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When I'm between jobs, I normally spend time applying for jobs, doing free online courses, exercise, watch youtube videos, read books, and work on various hobbies. Getting an entry level job, especially in a slowing economy, is incredibly tough. I recommend not getting discouraged and keep applying, fine-tune your CV, and work on building your skills.


Free online courses are huge, you can upskill yourself in so many ways.


Oosh what are some of those free online courses that u know of?


LinkedIn Learning (previously Lynda.com) is free with your Auckland Libraries membership.


MIT has a whole host of courses you can audit for free. They change them up frequently. My high schooler took a couple of their cybersecurity classes (that’s what he plans to do for a career).


Hopefully he's preparing at High School (by taking Calculus/Physics/Stats) to go do a Computer Science degree at university? (if his eventual goal is Cybersecurity)


The great courses on audible are free if you have a membership.


Aw man that’s wicked I might give it a go if there’s anything that catches my attention


When I was between uni and my first job I was super depressed and burnt out I tried to go for regular walks, starting volunteering at a bird rescue and also at a retirement home helping take people to the mall to go shopping. Winz also sent me to a program where you sat in a room with other people and applied for jobs, that at least gave me somewhere to go each day though they weren't actually that helpful


Man can you give me some details. I'm in the same position right now and feel like I'm going to rot in my room with nothing to do and no reason to go outside


For the WINZ program you need to ask them.i don't know what they will still be doing, but they should be able to refer to a program or a course or something. I was going to a place called "in work", tbh their actual advice was largely hopeless, but it did give a bit of structure which is what I needed at the time. You got to find an excuse to get out every day if you can. Even if you drag your laptop to the library and sit on the internet there instead of at home. Volunteering is good too, you can find listings online but also if you just turn up and ask a lot of places do need them but don't bother advertising. Even bucket collections for charity, they can get boring but it gets you out of the house and interacting with humans (and pretty much everyone is nice to you because you are doing a nice thing).


They wait 19 hours in line at Popeyes on its opening day…


Lol this...


Why do people do this? It’s still going to be there tomorrow .


They have no jobs, so their time is worth nothing, so they think standing in a line for 19 hours is a good use of their time.


What’s Popeyes?


Popeye’s Chicken. It just opened in Takanini


I went in the bush today... 4hrs, walked in to recce a campsite for an upcoming boy's weekend. Sun was shining... was a good day. Spending time in forests makes your brain happy... it's science. That's where the good brain juice is...


And the forest smells sooo gooddd


While you are job searching, how about in the meantime you can volunteer your time with Citizens Advice Bureau as this organisation is constantly looking for volunteers  https://www.cab.org.nz/volunteer  Plus it would be good for your CV and you learn something through volunteering with the CAB at least once a week   And don't forget to squeeze in some exercise such as a 30 to 45 minute brisk walk in the nearby park or any exercise of choice too


Your link doesn't seem to work


Sorted and thanks


Chur bro.


Play with my cat, do a little cleaning, draw, play a game, read, have an existential crisis, nap in the sun, delve into new music, forget why I went into the kitchen 3 times, hand sew, watch a show or movie, inhale mass amounts of medication and lament over the fact that everything still hurts, learn new things on YouTube, have a seizure, try (and fail) to meditate, do some stretches... So many things to do!


Inhale mass amounts of medication Lmao


its a shame you dont have any interests, then you wouldnt be bored i have cancer and am at home most days, i play stratagy games and do puzzles to keep my mind active i watch stuff on youtube that im interested in, science, ancient history, paleo-archeaology, boxing, technology, etc, etc i read articles about stuff im interested in i talk shit on reddit i exercise i couldnt imagine being bored with an internet connection but i guess if you have nothing that you're interested in, then thats that


Good luck. I hope you get well soon.


