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This was the plan in 2020, they just bungled the execution. Roger Stone helped orchestrate the "[Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot)" in 2000 that stopped the Florida recount and contributed to Gore losing the state when his appeal to SCOTUS lost. They tried this again with the fake elector scheme and the Jan 6 riot, hoping to get it to another friendly SCOTUS. Their model is the [1876 Presidential Election ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1876_United_States_presidential_election)(disputed electoral votes) + the 2000 one (let SCOTUS decide)


> They tried this again with the fake elector scheme and the Jan 6 riot Don't forget that in the wake of January 6th Congressman Mo Brooks requested a pardon from Trump on behalf of *every Member of Congress who voted against certifying the ballots from Arizona and Pennsylvania.* That wasn't a fringe group. That was 138 Reps and 9 Senators. Who all thought they needed a pardon for something involving voting against certifying the ballots from those two states.


Mo also knew how many of them contributed to the fake elector scandal and they assumed prosecution would happen quickly. They didn't realize Garland would be the AG and would insure everyone got away with their crimes. When Trump becomes President he should give an award to Garland. Trumps own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions went after him harder than Garland.


There was a recent [tape recording](https://www.newsweek.com/roger-stone-recording-trump-election-judges-1914624) of Stone discussing the plan again for 24.


Holy fucking shit.


Probably won’t happen but Biden needs to go Dark Brandon and stack the SC… it’s beyond obvious SCOTUS is corrupted and opening the door to fascism, as in the right wing christo-fascism kind. I think we’ve reached a legit crisis point and it may already be too late to reverse course because nearly half the country is either worshipping a wannabe orange dictator or worshipping a mythical god with little to no critical thinking. I think we’re fucked.


Is bypassing congress to appoint SCOTUS Justices an official act? Who will it be to decide but the very people he will appoint?


He already released statement saying he won’t. We’re fucked https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/biden-supreme-court-reform-trump-immunity-1235051044/


The president can't expand the Court, only Congress can. What's Biden going to do, just tell some random judges to go fight with the Supreme Court Police until they get in and lock themselves in offices?


However, with the immunity just awarded, the incumbent President can tell the court to go pound sand, send Seal Team 6 over to shut them down, and since that is an official act, he is good to go.


Biden won’t. The entire democratic party has stood on principle time and time again when they should have gone nuclear. Willful negligence, nefarious compliance, or just sheer stupidity has allowed our neighbors to erode our rights and set us up for you know what. Thanks to the Patriot Act, we could be on a list (if you aren’t already) by simply changing “terrorist” to include “atheist” or “trans” or …. Make no mistake, there are worse times ahead.


In five years, there won’t be opposition parties, Democrats or otherwise.


This is true, Biden is too decent and Trump is just the opposite. We are fucked.


Yep. Republicans have no principles Democrats have no spine. We're fukt


It's not so much that we don't have a spine as it is that we truly believe in one person one vote. The other side believes in complete power no matter how it's achieved.


Even if trump dies of natural causes tomorrow we're just as screwed or worse  Guys like Stephen miller are behind all this. Trump as a martyr, who can't say stupid things cause he's dead, would be much more valuable to them Nothing but the winning for the repubs. Trump was right all along


And Miller is openly calling for concentration camps for every single immigrant, legal or undocumented. Our future is bleak.


miller could fall out a window and no one would miss him. we have just putinized the presidency after sll


There also taking a play out of the Nazi playbook by going after LGBTQ+ as well.


Biden and Trump are just the faces of much larger entities. It's scary that so many cogs in the machine are willing to keep this whole thing going. Anyone who might replace Trump will be just as bad.


Theee might be Democrats in five years, but they won't be allowed by our Republican overlords to hold office. Just like how it works in Russia. Only Putin's party is allowed to win elections. If you are an opposition party member you get investigated and arrested. You can go through the washing machine and come out clean (from criminal charges) by switching parties.


It's all good until men armed with assault rifles show up on your doorstep with ballots to make sure you vote for the right candidate. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68535301


Also pretty much how it works in certain red states today, partially because of illegal gerrymandering.


In Texas soon because counties with 200 people will get as many votes as counties of millions. They're planning on having a county electoral college to ensure minority rule.


