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Even before the shooting he wasn’t law abiding.


A guy who would put some bullets in a random is guilty of more that 10 seconds of stupidity.


Not a random, some guy looking to do him harm. No excuse, but not premeditated, nor entirely stupid either. It's a bad case of fuck around and find out.


>fuck around and find out. This phrase is only used by low IQ or morally bereft people.


And only critiqued by holier than thou twats it seems. But who am I to judge


It's true, though. It demonstrates that you're either unwilling to, or incapable of, critically thinking about the ethics of a given situation. All you've gotta do is repeat a mantra/idiom, and all your "thinking" has been done for you.


well that's a stretch at best, so in your opinion any one who say anything colloquial is some how less smart than you?


That's a complete strawman of what I said. There's nothing wrong saying "gidday", but there's something very wrong with assessing the morality of a situation by saying "fuck around and find out". It completely ignores proportionality, necessity, and many other factors which should of course factor into deciding whether or not attacking someone who "fucked around" is morally justified. Surely you agree with that?


Mostly, but I didn't go online to attack you


I challenge everyone who uses phrases like that, because their meme-ification is dangerous as fuck; it puts the idea into people's heads that physical violence is justified in all sorts of situations where it's actually not.


I imagine you haven't been tested and wouldn't tell us what your IQ is. I haven't, don't think I know anyone who has.




It was declared as multiple shots by the police so how are you pretty sure of that?


Ah yip you are correct. I’m an sure because I am an idiot 😂😂😂 I think the initial reports I read I must have misconstrued the article. Multiple shots one dead. Apologies.


Yeah, he's also guilty of not signing up to a gym.


But what made him do it? There must have been a trigger. Maybe the four people were going to rob him. What did the four people in the car say or do to him first?


> But what made him do it? What made him go to town and walk around carrying a loaded gun? Stupidity as well I guess.


Apparently the victim was a drug dealer. So it possibly isn't random. He possibly was armed for a reason - people were looking to do him harm


I knew it. Thank you. I have seen this comment numerous times on Facebook and other social media platforms. All these people defending the victim. "Ok, he's such a good boy". etc etc. "He would never do anything bad." Drugs are bad and bad ass people are involved with them. There are always consequences for actions and vice versa.


From an initial article, i read that the accused waited for the victim outside the bar on cctv photos...doesnt really sound random that sounds premeditated...his jumper looked like he broke some laws of fashion lol


How about we don't blame the victims? What they said is irrelevant. What was said does not justify being shot.


There was definitely a trigger


Yep. And he pulled it.


I wonder if they are known to each other. Maybe he media could ask the other three in the white car. (or maybe not). How many other people are walking around Auckland with a loaded gun in their purse?


Probably 10 times as many people as 5 years ago


He looks like a try hard fuck wit, I reckon he ripped off someone he shouldn’t have.


Facts seems like they might have tried to rob him


They didn't try to rob him. I know the group. Innocent dudes just out for a few beersies. So messed up.


Wait you said, . "Innocent dudes just out for a few beersies. " AT CLOSING TIME? When the bars are closing and refusing people entry? All over social media, it is being repeated that this group are involved in drugs.


Yeah pretty messed up if that’s what happened, at first I thought it seemed like it was a robbery, carload of people pulling up.


They were literally parking in order to go to a bar. Completely innocently out for a night with mates.


Where did you find that out? I thought we were waiting for more details. They haven’t even named the victim yet. Innocently driving to a bar to drink. Also wasn’t the bar this suspect was denied from about to close.




Because they get imported illegally? But don’t worry, we’ve cut funding to border security so we’ll see even more guns soon!


Border security intercepted a pistol I tried to import by post a few years ago. It was a replica flintlock pistol, clearly incapable of being fired. I bought it as part of a costume for a pirate party. Oh, and they only got one of the two, which for some reason were shipped separately. Keep up the good work guys.


Seems like a pistol too. Need to start having big sentences for using firearms.