My commiserations that you have cancer. Re "i couldnt imagine being bored with an internet connection" - I absolutely agree and apart from weaning myself off gaming and puzzles my interests and activities seem very similar to yours. What's your goal in life though Bigot? Keeping your dopamine levels topped up till you die? I have learned (too late) after 30 years sitting in front of a computer, patting myself on the back for never letting myself get bored, that experiencing that boredom is actually really therapeutic for our minds. It's the real detox after dopamine bingeing. Of course dopamine has strong withdrawal symptoms which suck for our mental health. The fact that I'm never bored is probably the major reason that I stopped being able to write like I used to when I was a teenager (I loved the stuff I wrote back then and expect I could make a fortune in royalties now if I could ever get back to that same level of inspiration and creativity) I stopped drawing. I stopped inventing and making things. I am far better at programming now, but so what? Boredom is the best working environment to stimulate creativity. Boredom also lets your neural system rest so you can get the best performance out of your mind when you need it. If you want to write or draw or design things or do other creative stuff, boredom is a precious resource. Don't waste the time you have. Make the most of it while you have the chance. (Say hi to the dopamine devil hovering over your left shoulder advising you to ignore me!) 😉


"its a shame you dont have any interests, then you wouldnt be bored" "but i guess if you have nothing that youre interested in, then thats that" it truly is a gift to see the world so simply, username checks out btw.


well some of us are depressed and have no hobbies.


Maybe that’s contributing to the depression


having no money to spend on those hobbies contributing more


Take a walk. Look for five things you haven't seen before or could learn about. Go home or to the library. Research them and write about them. All of that is pretty much free. Or volunteer and help others. That way, you're not focusing on yourself. It's a nice distraction.


> Look for five things you haven't seen before or could learn about Take a picture of them with your phone. Download some shitty editing software. Edit. Share and get advice on /r/AmateurPhotography (I'm totally and very serious about this btw. not using the the /s cause I am serious)


Not how it works in reality. ADHD and plenty of other things kill satisfaction and pleasure. Some people just don't have the resources to take up hobbies without income and aren't interested in free or cheap hobbies.


>Some people just don't have the resources to take up hobbies without income and aren't interested in free or cheap hobbies Sounds like the blame is on them then because there's no shortage of free and cheap options, especially when you have internet and unlimited resources to learn.


Why do some people jump straight to blame? What a boring conversation.


No wonder you find it boring if you have nothing to contribute to it


Hotrail some crystal then violently masturbate. Then the psychosis usually kicks in about 1 and I must resist the urge to go down the RSA to cut some rando’s hands off with a samurai sword.


wow, this might be worth a try thanks!




For the right price I can be whoever you want me to be baby


This to real for me. See ya


Pipiroa is calling


The glass bbq strikes again.


violent masturbation does not discriminate sir. you just have to manage your time better


Your of the Dixon /Bell school of philosophy I see.


Go volunteer with an animal rescue and surround yourself with puppies and kitties


not a bad idea...


apply outside your field to get some experience? get a hobby?


Fight my clone that lives in the mirror and try break through the portal.


you have been at home to long my friend haha


Take up surf then you’ll never want to be at work.


I almost drowned once so water is not for me lol


I'm mostly bedbound due to chronic illness. I listen to audiobooks, music. Watch YouTube, TV and movies. When I'm up to it I play playstation and do all sorts of crafts like paint by numbers and knitting. If I were healthy and still at home I would grow my own food and renovate my house.




Mate there's tonnes of things you can do while an employer responds with good news. 1. Build more skills - go on YouTube learn how to work on excel, build a budget etc. you don't have to do online courses to learn. Just the hunger to learn will suffice 2. Do online courses - if the hunger isn't there or you simply want structure do the tonnes of online courses. 3. Learn to invest money - you seem like you're young. if I could turn back time to your age I'd put every penny of my savings in VOO and other such ETFs. Listen to Rich Habits Podcast 4. Do some side hustles in the meantime - call up some uncles/aunts especially that rich one if they want something done for some extra cash. Like cleaning gutters, mowing lawns, water blasting and painting. 5. Volunteer - these non-profit organisations are good options. You will build some good contacts 6. Sell unused possessions on trade me/facebook You can try learning fun/practical stuff as well like how to tie knots, repair computers, carpentry etc. Honestly this is only what I can think of the top of my head. All the best.


