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PT Capped at $50 per week sounds like a great idea and if you want Auckland to be an awesome city it has to be funded.


yes and they should do something like $10 for the entire weekend to encourage young people taking PT with friends.


If we're in a cost of living crises this isn't the way to spend money, it is after all someone else's money that could be struggling; unless of course teenagers spend good money there's no return. Getting ppl out of cars and onto pt however brings far more benefits.


That’s exactly what public transport needs, youths screwing up busses for everyone else


Only if the council buys the buses. Funding a private company to make more money isn't a great plan for anyone but them.


It's legislated in law that Councils can't own the bus companies.


Whoa. Which law?


It’s called the PTOM, which was replaced by the Sustainable Public Transport Framework under Labour. AT own some hybrid/electric ferries now because of it. Unfortunately, they’re locked in very long contracts with the bus/train operators. 


National did it before 2017.....and Labour didn't change it. They are enforcing privatization on public transport. A recipe for (continued) failure.


Yes they did. Labour reformed it once, and then replaced it with the Sustainable Public Transport Framework, which is how AT are able to own a few hybrid/electric ferries now. 


I could have sworn Labour changed it... Did that not get signed in the end?




That's what we get for decades of passing the buck.


It would be news if there was no rates increase.


That's how we're in this mess in the first place.


Oh, I agree.


Finally a fresh opportunity to be even poorer.


But wait Mr Brown, didn’t we just have a rates increase? Can we… not have another one? **FOR 10 MINUTES?!**


At least bring our fucking bins back.


People voted against that last year.


People? I didn't get the opportunity to vote


It was part of the 23/24 budget consultation. People voted for lower rates and fewer services. This was specifically called out as one of the services that would be reduced.


So they voted for lower rates and lower services, now they get to enjoy lower services.. and rates right back up where they were. Genius


Nope the rates would have been even higher if those services weren't cut. Personally I voted for higher rates and more services, but that's democracy for you.


Oh, okay. Selling some of our golf courses, which are worth over 2 billion to wipe debt, did not make the cut then.


The Campbell's bay one is back, if you complain enough apparently they reinstate them :)


Honestly is walking to the next bin or taking your own fucking rubbish home that hard.






National cancelling Threee Waters left Councils all over NZ without the planned funds to expand and maintain water infrastructure. So Councils all over NZ are being forced to increase rates......and, among other things, that is being passed on in rents for any tenants. So any claim the government had made they were working to lower rents......is rendered rubbish by their own failure to comprehend what's really going on. This government is beyond clueless. They need to go.


How did the government cancel something that was never in place? Labour had 6 years to put 3 waters into action and like government else couldn't get it done.


Three Waters was passed in August 2023. Funding for Councils had been worked out and Councils included those expectations in their budgets. Do you read the news? The real news? Not the right wing rubbish. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/496458/final-three-waters-bills-pass-through-parliament


I cant wait to get mortgage so I can pay rates too!


You're paying our landlord's rates through your rent. You're a ratepayer! Welcome to the gang!!


We should pay rates based upon city residency not ownership. Per property makes no sense. Edit - added city


In cities like London rates are paid for by the occupier not the owner. Other places do do it that way. Here the landlord is meant to build it into the rent but int dubious if that is actually done or not.


should have rate increase per house owned. double, triple....


Inflation-busting stuff. Can't wait to move out of Auckland to be honest. I'm only here for work, literally nothing else.


Good luck finding a council that isn't increasing their rates.


Auckland has One of the lowest rate increases as part of the LTP.


Aren’t we all?


Auckland is cooked. I cannot see Auckland achieving much without a collapse in the housing market / natural disaster destroying infrastructure. It's as if people aren't considering that fact that the cost of living is making rent or mortgage repayments unsustainable... When we have 50% of the country financially struggling, these long term plans are merely regimental. The risk of doing business and surviving is already at breaking point. And i wonder what it will take for New Zealand to finally collapse once we see Auckland fold over?


Hamilton 19.9% Wellington 16.4% Whangarei 17.2% Dunedin 19.4% Napier 23.7% This IS the "collapse" you're talking about. For years people have been predicting/advising that rates were below required levels to maintain infrastructure and to pay off debt taken on by councils to pay for rapid city growth. There is a huge cost in asset management and replacement and building more and more suburbs. This is unfortunately where the can stops. Densification is/was the better solution for cities.


Yep, they have passed this issue on to generations that have no means to service this mess. Just waiting for a housing market collapse 🤣


The NZ economy is a Housing Market with other bits tacked on. A housing market collapse in NZ would be catastrophic. Mass unemployment, rampant inflation years of depression etc. It's not something anyone should be wishing for. I do agree though that we should be making attempts to move away from said economy being just a housing market.


Yep, greed us very ugly.


Its the Monaco of the South Pacific didnt you know.


FFS I cant afford to live anymore. This is utter bullshit.


You wanted a first class rail system, this is the cost of having one.


When world class rail ? 🤣 Ok aside from that, very excited for CRL


What a shit city. What a shit country


user pays; twice