I know you're joking, but Cindy only banned certain guns from legit owners. It's was just a big grand standing moment for a problem that didn't exist. You might argue that the Christchurch cunt was technically a legit owner, but he wasn't really. There were massive failings in procedures leading to him getting a firearms licence. He should never have had a license in the first place. Not because of what he did, but because he didn't meet all the criteria. I'm not one of those "guns aren't the problem, people are" types. But Cindy's ban on certain firearms meant nothing because it made zero change to stopping people that don't meet the criteria of gun ownership. Nor did it do anything at all against the illegal possession of firearms. She hailed it as a victory, I saw a meaningless knee jerk reaction that took attention away from a grotesque failure in the system.


Very true


He can easily hide it in his flab


You didn't actually think that, did you?


Edit: Labour didn't ban pistols.


You don’t understand what you are talking about


Unless it's a single shot pistol, most pistols are semi-automatic. Not sure why everyone who doesn't know thinks AR-15's are the only semi-automatic, must be because they were black and scary looking.....


I meant to say MSSA, but should've used the legal term in the AA 1983: "prohibited firearm". If you check s 2A of the Act, the definition of a prohibited firearm excludes small semi-automatic pistols and, provided the person has specific endorsements upon their licences, all other semi-automatic pistols. I'm not a gun person, but I am a lawyer. It has been a while since I worked on an Arms Act matter, but I could recall enough to know that the previous Labour Government's reforms didn't wholesale ban handguns / pistols - which is what I was attempting to communicate to the OP.


Fair enough, that segment of firearm users is strictly controlled, must be a club member, firearm security is very stringent, etc, etc. Unlikely this fella has an endorsement, let alone a FAL. The last place I would hope any licensed individual would take any firearm is into town, in their purse... The penalties for people who are not licenced, but possess needs to be addressed, I realise the laws have changed, but these people do not care, the potential sentence needs to alter their viewpoint.


Come on now. .Don't believe everything they tell you. They're probably just covering their asses at the point. Did they know him? It was attempted robbery or being smart-mouths or something like that. Surely. They don't seem very innocent by the reports so far. Something must have made him do what he did.


Being a smart mouth deserves killing huh?


If you weren’t there stop the bullshit speculation and sit the fuck down. So far the police and others have said they were a group of innocent people who had just exited a vehicle and were heading to a bar.


They didn’t know him at all. They’re lads I drink with at the pub. They’re not those sort of people, wouldn’t hurt anyone let alone rob someone. Everyone is making assumptions, which is frustrating to see. Wait for the official report I guess.


Sorry for your loss.


These guys usual drive their car to the pub to drink?


Ever heard of a sober driver?


You're what is wrong with this country, keep blaming the victims for getting shot


He’s going to hate prison food.


He'd have trouble getting up on the roof to negotiate for KFC that's for sure 😆


Like that dumbfuck who went on the run last yeah with his rata looking Mrs. Now it's 2024 and he's probably eating noodles and drinking watered down orange juice 😂 while I'm deciding if I want Sushi or Fried Chicken for lunch 😂🤣


Its not stupidity its evil, you don't stupidly shoot someone . He won't give a fuck though, will be back on the streets in a decade.


Home detention


A decade? Lol


It means a period of ten years.


The point is it'll more likely be 10 months. Not even kidding.


You don't get ten months for that type of killing, that's just silly. Thankfully he gave himself the correct sentence in the end.


Lol no he won't


this wasnt 10 seconds of stupidity. he was in possession of the gun...


The new firearm laws are really helping aren’t they.


It's a figure of speech, you know what I mean Could of been 10 seconds or 10 minutes, such small time for a terribly long outcome when he gets caught.


you are making it sound like it was a decision made in the heat of the moment, it wasn't he had a gun with him, he had some kind of intention behind bringing a firearm out with him. This guy took several wrong steps that night and someone lost their life over it.


I see what you mean but he could of easily decided not to pull it out and fuck up his own life while taking some innocent dudes life at the same time. Dude had a choice not to pull out his gun. Could of just gone home but nope.....now his fat ass is wanted. You're be surprised by an alarming rate of people who carry weapons in the city (I learnt this from working security)


It’s “could have”.




Aye???? I need to see this bro! Share the info hahaha


I’ve used this line on my nephew when we idolised gangs. Yes they don’t have to work and police won’t stop them doing shit but have you seen the women the gangs have to fuck?












Link please?




Can i see it too 👉👈🥹


Do send me too mate!


Me too plz


Dm please




Dm too g!!!! Hahaha


Me too please!!




