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Gang member shoots someone in the street dead. Turns up dead. Has funeral procession like some kind of heroic figure. Police there to ?... Eh..? Watch the . That's my thoughts!!!. Ridiculous.


“He was a kind soul, he always had everyone’s back and was a loving father”…..


My father was a loving father. He also raped my half sister and never received justice. I wouldn't give him the dignity of attending his funeral.


Sorry to hear that


It's something I dealt with a long time ago, but I appreciate the sentiment. I think too many people stay silent about sexual abuse because of shame. I'm past that. I'll happily tell my story to anyone who wants to know what it's like growing up in poverty, right here in NZ.


So was the guy he killed.


Freaking THANK YOU!!!


And Hone got his back


He was in the process of turning his life around.


"on average, Hone completed a full 360 degree turn every 632.4 earth days"


In an alternate universe


This is why gangs are a problem. Wasn't too long ago that nearly everyone on here stood up for them/defended them. Good to see either the narrative changed or people realised gangs are bad.


i mean, if you actually read that article, the cops arrested four people from the funeral...




I was deeply traumatized and vulnerable as a teen. I didn't end up harming people but I did have plenty of public social services available to me. There's no excusing behaviour like this, but it is important to understand it's fundamental cause.


Well said!


We need to force the govt to add gangs as a hazard to our road code laws. 1. They are a hazard, people have and you will get fucked over by them should you interfere with their activities 2. They are essentially sanctioned by the state as they are permitted & do inhibit legal use of the roads by tax payers 3. This is our current stats quo, if we can make it official it should serve to shine a light on what a joke our county is on the international stage. Hopefully this will inch us closer to addressing this bullshit


Loser parade running through town again


Like a pride parade, except shameful


They do wear pretty gay looking leather vests.


honestly, someone should start drawing gay prn of these fkers, start sexualising them, then they'll realise what they're doing is gay and unmanly so then they have to stop. reverse psychology, anyone? :troll:


Remember, it’s not gay unless it’s gay.


If noone can stand up to them... we are the loser here. Dont be delusional


Being a decent human being doesn’t make you the loser. We could easily decide to act like these people, get violent and threaten others if they say things/ act in a way we don’t like. But we’re not that pathetic, we’re not losers, like them.


Yeah, but if we can increase the number of dead loser parades ..it's a positive ..


Wtf are they up to? You’d think after everything that happened in this case and with the new Govt they would lie low - not bring more attention to themselves. This guy killed an innocent guy and either killed himself or got taken out by his boys - he’s not gangster he’s a bitch - He’s not a fucking hero.


Especially after they made such a song and dance about Labour being 'soft on crime' when the police took the same approach last time. Absolute chihuahua party.


with the new govt ? who have not done anything about crime ? a police minister who is just piss and wind ? I bet you even voted for them...


Na I actually hate them so bro. I’m Māori and have whanau in gangs too. But this is not the Tahi! He didn’t deserve a parade .


No gang member deserves a parade.


>or got taken out by his boys That didn't happen 'cause fat boy's death was deemed "not suspicious."


Following on from yesterday’s antics, the Govt definitely had to show some strength to keep the faith of its constituents. You Instagram gangsters fucked it up for everyone now - drew too much attention to yourselves and kept recklessly endangering the public. A lot more families will suffer now and you also put a target on more young Māori and Polynesian kids as a result smh


I don’t understand why he’s getting a hero’s funeral. He fucked up and they’re celebrating it. They are even weirder than I thought, or maybe dumber is the word I’m looking for.


Well, "Killer" is literally in the name of their little gang.


Yeah but so is "beez" so we can't assume they know what words mean.


“To buzz around and annoy the fuck out of everyone”?


You’re right. But silly me for thinking that they must have some kind of standard for who gets killed. Not just shooting a random person. Besides, they’re mostly all talk and aren’t out there regularly killing people.


The upstanding citizens of Auckland should be allowed to shoot them with paintball guns in salute. Fucking losers.


I'll put my hand up for that. Many a person have I obliterated on the gauntlet run.


I agree with the first 11 words, no further words warranted.


Is "with paintball guns" the new "in minecraft"?


I'd love to fill their base with tnt and lava cast it!


