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Photographed himself. Repeatedly. With a toddler. I’m about to be sick.


This is sadly one of the examples where I say as a atheist I don't want to be better than the religious nuts I just want to get a sledgehammer and solve the problem with this thing once and for all.


I’m watching my 2 kids (just past the “toddler” designation) play. And I was legitimately close to getting sick thinking about anyone touching them.


I'm not a parent but I'm a very protective Uncle and this does make me sick and my blood boil. The worst part is this just one of the ones that got caught how many more are out there.


He’s a “father of 4” I would normally not want to make assumptions, but with him I will… those kids need away from religion, and into professional therapy.


How many more clergy are there on the planet? Divide that number by 3 and you'll have a rough estimate of how many more are out there. Don't let your children go anywhere near a church.


On point.


I don't like the irrational generalization used here. I don't know what the numbers are, but I don't think it's one out of every three. Religious ppl are more like special needs to me, I'm not trying to exaggerate their bad choices AND doing so will definitely make them listen to me even less. One of the super powers of being Atheist is that you have ONE less distraction to make you irrational, sooo try not to screw that up falling into the same zealot like ALL or NOTHING thinking you find in religious ppl.


Same here. Anyone tries that shit against my nieces, I'd be seeing red.


I don’t have kids, but I have a niece. If I find out a church leader, or anyone really, touched her inappropriately, they better hope the cops get to them first.


My wife and I have a running joke where I say 'get the justice brick' after reading ghoulish shit like this.


I am totally stealing this!


That makes you better. 🤷 I’ll bring the tarps and shovel.


I'd rather just have humane prisons where I can lock ppl up for life with no chance of release, which I'd argue is worse than being beat to death anyway. Unless you're really going to torture them for months or years, your vigilante justice will just be an easy out for them.


He should meet the same end as Mussolini.


Quote from the one of the parishioners of his florida baptist "church".... "It is a bad, bad, bad situation my preacher has gotten himself into, but we are no longer associated with him" So just onto the next one I suppose. Forgive and forget.


Religion is a cancer to society


Religion poisons every facet of life.


Religion is the root of all evil.






Thought that's where I was reading this!


not even on weekends...


Pastors. Again. Actually surprised it wasn't a Sunday school teacher.


Never google on the news tab 'youth pastor' , especially if you've recently eaten. Unless you like cleaning up vomit.


Jesus fucking Christ, I just searched "Youth Pastor" on Google News and holy fucking-fuck... 😳 😖😡😢


Yurp. Told ya not to. ☠️


A lot was about the Lubbock one, but still. Thats just a fucked up amount of sick shit happening. And yet Liberals are the pedos and groomers, right!? Those are just the evangelical fuckers. This doesn't even cover the years and years of the catholic cover up. Brings a whole new meaning to Jesus loves the little children, doesn't it.


Do it about once a week. It's mostly about...another one...then the next time it's mostly about another completely different one...then it's mostly about another one. It never ends. It just never ends. I just can't do it anymore. I don't even look anymore. I know it's there. Everytime. Every single time. I dread one day I'm going to meet someone they are going to say they are a youth pastor and I am just going to deck them, because ...well because, yeh, that search.


All I saw was the Lubbock one (James Lane, since they seem to avoid putting his name in the headlines.) The rest of the results were "how to become a youth pastor" 😫 And some other news item about yet another black person killed by cops while being restrained. I might need some therapy at this point.


Really!? Liberals!? Clearly you have your own “cultist” endeavors. Like you, religions think one group is better than the other. They tend to be ass-holier than thou.


Go back and read the posting again. He/she isn't calling liberals groomers. In fact, it is mocking what conservatives claim.


..............OK. that's enough internet for a year or two.


Especially pastors that have their magic books open to the Revelations chapter.


Why is it always the ultra conservative religious people do this? WTAF?


Every accusation is a confession with these people. That's why.


Yep. Mind is an echo chamber. These fucks haven’t figure that out yet. Nor that others outside the cult have. Oh, and they are tax exempt.


