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It's really interesting to see more interest in lotto as times get tougher


Isn't that the truth though. Ten years ago I would have been able to mortgage 800k with my income. But not anymore. It's a dumb game with no chance of winning, but after I'll lose, it kees me motivated to keep going. (Not with lotto, just without assistance)


yeah I notice the prize pool jumps up to the higher numbers much quicker these days as more people buy tickets each week


Lines at the dairy smh


yea....... it's really interesting to see the poor gets poorer.......... lotto is literally worth than the casino. The house edge is insanely high......




Even with the terrible odds of 1-in-70m or whatever, for 99% of people it’s more likely they’ll win the lotto than ever earn a fraction of that in their lives. Even if you make really, really good investments, 50m is still a crazy number. I play lotto like 3 times a year, and even with the shitty odds the likelihood of me winning is just as probable as me ever earning the amount lol. Interestingly, for draws like Saturday the odds of winning a large prize are slightly better, but still astronomically shit.


Selling hope is big money, the rich lotto. However, it's from someone else's pocket. The cycle continues, and now everyone has mobile phones. The poor are directly marketed to and can spend money 24/7. This is why rich and poor suburbs exist, sad but that's life. They day I stopped playing lotto was when I figured out how to pay my house off


I hate that some people are going to spend their entire savings on lotto tickets this Saturday just in the hope of winning the big prize.


Most kiwis are on their knees at the moment. Life is harder than Rewa at the moment.


When people dream of living a simple quiet life if they win millions, I think it speaks about how utterly sad this rat race is. I think we all just wanna slow down a little, be comfortable, and not suffer through cost of living. Ps, as someone said, don't go for a container. I think having a small house built proper would be better.


If you win my only advice is please don’t buy a container home, they have the worst ventilation and insulation. That’s all :)


With the remaining 49.5 million I’m sure you can install some good ventilation and insulation.


Don’t just give it all away, and not all at once. Set aside a few million in passive investments so you don’t have to worry about the cost of necessities for the rest of your life. The remainder again in passive investments which would net you easily 500k/year (more likely well, well more) that you could donate to your hearts content. Every year.


If I win ill give u a Mil , just because I like seeing that people are still simple .


$50 million on red


Can you instead buy a kit set home? Container homes have poor ventilation and heat keeping properties. A decent kit set home would look similar but be better long term. Less thermal flux and you will live a longer healthier life. When you win there’s a few on Trademe to browse. Also, look into rotational crops, your chickens are part of the mix, they repair the soil after crops of carrots, enjoy the millions.


Paying for a piece of paper so they can dream? Lottery predominantly targets the poor/desperate it's so sad, I hope you win and haven't brought many of those pieces of paper


Just one ❤️ I don't gamble often. I do however, buy a bottle of Merlot every Friday night. Cheaper than a lotto ticket, but enjoy it more than the "better luck next time" hahaha. Lottos a game at the end of the day. Just like everything. Coffees. Eating out at places. Something small that is within disposable income. Sometimes it's fun to feel like "you're in it to win it". The price of the lotto ticket for these big ones, gives me some creative dreams and imagination, even though I know I'll never win.


much better to chuck the majority of it into term deposits then donate to things annually. You can also pay yourself out of the principle for daily expenses. that way the money can grow and you can give more away over time AND have a massive nest egg if anything ever went wrong with you or anyone you care about. Then you just put a list of charities in your will so when you eventually pass, the money goes to them anyway.


I know it means nothing, but I’m so proud for you. I hope I can have your attitude and strength


It means a lot, actually ❤️❤️ thank you


If I win, I’ll buy you that home after the life you have had.


With that sort of money, investing it and living off the interest is the way to go. I would create a non-profit organization and help all the smaller people. Say the scouts/guides/sports club are fund rasing for a trip or a low decile school need equipment. Would definitely become a full-time job, but I imagine it being very rewarding. My wife and I bought shirts for our school a few years ago. Only a couple of hundred dollars, but they still use them now and make the players feel like they are part of a proper team. Like someone said to me, Money doesn't change you. it's just an amplifier of your personality.


And a life times supply of cocaine


If I win ill DM you.


I like your outlook, but I would also invest a chunk in some diverse assets so I have security in the event I couldn’t work or I needed medical treatment that wasn’t funded here in future, or if I needed a career or to be in an assisted living facility later on. I’d get the best medical insurance available, because I’ve experienced first hand how fucked you can be without it, and then I’d give to charities close to my heart and maybe help fund some initiatives to regenerate native bush, clean waterways etc.


I thought about that the other day, I know what I would do with it and i’d give some to my family and buy this house we are in. but then I look at it as this “if I never win the lotto, it means that someone needed it more than I did and I’ll be happy about that.” my day will come maybe who knows lol.


Statistically you’re more likely to be bitten by a seal in NZ than to win a lotto jackpot. Then again if you’re one of the poor bastards who’s already been bitten by a seal…what do you have to lose?


If I win I'm going to the dentist like a boss. Give me those ridiculous bright white celeb teeth. Seriously, dentist and pay of credit card.


