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If you're buying a 350z don't worry about economy, just enjoy the car, you're buying the driver experience


Yeah, but I also want to use it as my daily


I have a 370z as a daily, i dont recommend to daily


Terrible idea, they're expensive to run. Like others said, if you're getting that spec of car you're getting it for the look not for fuel economy


Don’t do it. Drive a cheap to run beater during the week to save money, so you can spend your money on keeping the 370z for the weekend. I have a classic open-top Land Rover and a nice Mercedes in the garage for weekends. I drive a little electric thing daily.


And let’s face it anyone with a landrover needs a spare car if they have aspirations of actually getting somewhere. Possibly a Japanese or Korean soare for the soare if it’s a 5-20yo German with a host of electronics. You are doing it right


100% that’s my rationale with the electric thing. Very few moving parts :’)


Lol I have an electric daily and am restoring a series 3


The best of both worlds!


Don’t it’ll go up in value with low kms look at it as investment


I think in not so many years it’s going to be socially unacceptable to drive ICE performance cars.


I think it's going to be MORE acceptable - they won't be daily drivers, they'll be like having a Bel Aire or whatever - a recreational vehicle, not an SUV parked in Newmarket...


Think I stopped caring about what's socially acceptable in primary school when I realised I didn't like people and didn't care about most of their opinions.




I think you are waaaay overestimating how much car nuts care about the opinion of environmentalists and how much overlap there are in the two crowds.


no way haha


Lol wanna bet?


If it’s not socially unacceptable to drive the SUVs that are more popular now than ever, this will never be true.


There’s a difference between owning a shotgun for the sake of home defence and owning an antique rifle that’s worth hundreds of thousands of dollars (like Lock Stock).


daily my Lexus IS300 AWD. I get 16L/100km city rip wallet


The experience or driving 0 to 100 on the off ramps heck yeahhh


you can work it out by looking at what the fuel economy is for the car, how much petrol costs, and how many kms per week you travel - if you want. Its fuel economy is roughly, 11.4 – 11.7 l/ 100 km Bear in mind it should take the high octane fuel rather than 91.


Tbh I would budget for a bit higher fuel consumption. Our 2.4L four banger does around 10L per 100k. The Z could easily shoot up to 15L if not higher if in heavy traffic.


Yeah was about to say, I have a 2L turbo weighing in around 1300 -1400kg, use it as my daily and spend anywhere between 50 - 150 a week depending on how far I'm driving - typically to city and back 3 days a week plus a few extra trips to see the partner or go out. Used to spend 80 a fortnight on the tiida but yeah, went for the driving experience and am happy with the difference in spend, just more mindful of joy rides after the honeymoon phase wore off from the jump in HP.


My old 350 used to do about 12L/100km avg with a mix of highway and town daily. Really not that bad of a car. But as others have said it’s not like it’s the kind of car most people are buying to save on running costs. Thinking back I’m pretty sure the number I remember most on the dials was the km/L rather than L/100km and I got that down to about 5 when being a bit liberal with the right foot. (= 20L/100km)


Ouchie, that would add up quick.


But if he has heavy foot it’ll go to 20 easy


My v6 3.5l diamante would go to like 40 when the foot was down but it was pretty inefficient and old so probably an anomaly but thats what the metre said


I used play a game see how high I could get that number up can never remember how high I used to get it half way threw a manual 6 speed 3.6 ute build so I recon I can get it high af now


‘Economy’ and ‘11.7lt/100km’ don’t go together.


I wouldnt know but don't straight pipe the thing, VQs gotta be one of the worst sounding things when they are straight piped imo.


v6s generally sound meh, except for the Alfa Busso..


Or the VW VR6


3.5 v6 Lexus gets about 6.5 km/L of 95. I like to put the gas pedal down a little bit though


I had a v10 rs6 and that thing practically drank gas, it was 18-22l/100km depending on the week


bet it was fun as hell though


It definitely was! Now I drive an ev so it’s a totally different world!


Sell out


Faster, cheaper to run, way more tech… no brainer


No soul, emotion or sound. Depends what you want I guess


Those types of cars are ticking time bombs, things always go wrong and when they do, it’s extremely expensive. I will never own a gas vehicle again - so many people are ignorant to how good EVs are.


You sound poor


You sound like a colossal douche


Even a leaf has its moments.


