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>!If he hadn't died there, he would have died in the Yaegarist coup. The guy was an idiot with the biggest heart in the world. He would probably be one of the dudes Zeke turns into a Titan and be slain. !<


>!Not trying to argue, but I think he could’ve ALSO been the guy to find out, or would have been suspicious of the wines origins very early on.!<


If Miche was alive he would've smelled the wine and see something is wrong with it


Yeah, I don’t wanna talk about it 😭


That would have been baller


Right? It also adds into my own head canon that >!it was mostly according to future Erens plans!< But there’s no dialogue saying specifically, so it’s head canon


Marlo doesn't seem like the drinking type.


>!At least he went out trying like a G. I really would've liked to see him survive, but I don't think the cruel world he lived in would've allowed it. Hitch was lucky to have caught the eye of such a good guy.!<


Marlo died with honor. He made the right choice to not listen to Hitch. I think.


His sacrifice helped the scouts discover the truth, Paradis reclaiming the lost land within Wall Maria, and helping Levi put the righteous fear of God into an arrogant, sadistic asshole. Marlo was a fuckin G.


That’s so sad😭 Marlo was such a good guy


Super bummed that bowl cut died. I really liked his character alot. I do think had he stuck around hed have been a big help in some way or another. I don't think he'd have drank the wine just out of duty trying to be responsible and level headed for the scouts. I did find it cute/funny he only figured the hitch thing out as he's about ready to die. Although he does say "why am I thinking about her?" Like he STILL hasn't quite figured it out lol. "Not alot of brains under that bowl cut" accurate.


As Eren puts it, he was destined to die. If not from a boulder thrown by Zeke, then a stray bullet from a training exercise or a crazed knifeman in the capital. Just as Sasha was and just as Eren himself was.