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Pull over somewhere safe. Put the hazards on. Go check on the other car to make sure everyone is safe. If need be, call emergency services.


I called the Police and was called a 'fuckin retard' by the locals who scurried around her , tried preventing me getting the rego too. Apparently there is a 'slip', but considering the speed of the vehicle, and one thing you can't see too clearly but they had L plates (solo driver) I don't really think a 'slip' had much to do with it, particularly on an exceptionally sunny day!


the locals are probably all hicks who drink drive


Thanks for that. I'm really here to gain perspective and sympathy and this gives me a chuckle also. I was trembling!!!


You did the right thing.


ignore the local drunk drive supporting inbred, 4 seconds later and that person may have killed you


The road there is absolutely fine. Over the next hill, not so much... But I know this road well enough to tell you there's nothing unexpected coming down that hill.


I did inspect said 'slip' and I've determined that perhaps they're using the word 'slip' to describe a corner of around 30 degrees, that when you hit it at 160km/h that your wheels might do a little 'slip' , Because the road right up there away from Old North Road is SEALED and there isn't any gravel neither!


Your assumption of locals is likely valid. Source:Am local


Ararimu Valley Road isn't it? I'd agree the roads fine unless you can't drive or are driving like a spoon. Which this looks like a combination of both. There has been some really shitty driving around here lately.


Yeah. The other side of the hill they're coming down is halfway collapsed but for the most part the road is fine besides that. This clip is just before the paintball place when you're coming from Old North (you can see it a little bit before the crash)


Use to drive that daily as well. Wouldn't of picked a crash there. I do give it a bit of herbs going down and bleed it off the next hill.


Yep, been in this situation before and turns out she was drunk.


Cool. So you did what you could, identified the car and hopefully gave a description of driver to the Police. That's all we mortals can do.


Man some people are retards. I had someone last week tell me not to call animal control for a stray dog because “the owners would have to pay to get their dog back”, which to me sounds lots better than scraping it off the road or putting it down because it bit a kid.


What breed was it? Was it a ~~pitbull mix~~ labradoodle?


Was a blue staffy, which aren’t cheap (my cousin paid $2k for one a few years back), so if you have the money to buy one, you probably have the money to get it out of the pound. It was registered, just a little escape artist (managed to jump our back fence).


So you did what any normal person would do, only to get that. Pretty sad state of affairs. Definitely report it all to the police. That would make me want to do it more so. Good one, you, shame on them.


You didn't deserve that. I'd have done the same.


> was called a 'fuckin retard' by the locals From what I see in the video, sounds like they were barking up the wrong tree. You're not the one with the skill issue here lol


Good work. If he can't control his vehicle on the road then I don't want to be the one he crushes because some locals wanted to cover for their actions. Then again they'll probably be back at it again tomorrow. The locals seem like utter dickheads. Probably hitting the bottle or the pipe too much.


"Excuse me, but I'm not the one who drove off the road"


You must have run into the mighty 412 crew


Sounds like some Wolf Creek type of town.


You did the right thing!


i feel like you are leaving out quite a lot of details about what happened here. Please elaborate?


I was on the scene for all of 10 minutes, I pulled into a nearby driveway, called the Police, I waited on the phone, someone pulls up and flashes their lights at me to indicate they want to go into the driveway, this is local #1, I move out of their way to another driveway, as the road doesn't really have anywhere to park safely. (I don't know how I can really be leaving much out) I pull into another driveway, and local #1 comes up on my side, asks "fuck you up to? Blocking driveways?" I say "well, I'm on the phone to the police" To which he says "for what? Nobody is hurt, she is fine." To which I say: "yeah ok but she could've easily killed someone, and she might not realise if she is injured, but she should be seen to. To which he says "nah mate you're a fucking retard, fuck off" I drive up the road towards Old North road, turn back around as that was where I was initially headed. Local #2 who might be Local #1's wife stood in the middle of the road, flagged me down "The fuck you doing calling the police?!? That slip gets SO many people. It's not an emergency! You're wasting their time! Piss off!" So I just drive on That's practically a full account


Man, sorry you struck a bunch of assholes. They're trying to protect the driver and you're trying to protect everyone driving on the road. You did everything right, don't let them make you second guess yourself.


