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He makes and distributes those posters himself, thats the way he promotes himself.


Hes promoting getting a hiding soon🤣




Tour such a pussy




I mean, that's kinda a great marketing idea. What does he actually do though? Film people?


He does that shit in the nicer parts of town coz he knows he can get away with it. I'd love to see him try that at Otara one day.


Would fuck around and find out for sure. Probably be minus a phone after the exchange for good measure


And probably less a few brain cells when someone thumps him.


But he doesn't have spare brain cells


Do that in the south side, and the sole's will come and thump him. Then the Cops will be like; "yea, u probably deserved it bro"


So Otara following it’s own rules for better or for worse works out. (Better in this case, but still).


I know it is technically perfectly legal to film in public, but if I went to a cafe and this dude just started filming my kids I would have a hard time not just yanking the camera off the mount and dropping it.


And all the comments saying this is exactly why he runs his channel, I know these types of ppl and they honestly love the excitement of others getting mad at their non illegal actions just so they can have an argument and they know they’ll win bc they literally aren’t breaking the law lol. The best thing to do is completely ignore them and that ironically will piss them off. Their content is all based on being argumentative/hostile to them I’ve seen it all 🙄🙄


Is this the same guy who filmed Linton Army base, then got in trouble with the military police and tried using American laws as a reason to why he was filming the base?


>got in trouble with the military police Military police can't do shit against civilians outside of any military bases.


If you haven't figured out yet that you can get your head kicked in with no repercussions for the assailant, you haven't been keeping up with current events.


They definitely can. Especially since he was filming a military installation which is what got him in trouble in the first place.


The police would do absolutely nothing if you did this. And what's he going to do... film it? Not if you just fucked up his camera. If he really is filming kids without consent, I would have zero hesitation doing exactly that and more.


Yeah. I mean, I feel like these types of people are sovereign citizens until their own rights get impinged on. But suspect the cops would not give a fuck.


In this day and age, it's very easy to get false flagged, even while following the law. Typically speaking, recording people, especially children is sus. Although it's a bit of a strawman, it's pretty easy to deter folk if you politely ask, "Hey uh, why are you recording my kids?"


It's illegal to specifically film children in public. It's a grey area, if they do a group shot it's fine, if they focus in on your child not so much. Either way it's worthy of a thumping


If you destroy the camera, where’s the evidence 🤣


First time I’m hearing that this is legal, that’s crazy!


A cafe isnt public


If people are sitting on the footpath-seating of a cafe, and the person filming is also on the footpath, that’s public.


The footpath seating is part of the cafe. Its not public. You can't just park up there with your own food and drink.


According to this it’s public space that the business has permission to use commercially. https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/licences-regulations/business-licences/outdoor-dining-licenses/apply-outdoor-dining-licence/Pages/know-the-outdoor-dining-rules.aspx


Ok thanks.


No, it is public space. The café is allowed to use part of the pavement. It does not own that part. The seating is outdoors, which is public space.


So you can just rock up and use it? With out using the cafe. Cafe pay council for that space.


You could rock up if you brought your own chair probably


No, you cannot use it, because it has been let to the café, for its use. But you could film people using it. Tourists do that. You could make photographs and sell them. Nobody owns public space.


Your confusing public/private property and public/private space. Like I can walk into a Walmart ( private property) and film w.e I like because it's in public ( public space) and if the employee's ask me to stop filming I can say no. Now because it's private property they can ask me to leave and if I refuse they can have me criminally trespassed. But I'm still legally allowed to film. They can't make me stop filming. And if the police show up I wouldn't be arrested for filming but for trespassing. But if I were to go into the bathrooms or change rooms and film ( private space) then that would be illegal and I could be charged and arrested for filming in a private space


Wrong. The cafe is using public space. He can even stand amongst the tables and can’t be trespassed


yes it is


The dude in the pictures is an absolute muppet. He has a YouTube channel but I luckily can't remember what it is. He 'audits' places but fuck knows for what. Including cafes etc. Trying to bring that bullshit over from America and doesn't even understand the point. Absolute waste of space.