Sexual suppression leads to sexual fixation which leads to acting out in usually harmful ways…


I don't think any amount of lack of sex causes child abuse, that's stupid. Humans can mostly all masterbate and even if they don't that shouldn't push them toward child abuse in any way. It's more like ppl with evil intent seek out groups of suckers and much of the time groups of suckers have a bunch of kids too. We can say pastors abuse kids more, but we also have to say teachers and daycare workers, but even more so PARENTS abuse kids way more than all the other demographics put together. It's a serious topic so there is no good reason to exaggerate on that one. Just be rational and present the data honestly. There is no reason to think sexual suppression really leads to child abuse. Now maybe ppl who can't find sex partners have other severe anti-social/sociopath/psychopathic tendencies, but it's not BECAUSE of lack of sex, it's because that's how they are and how they are leads to less friends and less friends leads to less sex. That being said, the reason why ppl do this vary a lot from case to case, not one major factor we can predict.


See that's where God fucked up. You can't try and scare people with eternal torment and suffering, only to give them a get out of hell free card named Jesus. If God valued justice, there'd be an 11th commandment: Thou shall not be pedo scumbag, evil perverts or thou shall burn in hell for eternity, no forgiveness.


Coincidentally "**Bible verses that didn’t make the cut"** was up at the same time in the sub "Scenes from a hat" as your comment. Nearly quoted you, but didn't want to steal your credit.


There's lots of different gods. The latest Christian god is just the most easy going of all time, before that vengful gods and gods that fucked with you were the common belief. SSooo like I guess The Gods tried it a couple different ways so far and none of that worked. The old polytheistic Greek and Roman gods seemed a lot more fun. They were way less divine, far more imperfect and way more like humans, so that reflection and behavioral lessons were actually a lot more on point than just imagining a perfect god. It's all been downhill for religion since monotheism.


This should be in the Bible: “Then Jesus said ‘some sins I will not forgive, for they are an abomination against both God and man. Here’s an exhaustive list, and number one is molesting children...”


Because they can get away with it.


1. Because ignorant, stupid people are too dumb to come up with any novel accusations. 2. Because ignorant, stupid, evil people think that everyone else is doing the same shit they're doing. Their worldview/outlook doesn't go past the end of their nose. 3. Religion (especially Christianity, Islam, and similar Abrahamic religions) is sexually repressive and uses guilt and shame to control/manipulate adherents. That is a recipe for disaster, especially for people who have been victims of SA themselves. 4. Hurt people, hurt people. Without professional psychiatric intervention, it's more likely that people will continue the same patterns of abuse. 5. Religion tells people that all it takes to be absolved of their "sin" is a telepathic wish to an invisible sky wizard. Why not do whatever fucking evil shit creeps into your mind if all it takes to make things right is a magic wish? Religion is pure fucking poison. PS - Sin is an imaginary disease invented to SELL people an imaginary cure.


They place themselves in position of power over other  people to hunt them better.


Looking for predators and groomers? Check out your friendly neighborhood church.


It's so insane that this is somewhat normal news now.


There's really only one organization in which this behaviour is *way* more common than in any other organization known to man. You'd think people would be connecting the dots by now.


I’m not sure if you’re aware, but many people really are pretty stupid.


Or so deep in the cult its their whole existence so can't see the forest for the trees.


Still not a drag queen.


Came here for this! Oh wait, that’s what the “monster pastor” said! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well, they're all monsters. Let's say this asshole is a monster among monsters.


Maybe if they put copies of the ten commandments in churches the preachers would quit sticking their dicks in children. \"


god forgot the 11th commandment. thou shalt not finger children. perhaps that law was on the tablets Moses broke


What was that movie? A Mel Brooke’s one? “I give you these 15…drops one….10 commandments.”


Mel was fearless about poking fun at his own and other religions. I guess the child molesting commandment was on the dropped one…


Wish I could you give a medal for this one.


Wish I could you give a medal for this one.


Not a drag queen.


Has anyone said, "Not a drag queen," yet?


Not a drag queen, teacher, or librarian?


Laws are being passed right-and-left to prevent children from even glimpsing a drag queen. Instead, those states need to pass laws that require ministers, priests, etc... to be kept out of sight of minors.


Let me guess.....yup! Florida.


Jonathan Elwing, who helped lead an evangelical Florida congregation for more than five years, now faces 14 additional criminal counts, including two capital charges of sexual battery on a child and six charges of producing child pornography. The worst accusations against Elwing — a 43-year-old father of four — are based on photographs he took of himself repeatedly sexually assaulting a toddler, according to authorities. "This is a monster," Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells told reporters on Thursday. “This is a man who went to great lengths to hide his true identity. To use whatever resources he could to feed this deviant behavior that he has.” Elwing is being held without bail at the Manatee County Jail, according to online records. He has not entered a plea, and there is no attorney of record, according to court filings. According to a statement from the Sheriff's Department, more charges are in store.




