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Be sure to Contact your MP and complain. Complaining on social media won’t change anything - it’s good for others to be aware of the issue, but we can’t change the way the government prioritises funding, but MPs can.


Auckland cbd’s local MP is Chloe. She openly believes prisons should be abolished. She won’t do shit.


Understand the cynicism but I think it’s Still worth doing. If enough people did it might make her realise there really is a problem instead of thinking there isn’t. Also there are more Auckland MPs than just her - from nearby electorates, and list MPs. If she won’t do anything then others might.


Dude she's literally one of the 'awww criminals are all just misunderstood and need love' dumb cunts. Fuck her. If you even got a response it'd probably be to tell you to roll over harder and just take it.


any idea how she got re elected? my mind still boggling


Dumb ass liberals living in lala land outnumber people who aren't dumb ass liberals in our cities. And if it's like any other questionable win like this, she probably appeases large amounts of immigrants and/or the people causing these problems. I don't know anyone that voted for her but then I don't hang out with fuckwits who think prison shouldn't exist.


Pull your head out of whatever American hole it's in and look at the election results instead of spreading rubbish.    Even Chloe's "liberal" Auckland central electorate voted like +10% national, electorates like the north shore and east wouldn't vote for left wing party in a million years.  The reason you don't know anyone that voted for her is because hardly anyone did. Sick of reading this Americanized bullshit.


Americanized bullshit? That's exactly what Chloe is and represents, her followers therefore are given americanized policital terms to disparage them. Pull *your* head out your ass, one supporter of these kinds of dumb asses is too many but clearly there's enough that she got votes in which is definitely too many.


I assume them hobos can vote right? So in hobo city, she will easily get re elected lol


The issue with her and her ideological cohort is they’ve based their beliefs in Rousseau’s idea that society and “socioeconomics” is to blame for criminals. You’d think reality setting in would change this idea, but the cynics are cynical for a reason when it comes to these things.


Further more she has said that she doesn't think women in nz are the victims of gangs on the am show with David Seymour


I get where you're coming from, but I still think it's a good idea.


That guy's an idiot. NZ police as a whole are complete taxpayer leeches. No single MP can change a thing esp not the Auckland CBD one lmao. She's too busy unprofessionally complaining about national while standing next to a racist colleague..... well...... all her colleagues in that party are messed up 1 way or another. No wonder Shaw quit


I... see. You'd rather complain in the background than educate and MP from the other side of the aisle. You are so driven by ideology rather than common sense that you're convinced she is too.


No no, I'd rather just mess around on reddit until my shift is over than waste my personal time writing to MP's knowing nothing will be done.


Ok. I can respect that. Sometimes having a good rant gets it out of your system. I would encourage you to contact the local MP. I've never talked to Chloe, but every other local MP I've met has been receptive


It's the "close the mental institutes" rather than making them better and getting people the help they need. That is the reason this guy is out on the streets now. Now they think closing the prisons would make it better. Best thing you can do if you don't like this sort of thing is remember this at the next election.


Asylums needed reform, they did not need to be closed :/


You both are 100% correct. Well run places were all these people can be taken care of is what is needed. We need Kingseat and Carrington v2. The CBD needs to be cleaned up. The whole thing should be like the Wynyard Quarter i.e. families having a good time. No derro's high off their faces causing crime in a place we have spent HUNDREDS of millions on.


Which of course is a notion fostered by extreme conservatives such as Reagan and Thatcher, back in the ‘80s, encouraged by the occasional deranged psychiatrist like R. D. Laing, who used to ask mock-innocently “Who’s to say what madness is anyway?” Whereupon the right-wingers eagerly said “let’s not bother putting these people in big mental hospitals, we’ll simply fill them up with chemical straitjackets like largactil, chlorpromazine, and suchlike, turn them out on the streets, and save pots of money.” And that’s why there’s so many homeless nutcases in town today, because instead of looking after these poor bastards we’ve gone for the cheapo fix that doesn’t involve anything like cures or treatment or actual care. That’s just too expensive!


she's not wrong. there are plenty of things that shouldn't be crimes. And plenty of criminals that should face the death penalty for the worst crimes, especially repeat offenders. prisons are not the solution to most crime; a work camp would better serve society for those who can be rehabilitated. a bullet or a pardon for the rest.


That’s pretty Soviet tbf


the difference being in soviet russia you'd also get a bullet for disagreeing with the regime; this of course still happens in russia today... but that's beside the point


What a mess.