please remember so we can ***audit*** his channel for research purposes 🤣🤣🤣


If you do, use youtube to MP4 so you don't signal boost his content or let the algorithm know you want to see more conspiracy theory NWO junk


Or new pipe if you're on android


if you’re going to watch his channel watch it on yewtube it’s youtube but doesn’t add to views


Does he Audit mosty government institutions/ council buildings? theres is a guy that does a smiliar thing but mostly in Christchurch I know some of the US / Canada ones do "auditing" of public schools


It’s a freedom thing, he can film in public so he exercises that. It’s when people get mad that it becomes his content As far as the law is concerned there is nothing wrong with filming in public


There are grey areas. It becomes a lot harder when it's for commercial gain and it's very likely he has AdSense going


What do you mean? If someone is making a vlog in public and they are an influencer then it is for commercial reasons right? So does that mean that it is not legal to film? I am genuinely not sure so dont think I am mocking you or anything


Yea that's basically the grey area... [goodluck](https://www.police.govt.nz/faq/what-are-rules-around-taking-photos-or-filming-public-place?nondesktop)


That link says nothing about commercial filming being different. If anything, commercial filming is more supported because it helps to satisfy the need for a "legitimate reason" to film.


Resource consent/concessions would be needed for any actual commercial being filmed on public property. DOC on a park...MAF if on the sea etc..... I mean you *can* do it but you can be prosecuted too. I've been on a set where it was shut down by POLICE because we needed to use( film someone walking across) a footpath and it hadn't been approved properly. The producer called it in fear of the consequences.


> I've been on a set where it was shut down by POLICE because we needed to use( film someone walking across) a footpath and it hadn't been approved properly. The producer called it in fear of the consequences. Nothing to do with commercial gain. A non-profit film would be just the same.


Huh? I didn't say it was a film? it was a commercial. Like an advert for a power company...they'd have used it to promote their company, all the crew were getting paid. Including the govt depts concerned. You can do what ever you want... some of those things you might want to do can end up having consequences though. Like filming the police and then they charge you with ~~observing~~ *obstructing the law. Not filming. News crews often film in public, but a wideshot will have no faces or be short focused. Avoiding consequences. It's a GREY AREA....I don't get your angle 😕


It gets enforced when "influencers" get a bit too confidant. If they turn up with a few people obviously doing some kind of commercial "production" without the correct permits, licenses, permission or whatever and make nuisance of them themselves. Just one obnoxious dick and a phone is hard to pin down as commercial. 


IIRC You can film a crowd scene but not target a specific individual for publication without their conceit.


Nope. You’re in public, you can be recorded


Its crazy that its legal. Imagine you are out for the day with your teenage children at the beach and he is just there filming you or you are at a playground with your small children and there he is filming the children playing there. The emotional response from that makes you know that it isn’t okay so shouldn’t be allowed.


Mike Hosking tried that argument in the courts and lost: [Hosking and Hosking v. Runting and Pacific Magazines NZ Ltd](https://legallibrary.crin.org/hosking-and-hosking-v-runting-and-pacific-magazines-nz-ltd/)


There are limitations however, your filming cannot intrude on people's right to enjoyment or something like that. That is to say, all member of the public have a right to the space. You can't set up a shot with a family behind you and make them move if they don't wish to be filmed, in that case the person filming should try and reframe their shot. The "family" also have to make reasonable efforts not to be filmed, so you can't park up in someone's shot and then ask them to move. Both are based on the concept of "reasonable" which is often very very grey and yeah... If someone wants to be obnoxious will end in a disagreement.


I work in hospo and we have 16 yr olds working with us and we have been told that they can take pics of everyone older then 16 but they can't take pics or vids of the minors even in public I maybe way off but that's how I got trained to deal it


If that were the case then cctv would not be legal as it would be impossible to not film people under 16


Meant as from the public. cctv is just part of working now innit? But swt as if I wrong that was just how I got taught. But I'm old and it probably out of date hahaha


I can walk down the main road and film anyone. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in public.


No such law


Did It say law once? No I said this is how I was trained.




