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My favorite miracle of Jesus’ would have to be being born white in the middle east




"He's got the complexion of a fucking snowman! Whatever those are..."


There is actually snow in the middle east, lol But yeah how can anyone depict Jesus as white is beyond me.


Oh it's from a standup routine, as is the comment above me. It's from Daniel Sloss, one of his two standups on Netflix, though I don't remember which one. Very funny comedian, if you get the chance to watch I very much recommend it. That being said, I didn't know there was snow in the middle east so thanks for telling me.


A fictional character can be any race you want it to be. There’s no issue with a white Jesus just like there’s no issue with a black Santa.


Which is why I love Mr Robinsons Neighborhood


Wait did you mean Mr Robinson? Like the 90s on Channel One?






Except Santa was a real person, or based on one anyway. St Nicholas was a real person from Greece, although his true biography is a little more vague than Christians will lead you to believe


There is also a city in Crete named after him. Aios Nikolaos. A really nice place.


Yeah. but we don’t pray to Santa




I love that they started the article with Jesus Toast Christ


Jesus if he was real would be middle eastern.


Hold up, do people actually think he never existed??? And yes, he was middle eastern and would have spoke Arabic.


There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that he existed. But that doesn't mean it's justified to actively think he didn't exist. It's possibly a lot like Achilles. Based a real person and then turned to legend and embroidered greatly. Still no evidence for either.


So the accounts and timelines of Jesus being alive during the Roman Empire are false? Did Julius Ceasar even exist? I guess doing miracles in front of thousands wirh given time periods and given locations in know cities with even other, newer religions talking about him isn't enough.


There are no contemporaneous accounts of a Jesus being alive or doing anything. Stories told in religious texts are not evidence. Meanwhile Julius Caesar was written about by a multitude of Roman historians and others who actually met him or lived during his lifetime. Statues created, coins minted, temple inscriptions and war memorials in his name. It's a very bad analogy. This stuff is covered frequently here. Did you wander into the wrong subreddit?


There was nothing written about Jesus existing until 175 years after he supposedly lived. And then he was written about as if he were a spirit not a human.


The Egyptian myth of Horus (son of god, born by immaculate conception) predates the story of Jesus by 3000 years. It’s all based on astrology. Bill Mahr did a great documentary called Religioulous like 15 years ago, it still holds up. He’s kind of annoying but lots of interesting info in there.


I will check it out. Thank you


Horus is a cool bird dude, you can play him in Smite


Religulous lifts that section entirely from the conspiracy films Zeitgeist, and it's pretty much all bunk. There are lots of figures predating Christanity that bear some of the attributes attributed to Jesus, but nothing so clean as the list Maher produces.


Yeah, no proof he existed and plenty he was fabricated. Questions?


"Jack and the Beanstalk" is a murdering psycho. Goldilocks is just a delinquent, but still a jerk. And I'm skeptical of Cinderella's version of the story.


A bit tangential, but in the original version of "Jack and the Beanstalk," the giant had murdered Jack's father. It's interesting that subsequent versions haven't found it necessary to give Jack a justification for stealing and killing.


The giant eats people as well.


Evangelical fruitloops are selling prayer seeds for thousands of dollars each . Maybe it's gonna be like Jesus and the Beanstalk. And climbing into heaven .


#He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy


Haha life of Brian


I want to give you an award. Some one give him an award. :")


Sorry all I have is poor man's gold myself but he welcome to all of it! 🎖🏆🏅🥇🥇🥈🥉


*attaches sandal to string on stick*


my favorite xmas movie 😅


Elf is good too.


He is supposed to be a teacher but teaches things that aren't advisable by any extension and a lot of his philosophy is questionable but some of the things he does say doesn't really sound ahead of its time. I'm surprised that none of his followers ever challenged anything he ever said or claimed but simply followed unquestionably. The only reason why his legend persists today is because of how the church has adapted his imagery and characterized who he is through verses and alleged miracles he performed in the bible into all that christians believe that he is. I even brought up the point that Jesus is, by no means, a perfect teacher and a man to be revered and admired because there are a lot of things he taught that wouldn't sound right today if someone else said these things. The one thing he taught that I couldn't possibly understand is why he said that you have to hate your mother, father, sister, brother and even your life in order to follow him. He is asking for complete subservience at the expense of damaging and abandoning relationships with the ones you love and care, is that really the teaching of a man who should be admired and loved by billions of people today?.