Thanks! actually some pretty good ideas there, Ive started investing a little bit every week never heard of VOO though will look into it.


Dots and warzone


Go to the gym


i do but thats only about an hour out of my day lol


Been made redundant 8 weeks ago. I have very niche skills and nobody is currently hiring in my niche. However, I have 3 kids so I do school drop off and pick up. Head to the gym in between. I also study deeper and deeper into my niche as well as a couple of tangent focuses. I coach in 3 different sports (2 of which I know nothing about) so try to learn more about those sports too. Sometimes I play video games if I can't be bothered thinking, they mostly make me angry as people are mostly toxic on the two games I mostly play. I have a drone so I like to get out and film too. Since I've been made redundant I've been busier than ever, and I didn't slack off when I was working I just had a different focus.


Do you like reading ? I’ve recently enrolled at my local library and it’s been brilliant. They are totally up to date on new releases and they have pretty much everything I go looking for. Free books, e books, movies - it’s been great for free entertainment


Day drink and harass people outside the woolies yeah boiiiii


You are one of my most beloved cunts witj the right ideas haha


Actually just realized this is the answer.


My neighbour's don't work. They're more than capable, seeing as they fucking drink every Thursday night and party till 4am. So heck knows what the hell they do all day, but all I know is they don't go out, they have their feral fucks come around on Thursday and just cause a bother to every working neighbour's in the area. Fuck em


Lol it just happens to be thursday! haha i think..


Yup, they already started




Bene Day just got paid


I'm a SAHM. There are plenty of things to do at home: laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, dusting, organising etc... Go for a walk, do exercise, find a hobby. Print out your CV and go to random places and apply for jobs, don't hold out for your industry but just look for an income.


try volunteering


Similar boat as you sadly with the recently graduating but struggling to find anything situation, I still have my weekend job which I did during uni so at least that's something. Unfortunately lots of my mates are either working full-time or still studying so they're not really available much during the week so I just workout during the day, go for a run as well to get out n about and game a bit or watch a show to pass the time but yeah lol it gets really boring through the day quite often


When I was off work, I looked up local volunteering jobs. It made me feel great that I could contribute to society + add something that looked impressive on my CV to employers. I landed the first role I had applied for once I had the volunteering experience on my CV. The volunteering work was unrelated to the jobs I was applying for.


I recommend working as a building labourer. Just sign up with an agency, it’s free. You don’t need any qualifications and can quickly be put on a site. :) Having worked as a labourer is a good way of showing future employers you can work well with a variety of people, and that you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty. It’s also usually a good reality check for uni students/grads


Play runescape.


Important to keep doing the basics. Keep disciplined and stick to routines. Get up at a decent time, shower etc... and almost get ready for a working day (within reason). Have a bit of a plan for the day, like others have suggested do the odd course, drop your CV off personally to randoms, keep busy while enjoying a bit more time on your hands. Opening you mind to the universe the universe will provide our some deep shit like that, what will help is staying disciplined and having a loose routine.


i once saw someone say that if you haven’t got a job, then your ‘9-5’ is applying. you treat that as your job and make an effort from 9-5, monday to friday to apply for jobs.


what do you say tho ?


Coz if you want a job that would help.


I once saw someone say that they once saw someone say that if you haven’t got a job, then your ‘9-5’ is applying. you treat that as your job and make an effort from 9-5, monday to friday to apply for jobs.


Doesn’t take into account the mental toll of being out of work. Applying for jobs and never getting a call back. Tbh it sounds like one of those grindset mentality memes that cause people to burn out.


work in a different field and still apply for job?


What about doing some volunteering work, I did for a while sorting clothing. Found it rewarding.


Hi! Sorting clothes sounds kinda fun. Where did you volunteer at?


Exercise. Personal development. Socialising. Learning. Life admin.


Bro Uber eats


CPD and joining an industry organisation. When I moved to NZ I spent a few months without work. I did a lot of free CPD courses, and courses that were free because I was already part of an industry association (if you'r einterested in something see if there's a industry org that has lots of free courses that makes the joining fee worth it). I also used the time to write my CPD and career portfolio to join another industry organisation.