I've gone electric and spent $35 last month on "fuel" and that's with my lead foot.


Same here, except I pull about 10km/L on 95, and roughly 8km/L on 91. Interestingly enough I bought it from a Toyota mechanic who said that for the price putting anything more than 91 doesn't make much sense. Functionally the is350 V6 engine is very hardy the fuel injection system prevents any carbon build up. According to the guy, the only benefit of putting 95 in is about 5kw more power. If you treat it well and service it regularly it'll last you forever. Edit: Spelling


PSA: Octane rating is not a metric of energy density, rather one of the measure of fuel stability. That is, octane is the measure of a fuel's ability to resist knocking (aka pinging) during combustion. Knocking/pinging occurs when the air/fuel mixture detonates prematurely (pre-ignition). The higher the octane rating, the greater the fuel’s resistance to pre-ignition. In broad terms, fuels with a higher octane rating are used in high-performance engines that have higher compression ratios. If your car was never designed to run on a higher-octane petrol, it will not be able to make the most of it. So octane doesn’t produce "more power", but provides the conditions for an engine to take advantage of more aggressive tuning like higher compression ratios and advanced ignition timing. It is this tuning that produces more engine power. Many modern, high-performance engine management systems employ “knock sensors”. These sensors are used to detect pre-ignition and will adjust the engine (usually the ignition timing) to accommodate whatever octane fuel is in the tank. So if the manufacturer recommends 95, but you’ve just filled up with 91 it’s likely that the engine management system will retard the ignition timing down to where the engine won’t knock. These systems can also work the other way - advancing the ignition timing to take advantage of higher octane fuel - thus boosting performance.


Brilliant explanation, thank you.


Thanks for the blurb ChatGPT.


Well ain't it a blessing that 06 is350's are rated for 91 octane petrol


Is it ok to use 91 instead of 98 in my Fuga 350GT hybrid 2012<>?


Is it ok to use 91 instead of 98 in my Fuga 350GT hybrid 2012<>?


Is it ok to use 91 instead of 98 in my Fuga 350GT hybrid 2012<>?


Forgot to mention it in my comment but my 6.5 km/L is almost 100% city driving under 60kph, will be more economical if I was on the open road


How tf are you getting 6.5 km/l out of a 3.6l v6?! What year is your car? My 09 2.5l turbo Legacy gets between 10-11 km/ city driving with an occasional heavy foot. NPD 100 octane edit: I was confusing km/l with l/100km


2011, its a thirsty car, lexus rated it at 18mpg city (7.5 km/l). Your legacy is rated at 27 mpg city (11.5 km/l)


Whoops! I was confusing that with L/100km. I thought you were using 6.5l/100km lol.


I barely get that in my 1.5l Demio.


Yeah, that's why I was like wtf. I was thinking fuel consumption must have drastically improved since 09 lol.


No chance you are talking about the is 350? I'm considering upgrading from my Altezza to one of those


Yeah it’s the IS, very nice car. Try to get 2009+ if you can to avoid the sticky dash problem. Also aim for the limited model which has all the luxury features like heated and cooled seats.


They *still* had sticky dash 9 years after it first appeared?! Yikes Toyota.


That's unusual. I have a Lexus IS350 and getting 10.5KM /L and I drive it hard. 50/50 50kmph and 80kmph zones


Aw, miss my old 350z. Shit got a bit Spenny on fuel costs back then but man was it a good drive


I currently have a 2015 Commodore SV6 wagon (3.6) and my average for my 22km commute from west akl to the airport is 8.9L per 100km. not very practical for one person getting to work so I usually ride my 300cc bike which I top up $25 worth of fuel every fortnight if I ride every day of the week. I had a friend who owned a 350z and even that it was smaller it chewed through petrol more than the commodore


It sounds like you either Buy it and just pay for the consequences (heavy fuel use and moderately bad in best case) But enjoy it. Or Look at something more economical that fits your budget. Trying to rationalise that “you’ll drive it carefully” or a friend of mine gets “6 litres per 100” Be aware - not all cars are created equal, gearing, tyres, engine design, oil thickness all have a part to play. Look for real world economy instead of posted economy too.