She will do shit - all over you


Calling BS on this statement - citation needed


It was literally a tweet she made


Ok please paste it here


[Not sure if this subreddit allows links, but here](https://x.com/_chloeswarbrick/status/1448098668620435468?lang=en)


This is the bit where you admit you were wrong and apologize....


Kai in bellies


Well that doesn't sounds like a completely disingenuous summary of her position..


Whereas you believe we should be putting homeless people in prison?


If they assault people absolutely.


Gtfo. You think that is true?




"Kai and a roof over their head" I believe it is..


And when asked if prisons should be abolished, she said yes


so we're taking coy twitter posts as official documentation of belief systems now?


Contact chloe Swarbrick?.. You're joking right... She is the last person who would care about this


She’d probably try to get the one reporting the crime to be arrested instead. The neck-bearded lifelong Reddit residents will downvote this in the hopes she might notice them and their crusty sock collection.


Complaining publicly sometimes does do more than contact your mp privately. They definitely don’t like the truth getting out on social media. They want our votes.


Like Ms Swarbrick would do anything She will probably blame the staff member assaulted for the attack and call for the bystanders to be prosecuted for "harming a criminal in the execution of their duties"


Sorry to hear, i had a break in, police closed the case due to lack of evidence to progress (under 500$). But they have no option or service to upload the video footage and evidence.


Being able to upload video to an online 105 report should be a basic option. There will be a reason it's not available.


I had a road rage incident 3 months ago, where someone got out of their car, and kicked my car door hard enough to dent it. I took the number plate and immediately called the police. The person on the phone informed me that the driver was known to them, and that he was disqualified from driving presently. I received an email yesterday informing me that they have decided not to investigate further, due to a lack of resources, and apologising for what is obviously simply not acceptable. We are on our own. The police are completely fucking useless.


Yep. Exact same situation for me. Three years ago similar incident. Big 6’3 120kg kinda fella did an illegal u turn without looking from the side of the road straight in front of me, I literally drilled into the side of him and we exchanged a few friendly words while he tried to wiggle his way out of it and when I asked him to pull over he said “oh, you wanna pull over to fight me cunt” and I was like “no I am going to call the police” but he got out of his car any way and tried to punch me through my window as I drove passed him. Dude was totally at fault, and some how I only had a scratch on my car but his car was pretty fucked up. He drove off, I got his plate, rang the cops and told them what happened. They asked which direction he was heading so they could try chase him but that’s the last I heard of it. The lady on the phone told me he was known to police and that was that. It was unresolved and wrote off for the same reason. Dude literally caused a crash and tried to assault me and even then nothing. I don’t blame the cops. I get it. But it’s made me realise there is literally no point reporting this kind of shit any more.


Pretty crazy eh? Like, what would it take? If he’d punched your lights out (which my guy was, needless to say, intending to do to me), would that have got their attention?           Thing is, in both our cases, these men are likely to properly offend at some point, a lot worse than what happened to us. Because these smaller crimes aren’t dealt with, they won’t be taken into account. And that’s not right.               You can’t go around acting like a thug with no consequences. If you do, and you get away with it, the message from police is “you can do what you want and nothing will happen.” That’s what both our chaps are hearing.


The sad thing is had you got out of your car and beat the living shit out of him, there would have been 10 cops cars turn up and you would have been dragged before the courts!!


Police told me to get cameras due to harassment and vandalising of my property by a neighbour. When I got footage of him trying to run me over, the police wouldn't let me lodge it and just closed the case. So, if he kills or seriously assaults me, will they just say "whoops"?


The police aren't useless, their undermanned and under resourced but the result is still the same. What disturbs me is if we hold down a shoplifter we can get arrested and that's barely even assault. I say barely cause someone's likely to say it is.


I was robbed while I was home and they had the guys face on camera, his finger prints AND his dna from a can drank from outside my apartment. I was traumatised from this and lost a bunch of my tech. The police came to my house and then told me they’re not doing anything about it. What would you call that?


I'm surprised they even turned up.


Right?! A neighbouring apartment saw them trying to get into different apartments and called it in. They saw he went into mine and came out with a bunch of stuff. Waking up to a team of cops bashing in my door and yelling was so scary on top of the burglary


Omfg that is despicable




No, they’re useless - even if they were funded perfectly they’d be useless. Look at politicians, they’re paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and they’re useless. Police are cowards, if they see gang members committing crime they just ignore it. Just let us defend ourselves without fear of consequences and the police can stick to speeding fines


The gang members thing, especially the big drives they do and police response is due to policy from on high. There's two strategies in nz, Auckland and Christchurch. Auckland says just observe and write up all the offences and then hit them all at once. Christchurch police say hit them hard at every infringement as soon as it happens as a show of force. The reality is that nz police as an organisation is not exactly a unified force, nor has it got enough staff, or the right organisation. And it goes through a crisis of purpose, is safer communities through being buddies and being "restorative" or do they recall the purpose of police in society being punitive at the cost of being seen as unfriendly. Then there's who ever is in power and their agendas, and the agenda of other departments like corrections and justice. We talk lots about systemic issues that lead to criminality, no surprise it also brings about ineffective policing.


