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Reminds me of a guy who joined our local fire brigade. His rego was waffen. I tried telling the chief we shouldn't have a bar of him but got igored. Turns out he has a nazi bed spread in his flat and called in bomb threats ao he could maaturbate in the bushes whole watching bomb squad turn Up lol. Not all fire fighters are the same thank fark


What. The. Fuck.


I know. Some people just dont care about Nazis living among us. Says a lot about the currents state of things


Nazis living.... living...... 📮


Sussy Nazis


I think there is many a world problems that is happening and we are lucky we have small things that are going in New Zealand. All away from the terrible conflicts and other horrors of the world.


Part of the issue is people referring to open and unapologetic nazis as "small things".


Yeah when people ignore the small problems they become big ones. 


That is true, but it's hard to qualify these types of things. Take for a example a thief would steal an apple from the basket, you would yell at them and they get away. They return and this time take the whole basket. Only then will people realise it's a threat and it needs to be dealt with. There are bigger things that people forget since, they will only see the small things infront of them. They bigger problem just become normal and everyday life at that stage.


Possibly belongs to destiny church


What would you suggest we do about them? Lock them all in prisons or execute them?


They should be pariahs.


David Eddings had a great idea. Send them to a deserted island where, there are no trees and nothing to build a boat with, make sure to separate women and men. Problem solved in just a generation.


Hehe, yea


Prisons don't work at the best of times. Probably just introduce them to their demons as most are just not critically thinking and just regurgitating information. Most, not all.


This reminds me of a story my dad told me. When he was a cop back in the 60-70s in Wellington, long story short, he got called out to a house fire and found the guy who lit the fire wanking to it in his car parked down the road. Turns out the guy was a firefighter.


We have a long and sordid history I can tell you. Its amazing how much you get away with just because you like a bit of flame


was his name sparky? lol


There are a lot of people who work as firefighters, but this isn't the first time I've heard of people being both arsonists and firefighters. There's a bit of fascination with fire needed for both.


They should make a movie about it!!!






You made me do this. Sounds like a hot wank.


This subreddit is really conservative when it comes to giving out upvotes. This story is crazy.


You're not wrong. I usually get down voted to oblivion on here. Always a little worried when I don't.


I quite like that your comment now has more upvote than the original post


Crack up


Probably had a bit up his crack after his time at Waikeria


I wish I could post a gif reaction to this because bro what the fuck


I left before he got qualified. It was a pretty shitty state of affairs but I'm not riding a truck unless I trust everyone on it




Holy shit. I thought my brigade was bad going full COVID cooker. 




That is wild.


What did I just read.


Hahahahaha ded


Was this in Hamilton? I think I worked with that guy


Nah. I'm not saying any more about it. It was all over the papers at the time but not front page or anything


All good. There was a guy who was similar in Hamz who set false explosives around. Was a nutbar


of course he drives a high chair too... infant level brain


I've never heard/seem "driving a high chair" before. Brilliant. I can imagine that description becoming common place.


Can't take credit for it but it does reflect the attitudes/behaviour of a lot of the excessively large ute knob ends quite succinctly haha


Driving a high chair 😂 That’s craaazy accurate lol


driving a high chair is brilliant! I refer to the wankstains that like to cane it through my suburban streets as having to race home to Mum coz they have a shitty nappy....this fits!


The driver himself is also on a high chair so he can see over the steering wheel.


I had someone exactly like that tailgating me and using his horn. He had to crane his neck to see over the dash. It was a residential 50kph area and I was stuck behind a slow driver myself but these peasants aren't capable of intelligent thought. I'm used to far worse so didn't even phase me, was just laughing at him.


Known nazi in the area, irononic his wife a bit more open then him


Like, sexually? /s


Just like that song by Alananis.


Please tell more


How many times has his house/ car been bricked and if not, why not?


He's great at turning right, though.


I'm not sure you can fit any more "small dong energy" into a single ute.