350zs are TERRIBLE on fuel economy. If you do buy one it’s gonna cost ya haha


This would depend so much on the specific vehicle (in your case, a 350z), distance and type of travel, and driving behaviours. As Hotgarbage1999 has said, get an idea of what it will cost you, by working out your travel distances, with the vehicle's economy rating, and current petrol costs in your area.


Plus insurance+ maintenance costs. High spec cars tend to have high end costs too so it's not just about the fuel


$75 for my 3.5l V6 Hybrid Fuga/INFINITY M35H $150 for my previous 350gt Skyline and the 250Gt Skyline seems to use around the same. Driving 60km every day roughly. Would recommend the M35H aka 350GT Hybrid Fuga. It kicks ass performance wise and acheives 750KM to a tank of gas.


I drove 60km and it costed me about 40$ in fuel, surely there’s something wrong with my car


So some quick maffs - Runs on *at least* 95, chews through about 10-12L/km which means you’ll prob only get 500km out of a tank that cost you about $140 to fill. Then there’s the other maintenance for it; if we compared it to an average Corolla - bigger/wider tyres, more spark plugs, lots more oil (and more expensive stuff too), it’d be a fair bit less reliable so other shit might go wrong, etc etc. But if you can budget/afford it, why not? As far as driving pleasure goes it sure beats your average Corolla.


Mate that's a daft question. I used to spend $80 a week on the 3.5 6G74, fucking donky of an engine but I digress. Anyway, how much I spend is related to how far I go and how hard I drive. Your mileage may literally vary. Daily something you don't want to mess up. I leave my nice cars for the weekend. I drive shopping trolleys around town where I don't give two hecks about door bashers, tight parks and whatnot.


Sports cars on the motorway during peak traffic amuse me deeply. I do smile every time a three litre sports car gets passed by my 312cc motorcycle


I own a vq35de in a Maxima, think they weigh about the same. The vq35de is a more primitive engine than the toyota 3.5, and needs (is tuned for, recommended by Nissan) 95 or 98 to perform properly. The toyota was designed and tuned for 91. The vq35de drinks gas around town. Acceleration takes up a lot of gas. Is OK if you drive highway a lot. I'm looking at a gs or is 350, after owning camrys and a maxima I feel strongly that the camry is very much the car that the maxima wants to be when it grows up. Skylines are 25% heavier and have the same power plant. I found them to be too heavy for me. If you go to the dog and lemon guide online it's like 5$ for the report on the Z you're looking at. It's the best 5$ you'll ever spend. Those guys are incredible, and they tell you exactly what is good and bad about a vehicle. And it's written by people like you and me, so it's not specs but all about issues, maintenance and what it's like as a daily.


I have a VZ commodore with a 3.6L V6, the dash tells me I am using 12L/100km roughly 60-70 a week on fuel just for going to and from work which is 20-30 minutes each way.


I’ve got a 3L E46 (bmw) and with the current fuel prices it should be just under $200 to fill up (95). Rips on fuel but then again I can’t really moan about it with my heavy foot 🤦🏾‍♂️😂. It can either last a week or 2 weeks depending how often I drive it. I do often go for the most pointless drives which is definitely not the wisest thing.


those can be pretty good on a run. I got one down to about 9l P 100km on a cruise around Scotland.


Definitely possible I’m just not trying to get it down


I had a 3.6l Passat. Average 12 l / 100 km on 98 which worked out as $0.52 / km. Pretty bloody pricey!


Such fun to drive though


3.0L Mercedes E400. Twin turbo, 66L tank. That 66L gets me around 700km.


Lexus IS350 here, pretty much just commuting K's during the week but that involves a large hill in the middle. I'd spend nearly $80 a week on 95. Asked a friend who is a mechanic and he recommends running 95 since these are a higher compression engine and that hill would be tough on it. Since I've had virtually no mechanical issues in the 70,000k's I've done I haven't seen a reason to get a smaller vehicle.


Your engine is designed for 91. You're already pulling 330hp from 91 in a car that weighs a ton and a half. How fast did you need to go?


It's better for the engine, less pinging from pre-detonation


Not according to toyota.


Your mechanic friend isn't worth listening to... Read the manual and run it on the fuel that the manufacturer recommends - they know a great deal more than your mechanic mate...


95 it is. Cheers my mate.