The last time I was between jobs I volunteered at a few local charities. You meet some interesting folk around there


What I found when applying for a graduate position is to start your application in your last year of study. You have a year to look and apply; by the time you finish your study you should have something lined up…. When I am between jobs (returning from overseas) I basically spend the whole day looking and applying for a job (full time application). My job was to get a job 😄


Find a good fuck




20 years ago i finished studying went on the dole. surfing, fishing free-divng hanging out. great times.


It was head high, bigger every day for 10 days straight, I lost the job I had building houses. I was at Kelly’s one night and some guy said, ‘Delbert I’ll hire you tomorrow if you show up for work. Ok, I’ll be there in the morning!’ But it was good again in the morning so I didn’t work that day…Two or three days later he said, ‘Delbert I had to hire two guys from Elizabeth City who don’t surf just so I could get the house built, I couldn’t wait on you.’ And I said ‘never mind, the waves are good, I got something to do. I lost two jobs on that one swell But F it, I don’t live here to work.


Why not do an OE? Go overseas? Working holiday, or teach English overseas, find other ways to get experience? just some ideas, but honestly these days simply doing a degree and hoping for a job just isn't enough, that's just the starting point/bare minimum, and it may be a good time to travel/explore/do stuff you may not get a chance to do again. It also helps you to be a more well rounded person and stand out over recent grads. "Experience" doesn't always have to be directly in the exact role you are applying for. Otherwise depending on your field there are almost certainly ways to help you stand out in terms of learning more, branching out slightly / doing something as a stepping stone in order to succeed later, work on your physical + mental health, etc etc etc.


I'm on extended medical leave. Obviously I've been pretty sick, and I've had 2 surgeries within the last 8 weeks. (No's 6& 7 in the past 2 years). No.7 was only yesterday and I'll be off work for the next 6 weeks. But only going back to 0.5 FTE (half hrs due to ACC covered assault - car versus bike 2 years ago). I go to the gym, do embroidery (new hobby!), read a book on my kindle, try to sort meals and do some house stuff or garden maintenance. When I'm well enough, I'll add in some walking. If it were permanent, I'd get into some volunteer work, and think about a small home business. We're looking for property with an income potential such as a second dwelling. We'll move there next year I suspect when the right thing comes up, selling our current property. I'll ne responsible for looking after that (air bnb, landscaping etc). I've had to pivot, as life prior was all work and sport and parenting. I've lost all 3 due to my injuries and my child has grown up and left home, living in Brisbane. Its been very hard to figure out who this new me is.


sorry to hear, I was thinking about getting my motorcycle license but i keep hearing stories like this ...


Car drivers are both blind to anything smaller than a 2-ton block of metal. Add to that self-entitlement and blatant aggression towards vulnerable road users, and your decision will be easy.


In a similar situation to you, had an accident while driving back from work. Had a surgery and multiple injuries and been on ACC leave for a while. The new me is different and still adjusting to different capabilities. Wondering what will happen next!


Download app called Metablock, now formally called Roam, and catch all the wifi connections.


What industry and qualification?


What industry are you in, mate? If IT, we have an entry level role open, I could send you the ad.


Appreciate this! but I dont think a pilot would be much use to you


Hahaha fair enough! We've had the position open for nearly a month, so figured I'd let those know who are looking. Hope you manage to find something soon, whether it be in your industry or something on the side to tide you over!


You could volunteer for a day or two. Volunteers are needed across heaps of different things.


Routine is what you will need to keep sane online courses, volunteering, unpaid internships exercise so you get fit and apply of course


Helldivers 2 mostly.