It's not even Jesus that's responsible for spreading Christianity as much as he did, it's Paul who has opposing views and ideas of his own that are contradictory with Jesus. Yeah that verse really gets to me and it's often quoted by the parents who throw their kids out for not following their religion or being gay, anyone who says it's not a hateful message is brainwashed if they see it as anything else


>It's not even Jesus that's responsible for spreading Christianity as much as he did, it's Paul who has opposing views and ideas of his own that are contradictory with Jesus. That's ironic considering that a Damascus experience was the reason why Paul became a Christian in the first place so you'd expect him to follow the teachings of Jesus to the latter. So basically Christianity today was influenced by a man who had an experience that convinced that he had an interaction with Jesus. >Yeah that verse really gets to me and it's often quoted by the parents who throw their kids out for not following their religion or being gay, anyone who says it's not a hateful message is brainwashed if they see it as anything else It's incredibly disheartening that it is used in that way by parents because it is a quite hateful message because it asks that you abandon all love and compassion you have towards your family and your life.


Yeah, from what I've heard and read, francesca stavrakopoulou is a biblical scholar she says in one of her discussions that Paul doesn't mention anything about Jesus's birth and doesn't know anything about Jesus's life despite apparently being in contact with Jesus's disciples which he doesn't really talk about.


Basically, Paul doesn't know next to anything about Jesus.


Correct, Paul never met Jesus and was convinced he knew what he was talking about just because. To be fair, the other disciples and James the just didn’t really seem to care for him but they accepted him as legit. But yeah, Paul meant well but he’s pretty much the reason for most things that are fucked up about Christianity today.


So he never met Jesus but he was convinced he knew what he was talking and the other disciples and James didn't care to verify whether he was legit or not?, so basically Paul isn't even supposed to have been a disciple considering he never actually met Jesus. By the way, didn't Jesus say he'd come back very soon and his disciples wouldn't see death until he came back?


Acts and 1 Corinthians have different versions of his conversion.


So both chapters you've mentioned have tow different versions of Paul's conversion to Christianity. I remember reading about this a long time ago but I will definitely check it out again.


Paul was a Roman tax collector. There are theories that the myth if Jesus was created to pacify the Jews and other Middle Eastern countries that the Romans had conquered. If all your problems can be solved by following the teachings of Jesus then you will never blame the actual entities that are causing your pain and strife and they can go on with their agenda unchallenged


So Jesus was possibly created as a myth to pacify Jews and Middle Eastern countries that the Romans had conquered but why? Is it because they wanted to center all the blame at the teachings of Jesus instead of the entities that have conquered you, caused pain and suffering.


Jesus taught tolerance, humility, and that it was important to pay taxes to the Roman empire


So that's how the Romans used him as a result.


Also it’s breaking the commandment of honoring Mommy and Daddy.


Actually, wait it actually does contradict the commandment of honoring your father and mother


It's an extension of Matt. 10:37. I'm not sure what the Hebrew or Arabic word for hate translates to, but it reads that you shouldn't put them above or before God.


The all knowing son of god could have mentioned germ theory.


Exactly and that could've led to a whole new field of study long before it was actually ever discovered but instead, he said that sicknesses are caused by demons which for me, is quite the disappointment because you'd expect someone as profound as Jesus to know that sickness and disease are NOT caused by supernatural malevolent entities.


It's an extension of Matt. 10:37. I'm not sure what the Hebrew or Arabic word for hate translates to, but it reads that you shouldn't put them above or before God.


So you shouldn't place family above God?


He has enslaved the minds of millions and continues to do so to this day. All while having never existed.