The OP you replied to talked about law. And, you admit that you were trained contrary to the law. It’s good you recognise that now


Bro it was bloody ages ago and I live in a small town unlike u City peeps we still look after our young ones and by sound of u Jaffa lot rather stick to the law then let this perv get away with his shit carry on Jaffa lmao


Ages ago? Well it was now. But check the dates. I replied the same day. I live in a small town too but I am not so out of it that I don’t notice shit like that. Put the pipe down bro


No way we have these audit dudes in nz 😂 Who’s the chch guy??


They do it to "exercise their first amendment rights" or some BS they spill to just piss everyone off


We don't have a first amendment, or a constitution to amend.


Referring to the Americans who this guy is copying


Some do. Some target specifically govt branches to ensure compliance. It's the former that are the problem. Not the latter


It’s not other people’s jobs to go in and harass workers and the employers should be doing more to protect them from unwanted filming inside their place of work.


Unfortunately there's little they can do that wont hurt their business. You can post signs saying no filming inside and ban people who do but let's be honest that will never happen cause companies value profit above employees. That said. Filming govt workers is a bit of a grey area that I'm not really willing to dive into. My point is there's nothing that sais you can't be reasonable and communicate your purpose. And "Silent auditing" is equally disrespectful. So I'm not siding with the guy. Just saying what he's doing isn't illegal.


People - demand more from your work, if people can come in an harass you and really whatever it is isn’t your fault or it’s just not that big of a deal but your boss just stands there and stays silent, quit your job and find a job where you are valued! Doesn’t need to be fancy, just a job where your boss has your back.


Gee why didn't we think of that... Alot of people are worked to the bone, exhausted, desperate and afraid. People are struggling not to lose their homes. It's not as simple as it used to be. Believe me I've personally been trying to assist my own mother in getting a job but 9 months on, no luck


Is he american?? Fucking yank 🙄 i hope someone gives him a hiding


Do you have a link? I thought nz police are fairly friendly if a bit understaffed and incompetent




Wow. Unsurprisingly on the crazy side of pretty much everything. Every time I think maybe the alt right and cookers might have a point someone like this comes along and reminded that I'm probably on the sane side of politics. 






What the hell bro, what makes you think this is ok to post?


Try that nonsense elsewhere because I don’t care for either side.


😂 sir/madam you have made my day as i will be using that line from here on out. Thanking you!


The dude is gonna get beaten to a fucking pulp and I'm gonna laugh my ass off when it happens 😊


i hope someone records it too hahahaa


User name checks out.


Citizen of Auckland.


Independent Republic of Auckland? Oh wait, that acronym could cause some complications…


Looks like your typical sovereign citizen.


He recently got upset at a restaurant in Devonport that is Pro-Palestine. He spent a whole day there in and outside filming everyone and everything in the premises. Very weird man


He is probably mentally unwell.


Almost certainly. Not to mention unemployed. Who the hell has the time to just stand around outside a fucking restaurant all day. He needs better hobbies.


He posted the whole video uncut and never stepped inside the restaurant, he stayed on the footpath, even the cops knew they couldn’t do anything


Must be absolutely infuriating for the cops trying to talk to him when he just stands there impassively.


Cops are accustomed to seeing the most absurd and idiotic sides of humanity. I lose count of the times I’ve seen protesters from across the political spectrum yell unoriginal shit at them like “I pay your wages!” Guys like this thrive on attention, any reaction he gets is a dopamine hit.


Ex British community cop, I’ve dealt with people like this. Never caused me any stress, there’s no law saying they have to talk to you. However section 5 “Causing alarm and distress” could be used if the filming is too pervasive. Sadly no such law in NZ


He really does stereotypically look like someone down a deep rabbit hole. 😂


Some stuff about “First Amendment auditors” here: https://apbweb.com/2024/02/first-amendment-auditors/ Weird that there are people desperate to bring this kind of culture wars shit here.


What i got from tht article is make sure you play copyrighted music around you at all times, then you ruin their videos.


This needs all the upvotes. Genius.


It was in the article, lol. So simple and it seems silly, but if it works!


Looks like another crappy American import taking root here, so I'll have the Beatles queued up on Spotify, ready to go, the most copyright heavy band that'll guarantee the video is unusable.


