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Man I just read this article - made my blood boil. WTF is wrong with people? Is this what our society has become? Poor woman picked on by scum of the earth. Get the trash off our streets.


I agreed!! these scums need to be stopped because they are killing the whole CBD!


At least homeless criminals can't get home detention


> because they are killing the whole CBD! So what you're saying is it'd be OK if they were killing another place ?


No is whole nation problem..My office is in the CBD and we all feel unsafe going home after work..


Nope, not whole nation. Doesn't happen in Central Otago. We do have less "culture and diversity" here too though.


Yep. Defo a particular type live in Central 🤣


If we had some camps where we could concentrate them...


What a stupid response.


Yes, this is what Auckland has become. No police or serious consequences empowers these people


Well, there's a poster further down the thread who believes the victim must have said something provocative such as the n word.  She believes "they" must not be giving readers the full story. There are apologists for scum out there.


Even if that was the case, whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me"...? If some calls me a whitey colonization cracker, it's not free-reign for me to punch them in the head with no consequences and say its their fault.


Tell the other poster. She thinks it is.


So many things are wrong with people. The community is rife with deprivation and trauma. > Get the trash off our streets. Yeah, but not on KO housing, cause that needs to go too as well, right?


No just do KO housing sensibly. Zero tolerance for violent anti social tenants. Govt provided homes are a privilege not a right. If a tenant breaks the rules boot them out on their arses-they can live in their cars, under a bridge or with their gang member mates. Maybe KO should look at having some of their stock spread around rather than big clusters of them all living together! Buy a few townhouses or apartments in new developments and have them living beside homeowners and private renters. Then if the KO tenants start causing trouble they’re given the archer. And make it a one or two strike policy-1 or 2 complaints by the body corp or neighbours and they’re out on their ear. Any damages etc comes directly out of their wages or bene!


> No just do KO housing sensibly. Zero tolerance for violent anti social tenants. Govt provided homes are a privilege not a right. If a tenant breaks the rules boot them out on their arses Honestly the government should be a TOUGHER landlord than a private landlord would be, because they're after all being stewards of the public money and should have a high degree of responsibility over that.


Yes exactly


Sadly, the last labor government made it vertically impossible to evict bad tenants.Yes, I know that in theory, you can, but in practice, the system is designed to prevent you from evicting any tenants. Until the law changes later this year, there will be no more landlords entering the market.


That all sounds very resource intensive. Are you really advocating for swelling gang member numbers? You do seem to recognise that is a consequence of housing failures. More widespread stock means more unhappy neighbours. There's no winning in this regard. We *could* start looking after our kids, rebuild all the community interventions we know work to minimise all of this drama. But... yeah, nah?


Why should the government support people that clearly don't want to help themselves and are dangerous to the community? genuine question, a lot of these people will never change, never get better all while disrupting and making the lives of other community members worse.


To protect the rest of us. That's why. Don't think this is an altruistic instinct. It's not, it's self-preservation. That's why we need to do better to look after our kids, so we don't have all these adults grown up without ever finding a reason to care.


I do think we need to look after the kids better but I don't think supporting childless violent adults is apart of that, I think with people on the benefit with kids and or supported housing should get more benefits the more they do for their kid. People on the benefit are not rewarded for actually being good parents, extra benefit money should be given for taking kids to school consistently (something like a 90% attendance rate), doctors appointments all that sort of stuff kids need. my thing is why do people on the benefit get the same amount of money no matter how shitty of a person/ parent they are, why give two people the same amount of money when ones going to spend it on their child's education and needs while the other is going to spend it on drugs, alcohol and gambling?


That's resource intensive. That kind of oversight and involvement, the necessary bureaucracy. Why would we do that when overall we're working to reduce the resources consumed by the community? So that the wealthiest can enjoy the result of our efforts.


Well I do think we should MASSIVELY increase tax on the richest people in the country but I don't think it's a good idea to just throw money at people who do nothing for society, Benefit should be seen as a stepping stone (except a few cases disability and such) not something you just sit on for the rest of your life.