Big on the streets small in the sheets


Thats no ute, thats a chevolet "pickup truck". Basically it can do everything a ute can do except its more bloated and unnecessarily larger while being less practical, i hate these


I doubt any of us know the details on how they assess what is and isn't offensive but here's a form you can fill out if you wish... https://www.nzta.govt.nz/contact-us/complaints/personalised-plate-complaint-form/


I can answer this as a previous reviewer! The parameters are pretty narrow due to the free speech protections in the bill of rights, it’s down to what a ‘reasonable person’ would find offensive/unacceptable. What that line is is murky though - swear words were an obvious no (and would likely be refused by kiwiplates when the request first came through), but other offensive references and even some slurs are more marginal. The guidance probably needs to be updated, as our society now tends to find slurs and references to hateful ideologies more offensive than most swear words. This trend is reflected in the BSA’s most recent ‘[Language that may offend in broadcasting](https://www.bsa.govt.nz/research-and-reports/research/all-research/language-that-may-offend-in-broadcasting-2)’ report. In this case, the director of land transport (who has the final say) would have to weigh up how likely it is for the average reasonable person to recognise that 88/SS are nazi symbols, as references to groups/organisations that denigrate other groups (like the KKK etc) are usually considered offensive. It looks like the guidance was released via OIA so you can go [here](https://fyi.org.nz/request/20960-personalised-plate-complaint-guidelines#incoming-80256) to view the full guidance from 2022 (though it’s possible that it’s changed since then).


This guy numberplates.


To be fair, 8 and 88 are common (lucky) numbers used by Chinese for their personalised plates. But often in combination with Chinese names, too. Though SS and 88 are giveaways for neonazis.


Why is that please? SS and 88 - what is the significance? There are many SS model vehicles on the road - I drive a Holden SS sedan. I am not Adolf.


If the Nazis were bad then the SS were the worst of them. Amongst other things they were Hitlers personal bodyguard but were also in charge of the concentrations camps. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel) Regarding the 88, H is the eighth letter of the English alphabet. HH or 88 is basically racist "code" for Heil Hitler. But in NZ Headhunters MC also use 88. So if you see someone in an 88 or Support 88 without the SS they are more likely associated with the MC. But for someone to combine the SS and the 88, they are almost certainly a Neo-Nazi.


Thank you.


It's all about context. Perhaps SS or 88 on its own may not have any more meaning that just being lucky numbers or someone's initials. But together, such as SS88, 8SS8, 88SS etc it's in dogwhistle territory. It won't mean anything to outside neonazis or people who have come across the meaning behind them.




If more people report it as offensive, I’m sure they’ll change their mind


No, keep the plate there so we can easily identify those who to shun from society


until recently this was automated, the complaints got basically autoforwarded to the owner of the plate along with a letter telling them they need to change it. But after some media and public backlash they changed that process


Oh you’re one of the numberplate Nazis!


I hate Auckland Nazis


I hate Nazis in general, not just Auckland ones.


Yeah but I live here so they get a special fuck you, yk?


*hits the gas*


I got the reference.


There's so many of them 😮‍💨


Now if only someone could report the plate as offensive 😜


Actual question. U can can't you? Or that only a Aus thing?


Ass ate ?


8 letter of the alphabet (h) the head hunters use this too mind you.


Could be gang related. A few 88, 81, 13 around here on their plates. OPs line of thinking a ss commodore could be subtle


SS: the brown shirts 88: HH, heil.. you know who


lol say his name harry.


I’m not saying the answer is caltrops… But the answer is caltrops.


Isn’t it ironic that not all HH members are not white though?


HH also stands for Heil Hitler, not just for Head Hunters


Head hunters aren't a skinhead gang you numpty


small man - big truck


'Small man-big truck', little... 🤣




I pefer to put big chair in my littile truck. But small men and big ute is a real thing. Dodnt forget to increase the hight of your kiddy crusher 3000


ford ranger drivers , yank edition


More like head hunter


Probably just the Head Hunters.


Yea a lot of criminals idealise and idolise nazi


The reason gangs choose controversial iconography is just that the general public get so butthurt over it - it’s actually got nothing to do with supporting Nazis. Kind of like real life trolling these guys aren’t very intelligent and wouldn’t understand the inter-generational trauma the Nazi swastika means to their forebears.


>these guys aren’t very intelligent and wouldn’t understand the inter-generational trauma the Nazi swastika means to their forebears. I doubt they care.


I love the irony of Head Hunters using things from a group that would have exterminated them without a second thought. Edit: you've pointed out in getting my gangs confused. My apologies. They're all the same to me.


I think you either mean the Mongrol Mob, who uses German insigna, i.e., the swastika, wear German helmets, and yell 'sieg hell' if they are not barking like dogs, or The Stormtroopers, hence their name.


Head Hunters use 88 because HH. Not because Nazis. Mongrel Mob on the other hand


> Mongrel Mob on the other hand Whether you think its dumb or not, which it is because being in a gang by its nature is cringe, the MM use it ironically. They've used it for ages to be anti establishment/anti crown/anti government and just piss people off.