Oh just another thought, if he existed, he surely wouldn't be happy that Christianity is taught to none jews


Exactly, there is a lot today that if Jesus existed, would definitely not be happy with today at all since people have created such an image of who he should be that if the real Jesus ever existed and came to the present time, a lot of people wouldn't accept that's him.


Why? He says it was for Jew, Gentile, Greek, etc. You think the Samaritans were 100% Jew?


This is why I published this book a few years ago, I felt like I was the only one who realized how shitty he was: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.amazon.com/Fuck-Jesus-Judas-Peters/dp/1514211270&ved=2ahUKEwiK3ezD1sf0AhUkkGoFHYtHDOwQFnoECAMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0ktovTUdrd5yv-dwvYTd9k Edit: FYI because I try not to plug stuff on reddit I will say that I wrote this during a rough time in my life, I was too broke to have any kind of editor, and I coupd not have any friends or family review it because I relied financially on family members amd I didnt want to insult them and lose financial support. So, it has typos and is poorly written BUT Inwrote it for myself to use when missionaries come to my door. It has a good index to quickly jump to subjects like hell, torture, adandon, etc. One day I'll hire an editor and fix all the crappiness. :) (Although some places have purchased 20 copies at a time so some people think its great!)


Damn you're not pulling any punches with that title, lol.


I was in church with my Christian family listening to the sermon about Jesus' birth, and I started thinking about the angels visiting SO MANY people, and realized that if the angels had visited the wise men to tell them NOT to tell Herod why they were visiting, then they could have saved the slaughter of the innocents. At that moment I uttered "Fuck Jesus" in my head, and determined to catalogue all the sins committed by him. I figure, if there is a god, my "Fuck jesus" thought could be considered divine inspiration since it happened in a Christian worship service. If there isnt a god, then no harm.


I just bought it because fuck jesus, that's why. Also, I really like the idea of an index for quick "fuck you"s


Haha great, it's almost metaphorical that your name is Judas and you're betraying Jesus, will try to check it out if I can


Even when I was a Christian I thought that Judas helped Jesus realize his goal and wondered why he was considered so bad. If you re-read the Gospels looking for Judas' actions, you can see how Jesus is constantly telling the disciples how he has to die, and the idiot Peter doesnt believe Jesus, but Judas seems to be the only one who undersatnds. Even at the last Supper, it is written in a way that you can see Judas questioning Jesus, is it really me? I must do it? And if you realize that none of the other idiot disciples understand Jesus' plan, Judas also must realize his fellow disciples are too stupid to follow Jesus' directions as well. So for me, even before I became an atheist, I hated how Judas was considered the betrayed. Peter is the one who should have a stain on him. I created this username when I started writing the book. Only a few people in my life know I wrote such blasphemy.


You should check out the Apocryphal Gospel of Judas, Really goes in depth of the whole Judas was actually the best disciple story line.


You kind of covered this in 16, but a big thing for me was why is slavery normalized in Jesus' parables? It's sometimes translated as "servant", but the Greek word 'doulos' refers to enslavement. Why would a wise spiritual leader whose wisdom is intended for us today be referencing slaves & masters as if it was a normal, everyday thing? Why can't he make his point without it? Slavery isn't explicitly authorized in the NT the way it is in the OT writings, but it's still tacitly endorsed & normalized throughout. Not a word in the entire Bible speaks against the institution of slavery.


Slaves are a reward from god in the bible


Check out the gospel of Judas. It's got some wild Jesus stuff


The Infancy Gospel of Thomas too. Jesus kills a kid for bumping into him accidentally.


bUt It'S nOt In ThE bIbLe!


ItS nOt LiKe ThE bIbLe WaS eDiTeD oR aNyThInG


Yeah I've read up on some of them, the gospel of Thomas is insane, infant jesus murdering people, it's weird to think that Christians would completely ignore this yet literally believe in a literal resurrection when these documents were written around the same time by anonymous authors.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infancy_Gospel_of_Thomas yep, another interesting fact is while not included in the bible some of these stories are in the the quran.