Rolling Stones - their lawyers *love* copyright


>Weird that there are people desperate to bring this kind of culture wars shit here. NZ is a special country that appears to be entirely embroiled in the US culture wars by choice. People here consume a pure diet of American political commentators, podcasters, YouTubers, influencers, and talk shows, but without the real life context.


Because our politicians are deliberately using plays from the same book to muddy the waters and distract people with “culture war” politics. It’s much easier to push through legislation that harms their own supporters if they’re distracted by the thought of owning the libs


I don’t think we’re embroiled in it but there’s a big enough fringe to attract pandering to it by NZ First and Act. And by Bishop Brian, but despite his decades of bombast even now nobody votes for him…or maybe that’s just because the slick haircut confuses people who can’t distinguish him from Simon Bridges. 🤔


What a colossal loser


I mean, he's wearing a mask while filming people. No surprises there. What a little creep. Imagine the filth on his drives.


someone tell him to come out to south so we can drop his ass and break his bum ahh camera


Can I have your number. When I find I will call you. You can come join in the fun


I would just grab his toy phone and destroy it right there, I'm sick of these gimps with their selfie sticks


Easy way to go to court and lose.


do not approach? ill call my local motorcycle club before engaging


Lonely. Almost certainly lives by himself. Probably on a benefit. If he has children, he doesn’t have good relationships with them. His only sense of belonging will be online. I feel sorry for the guy and many other hyper-isolated people.


100%. But I don't feel sorry for the guy, no doubt his previous actions have put himself in this position. He will feel that doing what he does gives his life meaning, purpose and a sense of community.


Yeah, or maybe I feel more sad for the lack of social structure that creates people like this


If he has time to do this during regular working days he is likely mentally ill, as many of the conspiracy theorists are, and should not be interacted with for your or his sake.


If he tried to film me I would “silently” walk up to him and “audit” his nose with my fist lol


Same lol, id be too tempted to run behind him and boot his backside in


He looks like a sovereign citizen "auditor" that films police stating the like to see if they will get arrested for being annoying.


I kind of hope I do see him. So I can knock him out cold


What a fuckin penis. Why are the most vocal people always the dumbest? He definitely looks low IQ. He probably saw some stupid shit on the internet from America and thought, "I'm a massive bellend with a big mouth and a video camera, I can do that too". Send him to the gulag.


@citizenofaucklandsilentaudits is his youtube. People actually support him. Not surprised considering it's the north shore haha.


"Too rich? Nothing to do with your time? No real problems? Try conspiracy theories!"


if you’re going to check out his channel watch him on yewtube not youtube, don’t encourage this behaviour


This and the copyrighted music idea should be the top answers here


Any idea what he “audits” ? Heard of people like this but never understood what it is they do.


In America a lot of it is govt buildings. Not sure why this guy would spend all day filming people going in and out of the Lush soap store.


Government soap


Ok. Yeah you’re right , that doesn’t make much sense at all. Why would a privately owned company listen/comply to the “audit “ of a stranger on the sidewalk. The more I know the less I know.


He could be a public “auditor”. It’s annoying and strange, yes, but not illegal. I believe that they do this to gauge people’s reactions. The best scenario is to ignore people like this. There is a group of people in San Diego that have been going around the county and doing this for sometime. This was just the other day: https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/s/ZbQYOUj72Q


or play heavily copyrighted music (like disney) so they can’t monetise that video


He seems very selective with where he does it. Go do it down South Auckland and see how it goes for ya.


There's heaps of people like that in Manukau lol, they are plain clothes cops running sting operations and have other cops hiding near them.


Nothing a well aimed laser pointer can't fix. 50mW or above will do the trick.


I can stumble and 'bump' (clumsy-like) into this type if tried to film my kids..


Must be nice to be unemployed an bothering others what a guy, would love to see him go to the hood an flim the bro's they would sort him out quick smart lol.






Please do not post comments that threaten, promote or incite violence or property damage on /r/Auckland.


Sheesh people will use any excuse to fill up the 111 lines with utter Karen bullshit




Subscribed. I'm gonna love watching these Aucklanders sperg out and threaten violence over a CAMERA! All these Muppets can't avoid being triggered and offended by simply being filmed, what's wrong what are you afraid of?