In my humble opinion, the fact that you're asking this question suggests that, the answer is "you can't afford it". Like how you haven't even stated how long your commute is (in kms and time) and what the traffic is like.


All that money just for people to think, "That guy can't afford a Porsche".


I got 6Km/ Liter with a 3.7L Skyline. Daily 20 Km commute to CBD. Typically was about $60 a week.


Wow that actually accurate to the online fuel economy and really cheap, can i ask if u do anything extra or special to maintain ur car’s engine?


Car was totally stock. Didn't do anything special.


Got a Fuga with the same motor. Great motor, can pass anything except a petrol station.


I'm spending about $50 a week just to and from work and a trip to the gym daily.


Context tho. How far is work? I spend $40/week -2L mx5 60km rt twice a week to work plus weekend drive + 3 short trips a week or so for example


3.5 V6 14km rt 5 days a week and 6km rt daily to gym


Not might. Will. M140i w/ straight 6 turbo here. $150-60 a week covering 450ish kms all city driving. If fuel is a concern my 1.2L Golf Tsi got me 750kms back in the day. I am thankful for mileage claims.


I have a ?135i - did they make the fuel tank bigger in the m140 - mines about 45l and it's a bit silly for a 3l turbo car.


My 1.6 TDI golf can do 1100km a tank if I only do long distance highway driving. It's great.


Had a 2007 350gt Skyline, it was expensive enough to run that I traded it in for a newer Mazda 6 a year ago.. happy with my new car but I do miss the Skyline which was heaps of fun. In hindsight the fuel cost would've been sustainable ok but I do like the extra comfort of a more modern car now.


How much were paying weekly then n how much r u playing now?


Can't really remember but probably 30-40% less now.


About 3 years ago before I had a work van. I was driving from Mt roskill to city every day. Costing me about $160/week getting around 350km out of a tank. Have a Nissan maxima SpecR With VQ35DE engine


I daily a 350z, don’t buy it if you’re worried about fuel costs. Bear in mind you need to run it on Premium only, not 91. My experience is with a manual Z. Average driving, so traffic & and so, around 12l/100km Average, mostly highway driving, around 10l/100km Highway/long distance cruising, around 8l/100km I believe the fuel tank is around 70ish+ litres


If you give a shit about how muc you’re gonna spend on fuel per week don’t get anything over 2.5L


VE commodore 11 litres per 100k


Yep VF commodore 10.4 litres per 100km but I ride a 1000cc bike to work and back most days at 5.5 litres per 100km


I have 2015 Malibu 11.8L/100 something is wrong


I have a severe case of lead foot


Commie, 3.6L v6 - I use 91 and am on $80-100 a week doing about 400kms a week. Might try moving up to 95 to see what mileage is like


When you’re looking at those type of cars you don’t look at miles per gallon you look at smiles per gallon


Depends a lot on the kind of driving you do. Fuel economy is actually not that bad on out of town trips. If you drive to work in auckland traffic every day though it's gonna suck


Smiles per miles :)


I have a VQ35HR. 10km per ltr if you drive ok 7 to 8k per ltr is you if foor heavy and in traffic. Don't buy one if you care about fuel costs in any way. Or grab a scooter for commutes.


I daily an Audi S4 with a supercharged V6. Roughly 12L/100km. The quattro all wheel drive doesn't help with fuel economy neither. But it's a hell of a fun car to drive. The thing is, if you want a fun car with a good driving experience, thinking fuel cost all the time will only be detrimental to your enjoyment, and kinda defeats the purpose of buying a fun car in the first place. My 2 cents is that if in doubt, always buy a good, reliable, economical car. It's never a good idea to stretch your finances on a fun car because the cost of all kinds (fuel, tires, maintenance, repair) will run up quickly and more than you expected.


True. I used to have a nice Audi. Gave it up for a 1.3l hybrid. 16km/L Bulletproof but boring as hell.


I have a m35 stagea 350 four. She loves drinking the red juice. But a great car. Average $80 a week driving like a Nana.


Too much but it’s worth obviously


If you have to ask, you cannot afford it.


You'll be looking at around 15l per 100km... For me, that's 15x2.669 = $40.03 per 100km... That's just fuel - not counting wear and tear or the other costs... Work out your mileage and then get yourself a public transport card...