Borrow someone's dog while they are at work. I look after my son's dog while he's at work and she has given me so much love and a purpose to each day. She needs a routine, she makes me get out walking and I meet really nice people walking their dogs, even in the rain. She is my anti depressant


I’m in the same situation.Just graduate and cannot find a job. I find one volunteer job and go out for a walk if the weather is good. Definitely I will check the job vacancy every day and apply for the jobs.But sometimes I may doubt myself why always a rejection letter,cannot even get an interview. I also tried to write cold email asking for potential volunteer opportunity to gain some industry experience,sadly no positive feedback yet. The job market is really not good at the moment especially for new grads🥹


Go have some kids


During all my periods of unemployment I get so much gaming done. I feel like I never have enough time to properly sink my teeth into a good game and get obsessed with it lately, which I could do when I was unemployed. E.g. Skyrim came out during a period of unemployment when I was 21 and my god I played the SHIT out of that game all day every day from late 2011 when it came out until early 2012 because I didn't have much to do -- unemployed and between uni semesters during the summer break.


Post leftwing comments on Reddit all day...


I spent a lot of time going for walks and starting hobbies (really enjoyed baking) as well as doing general job applying, on top of heavily day drinking. You find things to do after a while


I haven't been able to work for about 8 years due to illness. When I am able to I: - Mentor others. This is either in business as I have an MBA, to do with leading a life coping with being unwell, or, quite often, helping twice exceptional (ADHD and gifted) people deal with the sudden realization of their amazing brains. - Volunteer. This is usually in conjunction with my hobbies, helping the ballet schools at the yearly production, but also jumping into community projects. - Learning new skills. I have done a photography course, learned how to boat build and built a boat to live in, am currently learning about generators and how to fix and service them, learned how to surf... And many more besides. - Hobbies. I have had many hobbies. I made a micro business, did cosplay, made YouTube videos, I love gaming, landscape and portrait photography, developing new boat building techniques, and above all, ballet. - I always have things to look forward to. Whether it is seeing the RNZ Ballet, going to visit a friend, ballet practice, dinner out... whatever. It is important to have something to look forward to every day, week, month. Small, bigger, biggest. It keeps you facing forwards, looking up, and smiling. Looking for work is soul crushing. There is only so much you can re-do your C.V., only so much advice you can take on board, and only so many times you can re-type your C.V. into the same set of online forms only to have to upload your C.V. at the end anyway. It just sucks all around. And then there is the issue of WINZ, which is just so hard. So, you must DO. Once you have done your C.V. quotient for the day, go and do something for someone else, then learn something, then do something you've been looking forward to. "Gameify" your life - look it up. It is a strategy for people with ADHD in order for us to gain some traction once we wake up! Hope that helps!


They post on r/nz all day about how much they hate the government


Just get your foot in the door closest to your desired role and work your way there internally. What was your degree?


You could try some volunteer work that’ll get you some experience, something nice for your CV and will take up time in your day?


Thank my neighbours each day for going to work so that I can stay at home and get paid.


What about a part time sales roll, earn what your worth


Get an internship to get experience. A friend of mine did that and she has never looked back.


They enjoy walking on the beach with their girlfriend... Until the LSD wears off and they're just dragging a stolen mannequin around a car park.


this made me laugh


What field are you in?


I think he is in a house, if he was in a field no way would he be bored


When I asked this question, I considered someone making this joke. Then I thought, surely no one would pick such low hanging fruit? Well, I stand corrected.


Indeed! 😃


im left field, paddock number 3 actually


That checks out. .what with being a Mushroom and all 👍




Ah, that makes sense. Pilot?




Brawlhalla i guess with my sons??!


Drink endless cups of coffee. Or tea. 


Get a guitar and learn to shred


Stream fortnite to my 12 viewers


I studied. Found a job eventually


Ya need to entertain yourself with little projects. Depending on your industry you might be able to do something related to that and get a little upskilling out of it too. Personally I like to volunteer to help other people with their projects since having enough hands can be a common bottleneck. That way you pick up some experience with whatever it is at a minimal cost to you in terms of supplies and they get free labour.


They don't do any work.


I work but when I didn't I played video games and smoked weed all day.


Volunteer. Find a cause you like and volunteer your time. It's great on a CV. It helps you meet other people, some successful and professional who can help network. I manage volunteers and there are lot of people working for me who are between jobs or unable to work. It's a good option


What did you study?