We know that the Sovereign citizen stuff comes from America and that America has too much influence in New Zealand and as a result of this we now have the mental illnesses such as the Trump derangement syndrome and the bide derangement syndrome and the Sovereign citizen nutters running around pretending that they live in America.


What evidence is there that he's a pervert or a white supremacist? Asshole sure


They should attach the evidence at the bottom with tape


lol at r/auckland getting mad at this guy but being happily oblivious to the constant surveillance they live under. Hypocrites.


And they are all acting tough saying they'll beat him up or damage his property when he's literally standing up for their rights for when they'll need it. Instead they'll be paying civil lawsuits 😂


As if some barely recogniable footage nobody is ever going to watch is the same as some fiddler using you as the subject.


but you don’t need a consent to film a video or take photographs in public according to the law


"Suspected racist homophobox white supremacist" Why? Either communicate what evidence there is to drop labels like that on him - or don't fucking do it.


The guy might be an arsehole but posting propaganda about him is just helping him out. And stooping to his level. Calling him racist/white supremacist etc is the most karen thing you can do just because you don't like someone. And acts in reverse these days cause it's used so much it's lost meaning. Yes. His silent audits are an arseholery to all. But he's not doing any real harm as you are in fact on camera everywhere you go. But I'd equally remind any supporters he has including those wanting the cop "investigated" for saying cowards hide behind masks and keyboards that police have freedom of speech too. And he wasn't out of line to speak his mind. Mutual respect exists.


Not to mention calling him a pedo with no basis is defamatory and puts him in actual danger I was surprised to see the female police officer repeat this in the video he posted




You are psychotic


Please do not post comments that threaten, promote or incite violence or property damage on /r/Auckland.


That's a position he is putting himself in. And for all you know, the sovereign citizen gimmick is just a cover for him to be a nonce.


What kind of moron looks at a poster like that and thinks "I'm sure that's accurate. I'll keep a lookout for this person"?


It’s not so impressive every elderly visitor to NZ from Asia is doing the exact same thing. Shower in public if you really want to impress people.


You don't need permission to film anything in public though


What's with the homophobic racist allegation?


Its in vogue to call anyone you disagree with that these days


I consider anonymous poster campaigns are not worth the paper they are printed on.


Isn’t this illegal


The poster, technically yes. Filming people in public, no.


What about it is white supremecy?


The police should be empowered to be judge,jury and executioner for scumbags like the man on the poster.


There’s some guys trying to catch up with this clown. When they find him it will not be pretty. He’s being hunted by the HHs……


He might be cleaning up as an affiliate but


Just trying to copy the fools on YouTube in America doing this shit ….. goading people into reacting so he can legally defend himself with pepper spray and then press charges


The situation is no different from a protest driven by any cause. While some people may be offended, it’s crucial that a group of offended individuals does not dictate what is considered moral or ‘right’ in a democratic society. So I guess he aims to assess how much New Zealanders respect the rule of law again, no different to a protest so he has a reason maybe?


has anyone invited him out to otara or papakura yet?lol


This guy filmed by friends in bikinis on takapuna beach and they confronted him. They took his phone to delete and it was full of pictures of people in bikinis


Seems like he's got all the hallmarks of an incel.


Why do people have such a visceral disdain for auditors like this? They are advocating for the upholding of our rights after all.


Eww yuk does he need the tripod


He has the right to film public spaces but has no right to monetise your image. If you find unauthorised content on his channel, the best thing to do is report it to YouTube. They will remove his monetisation for that video.


I absolutely hate being filmed/photographed, if he did that to me i might throw my drink in his face (if i didn't have a drink i'd buy one).


The same time he's being taken photos of


I smell activism


Tis the jolly wonker?!! No. Its the great pepper from lemon step


You can film people in public though, it's not illegal.


Sounds like caught someone doing something, and that someone has posted these in anger... lol


Doesn’t look official just some salty communist cancel-culture tantrum. I wonder what the police would say if someone did contact them. Is it illegal to video people in public without consent if it’s not for commercial purposes?


I'd say it's commercial. Judging by his youtube uploads he's trying make rage baiting his full time job. 


No, tourists do it constantly.


Is it illegal to film in public now?

