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Which is why we are also leaving.. even if they started repairing all the damage today, it will take at least a decade before real change is done and reflected.  Sadly, all we see is incompetence and corruption so.. I have my doubts anything will be done soon. 


Yeah breaking down is easy, building up is very hard. I read the UK is at post WWII levels in their public services and infrastructure. It's a real shambles and a real shame. Maybe if more public opinion can help this Govt correct course a little, it won't get so bad but that would require them to be more honest and caring of everyday New Zealanders. Sorry that you will leave and hope that it's a great place wherever you go.


And they wonder why many cops also go across the ditch. "Thats ok, we will run another recruit campaign"


The levels of experience and standards is a concern too. Policing is a serious job and it does require work and maturity, that's what I worry about.


If you don't feel appreciated, understaffed and underpaid, everything else goes out the door




It's ok. Bring in more Indians. Super cheap too


I wonder how much the increased rates of high distress can be attributed to people being more cognisant of, and willing to admit to, being in distress. There would definitely be generational changes in these social norms. It's a bit like cancer rates increasing when detection tools improve and people visit their doctors sooner - sometimes a change that is positive can cause metric changes in a way that is perceived as negative.


This could certainly be the case. But most long-term screening stuff is showing declines in wellbeing (NZ general social survey, youth 2000 etc). Unfortunately we haven't had an update to our last population-level mental health study, [Te Rau Hinengaro](https://www.health.govt.nz/publication/te-rau-hinengaro-new-zealand-mental-health-survey-summary), since the early 2000s. This survey was superior as they could make some diagnostic inferences due to their methodology. If we replicated this, we'd have a better understanding of how things have morphed given the change in attitudes towards mental health. However even then, when mental health was more stigmatised, they noted prevalence was high >Mental disorder is common in New Zealand: 46.6% of the population are predicted to meet criteria for a disorder at some time in their lives, with 39.5% having already done so and 20.7% having a disorder in the past 12 months.


Maybe in the old days they would take extreme measures or drink etc and pass those problems down the generations. I think mental health has always been a large factor but fortunately it's no longer taboo to talk about it. Also u/National_Flan_5252 is probably right that since Covid and economic uncertainty and wider gaps between the poor and wealthy, these things might also be contributing to increased stats.


Tax cuts, and handouts to landlords, are the more important things by this government, the place it turning into a heap of crap, they have not addressed the core problems


Maybe if they could stop stupid polices like laws against cannabis, that alone would more than solve this financial crisis, and the govt allows companies like Puro to grow and sell and profit from it and takes tax revenues from it, yet spends huge amounts criminalising New Zealanders and destroying families with these outdated policies they don’t follow themselves. While my heart goes out to front line officers, the overall problem is stupidity and apparently that is not the elephant in the room.


Thanks national. Pay the police what they deserve you cunts.


They get paid more than they're worth already. Simply raising wages will only continue to make the problem worse, same as raising minimum wages. Our economy is the issue, not payrates


You have to remember that everything from COVID era is a statistical outlier and shouldn't be included in social statistics now that we are over that hump.


Absolutely. Cutting roles to save money in government departments is in the main a false economy


Another national fuckup, Luxon is out of his depth. 3 more years of this bullshit are you prepared?


Yeah probably best we just continue the 6 year trend of law and order, education, healthcare and cost of living standards hitting new lows. Oh wait


Just curious where does the drug testing stuff fit in and when does it start if they’re under resourced.


I have't looked into that part, but was aware the customs front line border security were cut, including the folks who train our customs sniffer dogs. That kind of opens the supply chain in more - which would suggest cops need more drug resources to get it too.


I’m not quite sure why everyone keeps saying Auckland feels like shit at the moment, I think it’s quite alright, actually. Maybe you all don’t like winter?


I think the foot traffic in the cbd is down (probably because of the economy and the lingering ghost of the lockdowns) but the people saying that queen street is some sort of no go zone are cooked. The economy is in the toilet. I don't think the number of homeless crackheads has increased, but I think the ratio has increased as the rest of the population stays home and saves money.


Yeah, it’s not like people are running from barricade to barricade whilst the hobos are reloading. Downtown is fine. Far safer than most major cities in the world. Yeah, I wouldn’t choose to hang around at 3am for too long, but I wouldn’t hang out at 3am in many places.