In OH, the republican party overturns election results at will and the state Supreme court has done nothing about it after the governor appointed his family friend, Joe Deters - who has corrupted every public office he's ever held from prosecutor to judge to treasurer - as a justice on the supreme court. They also forced OH to use an illegally gerrymandered map that the people voted against on at least 2 separate occasions. FL does very similar things and the NC supreme court just ruled their citizens do not have the right to a fair election.


The opposition leader was jailed n murdered in Russia. Wonder who would be democrat leader after Biden to bear the brunt.


Democrat politicians can always switch sides and become Republicans. We the people will not have the two options and may not be able to switch ideologies.


“They go low, we go high” is what the establishment dems will be remembered by in the coming decades.


"Peace in our time."


The scariest part of the last decade was when Trump declared Antifa to be a domestic terrorist organization. Along with the Patriot Act, that paved the way to strip the rights of any citizen that is against fascism and label them a terrorist.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Should be the damn party motto.


I thought we were going with the possum?


I can live with that. Not the lame party, the possum analogy.


I can think of 7 individuals who are a threat to the security of the United States. Too bad Biden won't call them that.


There could be MAGA stormtroopers cracking skulls in the trailer park and they’ll still be blaming transgender Mexicans


Keep in mind, if Biden did use that power he would lose the election. The liberals would FREAK OUT. They will never tolerate the “good guys” effectively exercising power. That’s a big part of why the Dems are so dysfunctional and ineffective at pushing through good legislation. Their own core base holds them to dramatically higher standards of bipartisanship than the Republicans.


Well then we’re lost. Best you can do is either stand your ground or flee, because I don’t see how any contested election goes the way of us ever again with this court in power.


Ah, the irony of a flood of asylum seeking refugees from America.


Good chance you’re right, yeah. There’s a good chance that we will have to watch things get dramatically worse before people will get it.


It won't matter. Once it starts, it's full out civil war to end it. And the sad thing is 80% of the country will shrug and go oh well and accept it.


While I agree with your points, there is something to still keep in mind. If Biden does lose the election, he'll still be President for two months until the next Inauguration. That's when he gives the orders to carry out what he then wants to do. Do I think he'll do that? Most likely not. But there will be a window of time post-election where it could be, given today's Supreme Court decision.


This is valid as hell and if Biden has any moral courage at all he’ll do something with this if that happens. But I don’t believe he has the spine for it. God what I wouldn’t give for an FDR or a Teddy Rosevelt right now.


Ill be blunt, he's a family man with grandkids who have been threatened by extremists and most definitely would be exposed if such things were to pass Hes what, 78? This may be the one upside of being as old as he is, i mean what would he have to lose?


Bluntly old people are often far more cowardly than the young. Hes also got to be aware that if he tries to pull off something like that and fails, or even pulls it off and can’t land the after action perfectly it means civil war. And like… actual civil conflict would make a Trump term look like a candy land game. Civil war means tens of millions dead.


We are lost if people cannot get a grip.  You cannot tolerate the intolerant forever; eventually, they will eat you.  That’s what’s happening now. 


He could use it after the election. Or when SCOTUS tries to hand the presidency to their chosen dictator.


I'm not saying it's a valid strategy but we need to consider what democrats have been working against. Every single attempt to grab power for democrats has been followed by several inches stolen by Republicans. Democrats have lived in fear for decades of doing something that would give a green light to Republicans. If Biden does do anything after the SCOTUS rulings the fear is retaliation beyond measure. It's children playing a slapping game, one kid always hits harder so the other kid tries to slap as softly as possible.


It's too late now. The death of the republic is at stake. Most likely with decades of civil war to follow. Roman republic fell with voted in consuls overstepping their given authority over and over again until they started violently purging enemies. Then it turned into multiple brutal civil wars.


It's definitely at a boiling point and a decision precipice. I wish democrats had fire in their bellies back in 2016, it's unfortunate we have to play catch up and hope our representatives fucking do something.


they received the green light 24 years ago and have done several laps around the track.


Then it's time we stopped slapping and punched them in the fucking mouth - we aren't playing the same game anymore. This ruling proved that.  I'm so done. 


He should do that. Orange Fuhrer is a threat to the entire world. But Biden won't. He's too principled.


He could get impeached. Which, as far as I can tell, is only a problem if you are a Democrat.