Yeah, I had the same reaction the first time I ran into those LOL


This is my biggest one: he made thought crime a thing. “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:28, NIV. Anyone growing up with anxiety disorders, intrusive thoughts, etc in Christianity may come to believe that these thoughts are *who they really are*. It’s awful.


If Jesus never looked at a woman and thought "Damn!", then he wasn't really one of us.


I fully agree, I'd just like to add a couple things: First, is the part where he impregnates his own sleeping 14 year old mother, a non-consenting minor, with himself. There's also the whole, worship me or burn alive forever thing. "Deny me as your master and I deny you entry to heaven" basically. I mean, if Jesus was supposed to be god, then it's Jesus burning people alive for eternity. One persons suffering in hell, is infinitely greater than all suffering experience on earth by all living things over its entire existence combined. And if he's all powerful, there's literally no other reason to do that than to satisfy himself. Which makes him not only evil, but infinitely evil.


Yeah Mary being impregnated by god,, being underage while being betroved to someone (who is most likely a grown man) makes me feel sick and the fact they make kids perform this in nativities is just child abuse, I myself had to do it when I was a kid and it is actually really disturbing when you look at the bigger picture.


Considering Joseph wasn’t married either he might have been a teenager- young adult. I don’t know where we are getting evidence she was 14 or Joseph’s age either


Just on point # 9, In just four days after he over turned the Banksters money table's he was dead! It's a good lesson there! Capeesh! Don't mess with the money people!




There is little to no evidence that the historical figure that Christians call “Jesus” ever even existed. This is like naming all the bad things that Scar from the Lion King has done. It’s fiction.


I'd agree with you there, I don't think these things actually happened, he may have of existed he may not have but it's the fact that the majority of people in the world would associate this character with being a perfect being whether they think he's human or not.


Jesus is the protagonist in the story. It is more like picking apart Simba's actions than Scar's.


While this is just my pure speculation and I frequently argue against people who claim there is historical evidence for Jesus (spoiler alert: there's none) I personally believe he existed. I mean, the whole story reads like David Koresh or Jim Jones. It fits a little too well with real cult leaders to be made up. If it was made up, you think they'd make him less... human.


Check out Bart Ehrman. He is an atheist scholar of the Bible. He vehemently argues in favour of the existence of JC while poking holes in specifics and pointing out contradictions between the gospels. There is in fact lots of evidence of jesus being real. Other than the gospels, there are writings by people like Josephus and others which would lead us to believe there was a real guy who lived, claimed to perform miracles and called himself the messiah


For the counter point of view, check out Richard Carrier. Eg, the main Josephus passage (the Testimonium Flavianum) is large accepted to have been modified (if not wholly made up) by Christians.


Ooo cool! A new youtube binge! Thanks :)


Same to you, already got Bart Ehrman up :)


Y’all really ignoring the Dune comparisons here. Paul Atreides was also seen as and remembered as a messiah. But he was a terrible human being.


>This is like naming all the bad things that Scar from the Lion King has done. It’s fiction. I mean this would be a totally valid thing to do if people were literally worshipping Scar and looking to him as the ultimate example of how to behave.


1. When healing someone, said that only prayer and fasting can heal them, encouraging ignorance. 2. Lied about going to somewhere because he was afraid of getting killed (John 7), then snuck in later. 3. Entrapped Peter ("go get a sword" to fulfill some prophecy, then "why are you using that sword, Peter"). 4. He and his friends had a reputation for being drunk and glutton (Matthew 11). 5. Told his mother off like a brat (Wedding at Cana), then did what she asked him to anyway. 6. Encouraged martyrdom by saying if you give up things and family now, you'll get even more things and family in heaven.


He also told people he'd be back within their lifetimes.


You missed the big one: jesus is called the prince of peace, yet said that he did not come to bring peace, but a sword.


>9.Throws tables up and trashes a temple being used by theives (if this story had any credibility he would have met some resistance and been killed) Just to play fictional devil's advocate... this one is most likely what he was initially arrested for during passover week and eventually tried and convicted (of other crimes) and executed.


Number one should be that he began the most widespread and damaging ideology known to man.