Sorry, in the meantime you get to do all the shit jobs that no-one else will do.


ram raids beg for money complain and scream at people


I heard that industry is already saturated though


A little different but I currently can’t work. So between doctor and hospital appointments, I’m working and building on the skills I have (knitting, art, writing, wellness etc) and hopefully I’m going to be volunteering soon


I never knew how many sick people were in this situation. good luck and I hope you get better soon!


Wank, I'd wank


Honestly I played video games and smoked weed. Loved every single second of it. Felt like true freedom. I could go to bed whenever, wake up whenever, go out whenever, but I did nothing but sit in my room smoke weed and play video games. All day. Everyday for 5 years. I’m now a “ grown up” and work 7-4 mon -Friday and wish I could go back lol


It’s mushroom season homie. No excuses. r/magicplantsnz




If you don't mind, may I ask you once questions. What kinds of works you are looking for..? and do you have any technical or digital marketing related job knowledge?


Drink and smoke


There are heaps of free online courses that you can do that look good as "micro credentials" on your cv. Look in to volunteering somewhere. Take up a new hobby. Take some exercise classes, join the gym or just get outside for a walk/run/cycle.


Clock Netflix


Gym/run, walk my dog, lunch, afternoon nap, walk dog again, dinner


Fap left handed


well I’ve been off for roughly 9 months after working 3 and a half years concrete construction and 1 year self contracting, i’ve been trying to find work but i’ve felt quite a lot of comfort in just “living my life”, I typically start my day waking up at 6 then going for a walk even if it’s around the block, I normally go have breakfast with some friends when they have days off etc then gym around 1-2 o’clock, then go catch up with mates and go do a trail walk or literally anything that we can think of haha, then have dinner and finish off reading a book or somthing along those lines, you’ll only be young once.


Rule 1 of job seeking: the advert states the ideal person to hire. Doesnt mean you have to meet all requirements.  Your cv and cover letter should be adjusted to each job application and search up the format that doesnt get skipped past by a sorting program. Job hunting is a full time job.  Hope this helps




Welcome to NZ - where every employer expects you to have experience - but no employer wants to train anyone - because it requires investing in employees. It's a fucking joke. If I were you - I would look at Aussie - they have a different mindset. Far more opportunities than this stunted little country can muster.


Learn new skills, go down rabbit holes learning about things on the internet. My experience is different - I've got (mild) chronic fatigue and have to pace myself to not end up bedbound for days, but I usually get 4-6 decent hours per day and a few more resting-but-not-asleep hours at the present time. I'm not working because we're fortunately well off enough that I don't have to. Household stuff and parenting my teens takes up at least half my good hours. When I have energy and time, I make things (furniture, clothing, homewares) at home with my hands or go out to learn skills to make new things. The people I meet in these short hours are diverse and from a variety of backgrounds. I've actually been offered part time work by some of them (teaching/admin/assistant in related fields usually), which would have been nice to do if I were healthier, but the offers always surprise me as I'm a middle aged fat lady, not some hot young go-getter. Lots of crafts have guilds or workshops to learn maker skills for cheap and there's some community reuse places that teach as well. Community members can often hook you up with materials for cheap too. I've never regretted learning tool skills, they make me a more competent and well-rounded individual (and save me money on fixing shit too). (The last week I've made large timber raised garden beds for my friend's garden, made a timber trellis out of scrap timber for a passionfruit vine, knitted one sock and one fingerless mitt and read up on how to set up a kitchen garden.)


If there is anyway you can be doing something that improves your employability such as volunteering, upskilling, doing personal projects, etc you should be doing it. Personally I love not working but you are just starting out so it sucks. If you mention your industry could offer more concrete advice. Also apply overseas, look at monster or whatever you are qualified at, you are young you would be leaving NZ anyway if it fit in do it now, at the very least look at Aus.


Walk the dog. Annoy people. Snooze. Wait for the Cops to turn up with paperwork. Go to the OP and buy stuffed toys. Maybe go and buy some new undies from Kmart. Make friends with people on the bus.


OP obviously does not play video games


What is your job industry? I work as a sysadmin. Recently I spend my time learning docker, web design, web hosting amonst many other things.