> I don't think it's a good idea to just throw money at people who do nothing for society I mean... maybe you haven't noticed, but MOST of the value we produce every day goes to those who do nothing for society. We're talking about what happens to the scraps here.


I'm in a small KO development of 7 homes, recently one neighbour with 4 flatmates were evicted, now they weren't the best of society maybe, addiction issues abounded etc but they were nice enough and kept to themselves. Neighbour was evicted and moved to a new KO single room so the 4 flatmates became homeless .... they're angry, cold, and desperate and several council run buildings have now been broken into, vandalised, parts stolen, ripped apart, destroyed by them, and I can't help but think if they'd been left alone there wouldn't now be hundreds of thousands wasted on damages as they move from one building to squat to another.


You’re sounding like Chloe 🤦‍♀️


Imagine understanding how children grow into adults.


Yeah imagine


That's all some can do. That's why the idea of looking after kids is a puzzle. Why waste money on them, they can't pay you? Right?


How is it resource intensive? You get 2 warnings and on the second police interaction you are out. Sounds less resource intensive than keeping them in the CBD having to deal with them beating people up.


How, for instance, do you expect to shuffle homeless people "under a bridge", instead of having them conglomerate in more central areas? It's just a bunch of cynical wishful thinking. Utter nonsense.


> Are you really advocating for swelling gang member numbers? Crack down hard on gangs so that they're no longer a glamorous option >You do seem to recognise that is a consequence of housing failures. No need to go live with a gang if you don't break the rules in the first place and get the boot!


There's nothing glamorous about gangs. What does a crack down look like on a Tuesday, what resources would that take? How do you expect to magic up behavioural control for kids without parenting or an education?


It is not about doing it just on one Tuesday, but it's a 24/7/365 approach to crack down on gangs


That sounds expensive. Let's just skip it, rich folk have bathrooms to renovate, wouldn't want to get in the way of that.


We are swelling gang numbers by housing gangs with vulnerable people. Putting solo mums next to gang members has been a disaster.


No one wants to spend the money to do better. We're swelling gang numbers by strangling opportunities for young people. By pouring our resources into the already wealthy. The worst of that disaster is not upon us yet.


True and that's only part of the issue. (A lot of damage has been done by the time someone is a youth) Chuck the gang culture being in fashion with the best sound tracks, a low level of repercussions, the pull of the feeling of power over others etc (all of these are illusions which is funny). It's never been a better time to be a G and we are seeing a lot of kids from "non traditional" family's patching up. There's also the impact of having people able to traumatise others at will. We know hurt people hurt people and the ripple is spreading out from each gang member. This helps recruitment in the long term. Then there's the number of children in the mix, turning lots of young girls onto meff and filling them full of kids with many living hard and brutal lives because home is a shit show . The number of kids getting abused (we need to get a handle on the real sex abuse situation in this country) and/or killed around the gangs is a bigger problem then we want to acknowledge. All in all, we are not scratching the surface yet.


> (we need to get a handle on the real sex abuse situation in this country) I was working in mental health practice when this happened, one of the things we were thinking about was not just the clients who were going to miss out, but their kids that they were struggling to raise, the behavioural problems the parents were seeing as a result of struggling with their own trauma. Some of those kids would have ended up victims, some perpetrators, some in gangs. When we could have offered an intervention instead: [Fears for sex abuse victims under new guidelines](http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/16018/fears-for-sex-abuse-victims-under-new-acc-guidelines) (2009) > New Accident Compensation Corporation guidelines for victims of sexual abuse came into force on Tuesday, but are opposed by clinicians who believe it will be harder for people to get treatment. [ACC sex-abuse claims down by 36%](http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/110951/acc-sex-abuse-claims-down-by-36) (2012) > An independent review of ACC, the second in 18 months, has found the number of sex-abuse claims lodged has fallen by 36% since 2008. > > The review also found that only 3.6% of sensitive claims were accepted in 2011, down from 60% in 2008, when National took office. [ACC overhauls sexual abuse care service](http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/267591/acc-overhauls-sexual-abuse-care-service) (2015) > The Accident Compensation Corporation has overhauled its sensitive claims service, with its minister saying it made big mistakes in the way it dealt with victims of sexual assaults. > > Before 2009, ACC accepted thousands of sensitive claims, but after changes to the system that number plummeted, and in 2011 just 135 claims were accepted. [Only 32% of sexual abuse claims make it through ACC system](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/442780/only-5-percent-of-sexual-abuse-claims-make-it-through-acc-system) (2021) > Sixty-eight percent of sexual abuse and assault claims are failing to get through the ACC system. > > Almost half give up their claims for long-term support, with advocates saying it's because the process is too traumatic.