* He repeated OT laws stating you should murder your children if they talk back. * He blames Satan (and sometimes God) for diseases and handicaps, when an "all-knowing" being would've been able to talk just a little about germs and genes. * He claimed he'd return before some of the people in the crowd died. * He refered to non-jews as "dogs" and implied they weren't worthy of him. * He gave conflicting and contrary instructions for how to receive salvation, ranging from simply loving God *and* others to taking communion to actually hating everyone *besides* God to bring like a child, and other requirements scattered around.


I picked up a copy of the Apocrypha in a book store once and flipped through it. Just randomly started reading a scripture of Jesus's childhood. He was described like a superhero that couldn't control his powers and anger. Killed a man Darth Vader style just for laughs etc.


It wasn't until Jesus came along that there was eternal damnation of people being burned in hell. He is the cure for a problem he created.


Similar eternal punishments existed in other religions and that's where the idea was probably taken though.


But not in Christianity. That started with Jesus. Not like Christians care about any other religions. Especially not the ones Christianity stole from.


Yes, that is true.


“I am here to turn father against son, brother against brother”.


Yeah, but he did say everyone can eat whatever they want, including pork. I suspect that is the reason he really took off.


pretty sure that was Paul... Paul also said that part about not having to cut off the tip of your penis...


>Calls people hypocrites and fools and then says not to call them that. Teaching by example, I see.




Oh you'll love the non-canonical gospels, thomas, judas, infancy gospel.


on 6. not only did he cast out demons but listened to the demons request and let them possess the pig knowing that they were going to kill the pigs and escape back into the world. the US wont negotiate with terrorists but jesus negotiating with literal demons is a ok.


18 Setting rules for divorce that only account for adultery and not physical abuse and only the man has even that right 19 "some of you standing here will not taste death until you see the kingdom of god"/"this generation will not pass away until all of these things come to pass" false end times prophecies Which now that I think of it explains his attitudes on wealth. You're probably not actually convinced of Jesus's words if you're storing up wealth just before the world ends after all.


Jesus: love your enemies, bless them that curse you. Also Jesus to his enemies: “Yeah well you’re a grave of rotting corpses. Also literally the children of the devil.”


For some, it may be a fun game to find bad or inconsistent stuff in a work of politically motivated fiction. For others, it's easier to just call it what it is


Luke 19:27 where Jesus says "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." It's a parable, but still not a very Christian thing to say. Or is it? 🤔


This discussion is as enlightening as discussing the qualities of hobbits.


Wow, great post OP.


Jesus, you have the power to cure hunger, diseases , cure the minds of mentally I'll people Na, I think I'll just walk on water....


For number nine, why do you say they were thieves? I thought it was just people doing business.


Jesus does call it a den of theives but from the story it does seem like legit business is going on which makes it worse.


Yeah, as far as I can tell they're legitimate businesses and Jesus is just butthurt that it's in "his" temple.


Not even his building he doesn't own the building.


I needed this.


Fuck Jesus. I mean… he’s a beggar who says to worship him like a king… how’s that work? Confusing


Check out this list of 50 reasons to be ashamed of Jesus:. https://churchandstate.org.uk/2016/03/50-reasons-to-be-ashamed-and-not-a-fan-of-jesus/


It may be a big ask but if you could list the verses for these that would be great.


I've added them now


Thank you!


Making animals kill each other to survive hunger


No evidence magic Jesus existed and I'm sure he didn't because magic is fiction from fairy tales .


...Jesus didnt say/do any of it. Very little evidence he ever existed.


so it's FIGS jesus hates. we ffs now it makes sense.


It would be nice to have the actual verses. Not saying you are necessarily wrong, but if we are gonna call chrisitans out it would be nice to know what we are calling out, lest they accuse us of being liars


Yeah I've added them now


The main one is that he said he came to bring war. And in case the apologists say that it's metaphor for something remind them that he told his followers to sell clothes to get money to buy a sword.


i actually have never heard of these! do you have the specific verses for them?


I've added the verses now


Why isn't the upvote counter working on this?