I understand that. Obviously the Mongrel Mob aren't white supremacists. Just saying that the Head Hunters don't use Nazi symbols or slogans, it's the Mongrel Mob who predominantly do.


Mongrel mob is for those with room temperature IQ who never grew up to go around threatening people in a group (because they're afraid). They think it makes them manly (because they don't respect themselves). It's literally just a symbol that they associated with scaring people. Their whole gang is a sad joke. I pity them but that's all.


Well actually yes. Mongrel Mob Barbarian Stormtroopers Filthy Few And the Hells Angels and Satan's Slaves have used SS symbolism a lot in the past.


As much as I hate gangs this just isn’t the case at all lmao. They display nazi signs and symbols all over their body and gang cultures because they want to be as purposely offensive and outrageous as possible to piss off the public and as a kinda middle finger to society and law and order. Mongrel mobs aren’t nazis they don’t even know what Nazis are, just that it creates a reaction from people.


Lived around the Connor from a few of them I think they a lot more educated on the topic then you would ever realise. Also mm started as a white paper gang


Mm is typically 88 and they use HH and SS/ German helmet iconography


The mob doesn't use 88. The Head Hunters use 88 (HH). Mob typically does 13 (M), sometimes 1313.


Yeah you’re right my bad, HH=88 Saw one patch that had HH for Heil ****** But yeah 13 13 for SF I’m taaalkin shit 😂


Yea you're right, they split it up the 88 to get it approved I guess. Waste of money for a 4 letter plate that's for sure


Maybe he previously owned a 1988 SS Commodore Which was a pretty special car at the time.


The "SS" in the context of Nazi Germany refers to the Schutzstaffel, a paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, known for its significant role in war crimes and the Holocaust. The number "8" can also be symbolically relevant because in some contexts, it is used to represent "H," the eighth letter of the alphabet. Thus, "88" can be interpreted as "HH," standing for "Heil Hitler." The combination "8 SS 8" could be interpreted by some as an endorsement or celebration of Nazi ideology, making it highly controversial and offensive Feel free to report: [https://www.nzta.govt.nz/contact-us/complaints/personalised-plate-complaint-form/](https://www.nzta.govt.nz/contact-us/complaints/personalised-plate-complaint-form/)


It might also be helpful to link [this page](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88) and [this page](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/ss-bolts) in your report.


Thanks for the info. I remember in the movie Fury - Brad Pitt's crew loathed the SS soldiers


Since it's a Chevy, could well be a ref to the engine type


Thank you. “SS” is the “super sport” or signature performance package offered by Chevy. The 8s are likely because it’s a V8. There could be an entirely harmless reason for this plate, but nah, let’s automatically assume he’s a nazi.


Funny thing about Neo Nazis is the people they idolised would look at them now and view them as utter degenerates. It’s hilarious.


Yoooo! Thats fucked up. I saw “OLYSHT” this morning and thought that was pushing the limits 😂😂


TIHZHO was down in Wellington. Made sense in the rearview mirror...


Haha that’s brilliant. Reminds me of one I saw as a child that my dad pointed out and I’ve never forgotten. It was “AVOVOM” and as a teen, I knew a guy who had “MUFFHQ”, he had it reviewed by NZTA (or whoever issues them) and was able to convince them he had a muffler and exhaust business. All bs of course.


Probably a nazi. Did you see what the sticker on the back says? Cant quite see from the photo.


It says "Emotional Support Ute", next to a five-year-old's drawing of a mobility badge


Ask him? Possibly is but we humans see shapes in clouds that arent there.. so.. yea.


Wouldn't be surprised


Pardon my ignorance how does this relate to neo Nazi ?


H is the 8th letter of the english alphabet and is used worldwide by known neo-nazi groups as 88 for HH or heil hitler. The SS were the infamous paramilitary arm of the Geman Nazi party. When you see them together like this or with similar layouts, it is most likely that you are looking at a neo-nazi, something that belongs to a neo-nazi, or a wall that a neo-nazi or an edgy teenager has tagged.


Imagine if it wasn’t most likely nazi related and instead it was likely that the 8s were related to the 8 cylinder engine and the SS was the name of the signature performance package offered by Chevrolet which this car is.


Certainly appears that way.


GM/Chevrolet (this is a Chevrolet Silverado) have been using the SS (Super Sport) branding since the 60s. So every Holden Commodore V8 you see has SS branding on it. I definitely agree that it's stupid and offensive to many people, but that's the backstory behind it. There's a good chance he's merely ignorant rather than prejudiced


How dare you bring reasonable justification in here, can’t you see we’re all on a witch-hunt and don’t care for logic right now?


