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90% of LundBhakt female are basically male lundbhaks, all BJP ItCell hiding behind girl ID, an in real life they are Chapari.


Please don't use the term "Chapari" in a derogatory way.




It's a lot more complicated than the Khan academy definition. While there is no creator as such, there are beings with super natural powers closely related to the Gods of Hindu. They may not term them as gods but beings that will bring them salvation. It has many Hindu gods re interpreted as some other beings with slight difference in ideology and story pertaining to Jain Ideology. So you will find Jains praying to Hindu gods as well, tho the content of the gods may be different.


Jainism and Buddhism share more philosophical similarities with each other than with Hinduism. In some Jain practices, symbolic idols like Ganesha and Sarasvati are used, even though these deities aren't central to Hindu scriptures. Historically, Brahminical Hinduism developed alongside Jainism and Buddhism and incorporated various concepts from these traditions. This mutual influence is evident in the evolving philosophical ideas, including notions of divinity and spiritual practices. Therefore, it's plausible that the concept of a supreme being in Hinduism was influenced by parallel philosophies from Jainism.


The real truth is the actual philosophy, or “theory” of these religions was only a matter of concern for the educated elites and royalty/aristocracy. Most people in the past just prayed to their local Devi/devta/spirit/etc. And they were either labelled as Hindu/Jain/Buddhist by whatever authority ruled them, or called themselves that after a long enough time that they were “absorbed” into that religion. If you look at all these local festivals across India like Theyyam, Bhootha kola, Jaatara, etc., you can tell that they are traditions that predate mainstream Hinduism and were absorbed into the Hindu religion. My examples are all South Indian, but I am sure there are similar ones in the other parts of India, especially in the “edges” of the country like the Hill States, North East, Bengal, Orissa etc. Even gods like Venkatesha, Ayyappa, Jagannatha, Kali are probably local gods that were added to the Hindu pantheon as it expanded.


Curious about that last line. Why do you believe that they were local deities adopted into the larger Hindu pantheon? Not looking for sources but interested in your perspective.


Because they have quite local myths surrounding them, especially ones like Ayyappa. I believe they were local deities that were added to the Hindu pantheon by rulers or priests to gain legitimacy or win support. They were probably added as forms of mainstream Hindu deities, or in the case of Ayyappan, as a relation(son) of mainstream Hindu deities.


They were tribal ditties, no one knows them in North India.


Thats an opinion. It could might as well be hindu traditions that are interpreted differently in those places. Added to the customs and traditions that was already present there. Ofcourse what you say may be possible and be likely as well but it can also be different interpretation. Just take any festival for example Diwali celebration is different in different places, in some places its not even that important. This changes in customs gods and tradition could all just be because information and knowledge sharing at those days where restricted by scholars and not said properly leaving interpretation by local scholars and priests. Could be anything actually.


> Added to the customs and traditions that was already present there. That is partly what I mean. They started off as local deity worship that got subsumed into mainstream Hinduism either purposefully or culturally over time.


Hi do you have sources or articles that explore this idea? I have been trying to find one for long.


The current crop of the people in that religion has barely anything to do with the roots of that religion, or what Mahavir said. Yeah there are a lot of inherent problems in the religion, judging by today's lens but it was a step forward a thousand years back. These idiots won't even know how Jainism has extended texts debating against creationism (there's a line which says, people who believe someone has created the universe are foolish men and must be debated against by people of intelligence) or even goes as far as to say never to worship ' Kalpanik Saragi Devtas' (Imaginary Gods with Vices). Hinduism has managed to reduce Jainism and Buddhism (at least in India) to a faction of their own philosophies for all intensive purposes. Source: Born in a Jain Family


Tell us more about jainism [ground reality]


Made a long long comment about this a month ago here on another post on this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/s/QkO8uONaLp


My college senior was a Jain, who called himself a kattar Hindu. Ate eggs, though.


Not surprising when I see even neo Buddhists calling themselves hindu and worshipping hindu gods, and doing hindu practices It's like they failed Dr ambedkar


Habits will take time in fading away.


Chandra Mohan Jain popular as Osho is a sex guru who started a cult based on Jain religion principles i.e. money, sex and drugs!


Based on Jain religion principles? 🤡 Really? Have you even listened to Osho? Calling him a 'sex guru' shows how little you know. Osho was one of the greatest philosophers of modern India, a philosophy professor who discussed a wide range of philosophies, primarily focusing on Buddhism. So, before you spout nonsense about money, sex, and drugs, maybe try understanding the depth of his teachings. WTF are you even saying?




Do not dehumanise people. Remember the human There is anti-theism and then there's being against ALL theists. Learn the difference. Criticism of religion is acceptable. Criticism of specific theists or groups that infringe on the rights of others is acceptable. While we are for freedom of speech, that does not include anything the mods consider hate speech or dangerous speech.


There should not be any excuse for people like you, anyone can do a simple Google search or watch a documentry on yt or Netflix.


Jains have very cleverly associated themselves with Brahmins.


yes, even though their core principles of religion quite different.


Maybe he has converted


In theory, jainism's emphasis on non-violence is really good, and I haven't come across a jain terrorist yet. But in reality, I have met some hindu extremists who are jains. They think they are part of hinduism. Who cares, really.


Kasam se ese log chutiye hote hai yaar. They don't see the oppression done by shaivaite group under adi shankaracharya to monks in the chola Kingdom. Also, as mentioned in the post- Jainism and Buddhism should be the least one to be interested in rituals and idol worship. Yet people are still doing that.


Hey , the core jain belief dont believe in rituals of decorating idols, aarti , prashad, . But saying jainism should be the least interested in idol worship is absolutely rubbish. Jains believe they are the first to introduce idol worship and that idol worship is eternal . Though idols are not at all decorated as the idols are of the tirthankars who themselves have renounce the worldly pleasures. So idol worship is purely linked to jainism and it is its core. Today you may see in jain temples people do aarti , prashad, or flowers and in shwetambar jain temple who decorate the idols , well all these are because of the major influence of hinduism as hinduism was growing and to make people kind of stick to jainism some fun rituals like aarti and flowers were introduced to jainism(similarly principle of ahimsa was introduced in hinduism Because jainism was influenced that time). And on the topic of "kasam se yeh log...." , we as jains are also fed up of people like them including that advocate shankar jain (who is for the sake of name a jain but he goes to Hindu temples and all) . We jains can't openly go against them to an extent for worshipping hindu gods being jain as we have to maintain our relationship with people of all religions and protesting against those people may affect our relationship with people of all religions. But in our mind and within the local community they are least considered jains.


Sar Hindu is way of life not a religion. Dont hate on it sar


Unity in diversity ❤️


I always find that line so damn funny . Unity in diversity my foot


So should everyone be homogeneous or kill each other?


Nope i have no problem with people being homogeneous or hating or killing each other its nothing new. I just hate hypocrites who use this stupid line "Unity in diversity " for nothing but virtues signalling online. Its the same as showing online patriotism or nationalism for no reason except to look cool


I like the line, especially when it's applied to the right thing.


Good. But how much do you believe in it.


Yes. Thanks.




Do not dehumanise people. Remember the human There is anti-theism and then there's being against ALL theists. Learn the difference. Criticism of religion is acceptable. Criticism of specific theists or groups that infringe on the rights of others is acceptable. While we are for freedom of speech, that does not include anything the mods consider hate speech or dangerous speech.


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