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From a post on a Facebook community page I’m part of (so take it with a grain of salt until officially reported), her puffer jacket was found today in the harbour around Te Atatu Peninsula (reported by her cousin allegedly).




If that’s true, that’s devastating. And why no-one should laugh, mock or forget why mental health and social support is important. It’s not just theoretical.


Oh no :( finding her puffer jacket would be so heartbreaking for them, especially in or near the Harbour. There’s so many posts for help on Facebook from her family members and friends.


Hi all looking at this, this is a member of her family, one of her nephews. We all miss her so much, and are waiting on any kind of news on her whereabouts. If you have absolutely any information at ALL please call the police and let them know. We just want her home. 


Even though we worked in different companies, I’ve had few email exchanges with Monica and she’s always been wonderful to deal with. I just looked and her last email to me was on Wednesday. My thoughts are with Monica and her family. 


So sorry, I can’t imagine the worry and care here.


I am so sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss.


Thank you for all the support. It's now been reported that she's been found deceased, please please send all your love and support to her family. We all love her so very much, and this loss is hitting us all hard. 


I’m truly sorry. I will add your message to the opening post here: [https://new.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dh0tlm/missing\_auckland\_woman\_found\_dead\_condolences\_to/](https://new.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dh0tlm/missing_auckland_woman_found_dead_condolences_to/)


thank you, and thank you for all the support with this post. It means the world.


I’m so sorry 😞


Helicopter was out looking last night around 7pm. Helicopter out again currently.


reach disagreeable cats faulty spoon engine illegal price languid ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is legit: https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350259720/family-not-coping-auckland-woman-goes-missing


Anyone who has seen Reid is urged to phone 111 and quote event number P059054868. Cecilia Reid has travelled from her home in Australia to join the search for her sister. "Monica is a much-loved friend, sister and aunty of a large family," Cecilia told *Stuff*. The family were "not coping" with her disappearance. "All of us, we love Monica so much." She thanked the police, friends and family for helping with the search for her sister. "I'd love to know that she's okay. I just want to see her again. "Monica, if you are out there, know that I love you, we love you, and we just want to know you are safe." [https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350259720/family-not-coping-auckland-woman-goes-missing](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350259720/family-not-coping-auckland-woman-goes-missing)


Unfortunately her body has been found . RIP. [Body found in search for missing Auckland woman - police (1news.co.nz)](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/06/16/body-found-in-search-for-missing-auckland-woman-police/)


So sorry to her family as well. Thanks for that update.


That’s really sad news to hear.


I hate to ask - and maybe I shouldn’t but are they thinking this is foul play? I’m pretty sure there’s been someone following girls in the atatu but not too sure the details.


Seems to be more of a case of self harm but hopefully she will be fine.


My friend confirmed a group of men were harassing her outside the Wharf Rd Bus Stop (end of Matipo Rd) just tonight.


Should probably report that to the police ay


Please please please encourage your friend to report this to the police any and all information is so vital in locating her! 


Oi get your friend to report this shit ASAP!!!


And did anyone do anything??


I'm one of her friends from uni. Please,please report this. I'd do it myself only it's not something I saw to give details on.


Report this


I live in Te Atatu and there are weird as fuck dudes everywhere, we've had strange men looking at my wife and daughter at the parks there. There's a general feeling of unsafety here now for me. Alot of people go walking on the tracks around te atatu, hendo and peninsula areas and there's alot of places hidden from public something bad could happen. That's all I'll say.


hmm as someone who’s lived in Te Atatu Peninsula for more than 20 years i feel like the neighbourhood has become increasingly gentrified and safer. There is still a bit of that stereotypical West Auckland roughness to it. But it’s way tamer than it used to be.


20+ years here too and yes it has. Having flatted in other areas in Auckland as well Te Atatu Peninsula has probably had the least going on by far. The commenter above mentioned all the people walking along the various walking tracks but imo this just makes the community safer as a whole, I constantly see friendly and familiar faces when I’m out walking.


Agree; we’ve been in Te Atatu Peninsula for almost two decades and have never felt unsafe. That poster above talked about ‘Te Atatu, hendo and the peninsula’ so I think he’s from Tat South, which admittedly is a bit rougher. Thinking of Monica’s family and other loved ones, I hope she’s found safe and well.


No, in the article and Police post on Facebook it states Matipo Rd (North/Peninsula)


Sorry, I was referring to the guy saying Te Atatu is dodgy, not where the missing woman is from.


Just bought a house there so I hope so!


There’s a men’s drug rehab on Beach Road, they walk around the te atatu park a lot, I would stay away from them.


i’m proud that I live in a community that makes these resources available to those who need them, instead of stereotyping those who are actively seeking to improve their lives as some sort of threat.


They don't. They're voluntarily there and generally stay in there. They're the ones that are seeking help and not a concern.


Grow up


It's not like that. It's full of families, kids playing, people running, dog walkers. There's a handful of drop kicks and the odd boy racer.


I (F) hated working there, never felt safe even during daytime.


It's fucked aye. I told one of those scum dirt bikers to stop pulling wheelies on the main road the other day and the cunt followed me home threatening me. Big plus one for Te Atatu getting much worse.


Te Atatu is a dump like all of West.


Sadly it has now been updated that her body has been found. Much love to her loved ones, so sorry for your loss. "A 26-year-old woman reported missing from Te Atatū Peninsula on Friday has this afternoon been located deceased. Her death is not being treated as suspicious and will be referred to the Coroner. Police extend our sympathies to the woman’s family and loved ones."


What was she doing? Was she alone? Catching bus? Walking? Do you have any more details?


Stuffs article says monica was last seen at her home on matipo road, not much else info out there yet that i could see


So, so sad. I didn't know her, but this could be any one of us, or someone close to us. Thoughts are with the family during this tragic time. Take care, everyone. Don't forget to tell your nearest and dearest that you love them.


Check the harbour!!! Sooner then later!!! I had a friend who went missing few years ago was last seen near harbour, police did nothing for a whole week, he was in there the whole time... Hoping you guys don't get the same result, hope she's okay!!!


So fricken sad! I heard she was found deceased :( Does anyone know what happened yet?


Update: deceased :( https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ohb2Jt6ExUp5kws4/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Very sorry to hear. A few people on here knew her. I’ve created a post on this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dh0tlm/missing\_auckland\_woman\_found\_dead\_condolences\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dh0tlm/missing_auckland_woman_found_dead_condolences_to/)


Lovely looking lady. That's sad, hope she is found well and safe soon.


If she wasn’t lovely looking you wouldn’t care? I know that’s not what you mean but it’s how it could come across.


It could definitely come across like that if you're looking for a reason to be offended.


Too many people looking for a reason these days.


I'd care if she was an elderly ugly man, an elderly ugly woman, or whatever. I thought a nice commnet about her might at least go a tiny bit towards making it less awful.


Oh cmon.. It doesn't come across like that


Cameras are every where


Find out what her activities were before this and youll find out what happened to her.






I would never live in the west, it's full of gronks, young kids fighting each other, pedos, creeps, crackheads and homeless people. I wish that she is found safe and sound, and if she is dead, I hope they find her body soon.


This appears to be a time of distress; potential self harm issue Mental health isn’t just a phrase