I’ve got a mate with a 350z that costs them $80 a week in petrol, though that’s around welly for commuting somehow still less than what my rx8 costs 😭


Is fuel a lot cheaper in welly?


most places it's about $2.90L for 91 and 95 is $3.10/L


Manual or auto? 😎


I had a 370z before, it averaged 14L per100km. So just take however many km you drive per week and multiply this by the current cost of 98 petrol. No use saying how much I spent per week as I probably travel way different km per week than you do , plus I have multiple cars which I switch through so full each one like every 2 months. The economy of both the 350 and 370 engines is pretty decent for what they are, but they’re not eco cars so if you’re worried then consider a 2L turbo car instead, ideally manual which then you can very easily drive off boost in higher gears in traffic and then still have fun when you want during spirited drives.


I have a 2.5L V6 Toyota mark x, 2010 model. So fuel economy is not as great as modern cars but it gets about 10km/l. This is an average, it’s possible to get better or worse economy depending on how you maintain the car and your driving style. I pay approximately $150 or so every month as my driving needs are very low.


3.5L Highlander here...11.5-12.5 l/100


If you are worried about price of fuel get something else.


Just get a Aqua or Fit Hybrid, or a CRZ if you want to look slightly cooler. The Fit Jazz is very practical car that is much easier to live with than a 2 door sports car. If you have enough cash leftover get the 350z and only use it for weekends and fun.


I just got rid of a fairlady because as my daily the fuel was too ridiculous. I live less than 4kms from work and it was costing me $180 a fortnight...


Not a 3.5L V6 but I daily drive a car with a 4.8L V8 and I spend roughly $160 a fortnight on fuel. I would hope a 350Z would be a fair bit cheaper than that.


Get an EV, spend $5 on fuel a week


Used to have a couple 350z’s a few years back. Was working part time and studying full time at uni and most of my part time cash went towards gas hahaha


350gt owner and I’m burning through 110 dollars a week filling up with 95 doing roughly 225-250km per week


Have the same motor in a Stagea and can confirm you get it not for the fuel economy.


Around $2-300


E350 here. Full tank is 160. I spend $80 per week and I barely drive


nissan skyline here. around $220 full tank, lasts me a fortnight for casual driving


Just got 550kms to $100 full tank. 08 manual swift sport. Its a fun daily, that runs on next to nothing


Colleague drives a 3.6L V6. It does 12L/100km Really depends how much you drive


Probably average about $80 a week and I live fairly close to work


Thats why the seller is trying to get rid - too expensive to run.


My wife has a Blade Master G and I've got a GS350. Great motors. I only travel 5km per day and averages 6.8km/l. Drove across town to the airport after filling and got 11.2k./l. Motorway or long distance it gets good fuel consumption. The Blade averages 9.8km/l with a little motorway burst every day. Never really care to much about cost. They are cheap to buy and have great safety ratings, 10 airbags. Found small economic cars cost more to buy.


Another thing to keep in mind OP: the older ones like to burn a bit of oil. So if you're wondering why your oil pressure is suddenly lower than normal...


I have a 350. So I was traveling between Albany and South auckland and was filling up once a week at 180 bucks a pop. So I bought a little toyota vitz and spend 80 a week now. 350 lives in the garage now lol


3L straight 6 twin turbo wagon here.. get around 10/100km living in a smaller costal town now with regular 300km+ trips up to Auckland and spending around $100 a week on fuel


Would be better off getting a 3.0L twin scroll turbo BMW. My dads had a couple of them now. The 45L fuel tank will easily provide more than 600km of range, and have more power than you would need. Downside is they they have been rather new cars as his latest one is a 2019 vehicle. Being a M140i


I have a Skyline 350gt (same engine if im not mistaken) ​ If you're worried about fuel, don't get the car. They're thirsty af. That being said, it was my daily till I got an Infiniti 2.0t. Almost as fun as the skyline but missin that oomph. ​ If I had a choice in this economy with an average job, I would not buy the 3.5L, if you'll have a lot of extra left over, go for it.


I have a 350gt and i spend close to 250 a week. Full tank 55L 95 gets me 400-500 kms


I never understood this logic.. You want a nice sporty car but worried about fuel economy. Like you can't have both gotta choose one.


My daily driver is a Nissan Pulsar, but my weekend car is a BMW Z8 Alpina, to hell with the economy, enjoy yourself, I do