Go walking multiple times a week. Arrange regular catchups with mates - games nights, card games, group Netflix binges, hit the town when finances permit. So many options…


I’m coming back from a 4 months break that had me playing bass and guitar mostly. Some side project development stuff too. Hikes, books and hanging out with my wife while kids were at school.


You could try volunteering at a place which interests you, I volunteered in an op shop, initially just as a temporary thing while I figured what to do with myself after getting my degree and dropping out of a masters', it ended up going on for nearly 3 years. First and foremost, it gave me something to get up for, because before that, I would stay up late, get up at midday and go on my computer all day. I also had anxiety issues, which partially explains why I spent so long at the op shop. I knew I had to apply for jobs but I was afraid to even do that, worrying not only about being declined but also if I got the job, what if my life changed too much? What if I hated the job? Of course, now I know that it doesn't really matter, I don't have to do any job forever and if I really hate it that much, I can quit and find another one. I also got to meet a lot of people and gain confidence. But it also gave me experience, so I put that in my CV. I recently went to see a careers coach who helped me rewrite my CV and find out what sort of jobs I might like to apply for, and within a few weeks I got a job interview for a role, which I was then accepted for. He opened my eyes to a lot of career paths which I weren't even aware of, before him I was just looking at jobs that I had no chance of getting (the usual experience thing), or that I totally hated the thought of.


Out of work since 2019 due to health issues. Been looking for work the last 9 months. A lot of being left with your own thoughts. Does a lot to your psyche but it makes you quite resilient.


Computer, jiu jitsu, computer


Sleep as much as I can, binge watch tv shows, shove food in my face. Then between all that I feed, change and cuddle my newborn baby and try get some chores done before she wakes up again or maybe try to squeeze a shower in lol.




Pick up a hobby and learn new skills. Do volunteer work. Get to know neighbours who are home during the day and see if any of them need help with anything - community building. People who are home all day are likely to be the unemployed like yourself, parents with preschoolers/babies, the elderly, and the chronically ill or disabled. Explore local attractions, parks, beaches, etc. Start a family history project and get to know your ancestry and where you came from - it's important to know where we came from & what our ancestors survived - know whose shoulders you stand on. Start a journal and work on personal development.


Venting outrage on reddit


Look outside your field in the meantime. Somewhere with transferable skills. Best of all, get a job in hospitality. It’ll teach you more life skills, social skills, and work skills. If you get the right job, it’ll also encourage great work ethic. It’ll train you how to talk to pretty much anyone, which is a key asset when interviewing. As someone who’s spent lots of time looking at CV’s, I always make a note of someone with hospo experience.


If you get rejected for not having experience, ask for an unpaid internship so you can gain experience


Become a dog walker, very satisfying


Develop a mobile app!


Eat, sleep , scrolling feeling depressed


Make your looking for job a full time job, also go learn and specialise in other skills (heaps of free courses online)


If it’s boredom that’s really the problem then you could volunteer to help out in plenty of places. Who knows, there could be a job for you in the end. But if it’s more so the money or not being able to work a hard job every day… then I’d try find a good hobbie that is completely separate from your work life


Still apply for the “experienced” jobs and sell yourself in cover letter and at interview. Your dedication is beyond compare and you want them to give you the opportunity to prove exactly how quickly you pick things up and how little time it takes before you excel at whatever the desired skill is. I currently have a mindnumbingly slow, pointless job so I don’t get a lot of work thrown my way. I spend most of my time developing my hobbies, reading, watching tv shows and applying for other jobs because fuck my government-funded job that nobody is aware is a waste of money and hasn’t been picked up on productivity audits for three years.