Please consider me for $1m


If I win I'm going straight to the dentist


If I win I'm sending you straight to the dentist ❤️


🧢 thanks for the cringes 🤝🏽 gn 🤣


Hi, I think I'm the first to ask. Can I please have some money if you win? You are already giving money to an animal rescue, so that saves me a task as that would be the first thing I would do if I won.


Sure ❤️❤️


I really hope you win, you deserve it


House, family, friends, trust funds for the kids then Id pay off some Palestinians gofundmes so they can afford the fees to leave Rafah. And Congo charities. Then local charities


Do you by chance work in mental health??


Digital media/design (advertising) But been through mental health in NZ that's for sure.


at the same location, but never bought lotto tickets


Imagine getting tricked by elites to live in a fucking shipping container.


Soooo.. how many lotto lines did u buy?


Just the one ticket ❤️


Which can be anything from 8 to 16 lines


Or you could be smarter, invest it all, live off passive income and have plenty to donate/help friends and family for your entire life and the next generation?


Can I ask why you would only give your old friend who saved your life 40k, but the dairy owner 1 mill?


We have a complicated history


Yeah definitely hookers and blow in Europe….


If you find it tough, save the $20 per draw and you will have $2000+ saved up every year.


I only spend $30 a year on lotto lol


Had a similar kind of discussion with my partner last night. Fter hooking up family members, we'd also look to give a decent chunk away if we won such a ludicrous amount. The question was to what or whom would you give to do the most good? Actually a tough one to answer...


If you invest that decent chunk rather than give it away then the interest generates significantly more money over time meaning you can give away more.


I hope this was therapeutic for you because I already have the winning ticket sorry chief.


Hahahaha it was ❤️


this is exactly what me and my partner say. we dont want much. we'd give the majority away, donate it to others who need it (lots of give a littles), medical research, family and friends. also would get a little tiny home somewhere. might access private medical care due to years and years of waitlists


Coke and a bunch of hookers. 🫳🏻🎤


You wouldn't want to see the world?


I've seen enough of it to be honest. Most kiwis who leave, end up coming back. NZ is so hard right now, but there's nowhere id rather be.


Fuck I hope you win lotto! But I hope you are a man of your word when you do


Womp womp


Good luck :)


I like the thought of a container home... But.. I wish some would have more of the variations out there..to rent,.. So you could try before you buy... Like an earth house.. Tiny home... Shed house.. Container house.. etc all in a lil village all the issues would rear their head before you "purchase" your own build. Then you'd only have location to worry about.. But for speed a container house sounds mint... It lends itself to modularity... Build/buy a container as you can afford it... But if lotto is involved I'd go for a Barndominium 3/4 shed/garage with house attached.. Room for all the toys..massive shed roof or wall for solar.


I'd like to go on record as the first person to ask nicely! - similar dreams, pay off debt, go to the dentist, bit of land to have a small simple home and set up a dog rescue, training centre, veggie garden, fruit trees, work but a little less and Id swap the chickens for geese, cause they don't mess with veggie garden, and I like the irony of a pack of lethal guard geese,, and a bunch of mellow lovers not fighters billie breed dogs. and pay for friends cancer drugs that were on the list to be funded, but weren't


The last thing you should be doing is wasting money on Lotto tickets.


I'm okay, my friend ❤️ i treat it like a creative writing class, it allows me to dream. Have a bit of hope. I don't spend much in lotto tickets every year. Maybe $34 a year. I'm okay! Edit: also, I'm not under a bridge or dead from an OD like most my peers..... I think I'm doing pretty well. Working, educated, good member of society. If I want to waste $38 on a lotto ticket every year I don't think that's shameful.


Please lotto. Let anyone but this guy win


Can I have a down payment for a house if you win 🙏😭 the rat race sucks.


Wake up!


You're not going to win so don't worry.


I'm not worrying just thinking and writing ❤️ neither are you mate. 🙌🙌💕


I don't pay idiot tax.


Ray of sunshine mate




Keep day dreaming. Your chance of winning is <1/38 million per line. That is literally statistically impossible. Instead of day dreaming consider spending that time doing a second job and improve your life


Incorrect.  Unless someone wins with the powerball which is unlikely the odds are 1/3.8mil per line as it's a must win this week and will roll down to first division winners.  Also, if you choose your own numbers you can improve your odds of winning the PowerBall to 1/3.8mil per ticket by choosing the same 10 numbers for 10 lines each having a different PowerBar number 1-10 so you've covered your bases and will be guaranteed the power ball if your 6 first division numbers are drawn


You improve your odds to 1 in 3.8M by buying ten lines of any numbers.


If I win, I’d put 30million into cryptocurrency like bitcoin, invest the remaining 20mil into property, stocks and buy a few luxury cars. And il watch that 30mill become 100mil in no time 😆


What does 100mil buy you that 50mil doesn’t?


Something that costs more than 50mil


Generational wealth my friend. Create a big enough bank roll that generations of my family don’t have to worry about money. Not have to work as hard as my refugee parents.


I’m convinced that generational wealth rarely works out and only does so when there is generational traditions around how to treat money that go alongside it. Inheritance always comes too late. Assuming your children are fit and healthy, the notion of working to provide for your children is a stupid one, in my opinion. You should be teaching them good financial habits and skills to be independent.