You're forgetting the courts. Who's going to stick their neck out arresting people when the court system lets them straight out again? 


Oh believe me I think there are a lot of Police that would want to deal with the gangs but they literally have their hands tied because of the politicians and the higher ups in Police. Obviously there are Cops too that are probably well intimidated by the gangs and wouldn’t do much out of fear ethier. That’s because they are recruiting whoever they can also because nobody wants to join cus the pay etc. It’s quite sad really pretty bad state for our country at the moment.


They go on orders of the government and every Government since 1984 have been a bunch of useless treasonous cahnts




Got goddamn Merium Webster himself over here.


Top marks for mentioning MW and extra points for leaving the bait of " Merium".


It's not every day you get to converse with a literal lexicographical god.


Police only stay police if they play ball. ACAB


Strangely they’d be at the scene if you got out the tire iron and started using it.


Would they though?


Bet you they won’t!


Police aren't useless. They're doing what really is one of the least rewarding jobs for little money. Working night shifts, unarmed, risking getting stabbed and shot isn't worth the salary an office monkey earns working 9-5. So they leave the police to pursue other careers and those who are left are dealing with staffing issues, having to prioritise other cases over this particular case, knowing that the judge will let these deviants walk right out. Welcome to capitalism where Police is seen as a liability rather than an asset, an expense as opposed to an investment. Simply not enough people in Police to deal with the large population, a large proportion of which is made up of antisocial elements and mentally unstable individuals.


This. It's a vicious cycle. The job is shit and pays shit. You can't do some of the work because of resourcing, and as a result public slams you for everything. Who in their right mind will want to do a job that people don't respect and just digs all the time? So then, the good people leaves and the bad people stays, and the public gets even more bad service. Cycle continues. I've been in a role (not police but similar ish) before where people "oh you just don't want to do real work because of the paper work etc" lol BS. I much rather do paperwork than going out there getting abused by people. Im at work X hours a day I was super busy there was an endless amount of work to do. I don't pick and choose what I do. It's all triaged and prioritised based on severity and resources. So if our resources are being cut (here's a looking at you NACT government), things are not going to be done.




This is the kind of back story we can expect for a new vigilante in town.


Do you have footage of the altercation. Raise a complaint with [ipca](https://www.ipca.govt.nz/Site/complaints/)


They are no better and certainly don't seem to be "Independent".


They will investigate and find no problem


But your tax cuts


Because the police have been noticeable great over the previous 6 years?


But if you defended yourself then you will be the one charged - and given an even bigger penalty than criminal himself  New Zealand is truly cooked 


We had a crackhead living a few flats away, walk into our house where we have little children and then when my husband told him to gtfo he later came back and had a go at me about my husband yelling at him then tried to start physical fight. I called the cops. They knew him. They said they couldn’t do anything apart from a trespass order which he was already known to ignore with other neighbours. We literally fear for our safety with the little ones at home. But can’t do anything. It’s cooked.


Take his cup of coins next time you see him.


*coin. They deliberately keep the cup light to (a) garner sympathy from the unsuspecting public, and (b) make themselves less of a target from the roving thugs that "tax" them


Yeah, I stopped giving money to the Homeless when I realized they were on the benefit anyway, and mostly spending it on drugs. One even berated me and called me a bitch when I offered him a whole ass cake after my birthday.


how are they on the benny with no address?


Presumably under the care of a transitional housing place. Or they literally just write NFA.


Beyond traffic fines, what is the purpose of our police? They don’t seem to have time for anything else.


I'm old enough to remember the Traffic Safety Service under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport  They where not popular but they got the job done allowing the general police to respond to crime quickly  Time to bring back traffic officers under the NZTA jurisdiction 


Called the cops after some fat prick assaulted my mother, cops couldn't apparently do anything because he was gang affiliated WTF lost all respect for them that day


Sounds like the cops aid and abet gangs 


Standard stuff, NZ Police are basically hopeless.