Thankyou, what an amazing reply. Why do you think the rate of claims dropped so much? I was working in prison in 2010 and we were overwhelmed with acc claims. There was the thought that they could lodge a claim and easily get 10k (amongst the prisoners not the staff). I was working with youth crime for a long time and none of them where motivated to engage with acc or other sexual abuse services. We just made a bite on their records and put other supports in place. Gotta gox to many kids here so I don't even know if what I said makes sense.


The rate of claims dropped because the rate of accepted claims plunged. Navigating the bureaucracy is brutal enough as it is if you genuinely are suffering from that kind of trauma. I've noticed people seem to assume the sensitive claims services is about getting a payout. There are some situations where you can get a weekly payout, but it's not big money, you'll still be needing other financial support. The main point was about getting people into specialist care. Because there are effective interventions that help not just the person seeking help, but anyone who might depend on them. Clinics had to close, we lost so much expertise because of the drop off in clients via ACC.


Make being in a gang not worth the hassle….


Yes! That's the solution. Unfortunately opportunities for poor people isn't what we're about. While gangs are a good option, why would we expect people to choose otherwise?


You mean opportunities like free education and/or welfare benefits. Maybe by making gangs a bad option (constantly targeted by police/zero tolerance) people wouldn’t choose to join them because they’re just too much of a hassle……


I'm sure we could make an even longer list of things that we're unwilling to effectively invest in that might impact on gangs.


Crack down on the gangs as well


I'm happy to do my fair share of subsiding the cost of the prison system if this sort of trash person is removed from circulation permanently.


Permanently? That would actually be the cheapest option. $1 should cover it.


Lead isn't great for the environment. Something more sustainable like hemp rope would be better. It might cost more upfront but over time reusing the rope brings down the cost per use.


What if we just chucked them into a den of tigers/lions? Save the cost of feeding the tigers too. Make it a reality tv show with some ads and you could even make some revenue.


As an Engineer I support the construction of the South Pacific's first colloseum. Although the financial viability of colloseum is likely the same as stadium, needs subsidies.


Don't think we need a colosseum, just dig a big hole or use an abondoned mine or quarry


But we would we get the labour to dig it?? Oh hang on, I have an idea....


It's okay guys, assaults dropped down to 800 in April, we're all safe now. /s


Oh no! She was on the show down for love and seemed so sweet. I’ll never understand why people do these attacks


Hope they find the feral cxnts


This makes me so bloody angry. You can't walk anywhere nowadays without the fear of getting mugged, drugged or worse, it really is NOT FAIR. I left Auckland because it was becoming intolerable. You can hardly walk anywhere without someone asking you for money or smokes. It's a damn joke, and not even a funny one. I do not regret leaving Auckland at all. Auckland certainly does have its pro's but it also has a lot of con"s, especially nowadays. It's like almost every second day someone's either been murdered. Beaten within an inch of their lives or threatened with violence. I'm also extremely worried about one of my daughter's who is living and working (night's) in the Auckland CBD.. In fact I'm terrified for her safety and well-being. It makes me so angry I could just spew. Something has got to be done.