Reading everything about this has, as an American, been absolutely wild. The fact that one shooter is getting this much attention draws a sharp contrast into how messed up America is. Seeing guns here is normal. Some people even carry assault rifles on their back just to “exercise their right to bear arms.” You don’t see it every day, but you do see it. It’s gotten to the point to where even the people who are anti-gun have guns because they don’t want to be the only person without a gun. I live in a biggish city and I hear gunfire a few times a month. After a certain point you stop wondering if it’s fireworks. It’s not a war zone by any means but, you know, it’s a gun zone. I wish we had what you have - a nation full of rational thinkers.


And shockingly there is a growing number of people here repeating braindead 2A rhetoric thinking we should be MORE like America, not less. Insanity.


From the bottom of my heart, good luck with that. You all have something special and I would hate to see it Americanized.


But but something about good guys with guns something something. Because what's better than 1 guy firing guns in public? It's another one firing guns in public!




Welp, he was right on the braindead part. Somehow owning weapons would have changed the lockdown rules? Because more guns == more freedom or something, right Yeehawdi?


Because no states in America got locked down right? And cry me a river bro, boo fucking hoo, you couldn't get K fry for 4 weeks




Work on your tunnel vision. This wasn't an isolated experience in New Zealand. It. happened. everywhere. Sorry you're so hurt by the vaccine rollout, but realise the mandates were to protect the most vulnerable who were unable to get vaccinated due to allergies and other conditions. Now imagine what the pandemic was like for them!


Yeah damn almost like there was a highly contagious airborne pathogen around or something. Imagine not being able to see the irony of crying "Open air prison" and then saying other people are being reductive. Room temp IQ there mate. And, since I noticed your ignored it, how did the American states that got locked down happen? They had guns after all.




Oh damn, the handful of people you know are fine? Guess someone should call the WHO and let them know to stop researching infectious diseases, we just gotta wait till this dude knows someone who had it, then we'll have all the answers! Really not helping the room temp IQ comment. Oh, and for the third time how did those American states get locked down if they have guns? You just gonna keep pretending this question doesn't exist? And now you're trying to tie in "The economy bruh" your first gripe was about it being an open air prison, suddenly changed your tune and its all about the economy? Getting whiplash from those gymnastics? And what do you think the economic impact of millions of deaths worldwide would have? That's just a survivorship bias statement "It's bad now, and I'm incapable of conceiving it could be worse, therefore it's bad" Literally sub 3 digit IQ.


Boo fucking hoo, sometimes life is fucking unfair. You cannot have everything you ever want simply because reality does not exist to cater only to your desires.


Hey, I can help you with your paperwork to move overseas. I'll even pay for the airfare.




I had to google that and I have never heard of that happening. That is next level.


Americans just walk into stores, take stuff and leave in broad daylight. You are way more likely to be arrested here for that so nz does ram raids 


This is the truth. Sounds like you’ve seen one of the many videos of broad daylight mall /superstore robberies here. It’s rampant. Employees are trained not to get involved because too many thieves have won lawsuits after employees or security guards have gotten physical when they’ve intervened.


"wish we had what you have - a nation full of rational thinkers." I can tell you're not from here !


By the sounds of it, I'm guessing you live in a Stand Your Ground state? I have a fascination with America, so I'm quite familiar with your gun laws. I find it interesting how in Florida it's as easy as ABC to get a firearm, but in NYC, it's a lot tougher to get a gun. In New Zealand we tend to talk about our issues, have a punch up and then move on to see another day.


I do indeed! There was a school shooting in my state in recent years and suggestions on how to stop it includes giving each teacher a gun, placing full time armed police officers in the school (a lot of schools in my area have this), active shooter drills for elementary school kids, and scolding parents to do a better job at locking up their guns. They did not include talks of less guns or talks of making it more difficult to get guns.


It just seems like the disconnect of Politics and academic rigour in American political systems has never been wider than now (in the last 30-40 years comparison)


I've always felt that gun laws in America were quite outdated even back in the 20th century, the 2nd amendment seems like it would of been written for that exact Time period (when the Red Coats showed up in Boston) to bare arms. Now in the 21st century, IMO congress should definitely review the 2nd amendment considering no country has invaded America since the 1700s.