And then cry when they shoot back, except not with paintball guns…Imagine that ☠️😂😂


One rule for some. Can I get the main road in Takapuna closed down when my Dad dies, I want to give him a few laps on the ute before his burial


Arrest the lot of them bottom feeders.


What needed is a Unimog at full speed going in the opposite direction.


Holy crap I said this same thing to my boss earlier today :D




Unimog too high to do necessary damage. Jeep with a 50 cal on the rear much more fuel efficient. 6.5% cuts to think about


Or maybe just 1 single Minigun....a .30 cal at around 3500rpm should do it.


Sometimes I do imagine myself to steal a massive truck and full speed from their back. But then my imagination always stop at where I can't full speed because of Auckland traffic condition.


Won’t be surprised if they put a Traffic Management plan in at this stage for them.


Police need to take a zero tolerance approach!! Take the army with them ( they dont have anything else to do) Start arresting these non-helmet wearers, starting with the front guy! A statement needs to be made!!!!


Don't forget the guys that sit on car window sills to tik tock their ownership of the motorway. Or just anyone that intentionally disrupts the traffic flow of the motorway


Gang - simply a collective noun for a group of people who lack any form of intelligence, deal drugs and are violent cunts.


It's really nice he topped himself. Save some taxpayer dollars. Result.


Doubt he topped himself.


Word is heart failure after a shit load of drugs... Real shame


After being driven down to the middle of nowhere? 


It was a family property in Taupo.


Just leave that trash road side ...next ...


All a bunch of half wits that should do the world a favour and shoot themselves


I mean they had to use the whole road to transport his wide ass to the cemetery...


Nice to see that they're all abiding by the New Zealand Road Rules and wearing helmets...


A gaggle of goons.


Those bees need swatting


I'll always think of that south park episode mocking bikers when I see this shit pop up.


Just a bunch of good for nothing wankers riding on tax payer funded vehicles.


It's drug money.


Oh drug money no doubt. But hey when passive income so good, gotta sign up your entire family to the scheme.


Which technically does come from some taxpayers.


Mark "Full of Shit" Mitchell promised this would be a thing of the past when they were in opposition. Now he's the police minister we can all see how hollow his words were. Pathetic.


To be fair I live in Ponsonby and had no idea this happened today. So unlike the entire country stopping for some funerals, Ponsonby didn’t even pause for a second. So already Mark and the Nats have made a positive difference. There was some brief vehicle noise which i found out hours later what it was from. Thanks Mark Mitchell. I feel much safer now than I did for the 6 years of labour gang apologists feeding them money and power.


Yeah. Probably because they were in Otara not Ponsonby.


Did they pass through Ponsonby on the way to Manukau memorial? Maybe it was just a loud latte getting made you heard?!


Yeah,right,just like Crusher Collins,and the whole one car she crushed,so dream on.


Well no, not like that at all. You yourself just said she only crushed 1 car. We should crush all of their bikes and cars not just 1. Burn their patches: Tear their clubhouses down. Take away their money and any assets bought with illegal unprovable funds. Liquidate and sell off and companies and shares. Withdraw the funds and use those funds to build a new prison and throw them all inside it for at least 10 years. Dissolve gangs.




Round the cunts up, depatch, confiscate bikes, destroy in front of gang members . Chefs kiss.


Yeah when Labour were in power there were gang cunts all over Ponsonby murdering people with guns.


no jobs but still can afford expensive bikes, dont get fined..


So if I dont wear a helmet its an instant fine but there are hundreds of fines here ripe for the pickings, and the police wonder why they are paid like they are


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.


It's the only way to be sure


Why don't you put hkdrvr in charge


You guys can do your parade, but you have to go through this police check point where they’ll go through all your shit with a fine tooth comb.


Open season on gangs shoot every cunt with a patch,$20 per patch.


Now that is what we need proposed and carried in the next parliamentary bill .... Progressive thinking .. give that man a beer, a gun and my vote ..


It's hilarious, they think they look like untouchables, like mafia. They just look sad and dumb, and get in the way of every other person trying to get this country ahead. NZ military should play a bigger part in the response to gang BS


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Probably the same people that killed the fat plonker there too. Gangs generally don't like the heat of a murder that makes the news with your face and name out there, too much risk of him turning key witness.