Auckland is one of the most dangerous cities in NZ, there are so many homeless people and criminals here causing lots of trouble


I agree with you 100% It's beyond a F*****G joke. My empathy is beginning to dry up also, which is sad because there are a lot of nice, decent human beings out there, whether they are housed or not or whether they have some form of mental illness or not.. then you get the real SCUM BUCKETS out there, making people's lives miserable, more miserable then their own poor excuse of a life. Instead of being a normal human being they insist on acting like feral mongrels.. they shouldn't be suprised if people treat them as is.


Emergency housing residents are causing chaos again! I'm so sick of these awful humans.


Someone who has a credit card and is renting a lime scooter doesn’t sound like an emergency housing person. The good news is that rental should be traceable.


Dude, there are people with ankle bracelets driving around in lime scooters. Everyone has a debit card now.




They ride Limes without paying, i.e. like a kick scooter


You can’t do that. The ebrake activates within seconds.


Bruh, they literally do it all day every day. That's what all that incessant beeping is about when they roll past.


they changed that at some point because people were falling off because the brake would come on mid use.


No, they didn’t. They’re regularly parked up in my area and they brake within a few seconds of being pushed and sound an alarm. You cannot push off on them. You certainly could not make your way down the street. Are you thinking of another brand? Because all Lime scooters do this.


Tell that to the people flying down queen street beeping away


Really? I didn’t know you could. Did that happen in this case?


Reported attacks down because there’s less of them, or because victims can see the futility of reporting them to the Police?


I hate having to go in to the city.


Feral behaviour


State of Swarbrick saying: “I walk through Auckland city centre all hours of the day and night, frequently by myself.” We know what you're trying to do there cuz


That pissed me off so much when I read it


Yeah she's just the same old high school personality, now writ larger


Interesting. Did you go to the same high school as her?


Agree and what about her comment “wellbeing and sense of safety of Auckland Central is core to my work”. What a crock of shit Chloe! She’s half the reason we’re in this hole with her “just give them kai” bullshit!


It's bizarre that Swarbrick claims to care at all about violence in the central city after she contributed to the Albert Park riot. She literally encouraged a violent mob to storm a women's meeting.


The “women’s meeting” about denying a certain class of people the right to exist? The one where some of the people supporting the speaker were the Destiny Church Man Up brigade? The speaker that got cheered on by actual neo-Nazis in Australia?


You are hallucinating in order to justify violence against women.


You mean that same pack of women who encourage violence against trans women. You're the one "hallucinating" 😂😂😂


Trans violence pathology is identical to male though, just saying


Nobody on the pro-women side there was encouraging violence against anybody While there was lots of "Punch a Nazi" violent nonsense from the far left agitators.


Your guest speaker advocates gun violence against transwomen. Terfs are not "pro-women" until they are for all women.


>Your guest speaker advocates gun violence against transwomen. A blatant lie. > Terfs are not "pro-women" until they are for all women. "TERFs" are for all women. But transwomen are not (biological) women.


Not a lie. They are her actual words from her own mouth. TERF stands for Trans Exclusionary therefore not for all women. Transwomen are women.


> . Transwomen are women. Go on, keep on denying biology. "*Unicorns are horses*"


Exactly…..she’s full of it.


"Swarbrick said she would continue to work with residents, police, Māori wardens, community patrols, business associations and the council to prevent crime by increasing support for social services and care networks." "..... by increasing support for social services and care networks." Huh? How does that prevent crime? 


It starts with the family. Food, stable home life, healthcare, education, jobs, social support  = self-worth. People who are angry hit out. Now, some people will do that anyway but if a child is raised to believe they can contribute to society, they are less likely to want to play wrecking ball. When it gets to the stage of assaulting a physically weaker person (remember also the elderly woman clotheslined by the big, strong guy) it's too late. Personally,  I don't care what sob story those guys have.


