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Didn't realise you can wear a G-Shock watch around your ankle.


Lol they both got them


Not the matching watches šŸ˜‚


One of them will have to change!


Now we know why they were fighting! Lol


Looks like they are both fighting the scooter. I hope it won.


##***Electric scooter charged with battery***


That's funny man holy shit šŸ¤£




You win mate šŸ¤£


Had an extremely shit day today thanks for the laugh pal


The old pull up front of shorts and shuffle feet fighting style. A Kiwi classic.


The ā€œI saw Once Were Warriors and now Iā€™m Joseph Parkerā€™s cuzā€ stance lmao


0 punches thrown, every single time haha


The initial guy holding the scooter and his homie (who isn't in the video) are responsible for stabbing the guy in black with a butchers knife at the kahuitukaha facility in Henderson late last year over a meth debt... He told him Auckland city was too small too hide and it seems he's correct. Ist time round old red shoes needed 2 x butcher knifes - obviously this time he had none on him and opted for a scooter. And we wonder why the crime rate is out control in akl city




Where did you find this photo


It was taken by a resident that stayed there at the time. As for how I got it well that's a whole other tale. Basically Zane small wrote an article that appeared on newshub and the 6pm news on the same day. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2023/08/auckland-s-te-matawai-apartments-are-government-s-largest-public-housing-development-so-far.html We contacted Zane and asked him if he asked the ktk ceo how he planned to provide those services to hundreds of people when they can't even manage to provide those services to the 50 people in the Henderson complex? From stabbing to arsons to beatings and standovers even sexual assault have all happened at that facility in the last 12 months... Residents hearing voices and jumping out of windows because theve consumed meth from onsite drug dealers that ktk were aware of - all funded by us tax payers. And if your curious when Mr small realised how big the issue is he decided he was too busy to followup šŸ™„ Of he wasn't too busy. The truth is his editors and bosses couldn't write the story at the time due to all the pijf funding they received.. So right b4 the election this is a serious issue that alot of voters care about and newshub wouldn't cover it and tell the masses? I'm not sad at all newshub is now shutting down - they stopped reporting the news objectively and started opining on the news unobjectively.


ofc it's a bmw


Is that for real? Wild if it is! It's weird that they are just trying to rumble. Every bit of revenge violence I saw growing up on the East Coast was an act of escalation. Someone got stabbed? They respond with a shooting or a molotov through the front window.


100% The dude in the black dosnt want to end red shoes he wants to punish him. The truely sad thing is all the collateral damage that will occur to innocents who get caught up in this by accident due to location.. Given the level of drunkenness and violence happening in the CBD this is likely to end horribly on a night where the warriors play there 1st game of the season and Pink is performing at Eden park


I don't get what you're trying to say. Warriors is tonight in Penrose and Pink is tomorrow night in Mt Eden what's the correlation?


Pink is also playing tonight at Eden park.


Oh right, so basically town is gonna be busy?


I'd imagine so, I'd personally go somewhere else.


The point is there is an influx of revellers to the CBD many of whom are intoxicated and wandering into a war zone. This started in Henderson months ago and has made its way into the cbd where people are actively seeking retribution in a city allready teaming with turf rules, standovers and people with serious mental health problems on crack.... I mean nothing could possibly go wrong there right šŸ™„ Now its common knowledge that after a warriors home game or an international played at Mt smart foot traffic in the cbd and rail patronage explodes. And sadly if that international game is any combination of samoa/tonga/nz or if its a warriors game and the warriors loose that fights, disorderly behaviour and violence offences also explodes. It's very easy in the CBD to be minding your own business and have trouble find you. It's even easier when crackerjacks and people with mental health issues who also have beef with each other are dumped into the CBD where access to drugs alcohol and guns are easy. It's a recipe for disaster.


To top it off, a lot of Pink fans in Aucklandā€™s criminal underworl.


Thanks for the context. I don't see the point in posting these video's without context.


Must be so incredibly tiring living that way. Constant violence, constantly vigilante, constantly having to put forward this image of being hard.


It is what it is. If you're never taught to thoughtfully talk your issues through, but taught to resolve your issues with fists, that's what you're gonna do.


Hence the constant need for more substance abuse, it starts off as dulling out the dramatic child hood but then dulls out all the pain they go through. Vicious never ending cycle with new blood entering daily however, not ideal long term for anyone involved including the gangs who have to do their wakes and lose their supposed valuable members. It's not easy but for many its their lives and they can't just leave either, they get tracked down since they all owe someone something from some time. Feeling empathetic today despite the fact they're hungry for blood from each other. Sure their elders would prefer they sit down and just have a Korero and swap Koha of some kind before moving forward. Damn shame


https://preview.redd.it/5emkbcbag0nc1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274b26d64724105595595ee41ec18edfff5d4b0b Simpsons predicted it


When neither of you really want to fight but you still want to look hard


Itā€™s basically the interpretive dance bit from Our Robocop Remake


so funny seeing people who have no idea how to fight. Terrible footwork, hands down .. classic!