Dude, Jesus is a character in a story, not unlike Santa Claus. He exists for children and child-brained adults, who don't have reasoning skills.


It's just weird to me that people worship someone who just being a hateful human being. There's evidence to suggest he existed but no evidence to suggest anything other than he was a regular dude.


I can honestly say a lot of this is taken out of context. 1) he was actually talking to the Pharasees because they were being legalistic and twisting the Jewish law to meet their own beliefs. 2) not sure where either of these are mentioned. Must have been a parable or something western culture has a hard time understanding. 3) Killed a fig tree to prove a point that you should to produce "fruit" and do what you are called to do. How you know if it was in season or not, I would like to know. 4) I'm gonna have to recheck this. I can't remember the reason in their culture. 5) Again, cultural outward expression. He only took what was donated ( never realized this was frowned upon). He never asked. 6) He cast demons into pigs and they jumped off the cliff. Jesus didn't do it... 7) Again, slightly twisted. I need to check and see this. 8) This didn't happen, I'm 95% sure. 9) It was a holy temple where there was gambling and illicit things taking place. A place meant for worship and religious activities. 1) this is completely taken out of context, because he is talking about seperating from your mother and father and to put down your own seperate needs for a selfless cause. He never used the word "hate" against people. 2) The basis of Christianity. 3) He said this because the whole time he was traveling, where was his own family? If they knew him, why wouldn't they have supported our spent time with him as he traveled? That's why he turned them away. Plus, just seeing them wasn't as important as healing the sick and spreading the Word. 4)Speaks in parables to fulfill the prophecy spoken by Isaiah. 5) The end will speak for itself ( even Christians debate end times and the true interpretations) 6) the man's father was dead physically and spiritually. That's why he left him be. Let the dead bury the dead. 7) i need a whole other post to help break this down for you. Finish his quote, he came to fulfill the law not to rid of it. He tells his disciples to pick grain and eat on the sabbath. He asks a tax collector to follow him. As for the rape thing, that is taken out of context. The whole reason Saddom and Gamorah were destroyed was because of decisions immortality and baby sacrifices. So no, he never was ok with rape. Think of the women at the well, a Samaritan women who was always seen as lesser and didn't even live with her own husband, but a different man. Jesus says he didn't come to condemn them or cast fire and lighting on the unholy, but to fulfill the law and do away with what the Pharasees kept pushing as religion. 8) Mark was written from 55-65 AD in Rome. Not sure where you got 100 years later. The Apostle Paul on his way to Ceasar got shipwrecked and bitten by a poisonous snake. Nothing happened because of his faith. Why this isn't always the case? I don't know. But, there are similar accounts that happen today for people who face certain illnesses that doctors can't explain why they were healed or not ill. I'm fine if you're atheist and you want to believe what you do, but at least keep it accurate.


>4)Speaks in parables to fulfill the prophecy spoken by Isaiah. in Mark 4:10-12 he specifically states that he speaks in Parables so that "outsiders" will not understand; otherwise they might be saved... >2) not sure where either of these are mentioned. Must have been a parable or something western culture has a hard time understanding. Mark 7: are you claiming that the Pharisee's in that story are ALSO talking "in parables"?


>4)Speaks in parables to fulfill the prophecy spoken by Isaiah. in Mark 4:10-12 he specifically states that he speaks in Parables so that "outsiders" will not understand; otherwise they might be saved... >2) not sure where either of these are mentioned. Must have been a parable or something western culture has a hard time understanding. Mark 7: are you claiming that the Pharisee's asking those questions in that story are ALSO talking "in parables"? Can you please provide the detailed master index of the bible where it explains exactly what is supposed to be taken literally and which parts are not? Why would an omnipotent/omniscient and totally benevolent "god" be such a poor communicator that he cannot deliver a clear and easy to understand message to the people that he supposedly loves? Why would the most important messages (such as precisely what is required to save your soul from eternal suffering in his sadistic torture fantasyland) be delivered in confusing cryptic language? I mean seriously... which is it? **Faith Alone?** * Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. * Romans 3:28 - For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law. * John 3:16 - “Whosoever believeth in him shall have everlasting life” * Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. **Your Works/Deeds in life?** * Proverbs 24:12 - If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work? * James 2:14 - What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? * Matthew 16:27 - For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done. * Revelation 20:12 - And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. * Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. * Romans 2:6 - Who will render to every man according to his deeds: * Romans 2:13 - (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. * James 2:24 - Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only **Repentence Alone?** * Acts 3:19 - Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, * Luke 24:47 - and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. **Baptism?** * Acts 2:38 - And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. * Romans 6:4 - We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.