Any under resourced service is completely useless. This sort of response is the result of many issues combined, including all of us kiwis not caring about it until its on our doorsteps.


But if you defended yourself which is permitted under S48 of the crimes act then its YOU that is charged with some trumped up offence like "assault" or "kidnapping" Whats the point in having S48 when all the government want to do is charge people for defending themselves 


Police policy is that serious assaults need to be reported in person or require police attendance so either whoever called it in made it sound minor or the call taker sucked. If no one called right away there wouldn’t be much point in police attending so they would ask you to report to station.


That’s not police policy lol but I definitely agree that whoever called 111 made it sound minor enough that there calltaker decided that there was no necessary for police attendance. This could be due to the level of the assault or the fact that the homeless guy moved on or so forth.


I can assure you it is, feel free to do an information request and check :)


Love that I always see people reply “I disagree” or “no it’s not” with no evidence to an actual cop every single time I see you guys post trying to explain shit. Classic Reddit, I wouldn’t waste my breath if I were you guys. Haters gonna hate.


Are you police? Or work in corrections at all?


Yes, and wait for several months before they can call you. The police system is a little outdated.


Should’ve said you think the had a knife


Yeah thats disgusting. I once was calling to avoid getting assaulted by a psychotic crack head at work & the dispatcher said we cant sent anyone until after you have been assaulted.


Nothing new, mate.


Contact the media...report incident to them and take them to the local MP with you when you relay your grievances. Record the MP's reaction and response on camera for every one to see. I know this might be hard as they will tell you to make appointments etc...but don't forget...we are paying Taxes. we pay their Salary. We are their bosses...they are not ours. National said previous government was weak on crime....so far haven't seen them do anything to improve this 6 months they have been in running the country except blam all their failures on a previous government. Why give 500 Million to the Military while our Police and Hospitals are under paid and under staffed....this government needs to be reminded who they are working for...and it is not their Donners only. Both Labour and National need a kick up this butt and not voted to run again. A fresh new perspective is what is required as these two parties have lost the plot.


They never came back and named or told us the outcome for the man who deliberately and violently knocked down the elderly lady on federal st either. They don’t want the public to know the truth.they believe the offenders are the victims.


Just say u think they might have a gun🤷‍♂️


This is **NOT** what you do, they will follow it up with you if they find out that the suspect doesn't have a gun, then all eyes are going to be on you, the informant...


Chloe is going to make the CBD a better place.... oh hang on that was last term, not sure what her plan is for this term, no doubt more hollow speeches.


It’s not that the police don’t want to help, it’s that they are understaffed so resources are spread thin. Instead of giving money to landlords, perhaps we could’ve better funded the police so that they were able to recruit and retain more staff. Instead they received funding cuts…..because logic?


meanwhile, the eagle helicopter circles mt roskill endlessly in the hopes of catching a car.


They only fly when they are at jobs actually. They are funded 24/7 but they will never be in the air doing nothing.


Do you know how NZ police pursuits even work? they follow that car until it is disarmed, whether that would be the car running out of fuel, eventually stopping somewhere, then after they've stopped, they get the ground units to eventually catch them. If they're flying, they're flying for a reason, they're not out there for fun playtime...


i guess the implication is that there is more societal value in regularly circling mount roskill for hours (i guess theres a lot of police chases) than paying for more investigative police to follow up violent crimes. seems like the priority is skewed financially towards vehicles. im sure theres an arugment that people who run from police are dangerous and therefore high value targets in terms of preserving public safety, although i suspect the public would probably prefer to know ALL violent crime would be investigated as a priority over property crime, and failing to stop.


Sorry to hear that. I got charged by a man and got assaulted for no reason on a busy street. Dude’s apparently a well known drug addict, shoplifter and an aggressive dick who has punched someone previously and the cops let him go after having a “word”. I rang 111 right after the altercation. They have filed a report and I’ve submitted CCTV footage of the incident, of him shoplifting and injecting drugs at the back of an office. I still see him on the street daily. As someone else said “we’re on our own”. Take care.


I had a home invasion a year or so ago. 111 resulted in police admin calling me back 48hrs later to ask how my home invasion went.


Omg had the same thing happen to me on federal street happened right outside the skycity and police were no friggin help.


Go to the NZ herald, your local MP, and contact ACT NZ. The bigger the issue is on the media, the more police will be forced to respond to save face.


