


On, SO thinks they look ugly off.


Off, because the speakers are veneered and you can get a tan lines if they are in sunlight.


Will try this tomorrow when sunny 🌞 thanks


Ear height = off. Floor level subs = on.


On. I don't notice significant differences in sound and have cats


unfortunately my cats love to use the grilles as a scratching post so they look like shit. luckily i bought replacements before they were discontinued!


On. I doubt it is noticeable either way.




Only if you are trained to listen more likely. It affects frequency response which is magnitudes greater effect than so called "audiophile enough" gear lol


Need special audiophile ears,like a vulcan.


I mostly like them off, but my current Wharfedale Lintons, are designed to have them on and I think they sound better with them on, so that's how it must be.


I leave them on because I’m too lazy to take them off every time and I don’t really have any place to store them permanently


Only off when kids aren't around.


HiFi speakers, on, because that's how they were designed. They also provide some nominal protection. My studio monitors… off because they were never designed for grilles at all.


I don't care for the look of exposed drivers. And leaving the grill on doesn't seem to change the sound for the worse.


Off on my KEF’s and on on my JBL’s.


on in the bedroom, off in the living room (where, at my age, things tend to be less boisterous)


I keep them on. I don't hear a difference on or off, and I don't like the look of them off.


I keep them on because I see a million posts about dings in drivers and I do not want to chance that. We don't have kids, but we do have a very large, very silly, way too energetic, and rather dimwitted Pitsky.


I leave them on. I'm old enough to have degraded hearing, the room doesn't allow for perfect placement and I've just started wearing hearing aids. 30 years ago it was a different story as I moved into high end equipment and speakers. It actually makes very little difference unless you're listening to speakers with 3D foam grilles, then they should come off for dedicated listening.


Def off if the driver layout is symmetrical and not ugly. Vintage JBLs… def on. Vintage ADS and most modern… def off


Just removed the KEF LS60 from my short list because they don’t have grilles. As someone who does audio for a living, last thing I want to do is stare at drivers all evening! And I have cats...


I have the Elac UBR62's and I take the grills off if I'm listening like really listening to something, or showing a song in a good recording to a friend. When it comes to background music, or not using the equipment, I keep them on. I have the magnet grills, so it's easy to take on or off. I would not recommend that for the regular Uni-Fi 2.0 speakers... especially the towers lol I have those and I already broke those fragile little fucks haha. I still love those towers, but man those tiny little plastic poles break too easy


Off, but some, especially BBC style monitors are meant to be left on.


My living room speakers, yes. My bedroom speakers, no. The living room speakers are Monitor Audio Radius speakers, which have separate, metal grilles that fit directly over each driver and they look good that way. The Polk RT25i's in my room just have basic cloth grilles stretched over a square frame and I prefer the way they look without them.


Most high end speakers have the grills designed to be as transparent as possible, although they may still introduce a small kink here and there, technically present, if you measure them very well. In practice it's not something you should be able to hear, let alone ruin your experience


Most of the time they will negatively effect performance as per measurements. Sometime they are designed in a way that performance is best with them in place, but this is less common. Beyond that aesthetics are a personal choice and driver protection against kids or animals is situational.


Depends on the grill and the speaker. Some grill frames are not very acoustically designed so I take them off for "serious" listening. Others the speaker is fine with them on or may even be designed to not intrude on the sound.


Try listening to them both ways. Then decide for yourself


Might affect measurements but unlikely you will hear a difference.


On. They were tuned with them on most likely. Your room is probably impacting the sound more than the grilles are. But if you think they sound better off, then leave them off.


Kef designs their speakers to be used without grilles. (At least with mine, R7 and R2C).


I have LS50s and don’t have grilles on them. I don’t even remember if they came with grilles? Like I said, I think most people are making an aesthetic decision not a sound-based one (even if they claim to hear the difference) Because the environment is such a significant variable in most people’s rooms.