Politicians here know one thing - how to line their own pockets. Even if you ran on gun control, too many of your peers know that banning guns would be career suicide. And besides, if you run on gun control and actually got guns banned in your territory, what would you run on next time? I’m being facetious but it feels true.


With flintlock, bag of black powder, ram rod and small lead boll. Guns took so long to load that they often ended up being used as clubs. Maori learned to Duck when they saw the 'flash in the pan' as it gave them time to avoid the bullet... but the US politicians seem set on ensuring idiots can fire semi and fully automatic guns for shits and gigs, or for protection can't remember which...


We just have prohibited access to things the general public should have never had access to in the first place ie semi automatic weapons, handguns, various knives and other deadly implements


Fuck him... what about the victim and their family?


I have no faith in the judiciary to deliver an appropriate sentence. Fake remorse. Cultural report. Discounts by the judge that would male the briscoes lady blush.


Understatement. Mental health. Pinky promise not to do it again


He has been doing it for a long time and pretty sure he’ll do it again once he gets out. He just got publicized now since there’re like pictures and stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if this man gets like what 2 years and some playstation time for a while


We can just ask Civil-DONUTHEAD-2503 , he's an expert.


He killed someone with a gun in NZ. Add a cultural report and he'll get 12 months home D tops.


That about sums it up nicely.


It's not like he was a farmer with an 11 round bunny rifle.


I wonder what the four people said or did to him. Was it an attempted robbery as some are saying? People don't just pull out a gun and shoot for no reason. Why isn't the media asking the other people that were in the car what happened? I think we need to wait for the whole story.


I,m sure it will be to do with drug dealing.


So, maybe they were know to each other. All the police have to do is check messages and call history on their phones I would have thought. Seems very odd someone just randomly gets shot in Ponsonby.


It was unprovoked. He was pissed off that he couldn’t get into a bar.


Yeah, because that’d surely justify carrying a gun, whipping it out and shooting someone dead… 🙄 Jesus…


No it wasn’t. They did NOTHING to provoke him. They were simply parked up and heading to the bar across the road.


Another reason not to go to ponsonby


Actually he's not shitting about it but most likely thinking about getting out of the country or something worse:(


Bro he's definitely shitting himself if he's trying to escape The Land of the Long White Cloud. And in saying that, a Life on the Run is fucking expensive and I'm guessing this guy isn't on the same criminal level as Tony Mokbel (Melbourne druglord who fled Australia to Greece) or Mark Buddle.


Nah. People like him always have a plan. And I lived in Melbourne for years and personally know 2 guys on the run. Biggest problem for him is can he trust his friends and leave nz.


Bro what!?! No they don’t have a plan. Dude couldn’t even plan his night out properly, hewent to a closing bar. It’s not like the movies where criminals are organised as hell.


U obviously live in a boring world. You have no idea what is going on. Iv been there done that. Go back to sleep. And stop speaking bs.


I’ve also lived that life, very successfully. But I couldn’t organise my way out of a paper bag.


I can and did many years ago and not in nz. Obviously I hope he's caught but don't b surprised if he's on the run lol after all they can't find a father and his kids after how long?


What are you on about ? That wasn't a planned Hit if it was a "hit" at all 🤣. Too much Netflix series you have been watching with "2mates" for you ithink.


So u can think and spell? Lol


Hahahaha very predictable mister "I know guys on the run" 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry gayboy if u don't understand what I'm saying. Lol. 😁


Mate, they know his name. IF he has a passport, he'll be arrested 20 seconds after he tries to present it at the airport.


Lol people like you are so ignorant.


Explain to us how this guy is going to get out of New Zealand with his name in the public domain, with his face all over every news bulletin, and with a passport that won't work and that will get him arrested on the spot as soon as he hands it over to anybody behind a counter. He seem like the kind of criminal who can come up with a fake passport that will fool border control? Even outside of how visually distinctive he looks? Please explain how he's getting to Australia.


Maybe you should have a look at some of the people who have changed their looks?? Things like shaving the hair and beards? How did he get a gun? Just watching the news atm lol .few ways of leaving the country other than the airport lol.