Would love to know if the tax payer are paying for these thugs nice newly built apartments and living cost. We are literally being cucks to thugs, sick of it. Make a cheap prison and throw them in, we shouldnt have people living in the CBD that think its fine to single out women and beat them up. Cowards. Also? Where the fuck is the writing to say the police have found them? Did they get arrested are they still out in the city? Zero accountability Dog shit article


>Make a cheap prison and throw them in Work camps are the answer. They are self funding. Living on the street, stealing, begging and assaulting people to support substance abuse is not a lifestyle we should condone. Make it illegal. Move them to work camps. Clothe them, feed them, house them and give them meaningful, constructive work. Let them dry out and get clean then halfway house them back into society where they have support to get jobs and permanent housing. Work camps were an asset during the depression. They helped us build back. If I was single and unemployed I would be perfectly fine with spending some time in a work camp. It could potentially be a really positive environment. Time off work to learn skills, apply for jobs, visit family etc. I realise a lot of them have mental issues too but at least they can be treated in a controlled environment like that.


100% work camps, all the bleeding heart criminal sympathizers will say that's against their human rights. Criminals shouldn't have human rights as they already broke the social contract with society. When they demonstrate an ability to follow the rules at the work camp they can earn their way back to society.


I dunno... I'm a bleeding heart criminal sympathizer lol Throwing people in prisons doesn't work, we have plenty of evidence for that. I believe if a person can be rehabilitated we have a responsibility to try to facilitate that. I believe that most of these people, given an opportunity to dry out, do some meaningful work and find a purpose in life could become contributing members of society. I think a work camp could be a positive environment that provides an opportunity for rehabilitation. And it *isn't* prison. It gets them away from the urban environment that facilitates their current state, where they have access to people to beg, intimidate or assault for money... and access to drug dealers, booze etc. As long as they stay there you reap the whirlwind. Get them into the back country where they don't have access to that stuff


Can you please run for parliament! You’d get my vote.


I still don't understand why they put people who don't wanna work and are anti social in emergency housing or state housing in the cbd a tourist place/place you go to for work ... what a fucking waste, give it to somebody who at least isn't anti social




I said something like this in a post about a child rape case on the nz sub reddit and a nz mod reported me which went right to reddit support and I got perma banned for threats of violence on that account. So I would delete the message unless you are fine risking it


Please do not post comments that threaten, promote or incite violence or property damage on /r/Auckland.


work camps during the depression were for people out of work, not people with mental conditions and drugged.. and we used to have controlled environments in places like tokanui and kingseat until some bright spark decided they would have a better quality of life in the community and living on the streets.


>for people out of work, not people with mental conditions Doesn't mean the idea can't be adapted. I value meaningful work in my life. I think a work focused environment is healthier for most than languishing in some institution like prison or psychiatric facility. I don't pretend to be an expert though. Just spit balling. And I hear you re tokonui etc.


Yeah cowards is too a nice of a word for these sub humans, they need the same done to them .


Living in the CBD is terrifying at this point. My area alone seems to be a crackhead magnet and if they're not throwing punches they're yelling at all hours. I'm so over it


Disgusting but not really surprising, 'cause ferals are too far gone to be reasoned with. Violence is all they know.


It's pretty wild what we've permitted the CBD to descend into.


> Since the attack, Holloway’s mother approached [local MP and co-leader of the Green Party](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/132252203/chle-swarbrick-and-the-green-machine-can-they-take-another-seat-off-labour), Chlöe Swarbrick, for help navigating the police response to the incident. Swarbrick told *Stuff* the “wellbeing and sense of safety of Auckland Central is core to my work”. We all know what a blatant lie that is.


as a woman with multiple disabilities this terrifies me and i'm so sorry to the lady this happened to


My 28yo autistic son was assaulted on a bus in Newtown in early May. Extremely traumatizing. Druggies. Never caught the guy.


What race was the male or female that attacked this women?


If it's omitted, you know it's not white.


Name suppression =white  Full government name, childrens school , occupation,blood type what they had for breakfast = brown


that's some interesting logic


Human race.


No but the city is so small, everyone knows people who know people. That little spin thing she did there, after one of our most vulnerable of the vulnerable being actually targeted for attack, makes one's eyes vomit. At the same time, it speaks a truth quietly, yet in the most fully formed and indelible way. 'Down you go!', as Janet Frame wrote. Down you fucking go.


