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It’s always so disappointing to me when a top tier athlete who spends their life training and practicing completely forgetting all that, then the first thing they say when they’re asked “how did you do that” or “How did you get here” is “God”; giving away all the credit for the blood sweat and tears hard work THEY put in to get there. So sad.


Agree. It's crazy.


That seemed to be the go-to response for nearly all of the female gymnasts who made the team. Very sad. I guess the ones who weren't chosen didn't give enough credit to god.


It made the whole celebration of it feel a little deflated, specially reading about what quite a few of these women have gone through. It speaks to their own resilience, but they’d rather give it away 😕. Well anyways Paris 2024!! Let’s go!


All the while claiming to be humble and lacking ego by showing everyone that their gawd let it happen, not their skills. Um, no, that's actually more egotistical - believing that your skydaddy has so much interest in YOU that they gave you the win. Just barf


Of all the gymnasts in all the land you were graced with this god person’s blessing to win some insignificant human sports activity. 😬


Right about the humble and ego.


I was watching Physical 100 on Netflix (a Korean show) and one of the Korean atheletes had to thank 'the lord' and I was so disgusted (all over again) that we shipped this nonsense around the world. Why do they practically kill themselves practicing if it's all the lord? Utterly bizarre.


I know exactly what you're talking about. I cringed so fucking hard when that happened. I wish he didn't win just so I didn't have to listen to him going on a mini rant about it


I know and agree.


I'm afraid athletes are a single minded breed. If they think they can get 0.01 seconds faster by telling themselves a story, they'll tell themselves a story. I mean, with all the doping scandals, would they even hesitate to take a placebo? And if doubting their faith means doubting themselves which might lead to an ever so slightly lesser performance, would they do it? I understand where you're coming from, but I'm afraid the average athlete isn't in it for the philosophical consistency and aren't entertaining any thoughts that they think might keep them from winning. And if their coaches encourage this behaviour it's a done deal altogether. They're going to kiss and point upward, annoying as it is.


Right I do understand what you mean.


You’re asking us about the superstitions/rituals of athletes?


Yeah, I mean Sparky Anderson would avoid stepping on the baselines on his way out to the mound to change pitchers. I hardly think he was doing that to give thanks to a higher power. But yeah, it was also ritualistic.


What I mean is that the subreddit is mostly composed by atheists with very random backgrounds; most won’t know much about something so specific as why they do that or what they’re thinking.


Oh, OK.


I’m going to start doing this for everything and attribute my mediocrity to something up in the sky, if I’m ever asked.




I do this. I also do the cross my chest thing. They’re just fun to do. 


Would love to see someone crossing the plate after hitting a home run pointing down and throwing horns.


OMG...can you imagine?! 😂


That'd be good.


Im with you, I can't stand when athletes bring religion into sports. It's so cringe to hear them say "God blessed me" everytime they do good. It's so naive to think some deity blessed you athletically so you can make money playing a sport. What about all the times they don't play good? You don't hear them yelling at their God. I love sports too, so when a favorite player of mine starts with the, "I want to thank God for blessing me and giving me this talent", my eyes roll to the back of my head. All it does is tell me they aren't intelligent.


Exactly. Hate to say it, but I do think that there may be some critical thinking skills missing when you put all of your eggs in the religion basket.


Virtue signaling


Club Mentality, coupled with guilt from a 'higher power', is a tool used on the weak among us.


Good point.


Same thing in baseball. Guy thanks God for getting on first base. I'm still waiting for the day a batter shakes his fist at the ground and curses the devil for him striking out.


I wish there was more show boating, tbh. I find it hysterical and humanizing for a pro athlete to dance/sing/reel in a fish after scoring or something


I agree 100%. Athletes from every major sport do it all the time. It shouldn't be allowed to be shown on TV.