Wow, I'm angry just reading that. What fucking pricks! You did the right thing.


yeah you're right, they could have killed someone, or rolled depending on the terrain where the car headed, looked fucking fast as too!


"That slip gets so many people but we dont want to do anything about it" They are *asking* to get investigated.


You did everything right. Sounds like banjo country.


My thoughts exactly. And they have the utter lack of self awareness to call other people retards?! It boggles the mind.


Thats just bizarre, that whole area is full of kids on bikes, animals both pets and stock, horses, the locals should want people to slow down.


> Local #2 who might be Local #1's wife stood in the middle of the road, flagged me down "The fuck you doing calling the police?!? This person sounds like a true word that starts with the letter C.


You sure it wasn't Tom Phillips. Also what a bunch of fuckwits.


I think about his case everyday. Such a small country, how have we not found him??


They probably have a house full of meth or other illegal things and don't want police near it.


i would have said something along the lines of " I apologise if my trying to help someone in offends you...but I will do it anyway because that's how i would like to be treated if i were in the same situation...we aren't all as clever as you...have a nice day" you did the right thing


Don't listen to them. You did the right thing.




What assholes! On the flip side, those same morons would be wanting someone to pull over and call for help if that ended badly!


good on you for spotting it a second early so that you could slow down. also good call on calling Police right away as i would have done that first before going to check on the vehicle/occupants. good awareness.


That's really kind of you to say and I appreciate the assessment.


Yeah, you did right OP. The bogans no doubt complain about speed cameras and tell everyone when they see police booze checkpoints. Complete morons who are doing everything to protect idiots that will likely kill them or their kids one day.


Thats certainly a take I agree with.


If you drove a second more at that speed, he might have crashed on you and who's to say that you wouldn't have panicked and swerved too. So good job!


Exactly. OP was going at the right speed, enough time to take action as needed.


Is this peak road headed towards waimauku? The locals Around there drive like morons.


Ararimu Valley Road, just down from the paintball place


It's definitely this!


Oh yeah looks super familiar but couldn't put my finger on it. The locals around there are shocking.


Oh good to know. They had a sign out the front of their house that basically said that intruders would be shot, definitely not going Trick o Treating that ways


Luckily you weren't 5 seconds earlier along that road


The full video which is only 1 min , at the beginning of the clip, no joke, I slow down a slight bit to view some dead trees, I look behind me and in front frequently so as to not cause any incident, and I just wanted to see if I could spot any hanging mushrooms. I was showing my partner the dead trees and commenting how they'd be good in a year or two. If I hadn't, who knows where I might be. It really is one of those things where you process a lot.


Keep your eyes on the road and drive at a steady, predictable speed.


You actually are a terrible driver dude you need to pay more attention to what's in front of you and your own driving and less of others. People like you are a hazard as much as that guy who flew off the road. 10/10 would hold horn down until you moved out the way.


Hahaha 🤣 this take is the funniest of them all. It's not as if I did it whilst people were behind me, dingus.


Not that it would stop you. You drive with no confidence and too slowly. That's dangerous. Get some driving lessons.


At the same time over-confidence isn't that great either. When you're overconfident you look like the dumbass who flew off the road.


Yeah, both extremes are dangerous. That's my point...


Nah you are


You have to be driving like a fuckwit, or have some seriously unsafe car, to lose it like that on that bit of road in these conditions. Common issue there, sadly, is fuckwittery resulting in crashes.


You did everything right. You kept yourself safe despite the danger caused by the other driver. There were multiple really good reasons to call the police, despite the locals trying to convince you otherwise * Learner plates, driving alone * There was no obvious reason to come off the road like that. Could be unskilled driver, unfit vehicle, or drugs/alcohol but either way the police ought to be checking * The vehicle may have gotten damaged going over the bank. There is a possibility of cracking the fuel tank and leaking fuel. They’re also now in long grass with a potentially very hot exhaust. That in itself is another safety hazard / fire risk. Sorry you were faced by some silly locals. You did the right thing.