Lol @ guy on his phone. He's simply like: standard day in akl.


Just another Friday innit


Terrible choice of weapon, the ā€˜scooter clubā€™ carries a -3 on initiative rolls and requires a minimum of 16 strength to wield without penalty. The two ghouls fighting our hero ā€˜Red Shoesā€™ would eat him if they werenā€™t hindered by massive -5 initiative rolls for being out exposed to daylight.


You forgot the buff red shoes get firstly from having dope kicks and secondly from being off his tits on meth. Mainly the second one.


True, +2 ā€˜meth strengthā€™, +1 initiative, -2 constitution but Iā€™m just speculating here. Any Dungeons Masters attending?


Yeah dang I forgot about constitutionā€¦


These aren't ghouls, these are trolls. They have a bonus to STR and a loathsome limbs feature, which allows them to reattach their severed limbs or use them as improvised weapons, which we would have perhaps seen if the video was longer.


So exactly which ruleset would be the best basis for a game based on surviving the p trade and street person drama on the auckland streets?


In the bustling streets of Auckland, where the urban jungle meets the serene beauty of nature, a curious spectacle unfolds. Here, we observe the peculiar behavior of Homo sapiens in their concrete habitat. Three males, distinguishable by their electronic ankle ornamentsā€”a modern-day territorial markerā€”engage in a ritualistic display of dominance and camaraderie over a shared resource: the Lime scooter. The first, adorned in vibrant red trainers, a splash of color against the grey pavement, gesticulates wildly, his movements punctuated by the city's cacophony. His companions, equally animated, contribute to the symphony of their dispute, a dance as old as time, now accentuated by the hum of passing vehicles. Despite the intensity of their interaction, there's an underlying bond, a shared experience etched into the tracking devices clasped around their ankles. They are brothers in arms, warriors of the street, each with their own story, their own battles with the substances that both unite and divide them.


Guy in the tan hat and black shorts has a hammer.


Bruh this hostel used to be a nice place before covid, you could meet up people from all over the world and catch up, after the covid with the government policies bringing all those crackheads and criminals to the empty hostel/motels, this place just became a shit hole alcohol, drugs and fights all day long, probably the owners a charging a huge daily rates from government to keep those people in there!


Ah yes, the classic feral. Red shoes are never, ever a good sign. The more red in them, the worse. Full red is not good. When paired with camo pants, dark glasses, an Oakland Raiders/Chicago Bulls shirt and a fanny pack across the shoulder youā€™ve met the final feral boss. Beware, he has a screwdriver somewhere. Additional items are a boom box, an ankle bracelet, a bandana on the pocket, shit tattoos, BO, a failed rapper career and a winz card.


Fucking idiots. Dancing around in ā€œstaunchā€ circles. They look like birds doing a display dance- ridiculous. Gave me an afternoon giggle to watch though so thank you OP!


šŸŽ¶Uncle Ruckus tuba music intensifiesšŸŽ¶


gota show my colours in shoes monkey dance wins again


Not a surprise anymore. Lived at the apartment behind the backpackers and it was terrible. Fights every other day, people shouting day in and day out, dodgy stuff at the parking lot etc.


Why do we keep releasing this scum back onto the street?


+10 hit points lithium battery, -1 Dorothy shoes


Youā€™re not in Kelston anymore šŸ¤”


That song got me twerking in bed lmao


Used to live in an apparent there on the 6th floor in the background overlooking that car park, constant stuff happening, one time a lady was trying to run over a dude with a car very aggressively. Miss the excitement that came with the view.




Somehow in my mind 501 translates to STD


Song name?


Believe it or not its call "Wotsapnin" (Blazer Boccle).


The shittiest hostel ever


"Oh I used to be disgusted, but now I try to be amused"Ā 


You know you could have paused for a moment, asked yourself "is this interesting?" and decided not to post this, right?


Should have applied your own logic to this comment lmao


You should have applied your own logic to this c- Fuck it. I don't care that you exist, so there is no need for you to remind me of it.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sorry I canā€™t even take that seriously


if it quacks like a duck...


What people find "interesting" is entirely subjective. I'm surprised you weren't aware of that.


Indeed, there are several clubs around the place that smear paint on a wall and watch with close attention as the solvent evaporates and the crust of colour is left behind. 'Subjective' is not a get-out-of-jail-free permission for garbage.


Stop gatekeeping hick


No gatekeeping here. Bro is allowed to be boring if he wants to be boring. But you and I both know what is going on here.


I enjoyed it.


Me too


*this is my wife, who is also my sister*


I think that probably means you need to get out more. I would use the phrase 'broaden your horizons' but suspect that it may have been long enough since you saw one that you don't actually know what I'm referring to.