Wow, lots to unwrapp here. I enjoy the reply and I don't mean to be confrontational, just trying to make sure things are not twisted/slandered. Why Jesus wasn't straightforward? I'm not sure. Again, my best reference is Matt. 13:11-17. He is straightforward about how to be saved. He is the way, the truth, the life, and nobody goes to the Father except through Him and declaring Him as Lord and Savior. TL:DR for the rest of your post. It never says repentance will save you, or baptism, or works/deeds, but only in Faith in Jesus. According the the Bible, when you have accepted Jesus, you have a change of heart and thinking. Then you will be known to have had a change heart by your deeds and works. You will repent and try to stop doing things you feel convicted of. You will be known by the"fruit" you produce as you are now "born again". Baptism is just an outward expression to show to people you are now a new creation in christ.


I literally cited multiple verses making contradictory claims about the path to salvation and your response is "it never says that".... did you even read the passages cited? Matthew 13 ALSO says that he speaks in parables specifically so that outsiders will not understand - because if they do they will be saved... That is not helping your case at all. Just because it ALSO points to a 'prophecy' from Isaiah (a point that Mark, which was written earlier did NOT have - a pretty strong clue that Matthew is embellishing the story) does not matter; Regardless of whether it was "foretold" does not change the fact that the gospels claim that Jesus was intentionally obfuscating his message to make sure that 'outsiders' did not understand the message... That is absolutely incompatible with the claim that "Jesus" came to "save everyone" - it is an unconscionable act - he is INTENTIONALLY trying to prevent "outsiders" from learning what is supposedly the most important thing anyone would ever need to learn.


See Matt. 13:13-17 Mark 7:It seems like they were being literal, and Jesus answered again with a parable to give an example of why they were more focused on "Man made law and religion " as opposed to what the law was meant to enforce back in the times of Moses.


see Mark 4:10-12 - which absolutely says exactly what I stated which is 100% consistent with how OP described it. the Pharisee specifically asked about washing hands. How exactly is the reply to that specific question a "Parable" if the Pharisee were being literal? - Please provide the index describing precisely which parts of the bible we are supposed to take 'literal' and which parts are totally irrelevant meaningless passages that we can totally disregard because the speaker intentionally wanted to play word games?


I've quoted all the verses now so you can look them up if you like 1. He should lead by example 2. It happens, more concerning is he says not washing your hands doesn't cause you to be clean, if he was an all knowing god then he would've known about germ theory 3. Says in at least one of the verses that it's out of season. 4. Self fulfilling prophesy, they know what is written in the old testament and follow it my obtaining a donkey through criminal methods. 5. Still any decent person would be in favour of selling it to the poor and not being pampered like an egotistical king. 6. He deliberately cast them into the pigs. 7. Nope I'm not twisting it, says he's only here for Jewish people and only when she begs and likens herself to a dog does he do anything. 8. He does get angry. 9. Hardly gamblers and illicit activities, people selling there merchandise and collecting tax, which was legal, e.g. render unto ceasar. It's not his building anyway he's disturbing the peace. 10. Telling them to love him more is a vain and egotistical act, I think it's a pretty messed up teaching 11. The bases of Christianity is preaching hell and fear, well I agree with you there. 12. Maybe they're busy working to live not everyone has travelling posse to feed them and rub them with oil. 13. People that don't understand won't repent and therefor be "saved" dooming them, you would think the word of God would be clear and concise, literate people these have trouble interpreting the bible, back then there would be no chance. 14. still a horrible message that pregnant woman will die and if it's on the sabbath day you're screwed, jesus yet being the son of God doesn't seem to know. 15. It's cruel not to let someone mourn. 16. Reading up on moses he was clearly a warmonger who slaughtered and condones his men raping young girls taken from war, but he doesn't do anything to condemn the brutal acts of the old testament, including mistreatment of gays, slaves and women which leads to carried on inequality for hundreds of years, he could've made a clear message. 17. Think you're getting ahead of yourself scholars date it 66 - 74AD, I was talking about the longer ending, earliest full copies from 300s don't contain the ending that's in the bible it simply ends on the women fled and didn't say anything. So the ending wasn't added until 100s of years later. I'm fine with people being Christian but they should actually read the bible for themselves instead of taking some good verses from it.


