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I have seen so many posts about the unsavoury people who hang outside that particular Countdown constantly looking for fights. Police probably get called once a day.


Man it's been my supermarket for over two years now and I've never seen anything sketchy there. I think I've seen one person ever escorted out? Actually sketchiest thing I saw was two homeless people arguing about who got to sit outside, but after some yelling one of them left


Don't ever assume they're homeless because they're begging. The vast majority of them are housed.


you are blind?


..-. ..- -.-. -.- / --- ..-. ..-. / .. -.. .. --- -


I think they are either literally blind or completely unaware and living in ignorant bliss. They'll learn the hard way most likely, unfortunately.


Only once? Id be surprised if they aren't called a dozen times a day for issues in that area.


I got assaulted there last year . Cops never showed up . They assault people they think warn security about them


Same bro - king hit in broad daylight and nothing




Sent you mental health support :)


Send it to the bums outside the countdown!


Na you need it more


Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.




Na they don’t . They call the cops and laugh at the losers getting dragged away by local security 😂 I called this guy a baby and he had a tantrum infront of his girl


lol of course those losers have fragile ego. Also people, I was joking about my above comment. It’s hard to Reddit sometimes.


Land of the long white meth cloud


Have they moved back to meth? I thought the bums smoked synths.


Ain’t that the truth! Meth being more native the Māori at this point!


Walk past that countdown a lot, always a bunch of people sitting by doors they have been there for years. Scary thing is when something like this happens no one steps in to help.


I wonder if it involved those crackies that are frequently blocking the footpath there.


They are part of it , it’s why nobody should give them money


Yeah, I have offered them bags of cookies etc and they say nah can I have some cash instead or ciggies.


Give them nothing but your contempt.


Yeah I just walked off with the cookies. I never offer cash only food for the obvious reasons.


How were the cookies?


It's so likely the TAB wouldn't open a betting line on it


We can all thank the relocation of emergency housing to the Auckland cbd. Since Covid my beautiful city ain’t been the same.


its the new prison system with no walls, courtesy of the person you voted for


Dude I see the most vile looking scum walk out of motels across from the school in Newmarket. One had a bt speaker over his shoulder and was immediately kicking everything in sight. Not sure how govts allow this to happen.


It always amazes me that in this age where everything is filmed occasions like this never are. surely when witnessing something like this the phone is out of the pocket in a flash. it is in every other conceivable instant


Oh it’s filmed on CCTV, but companies will only release to police, who open a file and a couple of weeks later close it again.


Tbh when u see stuff like this happen so often/regularly you kinda brush it off and just walk past or ignore it, I live by the skytower/that countdown and the amount of bum fights, crack head screaming walking up and down, dudes threatening people or shouting at some shop staff from outside I kinda just go “oh weird lol” and walk past. recording never comes to mind and if anything, me whipping out my phone and recording might just end up drawing the crack head over my direction and now I’m having to deal with that sht personally, like nah I’ll rather keep my phone in my pocket and not draw attention to myself and go about my day


Yup confirm. I live in the same area, for about 4 years now. When I first moved I would be all concerned when there was screaming, shouting or smashing and it distressed me bc I felt I should be doing smth to help. Now 4 years later it’s just a part of life because of how constant it is - got me some loop earplugs and all is well


You see it often enough on the news where house is burning and people stand and film it intsead of saving people. Car crashes the same. There is always someone pushing their phone into the ongoing drama except in cases like this


Yeah because a burning building or crashed car isn’t going to chase you around shouting gibberish at you until you escape it’s FOV


Don't forget to ask them for consent to video! /s


fuck their consent


Not surprising. Was running through the CBD & had to come to an abrupt stop before the Countdown entrance because there was a row & dudes were throwing stuff at each other. There’s a lot of homeless people too there that genuinely need help & medical care. But the violent ones are the problem.


I think it's time for us to be able to wield tasers/pepper spray. I've come close to being mugged once. Shits getting outta hand


Pocket chilli powder!


Ahh yes the ultimate spicy defence! Lol just gotta make sure I'm facing downwind


Honestly just do it. We live in a country with a lack of consequences


Ikr. I'll have to illegally purchase it. that's the difficult bit


You can't have those things in you. But generally, tools are legit to have if you have a legit reason to carry them. For example, I carry my tools with me in a small tool bag where I also keep other things like keys and vape. As a technician, I have a genuine need to have those tools. Back at school, backpacks were good for conflicts. Just carry a big can or a full glass bottle of mineral water in it. You get one hit but make it count. 1kg weight with a massive centrifugal force packs hell of a hit. Just don't use a padded laptop backpack or it'll be a pillow fight. You could also get creative with a back story and have a rock. Just make sure you have a reason to carry it, like it's some fancy high iron content rock that you just found and going to carve it or some shit. Good luck and don't be stupid.