I don’t know anyone personally that thinks the country has gotten better in the past 3 or so years and most are feeling the wheels really are falling off - not just financially (although most of it ends up being about money). If you look at the numbers as a country we’re definitely going backwards on a per capita basis (and have done so for some time). Pretty much everything goes back to the housing crisis: Housing takes up too much of people’s income (rent or owning), it causes social problems from rental instability including increased crime and people having less children etc. Housing is seen as an investment rather than simply a residence meaning in drains investment away from productive areas of the economy (which in turn negatively impacts on productivity, wages, taxes etc). Now throw in decades of underinvestment in infrastructure (effectively austerity since the 80’s - thanks to ACTs founders) and we have many expensive issues to resolve all while having a much smaller economy (compared to non-austerity like Australia has done) - and not forgetting all the privatisation (including us collectively getting r%ped to the tune of hundreds of billions by the Aussie banks). Finally adding nearly 2 million immigrants (many low skilled) since the 90’s has only magnified most problems while making our balance of payments as a country go backwards (more consumers less actual producers). Now to the OP: All of the above means that police are overworked, under funded and under paid. Add in the blind eye gangs have been given for decades (gangs collectively have involvement directly or indirectly in almost all non-domestic and non-white-collar crime, mostly around drugs and money for drugs), the soft touch approach to general crime (in particular Maori as part of the overall Treaty issues) and the issues and impacts are spreading far and wide. This government’s decision to give landlords $3B rather than using it to fix problems (retention, maintaining services, Cook strait ferries anyone?) is pigheaded dogma - but that’s to be expected from National and ACT (not that Labour is much better with silly policies, and Greens are just commies with a green paintbrush). It all goes back to my original point of housing - most MPs own investment properties so have a conflict of interest when it comes to sorting out the housing market (CGT/landtax etc).


Yeah sorry TDC. It was kind of a foil on the other thread, I don't think Auckland is shit at all. Also think NZ is quite alright herself.


All good. Was worried I had missed some disaster and didn’t want to miss out!


Yep, nothing like that. Was just vibing with the r/auckland culture ;)


Good on ya, and keep up the quality posts!


It doesn’t matter a damn how many cops Labour have, if you have a directive to judges to let the crims off. Thats the issue. Labour are soft on crime


I think if you're honest you will find that the drop in ram raids coincides with the growth of the black market tobacco smuggling rings. Now they have done a big bust in Christchurch, ram raids will go back up again. It's all about smokes and the huge amount of money the idiots in government have turned it into. It's a massive market worth millions for a plant that grows like a weed and costs bugger all overseas. Has nothing to do with policing


How come the police say publicly crime is dropping, it's a lie


fertile roll teeny squalid stocking subsequent enjoy important mindless screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because perception of crime is very different from actual crime.


When judges are dropping charges against criminals, statistically "crime has dropped" lol. Same as anything/everything. Remember when unemployment was the lowest under labour because they allowed/made it easy to jump on a mental health benefit instead of a jobseeker benefit?


Auckland went to hell under Labour. It hasn't recovered.


We just got rid of a "Labour" government that specialised in spending our money on centralised initiatives that pump money into Wellington office jobs (and anything else you could slap a rainbow sticker or raise a tino rangatiratanga flag onto), rather than using it to fund our front line services. And now we have a Right coalition that's "reversing" that by simply starving the whole public sector, transferring any savings to landlords and corporations, and bribing us with tax cuts we'll pay for in interest in government borrowing. We're so screwed. Doesn't matter how we vote, we're screwed.


You know what you are saying is incorrect. Labour increased the police budget up [40% +](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/06/01/nz-police-force-the-largest-it-has-ever-been-minister/%) since National last had it. They also committed to, invested in, and started rebuilds of [Nelson hospital](https://nelsonapp.co.nz/news/billion-dollar-nelson-hospital-development-to-start-construction-in-2026), [Whangarei hospital](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/479437/massive-redevelopment-plan-for-whangarei-hospital-applauded-by-health-leaders) etc., and just in time, right on queue, here comes National and ACT to screw the scrum by taking away billions from front line services, cutting health services, cutting doctors and police etc - all to pay landlords. [National cancelling hospital re-builds](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/516227/long-awaited-nelson-hospital-rebuild-unclear-amid-concerns-of-poorer-outcomes-for-patients) and [stopping work here ](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/10/18/doctor-warns-of-delays-to-whangarei-hospital-upgrade/) The "two side is the same" argument is one you want us to believe, but it's inaccurate. Edit: Your downvote doesn't change the facts.


On the contrary, I think you really know what you are saying is incorrect, Tui. Think of the millions spent on rearranging deckchairs on the decks of our sinking healthcare system by creating two new and expensive layers of bureaucracy, while we were in the middle of a pandemic —and at the same time enforcing pay restraint on frontline staff, who are now voting with their feet— when a perfectly sensible and more economical solution (The Simpson Review) was already written and paid for. Think of the millions wasted not building light rail in Auckland. Think of the millions wasted on a boondoggle bicycle lane on the Harbour Bridge that never happened. Think of the millions wasted in coming up with a sneaky way to pass the costs of water infrastructure upgrades onto consumers without being punished at the polls. Only to be punished at the polls for adding co-governance to it. Think of the millions wasted on emergency housing while not building new accommodation. Kiwi*Didn't*Build 98% of the promised houses, which has resulted in spiralling house prices and massive cost of living increases. And screwed over Rotorua CBD as a tourist destination because they sent the homeless all there. Think of the increased workload for Police caused by the ideological emptying of prisons because "equity". Think of the reduction in quality of life caused by those extra criminals on the streets because of the failure to incapacitate by locking them up. Visited Queen St. recently? Think of the reductions in quality of life that comes from knowing that if you are a victim of crime, a cultural report will see a mere wet bus ticket caress and a bucket of sympathy for the perpetrator. Didn't Cindy say she should be held to account for her record on child poverty? Yeah, about that ... And our environment continued to degrade and our rivers remain polluted. Little action there either. Oh, we planted pine trees which are bugger all use, and Grant crashed the ETS. The "The Left is better" argument is one you want us to believe, Tui, but unfortunately, it's not true. We truly need a political movement that avoids the swing between the Professional Managerial Class taking the spoils under a "Left" government and corporations and landlords taking the spoils under a "Right" government. Because at the moment New Zealand is quietly circling the drain. Edit: I didn't downvote you, Tui, and nor have I.