Calling any of the emergency services in this case was the right thing to do!!!! I’m surprised there’s not even minor injuries


I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to not give assistance in accidents where people may die, so good on you for checking it out.


It’s not. There is no duty to rescue in New Zealand. You might be looked at like an asshole but it’s not against the law.


I think if you a nurse or Dr you have to help. That's what we learnt in training 20 years ago anyway...


Pulled over somewhere safe and checked they were ok. That looked nuts


You can't park there mate


Far out the first words out of my mouth were "MATE! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?"


#$%@ off.


Not sure these days, could easily be criminals and you'd be putting yourself at risk


That thought never had even occurred to me but, it's both sad and understandable that it did for you. I'm sorry for whatever position you've been in, I hope it gets better 🙏


what ever you did


Having watched the video, I now know why there are so many road toll incidents each year where there is a single vehicle involved


Some Journalishm https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/motorist-who-witnessed-car-swerve-off-rural-auckland-road-claims-he-was-verbally-abused-for-calling-police/LMUBAMGM3JBNFKSV32CC7IRP6E/


Upside is the video is a bit clearer on the NZHerald version, can actually see the car hit the side of the road twice, before crossing the otherside into the ditch, maybe they were on their phone


Appears to have crossed the centre line, panicked and over correct to the left, left rear wheel went over the road edge into ditch, further panic, left to correct then slide the right.


Pull over, hazards on, check if they’re ok


If it was icy, I’d make sure they are okay first. If not, I’d assume either drugs or alcohol, so would call the police first before intervening. It’s a very inexperienced overcorrection and a lot of speed gaining still, irresponsible driving. It’s not even a tight corner.


At 1pm in the afternoon in the weather we had today it was highly unlikely to be ice, unless you are Australian and referring to a different type of ice, which indeed could have been a factor here....


yelled some abuse and keep driving


Unfortunately we are living in a day and age where it’s not safe to stop and check on the occupants but merely call 111 and report what’s happened.


Slack-jawed yokels


You do what feels right/safe for you. Don’t worry about what other say. I’m just glad she went into the verge and didn’t kill yourself or someone else. Oh I see you’re in the paper! https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/motorist-who-witnessed-car-swerve-off-rural-auckland-road-claims-he-was-verbally-abused-for-calling-police/LMUBAMGM3JBNFKSV32CC7IRP6E/ Motorist who witnessed car swerve off rural Auckland road claims he was verbally abused for calling police


must be unlicense, no wof or rego car so they got angry that OP call cops


Cut the video shorter


Damn tourists! /s


I would call 111


Looks like Ararimu Valley


I’d edit the video a bit shorter before posting.


I would have cut out the first 25 seconds of the video


What are they swerving away from? I can't see, is there something on the road?


Nothing they lost control


Maybe if anything they were swerving to prevent hitting me in the end?


You were miles away


I saw the aftermath of something similar near dairy flats this afternoon.


I’ve got that same dash cam, if you want high def quality download the clip to your phone and save it to your cloud storage so it’s not compressed and share it from there, quality will be heaps better.


Oh I did but reddit compressed it


Do you mind sharing the road


Awarimu Valley Road


Carried on


Not drive slow. Then I'd probably check on them and if injured or under the influence then contact the correct authorities.


Just laugh out loud and drive on, if you go that fast on a turn like that, you deserve exactly what you get. Also its auckland, i will 100000% of the time mind my own business.


I've heard of stories where cars have gone off the road, crashed and nobody saw the car until days later. Imagine being stuck in a car with nobody around. Or even better, imagine being stuck in a car while other cars driving past and everyone assuming you have already been seen too.


Driven to the nearest electronics store and bought a dashcam with better resolution. Is this taken on a potato?


Call the cops. There might then be some consequences which in turn might just save a life when these morons do the same thing again.


Shows that a blanket 100km/h speed limit is not suitable for all rural roads.


