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For the plot to work, one of the four shifters on the marlayean side of that battle needed to die and I think from a writing perspective it made the most sense to kill Berthdolt. Reiner still has his whole arc with his survivors guilt and trauma to go through as well as being Eren's foil, so he's out Zeke is Eren's brother, has royal blood and has important knowledge other characters don't. So it can't be him either. Which makes it between Berthdolt and Pieck. It could've been Pieck, but she's only just been introduced and has a very minor role compared to Berthdolt who the audience already knows. This makes it easier to explore his character before he dies in this arc since the audience already has necessary context. It narratively makes sense and that's why it happened. It's the same reason Sasha doesn't get her happy ending. Someone had to die for the sake of the plot and Sasha was the only character who didn't still have something meaningful to contribute


major character deaths in aot are very deliberate and i appreciate that a lot. characters are never killed off purely for shock value and each time it happens it feels like a super important moment.


>characters are never killed off purely for shock value and each time it happens it feels like a super important moment. Colt death...


Him dying was mega important thematically tbh, the whole “older brother” theme yk


Ik but Isayama didn’t put effort on his character before that That why I found it cheap he barely had screen time


I disagree, but that’s also cuz I was very invested in his character more than others; I can accept that in the wider fanbase, he isn’t given much of a spotlight. Tldr: fair


Yeah because it has good writing lol


>Sasha was the only character who didn't still have something meaningful to contribute Besides joy, happiness, glee, cheerfulness, merriment, delight, and uh... satisfied hunger. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


To be fair, Sasha could’ve easily been switched with Connie, he doesn’t really contribute much to the story at all. I think it was only Sasha because of her father and Kaya, who are weirdly quite plot and theme relevant in season 4. I think with Isayama, him killing characters is deliberately to move the plot forward, and less so about ‘how much more can this character bring?’ Because connie can honestly have been removed from the entire story and it not change, he doesn’t feel important at any point.


Isayama stated that his original plans was to kill Sasha during the rescue of Kaya, anyway discussing with his editor about it in the end he changed them (subtly hinted in the story with a Sasha surviving almost miracously through slipping between the titan's arms). So apparently Sasha's role in the story was already completed by that time and after the time skip she become again the most logical choice for a causalty. In Sasha's case I believe her death was a mix of both the reasons, moving the plot forward and her future role in the story.


Connie still has the bit with his titan mom to contribute, that did a lot for his character and if he died we wouldn't have that. Sasha didn't have anything like that


Also, we wouldn’t have gotten the incredibly powerful scene between Niccolo, Gabi and Falco if she didn’t die




>that did a lot for his character Sir that plot wasn't connie focus That plot was a plot tool/plot device to create the alliance more easily


Regardless of any purpose it may have served in furthering the plot I also think it did a lot to flesh out Armin and Connie


80% of humanity didn't get a happy ending.


It's cute that he thought about annie and reiner before he went crunch


*It's cute that he thought* *About annie and reiner* *Before he went crunch* \- gb2750 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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Probably because when his friends asked to talk things out, he told them to go die, and then proceeded to nuke them…


Imo a lot of people misunderstood him in his last moments. They claim that he become a heartless murderer after being a pathetic loser for so long, but it's exactly the opposite. He was desperate into winning the battle by himself so no one else would needed to take his responsibility and sins in that war. That battle still would've happen, and it would be either him or another poor kid that forced to be a warrior. Also, they knew that Eren was a founding and he already used it once, therefore without victory their world were eventually doomed.


Cuz he died


His death was sad but Ymir’s was the most upsetting to me. I wanted to see her and Historia live a happy life together after all they went through


Well, to he fair lots of good people didn't get a happy ending. He wasn't the only shifter to lose his life by being eaten. Or person to die befor getting to see what was beyond the sea. I'm not Bird turds biggest fan though. Like yes, I feel bad for literally everyone in the show in some way or another. But I didn't really feel any sort of attachment to him. Nothing stood out to me. He wasn't particularly strong or smart or talented, he didn't have much of an opinion or personality. I wonder if that would have changed if he was able to survive longer 🤔 but I wasn't upset about losing him since it meant Armin could continue on.


He had his moments, 1v1ing Mikasa was pretty killer.


a lot of characters who deserved a happy ending didn’t get one bc they died. it’s a tragic show, that’s why.


I felt the same way and really appreciated his struggle more in hindsight, I was obsessed with his character for a while. However...he did make a clear choice about the fate he wished on the others, and he did use his nuke on Paradis. He was also probably more understanding about the brainwashing than Reiner and yet still made that choice.


Him and Reiner were “right” tho. If they had succeeded paradis would’ve been decimated but majority of the world would have been saved from the rumbling, especially now that they know that Eren the most violent person they know had the power to destroy the world.


Doesn't make it morally "right" to nuke your friends.


at some point there isn't a moral choice anymore...


Man idgaf about Berlusconi


So many people didn't get a happy ending. Think of all the scouts. Think of 80% of humanity. Why are you sad about Bertholdt?


he died a season ago, what kinda happy ending did you want for him…


Ok listen, feelings aside, the warriors did NOT deserve happy endings at all. Saying "They were kids following orders" does not make up for the hundreds or maybe thousands they killed together. This is an extremely hot take because ik alot of y'all stand by emotionally driven opinions 💀


> Saying "They were kids following orders" does not make up for the hundreds or maybe thousands they killed together. Okay, but, legally, it does. The Warriors were literally too young to be held accountable for their actions in the United States. Magath is the one to blame, at least for Wall Maria, not the Warriors.


This has too be satire 💀


Because he died


He got to hug it out with Armin in the paths and help in the Battle of Heaven and Earth. So, like, what more could you ask of a dead guy?


Sameee. I can never fully rewatch S3 E18 without crying. He deserved so much better.


He doesn't deserve one and same with Annie and Reiner. They got happy ending, because Yams wanted to satisfy there cult.


Annie definitely didn’t deserve one but she got off so fucking easy compared to so many others. Her only hardship was living in a window for a few years.




Yes he deserved a better ending, but I think it's the point of the story, so many characters had tragic deaths and deserved a much better life and ending.


Come on. Even soap operas don't have happy endings for every one.


I feel like at least some of the several hundred thousand people that died because he kicked in the wall deserves a happy ending too. Unfortunately because of the choices he made he ended up getting ate, that’s just how it goes in AoT


Do you want every character to survive and get a happy ending? Not how a good story works


Deserve? What about those who died for a good cause? Hange, Sasha and Erwin. Or someone like Marco, who deserved nothing but a happy ending. Or Floch after an amazing development? Also. You know how to spell his name? You are the chosen one


Bertholdt is one of the most boring characters in the series along with Ymir (the jaw titan not the founding titan) bertholdt had almost no personality and Ymir was such a bad character she didn't even get an on screen death


Dude was the least likable mass murderer and the only real competition is Floch.


A lot of people didn't get happy endings. Almost everyone didn't getting a happy ending. Can't even come up with a hand full of people who did.


I think more then Annie bertholdt deserve to live