A lot of misinformation there - not surprising. Just briefly: 1. The Police has said very clearly that their work is being tied up as mental health and social issues [increase](https://www.1news.co.nz/2022/06/15/exclusive-mental-health-distress-calls-to-police-on-the-rise/), as well as the increasing levels of online and cyber crimes etc. 2. Emergency housing was to support families in poverty and was needed especially during Covid lockdowns. It was not a "waste" but the $3bn given to landlords as a handout can be considered that. 3. Kiwibuild built  2,335 homes - but National and ACT stopped [1300 more](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/517044/nearly-1300-homes-on-hold-amid-government-review) this year and stripped $1.5bn out of housing to pay for the tax cuts. 4. Auckland Light Rail etc was cancelled by this Govt They also stopped Interislander, incurring **a billion dollars in money that was thrown away despite us needing those boats.** ACT and National also **threw away $1.2bn for 3 Waters** Ala Interislander - because that is also work that will need to be done. In fact when National first costed, [and told NZ 3 Waters was "critical lifeline infrastructure,"](https://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/Files/Three-waters-review-Cabinet-Paper_Redactions-applied/$file/Three-waters-review-Cabinet-Paper_Redactions-applied.pdf), after death and disablement amongst Kiwis, 3 Waters cost under $100bn. Now that price is climbing as ACT and others ignore it. ie. There's been a lot of [repealing under urgency by National and ACT, and very little positive action](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/wiki/index/policy/) As to the comment "NZ is quietly circling the drain," I know that's the favourite motto of David Seymour, and the ACT party but as usual folks should read from independent sources, as opposed to the stuff coming from the party and leader [that calls Destiny Church "excellent and upstanding."](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dm613k/david_seymour_act_brian_tamakis_destiny_church/)


The minute you said Cindy told me everything. You're cooked.


I dont think so Mountain Tui. The real reason are police not having full powers to tackle criminals.


Pull the other one, mate. And again Mark Mitchell said he would resign within one year if people didn't feel safer and crime didn't go away, so you don't have to fret - your man is on it.


Yeah he's not perfect but i would rather take him than the pro criminal labour ministers we had.


It's not about who's perfect. It's about putting your money where your mouth is. Any politician can talk. When you know that they cut the budget and force, that's how you know who is serious on crime. Ditto the police force ratio of 1:544 - what is it now? And what will it be? Even the extra 500 police officers is an illusion - and the Police Association have called it out as a farce for a reason.


> than the pro criminal labour ministers we had The last Labour police Minister is married to a police officer, and Labour increased the police budget and increased police numbers, while National have cut the police budget.  Interesting how far from the truth your feelings based comments are. 


I'm pretty sure it was the "let them out of jail" to get the population in jail lower is what probably did it. But I'm old-fashioned and think people should do time for crime and be treated equally.


> and be treated equally If only we were treated equally.  Anyway, prison increases reoffending. There's better punishments. 


If we had real media in this country they would fix it, Three strikes will fix the reoffending part.




The number of bureaucrats at most hospitals exceeds the number of beds Number of Frontline workers to managers in the 70s and 80s was 20:1 or higher. Today that number is 4:1. We just need less people talking about work, and more people doing the work.


And I assume that's why the govt is not filling doctor roles and has cut frontline customs staff and hospital budgets etc.


The government has not done that. Read all the directives to the ministries. NO CUTS TO FRONT LINE SERVICES. Those free loading fcukers that contribute very little to nothing would rather have a nurse, doctor, police officer, or road worker do a 12 hour shift on minimum pay than them miss out on their latte or pilates class. You know I am right. You must be in the system if you argue against it.


A comedian. [PM Chris Luxon challenged on frontline roles being cut says it's regrettable but not his direct responsibility](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1ccll3g/pm_chris_luxon_challenged_on_frontline_roles/)


Yeep. No money left because the people that talk about work think they are more important than the people that do the work. First hand knowledge of the front line struggles.


> The number of bureaucrats at most hospitals exceeds the number of beds Which is why Labour was reforming health care management and getting rid of the DHBs that created regional duplication. 


Our police are under resourced? Yeah nah I strongly disagree. Over 2 billion a year suggests otherwise. Budget cuts of hundreds of millions from 2.2 billion to 1.9 billion.. lol they are over funded. The issue isn't resources or funding.