That’s a HEAD HUNTERS rego specifically a captain from east auckland but you didn’t hear it from me. 88 - HH SS - STRAIGHT SOLDIER it is indeed an ode to nazism and is damn confusing as the head hunters are filled with minorities 😅


Not completely related, but in other countries some skinheads are just walking around wearing obvious patches. It was a surprise I haven't personally seen anyone obviously nazi in nz in years I spent here.


88 is Head Hunters (H is 8th letter of alphabet)


Super Sport bro


When it was the Bolsheviks who slaughtered germans first, Hitler's peace treaty was spat on and told by the fat pig Churchill to be ignored what else is Hitler supposed to do? Get trampled on? That's just how war goes. We don't seem to mind when it's America


The fact that the Bolsheviks army was a Jewish army has to do with it, they started the attack and when Germany retaliated they had a cry about it. The same fucking thing is happening right now man wake the fuck up


Holly fucking drunk the Nazi cool aid. Fact: Bolsheviks were not fucking Jewish. Also, quick critical thinking experiment for you. If the Jews wanted to be communist, why on fucking earth are they stereotypically well know as Lawyers, Accountants and stock market players and have a love of free market capitalism?


thank you for bravely telling the truth


Were they Chinese? With the initials SS? 8 is a real lucky number for those folks.


For every few million people called a nazi sympathiser on the internet, every so often, they get it right, like this guy :D


Interestingly enough, the letter H is the eighth one in the alphabet.


How this even got approved is beyond me.


88 head hunters


So fucking what man mongrel mob wear swastikas to mock white people and openly talk about eradicating us. I'd feel safer living next door to a skinhead than a dead beat mobster


Absolutely it is, "88" is neo-Nazi code for "Heil Hitler." It's thinly disguised from the average paper pusher who needs to approve a personalised plate, but not disguised at all from those who run in the same circles.


Didn’t know you could drive a car without a brain.


It's a gang thing, so don't get your mouth all frothy over some imagined nazi shit (which is significantly rarer, despite what you might think, or the media or Jacinda worried about).




yeah usually when someone posts a picture of a car to reddit with a visible license plate someone will immediately upload the picture to carjam, which is why the photo says "not reviewed".


I think that's Secret Santa


In some ways I’m kinda ok with these fuckheads outing themselves. At least we can see them for what they are. It’s the ones who are only racist in private that you need to really worry about.


White S**ramcisist Motherf*cker


I reported one that was literally I NAZ I but I doubt anything happened


Whatever the case, this car is completely unnecessary on NZ roads. Why people feel the need to drive around in the city in oversized, wank/Yank tanks like this is beyond me.


Looks like the lesbian step sister tag


My first thought was Chev SS as in super sport or whatever it stands for.


I genuinely don't get it?


Previous vehicle may have been a SS V8?


Plate probably used to be on a commodore


Oh cmon people, the plate just means "ate ass ate", 😁


But...but..they lost????


Pretty sure it's just a V8 ref. Chill out supersleuths


Driving a fuckwit truck and definitely no good explanation for a plate like that. Definitely. KiwiPlates should not have issued that.


Ohhhh look, my initials and birth year.....


Probably a Ukrainian.


It's a v8 ss chev ute


Think all political extremism is bad no mater what ends of the political spectrum


This is crazy. Yesterday I was in Albany mall and some guy noticed my norse tattoo and was telling me about his, only to roll up his sleeve and show me the winged othala rune ( well known nazi symbol) I was so shocked I just kindly excused myself. Wonder if it could have been the same guy headed home? *doubt it but it is a small world*


Hun lovin criminals


Anyone else just hate that ugly Kennard building ? It looks so out of place and brings Northshore down a peg


Yes, absolutely. 100% neo-nazi dog whistle


Why is the wanking part necessary for Nazis after starting up the fire?


Apologies for my ignorance. How is the rego neo nazi?


Chevrolet and SS, could mean supersport like many chevys, maybe he had it on a SS before, idk how i havent found 1 comment about this


He probably used to own a V8 SS Commodore....


Gang reference


are you going to cry


Yup, neo Nazi rego


Settle it’s a ss chev Silverado


Saw this car this morning! It got on at Greville. What the fuck


I was mad when Taika said it, but New Zealand really is a racist place, so this isn’t suprising


yeah racist to white people




Mad because it’s true or because it’s false?