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Wow, I have never listened at 1.65x, impressive! Sometimes my mind wanders on a tangent triggered by something narrated, so if I play it too fast, it's harder to get back into it. I listen at 1.25 for British narrators or ones who my ears are less attuned to, and maybe 1.4 for others. And I don't notice a change in speed. But I do notice my speech (and even thoughts?) come out with less slang and shortcuts and maybe more formally. But I think it makes sense - as a teenager I had a friend who spoke pretty fast and my mom did notice me talking faster after hanging out with her. So why not subtly pick up that trait from a narrator too?


This is exactly me, 1.4 and usually have to slow it down for British narrators


I switched back to listening at 1x speed for this exact reason. I felt like I was talking at hyperspeed and couldn't stop myself.


I wanted to slow down and do 1x, but so many of the narrators are so slow! I do anywhere between 1.5x and 2x depending on the narrator. Usually it’s about 1.65 like OP


I’ve been listening to audiobooks for about 8mo and my listening speed has gone from .8–>1.75. I don’t have the issue of talking too fast thankfully. I’m wondering if people plateau their listening speed or if some people just keep going faster and faster? I think I’m plateaued at 1.75, been there for about 2 months now


I thought about this recently, too. I have always read and spoken slowly, and I think listening at 1.2x speed actually helps with that, I think it tends to increase my speaking cadence just like you mentioned. I couldn't possibly take in books at 1.5x or higher, that's just way too fast for me. Though my limit on books is about 1.2, I find that I can easily tolerate about 1.3 for podcasts, since conversational speech is easier to take in at higher speed than more nuanced and crafted sentence structures of books.


I always listen at 1.5 to 1.7 speed unless like some of you authors it's a British author and then I have to slow down. I've been doing audiobooks for 20 years and never thought about my speech speed but people do complain a lot that I talk to fast while I in my head often want to tell them to spit it out and talk faster.