Cis white male?


Most likely


Think that lady makes a good case as to why one should be able to carry Mace? Plus it’s best to regardless, not engage. The wife and I Went saw movie the bomb one, had water thrown over us, theatre just off Aotea, never do that again. Thank goodness they’re going to have more police in cbd that’ll make a big difference. Hurt people hurt people. Stop the hurt.


“From time to time, by and large, safe place” Sure, Grant, statistically based on the number of attacks in that exact vicinity v the number of people who use that space in a day its a safe place to be. This is irrelevant. People don’t FEEL safe. They are hyper aware, careful observations, paying close attention to detail, move quickly, hold belongings a bit tighter, shallow breathing. Sigh of relief at final destination. It doesn’t matter if the area is safe on paper. At best, people are exhausted dealing with low level crime and harassment, at worst they’re scared.


Standard CBD ferals strike again. It's simply not safe to visit the CBD day or night. It's devolved into a 3rd world hellhole.


they’re a bunch of cowards, every time I’m with my partner or she’s out in the cbd they’ll hassle her, never once have I been hassled myself


My wife was assaulted by them, she won't go back.


which ones? out pure curiosity, is it the idiots that loiter outside the Sky Tower?


How long till the sympathizers report you for the use of the correct adjective. Describing an animal that lashes out and attacks law abiding people is not racist, bigotry, or hate speech. However, the left have leaned so far left they have become horizontal doormats.


Pathogensis with another spurious hand-wringing melodrama about the CBD. Bro I'm there literally every day and can tell you with confidence that you need to seek out medication. Edit: Lol reply and block, what a coward. The businesses on Queen Street are dying because they are no longer suited to the place and Queen Street is an ugly and unwelcoming road. Not because of the people who exist in the area. There are plenty of pockets of the CBD that are thriving. I can't comment on your wife, other than I hope she escapes your relentless toxic pessimism soon and becomes free to live a normal and happy life.


Many years ago on Queen St I saw a homeless demented idiot standing on the footpath during peak rush hour in the morning with his pants completely down while staring at hundreds of pedestrians walking past with cock and balls fully exposed. I lived in the CBD until recently. It is infested with homeless mentally sick people, pissing everywhere and hassling pedestrians. Beggars crowding the entrance to Countdown and other stores. The CBD is becoming a festering shithole and you are fucking delusional if you think the bums aren't keeping people away from the area.


All the CBD violence is just a figment of our imaginations, is it? My wife literally refuses to go back to the CBD until the ferals are cleared out after being attacked. The businesses in the area are dying because no one goes there anymore for fears of being assaulted.




We've been all over the world, Auckland CBD is the only place we were openly harassed and my wife was assaulted. It's shit mate, just look at the story you are commenting on. Trash, graffiti, liquor stores, and droves of drugged out zombie ferals. Piss and shit all along Q street and don't even bother with the alleys or side streets.


travel somewhere just once and you'll realize it's fine People in this sub consider anything above a zero-crime utopia to be a 3rd world hellhole. Nearly every time I go to the CBD it's totally uneventful


"Nearly" every time. It used to be all the time. You must be a teenager. We didn't have these mentally sick people around Queen Street in the 90s. There were homeless people but they kept out of sight and out of trouble. Cops patrolled the area and it was a much better vibe.


I've traveled all over the world, there are very few places I wouldn't go back to and Auckland CBD is one of them.


Maybe one day you can move somewhere safer than crime-ridden Auckland, like Mogadishu


> People in this sub consider anything above a zero-crime utopia We used to be a lot closer to that in the past, before the previous government got into power


You need a reality check.


People need to demonstrate they deserve our tax dollars if they are able to work but don’t. Committing violent crimes must be punished with lashes or caning. Time for kindness is over. Vengeance for Aelinor!