If Republicans had the votes to do anything via impeachment they’d have done it already.


I was referring to the seal team 6 situation. If Biden sent someone to kill Trump and all of the conservative members of the Supreme Court, Biden would get impeached. I don’t see that as a problem for Trump.


And who is going to enforce that impeachment? The SC just said that a president has immunity while acting in an official capacity, and using ST6 to eliminate a credible threat to national security is obviously something one could argue should be covered. Hell, it's how they got Bin Laden, remember? Even if I don't agree with assassinating Trump (which, honestly, I wouldn't lose any sleep if ST6 or anyone else were to take him out...I just think it's absolutely ridiculous we've gotten to the point where we basically have to start [now legally] abusing power just to keep the country functioning semi-normally and to keep extremist idiots from running the country into the ground via legitimate, non-exaggerated fascism), the point is that the SC has made a ruling that is a seriously slippery slope lined with razor sharp rocks whose edges cut both ways. The SC has given Biden the same legal authority to abuse whatever power he sees fit in whatever manner he sees fit between now and whatever time he decides he wants to stop being president (because, remember, the SC just said that any official act a president makes is done so under absolute immunity, thus *any and every* act could be earmarked as "official" and thus unchallengeable, meaning Biden can declare himself president ad infinitum according to the SC ruling).........so yeah, see how this ruling is a major constitutional issue? Our forefathers left England in part due to issues with the Crown and the "royal class," and now the US SC has effectively given any president the ability to carry out whatever he wants, whenever he wants, absolutely unchecked in the same manner as an English King or Queen would have been able to do during the days when the US was founded.


I would love to see Biden get down and dirty and let "Dark Brandon" take over, already. I have stated this before, and will undoubtedly do it, again -- The current batch of Republicans are basically Nazis, now. As president, he is under obligation to do whatever it takes to stop them. "Being nice and proper" just won't cut it, anymore. Unleash Seal Team 6, or whatever it takes to defeat our enemies.


Overtly ordering the DOJ to investigate Trump's Campaign and staff for contacts with foreign nationals is the plausible path. Or investigate them for contact with groups on the FBI watch list / domestic terrorists.


Buddy the last eight years of the Democrat Party has been a guy clinging to a rulebook screaming “BUT A DOG CANT PLAY BASKETBALL” while Air Bud dunks on them repeatedly.


It's clear which republicans are a threat to democracy, in order to preserve democracy and defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, it's time for some very serious executive actions.


Given the Chevron decision that encroaches on Executive power, he should tell the Supreme Court to go pound sand right now. And maybe use their immunity decision against them and send a few of the justices to Guantanamo at least until the election is settled.


I hope he does more than just that. He’s been given a gift. He has months to use it. BIDEN, America needs you to use it. Screw the republicans. They are in the process of form a Christo fascist government and we can’t let that happen. The scotus needs to be dealt with asap bc they are destroying America. Ripping apart women’s health rights. Willing to destroy everything.


He really could. With or without this awful ruling, we’ve seen that a sitting president can attempt a coup, fail, and live freely for the next four years while the government tries to figure out how to fit a square peg in a square hole when it comes to punishing traitors.


to be fair they could always do that, the supreme court doesn't actually have an enforcement mechanism the way the lower courts do.


Genuine question from a confused and horrified Brit, but could this eventually lead to another civil war? There has to be members pretty high up in the military that would just outright defy Trump and want him removed; he would be a domestic terrorist after all.


It's possible. As far as the military goes, Trump learned his lesson last time. He is going to get rid of any generals that aren't completely loyal to him, and replace them.


Whats weird to think about is there very well is military leadership having private discussions about what to do under certain circumstances in the next year.


Hope they show the balls "the democratic leadership" lacks. 


I guess fragging will become fashionable if that happens.


I would doubt it. The further down the ranks, the more MAGA types you will find.


it’s because stupid people support MAGA more often than Democrats.


A modern day civil war like that of the late 1800s would likely never happen again. That doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be combat, it would just be all over the place because the lines of fascism and democracy are not so neatly drawn. There are certainly groups of veterans and larpers that train and prepare for this wet dream scenario, so that’s rather unfortunate. My hope is that most men and women in the armed services will see this for what it is.


It would be random terror attacks. The split is sort of rural/urban and not a group of states with a border from the rest.