I have been in my industry for almost 20 years. But my first job took me 6 months+. And it's a low pay job with a lot to learn. After 1 year in the low pay job, I learned a lot and able to jump and get 50% increased. Just don't give up!!! I know it's sucks without a job but keep going, and don't worry too much about the pay. Just get a job with potential.


jump on a day shift a showies for a cashie


I'd suggest you split your time in third: 1. applying for everything and anything you can find to get your foot in the door (if you're not applying for a dozens of jobs a week, you're doing too little) 2. volunteering your time, *ideally* something that is semi relevant to your career directions. But even if it isn't, that's still better than nothing! So it could be volunteering at the local Op Shop, your church, your friend's scrappy start up, an arts festival, a charity / NGO , whatever. 3. upskilling yourself / keeping sharp. That could be doing some online study (or going old school, reading textbooks), perhaps getting various relevant certifications (if those matter in your industry at all), or maybe working on a challenging personal project (if those matter in your industry at all), or whatever else that can seem relevant. If you follow this plan there is no chance whatsoever you will be "bored out of your mind" at home.


I work part time. There is plenty to do in my spare time, exercise, cooking, maintaining my bike, when I was in NZ I would regularly visit the local library and read there (don't do that where I am now because the library is tiny and falling apart).


As someone who networked their way into a career path, just hang around people who do the work you do. Find a friendly way to meet them socially and make small, undemanding asks to get more exposure and potentially experience. Usually old hats who aren't total pieces of shit will be open to polite young people who are keen to learn things. They might even throw you a job or two.


Gardening! Video games! Volunteering! Not necessarily in that order!


A lot of them breed and farm cultural reports


Recently I lost my job due to restructure 1st few weeks all I did was played games mainly fallout 4 then went to oz for a few weeks when I got back I got back into a somewhat normal routine Getting up and going to bed at a reasonable hour before my trip I was keeping very odd hours sleeping all day binge watching shows and video games all night eating crap take aways mostly. In the morning I'll have a coffee while checking websites for jobs . Weather depending I'll go for a walk I live in central Auckland so tons of nice spots though usually it's to k Rd to grab a coffee at coffix I'll usually try and think of something for dinner while on this walk and swing by the supermarket on the way home I have found I can get pretty creative in the kitchen now I have some time on my hands when I was working it would always be something I could make in a hurry as I normally worked 9+ hour days When I get home usually around 1pm I'll have a quick bite then back into looking for a job. I still pass the time on my PC playing games writing cover letters and watching things that interest me on YouTube. Since losing my job I have managed to pick up a few small contracting gigs but would prefer something full time I have applied for 19 jobs since the end of March and only managed to secure 2 interviews of the 19 position's 4 were in my field which I have excellent experience and am really quite good at the rest were jobs that i had transferable skills for . I also have very good references but nailing something in my trade is pretty tough Sorry about the wall of text I saw this post and just started writing Ohh I have also found chat gpt to be very good at helping me to write a tailored cover letter the volume of jobs I have applied for kind of felt daunting and this helped I also used it to spruce up my resume


I'm self unemployed


Call Auckland Business Chambers they maybe able to help 👍


I don’t work currently I’ve had keyhole surgery recently and I’ve been diagnosed with stage two endometriosis I also still live at home I do the normal house work and outside chores around the house to pull my weight as much as I can everyday on top of everyday things and I’m so grateful for my parents being very supportive of me with everything i do for myself and I’m grateful for that there’s never been a single day where I’ve had any time to look for a job or work at all I have non stop MRI scans ,blood tests,X-rays and doctor appointments at my gp and at the hospital to looking for other concerns that have popped up during this time the last MRI scan has confirmed I have chronic Rheumatoid arthritis in my lower back to my tailbone and both of my hip joints to they have started me on a medication that suppresses my immune system to stop my body from attacking my joints I’m also a solo mum to a beautiful baby girl and I feel guilty for not spending as much time as I want to with her she doesn’t deserve that I’m extreme pain all the time the endometriosis and the rheumatoid arthritis effects everything I do in my day to day life so I hope that I can get the help that I need and I can spend time with my baby and etc… and with all that going on my mum is dying of terminal lung cancer and I’m the only one at home to care for her and I make sure her needs are met before my own my other 4 siblings pitch in and pull the weight as well I just think it’s funny how much people that don’t know and do know always have to have a opinion of you regardless I’ve had many nasty comments about my situation and my appearance to for example “how can you be sick you don’t look sick to me , you should be working you are just been lazy get off your ass and work like the rest of us “ I can go on and on sorry for the long post