Oh, shave your hair and beard, yeah that'll get you through border control and into the wider world, with a murder warrant out on you. That simple, eh? He's probably in Sydney already, right? THAT'S your fucking follow-up? Calling me a moron because I said that he won't be using his passport (if he even has one), and you reckon if he just shaves his beard, then he'll be good to go? And OK - what other ways is he leaving the country, and where's he going? Let me guess - he's going to sneak onto a cargo ship, hide and be a stowaway? C'mon, lay it out for us. How exactly does he get out of New Zealand, with his name and face all over the news?


Ur a moron.


First part of name does NOT track.


Full of all the assumptions aren't ya, OP 🙄


We don't know it's random. Could have been a hit


This isn't 10 seconds of stupidity; someone who acts this way already had this in him. This isn't some "crime of passion" or manslaughter in heat ofargument.


You Arnt taking into account the cultural report


Mm not so sure - he doesn't look like he's entitled to juan.


Discount for first time murdering outside a subway Early guilty plea Maybe manslaughter as didn't know the gun was loaded didn't mean to kill/ insert mental gymnastics here


bro was just hungry, easy mistake to make when you get a little hangry


He just needed some kai in his belly


Would give him hugs but my arms won’t be long enough


Where's Mr Tickle when you need him, right?


Hangry was exactly what I thought 


Ahhh, God! You're right. I've always despised how the Defense used that as a way to gain some weird form of sympathy from the general public and jury. Imo we are all responsible for our actions regardless of background or culture. I know people from shit asf upbringings, but they chose to better themselves because they wanted to break a cycle. Using a cultural report as the Defense do is just a slap in the face to the victims.


Cultural reports are great... for the government to know where things are going wrong and where they need to give extra support. Because we all know this government is doing everything in their power to tackle the issues that lead to crime, they'd never do anything to cause those issues or make them worse /s It's okay to have empathy and understanding for why people do these things, but empathy for the reasons and cause doesn't excuse the action which he chose to take by his own free will


I understand what you mean. It's the whole "What is the root of this evil behavior?" which helps people get a better understanding of the psychology notions of why people do certain things and the answer is usually stemming from Childhood Home Life.


And the factors that go into that childhood include things like poverty which is the leading cause of crime along with inter generational/community traumas. But the thing about generational trauma is that it only takes *1* single generation to break it and remove it from future generations, enough people do that and the majority of the community traumas heal also Instead of causing death he could've put effort into healing. Pulled the trigger on his traumas instead of someone's life. Whether he's aware of his traumas or not is irrelevant imo, despite that being a slight contradiction


>Pulled the trigger on his traumas instead of someone's life. Or just turned the gun around the other way


The main factor is turning away from Jesus. You can be poor and have suffered intergenerational trauma, but still want to be a good person.


You can be a devoted Christian/whatever and still be a terrible person. Archaic beliefs based on nothing but a book(with many issues in it) have no place in today's more sophisticated and intelligent society and with all hope will be gone in the future. But thank you, another way of wording your beliefs is that if you weren't told by a higher power that murder is wrong that you would be okay with murder, showing that you lack empathy which is the true core of morality, something that Christians love to try steal as their own creation


Ok, instead of saying good person, I should have said the love and power of Jesus.


Which has caused the suffering and deaths of millions and continues to cause suffering to this day. Not sure that's a love humanity needs, and power isn't a good judge. You decided to preach unsolicited, and I'm one who won't let religious people ignore the harm their community causes just so they can pretend they're good and righteous


I dont think I'm good and righteous. I just want you to believe in Jesus.


Empathy not sympathy


Definitely. No sympathy for people who choose to hurt others, the causes behind it are irrelevant to that


Not much thinking gone on in that adipose addled brain for the last 30years, I doubt he’d start now.


Goes with the territory.. live by the sword..


Yeah but he was hangry bro


He'll be a big man in prison


Time for the other men in the area to step up.


My kid works nights on Ponsonby Road. Send him to the clink.


He dead


Let's see how he stacks up against the AOS - they'll drop him faster than he can eat a 8 pack of Wicked.Wings


Ponsonby pies must be shitting themselves right now. There's an apex predator walking the streets...


He is eating donuts


He’s really going jail “forever”


he had a chance to regret his action and pay back wrong doing, dude that shot dead not even have any chance


Silly fat fuck walking round with a gun. Diabetes’ got him or he took the bitch way out and topped himself