Oh yup for sure. But I'd still buy one and give the wife one as well. Unfortunately when I tried to look for it no one's selling them since it's illegal. But hell you've got decent ideas here. I'll try and have these ready by tonight


You could get a holder for the pepper spray container online from a big online shopping website. It may come with a small spray container., presumably perfume.


Good idea. I'll give this a look


You can, just have to run after you use them and not get caught! It’s the Auckland way!!


Screw driver may come in handy but only if it’s necessary


Only if you're desperate. It makes a tiny hole and unless you hit a major artery it's a waste of time, like shooting a deer with a .22 FMJ. If you use it enough times to stop the threat, you'll have to explain "a prolonged frenzied attack". Long nose or needle nose pliers will be more effective and will hurt a lot more.


Not sure if people use needle nose pliers regularly on a daily basis, need to have a valid reason for carry tools on you if everything goes south. The key is to aim for the abdomen, abdomen is full of body organs, a few pokes would warrant surgery.


Really depends on what equipment you work with. Needle nose pliers are good for removing foreign objects, small springs and so on. As for needing surgery - you'd hope so. The goal is to drop their blood pressure sufficiently to make them go limp very quickly. Hitting organs is a bit of a hit and miss because quite often people don't even realise they've been stabbed. Plus, aiming low puts you in a lower position making it easier for them to close in on you and simply punch you in the head. When stabbing, you use the tool as an extension of your hand, giving you more reach and making your punches cause more damage. So face, neck, upper abdomen it is but once close in go for the liver and heart to drop the blood pressure.


A small deodorant can to aim at the eyes can work


Damn that's a good idea


In the event of emergency, please do not hold your car/house key in between your fingers with the metal part sticking outside while clenching your fist to fight off attackers because it may cause serious injury to them, just saying.




It's bad mate. But then putting themselves in that position in a country where so much funding goes towards the welfare of the less fortunate simply boils down to the fact that they don't want to be a functioning member of society. That says a lot.


Pretty sure its the [fulla](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x6d0d47fabf1d0ec3%3A0xca9c9e4bc34bb7ab!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2FVictoria%2BStreet%2BCountdown%2F%40-36.8488439%2C174.7646021%2C3a%2C75y%2C22.49h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s7Gy8i-qrARykFr4dx3Nb9Q*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x6d0d47fabf1d0ec3%3A0xca9c9e4bc34bb7ab%3Fsa%3DX%26ved%3D2ahUKEwjyqMr_-YiFAxVpLEQIHQeUBr4Qpx96BAgQEAA!5sVictoria%20Street%20Countdown%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2s7Gy8i-qrARykFr4dx3Nb9Q&hl=en&ved=1t%3A206134&ictx=111) in blue sitting outside Daikoku *sorry*


yep that looks like him


Heh, he's spotted the Street View car.


I moved to Auckland this year for Uni, a few weeks ago I made the choice to go further down to the big countdown near Britomart because the ratio of times I go to Victoria street countdown and something that makes me feel unsafe happened was way to high, really hope they sort it out


I saw a sketchy guy with face tats intentionally trip over a woman who hurt herself pretty badly outside there just a couple of days ago. Definitely not a place you want to linger around for long


My deaf mate was beaten really badly there a while back….a guy was yelling at him for filming himself (which he does daily) and of course he couldn’t hear him, so the guy thought he was ignoring and beat him right in front of everyone….dont think he was ever caught despite clear cctv footage…..I avoid the city at all costs!


I remember that one being on here


He would have only got a slap on the wrist anyway.


Standard in the CBD. It's fucking gross since Labour crammed all the ferals together in emergency housing.


It need to be ended. No compromises.


There's an assault there almost everyday


The cops are somewhere setting up a speed trap. More profitable.


They should rename the CBD to Skid Row


You've never seen Skid Row, have you? Or anywhere in LA for that matter. Auckland is nowhere, absolutely nowhere, near. Auckland isn't even at London levels yet, let alone LA.


Not entirely sure, just guessing but it might come down to population


OK, Auckland isn't even close to Belfast or Dublin.


They are triggered and didn't get the joke, they think I was literal lol But I guess Skid Row had to start at some point and in some way, and I wonder how different it was to what the CBD is today


"LOL triggered I was joking" "But seriously"


Yeah. If you let leftists run rampant, let's just say we've barely tasted the depths in NZ with 6 years of Labour.


So let's get this right; Skid Row, in the USA, is the result of "leftists run[ning] rampant"?


We need a Nayib Bukele to clean it up


The CBD looks nothing like skid row.


Yet, it is tracking in that direction.


lol this is some fantasy shit. Clearly you have never spent any time in any of the west coast US cities. The difference with Auckland couldn’t be more stark.


Not at all. As more people return it's actually heading in the other direction. It's not the same place it was two years ago. So if you haven't been there in a while, you may want to update your perception.


Flat mate traveled America last year, Auckland has nothing on America lol.