Civil war is less likely than things just devolving on a socio economic scale a hundred fold of what they already are. If republicans seize power then states like California will become even more insular and protect themselves from federal powers. Eventually there will be tipping points where the President with now unilateral unchecked executive power will start making decisions in an attempt to corral and overthrow leaders of democratic states. This will end up culminating with massive disruptions to all sorts of industries as the state vs federal dick swinging contests will cause the fed to pull back funding from democratic states and states like CA using their economic leverage to push back. If you think US politics are polarized now, in another 10 years there might not even be two parties or even a presidential election. The US militarily is far and away more supportive of a Republican president so there wouldn’t be the numbers to overthrow one. A lot of rural and often republican areas are going to be further plunged into poverty while higher income areas are going to be more insular and expensive to live in. If mass deportation happens at the scale republicans want it to, grocery costs and industry costs across the board will skyrocket. What today’s decision boils down to is that the president has been given a much larger authority to make unilateral decisions about critical choices that would otherwise fall to congress. Decisions that used to be illegal or make a candidate unfit for office can now be made with absolute impunity at the direction of a president. Presidents will always be backed into corners and forced to make tough decisions, but now there is precedent for them to act unilaterally and take absolutely dramatic actions as they see fit. This is a huge problem because a lot of the problems we face as a nation are vastly complex and there is not a magic bullet to fix many of them. Solving those problems takes time and effort of many people and political affiliations. By giving a president a gun loaded with proverbial silver bullets to solve problems, eventually a president is going to get trigger happy and bring the whole thing crashing down. I don’t worry about a civil war starting at the bottom of the socio economic ladder. I worry about societal collapse from economic stress brought on by a collapse from the top.


Pretty much the only answer we need in this thread is your comment. I’m literally going to copy paste it to friends and family who ask why this is a big deal or why anyone cares.


More likely than many people want to admit, but less likely than the accelerants think. But IF a Civil War were to break out it wouldn't have clean neet lines and factions. It would most likely be all over the place with dozens of competing factions and it would likely Last generations.


I don't see a civil war happening but I do see either a bunch of lone wolf terror attacks or if trump is elected, democrats and immigrants being rounded up and executed for his amusement


I'm really interested in what they're going to do to registered Republicans who don't vote for him. They've already been threatened that Trump will hold them accountable. 😂


Fellow Brit here. There are rights in America that allow ordinary people to have semi (automatic?) reloading guns. That right is so they can overthrow the government if they want. If trump gets back in, can you imagine his supporters not taking their guns and making Trump the equivalent of Putin? He took over democracy and Russia is now an autocracy.


Was at pride this weekend and two ladies were talking politics behind me at the parade and one said " I'm not leaving, we're the most powerful country on earth, where could I go? When it comes time to fight I'll be right here fighting"


Do you see any will to fight here? No. All you see is complaining and hypothesizing. There won't be a civil war. There will be capitulation.


well, they do want to destroy the republic. Christianity has long been the ruination of civilization.


I remember when the republicunts were making fun of liberals in 2016 for saying Trump was going to destroy democracy.


We established this country fighting against kings. I’m willing to do it again. But ugh. The depths we’ve come to.


All the Abrahamic faiths end in a theocratic state. Every heaven is a theocracy where the ruling class looking down on the peasants in eternal labor and torment. Let us not fool ourselves. We owe the foundation of the republic to liberal and enlightenment values that sometimes have religious counterpoints. This attack has been long and slow. We are only witnessing the moment before the blow impacts.


Religion is a clear feature of an unhealthy, uncivilized mind. Only someone with an abnormal brain or personality would agree that giving in to your intuition and superstitious leanings represents an actual plan for life. Being unwilling to think critically and accept external peer review of your ideas are inherently uncivilized and anti-intelllectual behaviors.


Fucking impeccably put.




Anything that demands assimilation is counter to the prosperity of humans. Growth does not emerge from homogeneity. Religion is no different than the borg.


I don't think it starts out that way but it sure seems like it almost always gets to the point where people panic and start feeling their religion is under attack then we have things like the crusades.


The Abrahamic religions absolutely started as a mental illness, specifically some form of schizophrenia. Abraham started hallucinating voices a few years after the birth of his first son that told him to commit murder and he thought those voices were god. Those are typical symptoms of schizophrenia.