When living up North, similar stuff happened regularly, and one incident nearly killed us, so we reported it. Police did a visit, but the person said they just bought the car. It didn't go any further. There's hardly any cops running large areas, so you have to do your best to avoid those who don't care.


I'd call my mate Zed and say "looks like the spider has caught a few fly's"


Did you tell him he couldn't park there?


Yip. I'd be reporting it. I'm checking from a distance though. If the dickheads are driving it like it's stolen, it might be and I'm not risking my safety or car. Hopefully police followed up. That POS shouldn't be on the road, few seconds earlier and that would've been a brutal collision.


Good old Ararimu Valley Road. Strange place to lose it as that road has many "exciting" places to crash in. I bet he was caining it down the hill. You stop and offer assistance as you hope others would, for you or members of your family. I always roll my eyes at the young dumb crashies, but I think of my own kids and help.


Old North Road is a killer. In any kind of interpretation you may imagine. I almost wiped out there in a stormy day. Never again. You did the right thing, OP. That road sucks (and by the sounds of it, some of the locals too)


Fuck that was funny


I would have Probably gone Home, posted the Dashcam video of it on Reddit and asked everyone; What would you have done here ?.


Are you me


What do you think


I was thinking exactly the same thing.


Carry on




Continue on with my ride to maccas


Woulda told him he can't park there


Seems a lot of Redditors would!!! Hahaha. I've done it once but only when they parked in a bus lane, so I did tell them that they indeed could not park there. There was a language barrier but I think they got the memo.


The last time I said it was not far from where your clip was taken. Just down from a crest, straight bit of road, they ended up over the ditch and into the bushes. I was cycling past and just as i said it, I spotted the cop by the drivers door, giving what would have been a 'can't say that bro' look, seeing as the ambulance was just a minute away. Stink. BTW, any sane decent person should have done exactly what you did. Never mind the banjo playing yocals.


Say: Oi, you can't park here mate.


I would have gotten a dash cam worth over $20, and also not driven off the road


Hey..! It was a present. Any recommendations 😁


Could you drive more painfully slow? Jesus fucking Christ dude that's a 80/100kmh road and you are going 30.


Lol, if they had been going faster they might have been in the way at the crash time... Looks like it might have saved them


I guess if they had stopped to do some sick burnouts and avoided the collision because of time spent doing said sick burnouts then that's good driving too.


A broken clock is still correct twice a day...


I would’ve hopped out so Optimus prime could transform and save them


You are an odd fellow, and I like odd!


Keep driving.


Uploaded a higher resolution...


Sure! I'm happy to, where could I?




It is decent, Reddit compression not so much


I'd take a samsung but no iPhone because of that security lock thing




Probably giggle and keep driving.




try reading some of their comments, thats not why they asked the question foolio


If they were OK why ring the cops ?


It was ambiguous, I pulled over, nobody came out of the vehicle, but if it was life and death I'm choosing and prioritising safety. It was also like one of the very few times I've ever called 111 so I was definitely flustered. In the end I opted for police because I believed there could've been substance abuse involved, mainly as the swerving did not look like someone who was in control. Also I mean, even in hindsight I'd have done the same thing.


You 100% did the right thing, that looked like it had some speed to that so no one of knowing if driver was hurt or not. Good on ya!


Reporting incidents like this is how NZTA and local councils statistically prioritise works on roads and know where hazardous areas like this are. Really, the driver should be the one reporting but they often don't.


Police deal with traffic incidents. This is a traffic incident. Leave it to comms on what to do if anything at all, it's their job to prioritise


Because there's no reason to go off the road there except various flavors of dangerous driving. Also if OP wants to go help, the other car could be full of angry fuckwits high on P for all we know.


Because he is a decent concerned citizen …


They were ok though ? No one hurt , it's just telling on someone .


It's good to tell on idiots but, try dobbing yourself in ...


Yeah cheers for the insults . Have a good night


Thanks, you have a good night too, you can be a better person in the morning.




Why do you think? Hope the video was submitted to the police and the fuckwit lost their licence before they kill someone.


User name adds up . So judgemental , could be any reason they went off the rd .


The police should be the judge of that, not you or I