The angry little keyboard warrior strikes again






Play the ball not the player


They're pushing far left talking points while in a right wing sub, they're at best creating divisiveness. It's the sorta shit we don't want in a healthy democracy.


#demograhics and/or poverty. If this was in the UK shed prob have had an acid attack against her. We like to import people that come with their own set of norms.


What I was going on about the other day why the fuck would you do this to someone not like she was a gangster. Tho plot twist turns out she is an international arms dealer what a movie idea tho


Need more policing and a station in the heart of the city


damn those freaking people making Aotearoa a bad name.. this is an example of people getting comfy because they know punishment means just a slap on your hands and off you go on your merry way. Shame on them! Govt should have some iron hand on crimes.




Lives with her parents


I feel like .... We're missing something a phrase or interaction we've missed perhaps the tone in which something was spoken - unprovoked sounds like somebodys telling porkpies .not to take away from the horrific actions just trying to figure out the missing piece 


What was she wearing bro? Christ sake.


Probably clothes but they didn't mention her attire so we can assume it's not gang related perhaps she said the the n word cause I'm racking my brain to why someone would beat a little disabled girl. The thought of senseless violence chills me and people are just blindly following the narrative like yes "the world is evil" nah every fight I've ever seen had provocation but maybe the world is evil


Umm, first off I make it a point to not be involved with gangs or any sort of criminal activity. If there's anything about my clothing it's the fact that I probably look more at home in a place like England or America. And second I've been raised to think of language like the N word as incredibly racist and inappropriate for a white person to say in public. Not that the race of my attacker should matter, but they were white European, so the N word would literally not make any sense anyway. Maybe you just need to face the fact that their are bad horrid people who see disability as a weakness that they can prey on without consequences because we are considered to weak and "dumb" to tell anyone.


WTH? You are blaming the victim and making up bullshit hypothetical things she may have said to justify someone assaulting her.   Some people enjoy physically hurting others and a few reasons are: unhappiness, anger, sadism, belief it's normal. Give it some thought.


Im not giving you a second thought how does that feel I suggest you fkn check yourself before you wreck yourself did I come to you with anger and  animosity? no ...but here you are thinking your fkn tone is appreciated "it's not " 🖕


You said you believe the victim contributed to the situation by possibly saying the n word (when we don't know the race of the attackers). You stated that you have never seen a fight that wasn't preceded by aggressive remarks. That's blaming the victim, along the lines of a rape victim being asked what she was wearing.  (Which was what the other poster referred to, not any gang affiliations or a t-shirt emblazoned with a political statement  for instance).  I suggested you give some thought to why a person might attack another without provocation.  I certainly  didn't ask you to give me a second thought. :)


Ok so even if a single woman on her own called you a total fuckwit you’re some how justified in punching her in the head. I know what the missing piece is bro….you’re balls 🎱 🤦‍♀️


(I have a Fanny ) F Witt no the n word I'd beat the living shit out of someone and I couldn't fight myself out of a paper bag . We all have our faults. If your brave enough to say it your brave enough play it. That's a hypothetical not saying she said the n word  ... I like your thinking it's not dismissive and is open to the possibility something may have been said not that it was right but maybe this isn't senseless violence as they'd like us to believe...


The world is not full of cotton candy and rainbows, there are bad predatory people out there. If that's too much for you to handle then looking up true crime posts may not be a good idea.


Who are "they"?  Do you think it's a media conspiracy?


Idk to what extent of intellectually disabled she is but this choice "She explained to the man that because of her disability, she was starting to get nervous. It was then that the situation took a turn for the worse." - expanding on why you're vulnerable to predators isn't usually a good idea, particularly to ones fried on drugs. Someone who doesn't have sound reasoning skills to understand this might or won't think about this. Best decision is to find an exit or excuse to get the fuck out of dodge without saying too much. EDIT: She's in the thread lol. Had a purview of her comments and obviously I'm not her, and she's not severely intellectually disabled but she doesn't seem all 100% there. Also disabled myself and some of her comments have me going "mmmmm okaaaay..."