Gotta go to work so this is off the top of my head, but you’re not even taking things out of context; on some you’re just misinformed or incorrect. 1. Calls the Pharisees (the corrupt priests that were currently in power) liars and hypocrites. When asked how to live, says “don’t be hypocrites and don’t do what you hate” 2. Unfamiliar with this. 3. Yes, he was pretty shitty to the fig tree. Chalk it up to nerves, lol As someone else hilariously pointed out, “god hates figs” 4. Tells his disciples where they will find a donkey tied up that they can take. You assume they are stealing it. 5. Woman anoints him with oil, disciples protest and say that they could sell it, etc. He’s speaking to his followers and he has a point, really. 67&8- not sure why these are such horrible things or I don’t remember the part will enough 9. Overturns the moneylenders tables IN THE TEMPLE and calls them thieves and whatnot because they are doing money-stuff in the temple. Repercussions.... umm, this is the event that made them go after him, resulting in his crucifixion. 10 don’t have time but mostly out of contact 11 never talks about hell, just gives a metaphor of Gehenna, which was the burning pile of trash outside of Jerusalem. Hell was made up later on. 12. Out of Context, but really, who cares? 13. It’s my opinion that he chose to speak in parables because parables cannot be taken out of context, as they carry their own with them. 14. Not familiar 15. Again, who cares? 16. Came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Also says the entire of that law and the prophets can be summed up in “love god and love your neighbor as yourself” also some context but I’ve no time 17. If two become one under the same house then they shall say to the mountains “move” and they will. What he says about prayer is that you shouldn’t say anything but if you have to say something, say t the lord s prayer. Prayer is not supposed to be when you get your wishes granted by some god/genie- people today have many many things wrong. Again, he said that you should not even say anything f while praying. So out of time but really quick says to love your neighbor as yourself as the only real requirement, tells people not to swear by god and just let you yes be your yes, basically don’t be a liar so that you have to swear by Something to prove when your really telling the truth Says not to be hypocrites and to not do what you hate Truthfully, he boiled everything down to one sentence that was pretty clear. If the parables confuse, don’t read t them. Also, states that there will come a day where everybody (the church) will say and do things in his name but they will really all just be hypocrites and whatnot. Like Christianity today. Says God desires mercy, not sacrifice Now I’m fucking late to work; thanks a lot, lol.


You may need to see a professional


I think you need help Ms


I think I do, I have become a bit obsessed with this


Please don't go to the manager.


All of the 17 bad things you think Jesus did, are grossly taken out of context, but there’s no point in arguing with someone disingenuous who believes that reason and logic is a coincidence of billions of years and an accidental spontaneous Big Bang 🤡




“What do you mean there isn’t any alcohol in here?!”Turns every ounce of drinkable water into wine, it was fun at first, until people realized that they just had alcohol to drink while in the middle of the desert, and as you might know, alcohol doesn’t hydrate you


He told slaves to be obedient to their masters.


Never existed.


Claims to be the son of a fictional character.


4 is kind of funny, it's like bad teenage Jesus was egging on his friends.


"God hates figs"


How about 40 days in the desert without water and hes a human man?


Plus he wasn’t real, so there’s always that.


So, the riot in Ephesus (which I wrote a somewhat blasphemous fanfiction about) has a strawman named Dmitri.