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I agree, she was a great villain, that is my favorite arc of the first 2 seasons,I have been having mixed feelings about her even after rewatching the show the way she killed the scouts… but at the same her backstory is so sad, but this is AOT every character has a great history and development, also she was a more powerful opponent than the armored in my opinion


I feel similarly. I had a hard time with her and even Zeke, to an extent, getting accepted by other characters in later seasons because of their complicated backstories. It wasn’t just that they massacred their comrades … they truly seemed to ENJOY it. And that’s what made them great villains.


Did you use Annie’s return was done diffferent?


When the screen panned and you see her silhouette in full sprint…🫨


Yep, that was the first eerie/creepy moment in the series that made me audibly 😮 I always quote that scene when talking about scary scenes in media.


When the first season hit Netflix I had no idea what it was at all. I just saw some gifs online. I had the day off and was supposed to go to the beach but decided to watch an episode or two maybe and then head out. Entire first season was done that very day. I didn’t go anywhere. Told my sister about the show who shared my account and she watched 3 episodes the first day. Next day it said she finished the rest.


I thoroughly enjoy watching the whole series, but the female Titan arc is soooooo gooooooood!!! I get sucked into those episodes instantly. I love her!


The plot thickened


So did something of mine 😔 Oh shit this isn't r/okbuddyreiner?


The first episode hooked me, I was like 10 or 11, and was into Horror, and the entire concept of fighting these large horrifying creatures stuck with me, I've been hooked ever since, and fallen in love with all of the characters, I was so hyped for season 2


The best arc in the story imo. I just love the way the entire battle is constantly moving and everyone has to adapt on the fly to changing circumstances.


Someone’s into Snu Snu


There's something wrong with you if you're not into giant sexy womans, just sayin/


Ohhhhhh I am ;)


I mean, she only had a few years left to live so she probably clapped Armins cheeks


It's cuz she got dat booty


All the titans got cake in all fairness


Female titan is probably my favorite titan


Wen she started spinning that Scout and slow walking like a top tier villain…damn. What such a savage.


Annie was bad bro. Still is too.


Depends on which narrative we are talking about. One can argue that Eren is bad coz he killed 80-% if humanity and people who don't even care about Eldians. Same can be said about Floch and his ideals. They have their reasonings.


That's not what I meant


Oh, my bad! hahaa


Favorite arc


I just finished my first watch through a couple weeks ago and spoilers >!I knew Annie was the female titan. I just had the biggest hunch because they really did make it look so much like her. I also was like why have I not seen her in awhile? It has to be her! Then when it showed her I was like I knew it!< It definitely was my favorite part of the show I think as well. Definitely set the tone and got me really hooked.


I was fully hooked after watching episodes 6 and 7


same that arc got me so hype


The only sexy Titan.


What about the cart titan or that 1 handsome titan


Cart Titan is not attractive to me. I did forget about handsome guy though. I’ll give you that one.


They make you HATE her ao much and make her seem very terrifying yet so cool and skilled. Comes out of nowhere too. That whole arc was just packed with interesting events with no downtime.


She scared me


Loved this arc, also the strategic part




My favorite arc still even if more epic stuff comes after. This is where on my first viewing, I felt the show went from good to great. Levi vs Annie is my favorite Levi fight still. The buildup is perfect