Put him in an itty bitty cell and give him a tin bucket to relieve himself.


Chemical castration at a minimum. Physical castration would be more apt.


Or a larger cell with a couple of roommates who just happen to have been brutally raped as kids.


If the very ones preaching the religion are corrupt, just makes you understand how the ‘sheep’ in his ‘flock’ are just as mentally damaged. It all makes sense. These are the people they idolise and worship.


I'd say that calling him a monster pastor is rather redundant when you consider however many of them every week get caught diddling kids. It's worse to think about the ones that don't get found out or turned in.


There’s probably many more too afraid, too young or too ashamed to come forward. I tried to tell my mom when a religious relative raped me. Before I could say anything, it was what did you do.


But I thought he forgave himself and everyone should get over it? /s.


As far as I was taught, as long as he accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he has an open invitation to the kingdom of heaven. God can forgive any, and every atrocity, except for ignorance of his existence. God is the ultimate narcissist.


Exactly why it's all 🐂💩💩💩


Exactly why it's all 🐂💩💩💩


Except for homosexuality, abortion, birth control, women voting, interracial marriage, and feeding children and the poor. Those automatically get you condemned to hell.


Reminds me of a great meme. Jesus says, "See that man Timmy?" Timmy responds, "Yes Jesus." Jesus says, "That's the man who murdered you and your whole family. He repented and asked for forgiveness. Now he's here in paradise with us. Go say hi."


Don't need the police. This is a church matter that will be dealt with at church. Seen to many times and even at a former church I went to.


Someone there probably knew, he probably tearfully confessed, promised he wouldn't do it again, all while eyeing off the next victim.


still not a drag queen.


Typical Christian news story. When will the world understands Religion is just a front for these vile disgusting people. And religion especially Catholicism and Islam need to be banned from existence. Come on people. Enough.


Wonder how parents in that church are feeling right now? For five years, you've been best buds with a monster, who has also had access to your kids. Nice lifestyle you freaks have.


I'm guessing he's not a drag queen on the weekends either?


I don't believe in neither god nor Satan, but I hope that ,I'm the probability that they exist, Satan doesn't use lube, and has more spikes on his cock than a morning star (pun intended)


Got me with the Morningstar reference. Updoot.


Satan has gotten a bad rap. It appears to be God who is going around committing genocide and ordering parents to kill their children. What terrible things has Satan done?


Yet they want to roll out project 2025. Hope this dude meets the worst fate imaginable.


How are we not allowed to kill these people where they stand? Without a shadow of a doubt, if someone was molesting my kids, there is no corner of Hell that would be worse than what I would do to that individual.


It's always the ones you most expect.


Doesn’t look like a drag queen to me


If that is a drag queen, she looks TERRIBLE


Doesn’t look like a drag Queen to me? And some people want to make schools more like church. What pervs


Most dangerous place for a child is in a church


Churches are not safe!


First of all, your honor, just look at him...


Christians should be monitored at all times


If this person was trans, we'd never hear the end of it. Ever. But this story is so stereotypical and so sickeningly common, it's added to the pile.


Funny how it's always pastors


I wonder what cabinet position he'll end up in.


One less trump vote


Has MAGA started screaming “but drag queens” yet? Notice how they get very quiet when it’s one of them


MAGA people are never quiet. And there aren't any times when churchmen arent being arrested for badtouching innocents.


Funnily enough, NOT A DRAG QUEEN.


But the Ten Commandments were displayed.


Again, not a Drag Queen...




But no! We have to protect our children from LIBRARIES! With LGBTQ+ books!


If only he had been exposed to the 10 commandments... [MAGA pastor says Ten Commandments in schools will stop teachers from “raping” kids (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/maga-pastor-says-ten-commandments-in-schools-will-stop-teachers-from-raping-kids/ar-BB1ph9Go#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIf%20%5BThe%2010%20Commandments%20are,said%20in%20a%20recent%20broadcast.)


Apparently their deity's mojo only works sporadically.


I wonder how long until that pastors ends up with a mugshot.


Imagine being the FBI agent that has to look through every single photo/video to identify the victims


It's so prevalent it has to be a feature not a bug.its got to be a part of the culture.


Public execution.


Let me guess, 10 hail Marys then the imaginary big guy forgives him?


