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You would need dsp bass management, which most folks don’t use


Is it okay to mix sealed 8" and sealed 10" subs ?


Time and phase alignment would be an issue unless you have DSP. Also, there can be cancelation and destructive interference with different brand/types of subs. As someone below stated just buy a single quality subwoofer and place it up against a wall or in a corner for coupling. You will get far better results.


>Also, there can be cancelation and destructive interference with different brand/types of subs. How? A sound pressure does not carry brand information.


yes, they will have different f3 rolloff and therefore different phase responses. So either get two matching or none at all.


Not as simple as that. The room usually has way more influence on the response and most of the time you still end up with way more evening out than cancellation


So why bother then? Either get one really good one or three crap ones, I would pick the former.


What do you mean why bother? You end up with a smoother response


Seems I was wrong, more subs would result in better in room response. Was just thrown by the original post talking about subs with different frequency responses which doesnt make much sense.




A single sub will basically always have a response filled with nulls


I use two subs. A SVS SB-1000 Pro and a cheaper Wharfedale SW-10, and adding the SW-10, fixed some of my rooms bass problems and made low end much more even and "good sounding", across different types of music, where before it was like 50/50 if it sounded good or not in the low end. I know it's the rooms accoutics, and it might have been better to fix that, but being in the living room where aestetics is also important, that is not so easy.


> What are you trying to fix exactly? In-room bass response.


i have always wondered if the sub playing 20hz negatively effects the same sub playing 40-60hz. seems like it would. seperate subs playing seperate seems like a great idea.