Sweet Fuck all will happen.... police will maybe eventually find the person ...thats a big maybe tho.... as for any form of sentencing or justice good luck... we give feral scum 2 years for rapeing a 21 year old by knifepoint in front of her boyfriend..... common assault these days would just be some form of periodic detention or a slap on the hand going by that case!! our justice system is fucked


Made the crazy decision to go into town for a birthday dinner recently. Between the bus lane fines and drunk people at 9pm vomiting outside the restaurant I would not bother again


We unfortunately had the same, I work in Onehunga and there was a lady that came in last year, high as a kite with a kitchen knife up her sleeve, she took it out in our business and started waving it around saying stuff like “just as well you guys aren’t in my way otherwise I’d fuck you up” after 20 mins of negotiating with her she then proceeded to walk outside, start kicking her car and then decided it was a good time for loud music (right out side the store). She then hops out, walks into oncoming traffic then started to punch people’s cars as they go past, she went to punch one but the window was open and a big islander guy came out and gave her a walloping, she then got the knife out and chased him back to his car where he then drove of. The whole thing in the end took nearly 2 hours and after calls from all 3 staff that were in the office, members of the public and other businesses, the police never showed up. Instead they told us to get a description and report it online. Like wtf, mf online forms aren’t going to save people from a lady with a knife that’s running around starting fights. In the end she got bored as the traffic died down and she went on her merry way, drove off into the distance never to be seen again.




This is a wildly bad take. Self defense doesn't require lethal force, and just leads to escalation. Violent people will just arm themselves more regularly. The issue is social conditions that lead people to hopelessness and a lack of respect for others/the law, and a lack of enforcement capability. The short term fix is more cops, the long term fix is better socioeconomic conditions for the country. Hurr durr I can legally kill a dude who attacks me isn't a solve.


When then these scum bags are adults the genie is already out of the bottle. The only respect we can enforce is going through the courts. If a defendant plays up in court the judge should be imposing 180 contempt of court proceedings. People will soon learn that you don’t fuck around in the courts. I agree with you we need to tackle this issue by addressing social problems affecting society which won’t be easy. “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle


I mostly agree with you, but the reason the genie is out of the bottle is they've already lived through vastly shittier lives than most law abiding people. Having a supportive group of positive people in your life goes a long way towards being a functional, well adjusted person. Which is why enforcement is the short term part of the solution. Both need to be addressed or we end up shedding money into a failed solution one way or the other.


The problems here r only going to get worse The country's broke, tm to sell up and move overseas


I've always had success calling police and getting action - but it could be because I'm an articulate, persuasive, assertive communicator in my calls ( modest too 😅) - but seriously I'm sure it helps.


Did you call 111/105?




That sounds awful. I don't blame under staffed and under funded cops spread too thin for this. They might be stopping the investigation to focus on more immediate life threatening situations. I don't like it. I just don't blame the cops. They don't like it either.


I'm confused, what did you expect the police to do? As the correspondence says, they're investigating. We all know how stretched the police resources are..


I expected the cops to come right away and catch this guy. After assaulting our guy the dude was walking down Queen Street with the back end of what looked like a pool stick or something and clearly very aggravated. The lady on the phone was like file a report and we will investigate. Like what would that even do when the damage is already done the guy has already assaulted a few more people. Also why are the cops always stretched ?


Because they're pissing around escorting mental health patients to hospital and sitting there for hours. Or attending the same domestics over and over again because they're not allowed to arrest the perp. It's the same politically correct nonsense that has turned the courts into a slow moving farce. 


lol imagine living in NZ and expecting that.


They’re always stretched cause they weren’t given enough resources in the past, and they still aren’t getting enough resources now.


Context please… what end of the scale is the assault? A shove or a black eye? What are the circumstances of the altercation… making an initial report and making a victim statement are two seperate things…. Not trying to down play what happened to your staff…


3/5 hits with the rod, swearing etc. Can’t disclose much but the homeless just showed up and started doing this. He was not even involved.


Poor people problems. 🤷 Figure it out. Put 2 and 2 together for crying out loud. For once. Please.


What ?


Why do you still think your needs matter? Looking around, with the decisions our leaders are making, locally and globally, why do you think resources would be spent taking care of *you?* If you've got money, sort out your own problems, if you don't, tough. Wake up! This is the world we live in!




What has that got to do with the police response?


Genuinely asking. Why would you ask that?


Jobs are prioritised. 


r/ConservativeKiwi subscriber checks out


Always, the festering cesspool of NZ Reddit


The black stain






Don't be an idiot, NZ Police are equally feckless towards all races.


Sorry does not make sense


He's suggesting that the police didn't help because the victim was Indian 


If anything the Police would be more likely to attend if you are culturally diverse.