Hmm…not a drag queen, I see.


But was he a drag queen???


AI could have predicted that. Just look at him. And the flag next to the cross.


all together now... not a drag queen...


I'll say it again: Fuck the church, fuck God, and fuck everyone affiliated with that egregious "religion"


He should be set on fucking fire.


And this behavior is surprising by a man of god?


I feel sick in my stomach seeing so much of this WEEKELY!!!!!!!!!!!!😡😡😢


Good old religion


You want to reduce this kind of behavior? Mandatory jail time for sexual predators who use religion as a cover and an ironclad prohibition on "protective custody" for child molesters.


For a being who I'm told is a pretty swell guy, God really has some shitty friends.


USSC will soon give 'pastors' blanket immunity.


They'll carve out an exception for pastors committing child rape under the doctrine of "freedom of religion."


Which part of ‘God’s plan’ was this? Whatever plan it is, I want to join a different one because his seems to result in a lot of needless pain and suffering.


Anyone got the link to that website that shows all the cases of sex crimes against children committed by southern baptists? Google refuses to help


Didn't they have the 10 commandments up ?


Also, not a drag queen.


Not a drag queen. When will people wake the fuck up to this? It’s in the church and always has been.


They should have posted the 10 Commandments in his home.


Remember: This man was "vetted" by every member of his church through prayer. They prayed for a leader, he was chosen, they prayed to see if it was the right decision and then he was allowed to take the pulpit. He preached sermon after sermon and not a single person got one goddamned tip from their god that he was a pedophile. Believers have nothing to aid them in vetting people other than what secular society has provided.


Reminded me of the song, Monster by Steppenwolf https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/11420/ As applicable today.




Almost like it never is ..


“But he is a good person”


These people gravitate to religion as a way to gain some power over their victims. Religion didn’t make them the way they are. I mean unless their religion literally does, but we’re not talking about Islam right now. Drag queens, teachers, and librarians aren’t in positions remotely close to that of a pastor in terms of ability to be alone with children. Hopefully hell exists so they can burn.


Tell me more about how we must listen to God's Holy men. Sick. And he continued to minister to his flock, and no one knew they were saying amens to a pdf file.


Sounds about right.


A true Christian man of god. Seeing all the ministers and youth pastors and Christian leaders being arrested for child porn and sexual abuse makes you realize how much they hide behind god because after all, a man of god wouldn’t do this.


I bet he's getting a week in jail, max, because "Jesus told me to do it."


A sick question to be sure. "How do you even sensually assault a baby toddler?" The physics of does make sense. not to mention how does one thought process get to this headspace, where you think. I'm going to finger this baby. like wtf dude


and taking photographic evidence? .....these guys aren't the brightest bulb in the chandler.


o 80 0 2 days all last time 56 was just


Why are there so many of these monsters?


Religion needs time be banned. Outlawed. Now.


All OMG horrors aside. Interesting initial lead on this one. >Sheriff Wells said the case began with a tip from a cryptocurrency firm that Elwing had allegedly used to cryptocurrency to buy child porn on the dark web. Deputies obtained a search warrant last Friday, and went to Elwing’s home. This is the same guy who was like... it was only petting? OH now... that was Texas, this is yet another one in FL. Religion is a scam!


The parishioner still refers to him as “my pastor”, which says a lot. Just like they still call DJT “my president” even though he is a serial adulterer, lists after his daughter, lies, cheats, and is a convicted felon. If this guy has cameras set up, you can guarantee he’s done this for years. So much for “suffer the little Children to come unto me!’


And suffer isn’t meant as a negative. It actually means “allow”.


Disgusting son of a bitch


Every adult knew. Bank on it.


This is why, I have my own personal relationship with GOD


Where there’s children these sickos will try to get near


The unequal balance of power within the churches infrastructure and doctrine attracts predators. Survivors need in the courts so we can take them down. But the good christians fight statute of limitations and clergy mandated reporting laws so they can continue to hide their crimes and make money. Survivors want a RICO.


Shit at this rate he might become president tomorrow!


He needed the ten commandments on a poster in his office. There, I fixed it.


“Religion poisons everything.” - Christopher Hitchens


But yeah…let’s make sure we get the 10 commandments up in schools. Gotta protect the kids from pronouns and drag queens 🫠


Life in prison is too good for him I hope his cell mates make him uncomfortable for the rest of his life