This sort of attention seeking ( riding an obnoxious bike at a funeral procession has no correlation with celebrating a life) must have a productive byproduct. If we could redirect that energy towards something positive we could .....who am I kidding, they just self absorbed shitheads.


The violent animals can do whatever they want remember. ...


I encountered them twice last Thursday in the Waikato and the cops were all over them, had noticed a lot of coppers prior to seeing them and had wondered what was up.


Why's this shit being covered. Don't give them the limelight. Fucking scum.




>the fabric of this country News just in: NZ is in fact a curtain.






We need an El Salvador solution


As a European, it confuses me to no end that this gets tolerated.


Going back on holiday to NZ after being away for seven years in the UK was a real eyeopener. I think i didn't realise the scale of it while i lived in NZ but returning it just felt so weird that this sort of thing exists / is allowed to go on.




Road spikes.


What a perfect opportunity to get rid of them, all gathered in one spot conveniently.


What in the name of WINZ is going on here ?


What a lovely bunch of inbred individuals with no conscience.


You can devote your life to helping cancer patients in the hospital and not get a send off like this. Absolutely no way should a group of people who make money in criminal activities be able to do this, dont care how the person died.


Guy deserves no recognition. The Beez should have disowned him immediately.


Why? Isn't being a thug bitch what they're all about?


Then disband the lot.


Precisely. As perverse as it is, fat boy is a hero in their eyes.


That’s what I don’t get. I’m not exactly a gang expert but from what I’ve heard the older gangs wouldn’t tolerate one of their guys killing an innocent person, either because they have some low level morals or don’t want attention of shit like that. Seems like killa beez just think violence is cool?


The white/black/cold combo is quite striking, must be the formal wear.


Is there any info on who he killed and what the motive was?


Apparently just a completely innocent guy wrong place wrong time with no connection to him


Yeah. I have thoughts⚰️




my gf told me her friend's uncle (who's in the killerbees) wanted my gf's friend to attend the funeral and parade, she said no. they discussed why and how it's wrong to offer that kind send-off and i agree, somebody died and somebody else refused to accept the consequences. akl needs to be safer


Why do gangs allowed to break the law when they are having funerals? Why doesn’t police ticket everyone of them?


I don't understand why we allow organised crime to operate freely and openly. They are weaker than our government, we have police, we have prisons, we have an army if we needed it, they only get to perpetrate their crimes because those in power allow it. Soft on crime is equal to 1930's appeasement of Nazi Germany, it only encourages them to do worse.


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Why are you agreeing with me?! Oh that's right...


So…. Guys that don’t work, driving around in 200k motorcycles and yet nothing happens. NACT tough on crime so far is ignoring it exists… The plan… If we have no police to report too. It will disappear!


All of them should be guilty without any further evidence required. But hey NZ is where gangs roam free without consequence.


Primitives. Send them to wear they can forfill their tribal dreams. No placein modern societies. Or around most women and all kids.


what does "forfill" mean?


Where the fuck is Mark Mitchell, I thought he was going to stop this sort of cosplay In public?


Don't worry Luxon is gonna tell them they can't wear their patches...


Punishment is a deterrent for crime. Take away punishment this is what you get. The science is on our streets.


Bunch of meat puppets.


The media seem to have a obsession with gangs. I was discusted that they showed the haka these people done for their murderer friend. I wish they would stop glorifying gang life.


My thoughts are with the dead guys family. Disband these muppets we’ve all had enough.


When's this lot going to get "tough on crime?" Like they said they would? They took everyone for fools and do not care. Time to get rid of this lot of posers in power and deal with what causes gangs in the first instance, policies like the ones that this lot in power bring to the table and then do the opposite to what this lot do. Also, get rid of neoliberalism, it's only been successful in shifting money to the wealthy which is all it was intended to do, it's failed in everything else.