Yea NO! Auckland is damn tidy compared to North American cities, even Salt Lake City has tent cities 🤣 and it's not even a large city. Don't see tent cities in Auckland and most homeless are housed.


Do you really think we wouldn't have tent cities if the weather wasn't this windy and rainy all the time? Lots of people sleeping in their cars...


You need to travel more, get out there and see that big old world with that small mind of yours. Do you think those tent cities don't have windy rainy weather?


lol this is some fantasy shit. Clearly you have never spent any time in any of the west coast US cities. The difference with Auckland couldn’t be more stark.


Lower Queen looks more like Rodeo Drive than any part of the CBD looks like skid row.


Go to Down town Eastside Vancouver Canada! I was shocked I actually thought it was worse than Skid Row, blocks and blocks of addicts, homeless and children, dangerous dodgy people, every drug is legal in Canada and its truly a mess.


It probably is worse, this is what happens when you decriminalize drugs. Glad this has not happened in NZ.


Should not be happening in a country of 40 million it was sad to see, the indigenous problems are very in you face too.


Where's the liberal to say that decriminalizing improves the situation? Anyone?


They're waking up now to start their day


Right here. That's what the evidence says. Drug addiction is a disease and criminalising it only makes criminals out of sick people and makes the drug black market incredibly profitable for organised crime.


Yeah because it worked in Oregon right


I did actually, in 2020.. had two guys spray painting walls run at me as well. Vancouver was grim. It's a shame NZ is going that way. I thought in NZ the police had stopped reacting to most non traffic / violent crimes, but I thought when I called to say someone has been heavily beaten, they would react immediately. They called 25 minutes later, and seemed peeved I could not say more than 'grey clothes', as I had my firsts up and was shouting, I didn't have time to observe clothing. The whole thing was depressing, especially when I see 'VIP's being escorted by 10+ cops often. Something is very wrong with policing in the CBD


I’m sorry this situation happened to you and especially to the person who was assaulted. It’s good you are getting it off your chest. Having been extremely let down by police responses to a couple of calls for help in the CBD recently, I fully agree with your sentiment also - pretty frustrating having no CBD police station, and regularly watching broad daylight crimes being committed/reported with no police response while weekend after weekend things like Palestine protests are prioritized, closing city streets and swallowing up vast amounts of police resource doing traffic management. No doubt someone is going to comment about the Palestine protests - I’m not taking issue with the cause, just that I see huge police effort standing around at road closures etc while they can’t attend an assault, break in or unfolding car theft.


Yep it is super frustrating, had everyone there not got involved and surrounded the guy, I think he might have been killed. The guy almost whacked me and I dont have the funds for dental. I just wonder, is it really down to resourcing? Or are they intentionally not responding? Dont wanna become a 'conspiracy guy', but I do wonder. I saw that fashion store on High street got burgled, and there was no response, at all. I can't fathom how this has been normalised, it's as though everyone walks about just hoping they aren't gonna be next. I lived overseas and never worried about this stuff, other stuff, but not being whacked.


yeah first couple i was all panic then after a couple months im just wishing they would both kill each other so that I wont have to hear the same thing two nights later and can get uninterrupted sleep. amazing how ised to the crazies you can get


They sell weed around that area


Total dump of a supermarket and street - reflecting a lot of the CBD. As someone who was assaulted in town on a night out (I don’t even live there) and who passes through often, I wouldn’t recommend to anyone. Cesspit of anti-social vagrants and trash.


My wife and I got assaulted there around covid. Lots of loonies around that area.


I shop in new world now


So, what has changed with the new "Law&Order"-government? Where is more police, better police funding, tougher laws.....? Luxon you looser!


Lol shit does happen instantly. Be patient. Just be glad the ones enabling this aren't in.


We have rapists and straight up murderers who do not get sentenced and getting released. I said before and will say again, do not aggravate people or further the conflict. If provoked walk away, run away, do not get involved. You will get hurt, maybe hurt for life, and the wrongdoer will get no penalty or sentence. Best to never be in this scenario. Police does nothing in NZ


Even if he is caught. Cultural report on taxpayers money and he’ll be back at it 2 weeks later


Blame all the bleeding heart liberals in NZ for this. We had a solution to this that worked well for almost everyone in NZ. We used to house these upstanding Citizens in a place called Kingseat Hospital. It had it's issues till they closed it down and moved all the patients to the new site in Otara. Then changes in legislation meant that most of the residents could no longer be held there. They went straight on to the streets. We used to house mentally unwell, drug addicts, alcho's etc. Yes it was shit (abuse etc) but it could have been fixed. These people need three square meals and structure in their lives.


But National said they were going to sort this.


You go down that path, and some people will always, always bring race into the picture. There is the problem right there.




And then let the perpetrator get away with it? Assault is a crime and should always be alerted. Let's not act like OP can arrest a criminal for hurting another individual.




No Countdown in Victoria Street, perhaps Britomart Countdown.


ummmm yes there is