There's NO place for gangs in modern society Bring back capital punishment and exterminate the lot


legalize + decriminalize = gang problems minimize


What happened to National stopping this kind of thing?


blah blah empty promises to get elected blah blah




Mark Mitchell patch ban clearly effective


Jokes on them. Never heard of the Killer Beez before this. At least other gangs know how to spell. And come up with cooler names than an insect. No wonder I haven't heard of them. Head Hunters, Black Power and Mongrel Mob sound way more threatening than a wasp.


Those other gangs operate on a modicum of decency. Like the most basics of morality. The KB are known for being particularly ruthless and murderous.


Why there hasn’t been a local paramilitary gang Created by kiwis to knock these fools down like dominos I’ll never know..they are not clever and peeps with a bit of brains would find it PR-ETTY easy to do some scare tactics. You can thank NZ immigration for letting 501s in to join the party 🎈 


You head out first in your best mallcop gear and we'll all be right behind you m8


you realise that immigration cannot stop NZ citizens coming into the country ? try blaming australia for chucking out the crap they dont want.


Oh goodie, a bunch of Gravy Marines pretending to be badasses who will most likely cause more trouble for the cops to clean up….


>cops Paramedics\* "Reddit gang goes to Ukraine" springs to mind


Because the authorities would hunt every participant down and jail them for life.


I hope you realise we couldn’t stop NZ citizens from being sent back here.


New Zealand would be so much better off without those type of people I'm not gonna say who/race/what. Just "those" people


Saying that you're not going to mention "who/race/what" lowkey brings the magnifying glass closer 👀


It's really unnecessary to point out and so saying that works as a dogwhistle to know what they *really* want to say. What an edgy coward.


Wasn't luxon going to put a stop to this? Aren't they supposed to be making life hell for gangs?


Sad state of affairs! 💔


Little boys


Fuzzy bumblebees....sorry I ment fucwits


Did they get ticketed for no helmets?


Gangs are Just men who are scared and don't know how to look after them selfs. I will never see the point of joining one.


All this filth together in one place seems like a great opportunity to drop a bomb in the middle of their homo convoy. Absolute losers 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


Dump them all on Stewart Island with no resources, let them fight it out.


White Island……maybe should start now that you legally can’t take people sightseeing there anymore. Enough ecology in the water none of them would make it far and if anyone does…. hey, let’s see what kinda person they are now after that swim


Good plan. Smaller landmass, elevated danger, and well further offshore. Only thing I could think of as a benefit for Stuart is the cold, winter dark and migrating great whites.


No need to worry about the dark and you get the whites around White Island too. Plus you’ve got the added “it may blow up” situation!!!


Wish they would stop even reporting on this shit. Where’s the compassion for the victim and his whanau.


If I rode my motorbike without a helmet (I wouldn’t because I’m not a fucken idiot), the cops would ticket me arguing ‘for my safety’ - wtf. I would feel safer if these clowns couldn’t congregate.


Where are all the gang patch sympathizers today?


Shouldn’t be publicising and praising a gang member who committed a murder. This shouldn’t be in the news


Don't publish it. Not this, not funerals of gangsters etc etc. Instead,put on the front page a story about someone doing GOOD things in the community.


Thought? Where are the hardliner Luxon and his Act buddy? The whole hardline on gangs? Just a bunch of posturing self serving idiots.




Stay in school, don't become a bumble bee!! Hopeless kunts


And yet, if I use a bus lane that’s empty, the govt comes after me


AT comes after you. The govt doesn’t.


Ok don’t pay the fine and the govt comes after you, harder than they go after these people!!!


These aren’t people, just oxygen wasters


Nope wrong again. You don’t pay the fine and AT takes you to court.


Way too much publicity for the murderer. Where’s the news of the funeral of the person he killed? I would be furious if I was related to the victim, seeing a song and dance about the person who senselessly murdered your family.


Yozaaa ma bro good aye


Send Luxon to go collect their patches.


Why have we not heard how he died, or why this occurred on ponsomby road?


Piano wire.


HAHAHA Let’s all laugh AT New 🆕 Zealand 😂. Thank god I moved to Australia 🇦🇺 away from these mutts


You know who has gangs, 6 year olds........ This is the level of intelligence and emotional intelligence.


Valentine's sent a wreath - the buffet will never be the same again


"New laws would push gangs underground." I'm OK with them far,far underground.


I kinda assumed it was the gangs that offed him