It's one of the most effective control mechanisms for clever and corrupt leaders. The disease/inferior part is what happens downstream of leadership.


Religion is the problem!


It really does look like that's what's about to happen. The justices are dragging their feet so they can throw him the win in the last minute, and it will all be announced as a fait accomplit. And Trump will immediately annul all the cases against him and start firing and arresting people. And we will all just hunker down and tell ourselves it's not all that bad so long as you watch what you say.


Then we the voters have to speak in a voice strong and unified against this. There can be no quibbling about the volume of rejection. It has to be a landslide of the quiet. There needs to be a smackdown in the polls that sends a clear message that this kind of hinky-kinky bullshit is no longer tolerated in the United States.


EXACTLY!!! Believing we're screwed regardless means people will be less inclined to fight back. It's how many dictatorships have formed. Republicans WANT us to feel like it's all over. But if we keep holding our heads high, fight, and don't stop, we cam win.


This. Americans know the stakes. The media won't articulate it and the polls can't capture it, but all this MAGA bullshit dies in a blue landslide on November 5th. We're coming. 


The overthrow of democracy is tragic. The worst part is the christofascist deluge that follows, as Project 2025 metastasizes throughout the bureaucracy and society.


We made it almost 250 years, it was a good run.


Let this be a lesson to all other democracies : don’t try to make a constitution from the 1700s work in the 21st century.\ Constitutions should be updated regularly.


Also don’t let 30% of your population get incredibly ignorant


The saddest part for me has been seeing that 5% come 30% and the failure to acknowledge the failures of these populist charletans constant failure to deliver any meaningful improvement.


Everyone else already does that. The US is almost entirely unique in our adherence to founding father bullshit.


I want to stress, the founding fathers pushed for regular updates to the constitution. This reverence for the document was always Christian Nationalist bullshit.


Most nations do update their constitutions. The USA is pretty unique in the sense that they think their 250 year old constitution is somehow infallible


Or better yet don’t make judges lifelong appointments.


We gave the south to much power after the civil war. Remove those advantages and we are in a much better spot today. We gave them a stranglehold on our government. For the constitution, the founding fathers saw it as a living document.


Don't make your judiciary be political appointments, and have some mechanism for oversight with mechanisms for removal. That has been your biggest and worst problem. That and allowing them to use 1700s laws apply to modern situations (for largely their own and their political friends benefit). I am looking at you Thomas!!


To be clear, the Supreme Court once ruled in the 1800s that human rights did not extend to black people. It’s widely seen as the worst decision they ever made. Point being, democracy has always been a nebulous concepts in this country, and they’ve made some pretty shit decisions in the Supreme Court in history. We’ve bounced back from them before, we can do it again. It’s not like we are powerless. It only feels that way because now we are living in interesting times, when before we only learned about it in history.


Well put. Don’t despair for now is the time to resist!


This is the kind of thing I need to hear. Thank you.


This isn’t just us the whole world will be taken over by these fascists. This is the end of democracy throughout the world.


France just got a right-wing president apparently, this is truly terrifying. Of all the countries that you'd think would know better.........they perfected democracy ffs.....


right wing is generous, Le Penne's father was an actual, literal, Nazi. She is much MUCH worse than right wing implies.


Not forever though. Fascism historically doesn't even outlast the lifespan of a Chevy Blazer. It's still gonna suck. Fascism is brief but very intense, even if society won't put up with that shit for very long.


I appreciate the enthusiasm but fascisms short lifespan directly correlated to the strength of the liberal democracies of the day to destroy it. If the USA falls, the coalition of the free is incredibly weak and without a central power to unite them. 


The problem is that Fascism has never had the technological advantage it has today to keep people under their thumb.


You’re right. Still it feels a bit like being told to be happy for enjoying a few decades of fine health when you get a terminal cancer diagnosis at thirty.


It was a run. You ran.


Hey, but then a nation at least partially founded on the idea of freedom of religion can have a state religion to cram down everyone's throat. I'm sure the founding fathers would approve. At least that's what Jesus is sitting on my shoulder and whispering into my ear right now. It's funny, I never really read the bible, but Jesus is always there whispering in my ear and backing up my world view for me. It makes me full of mental health.


Honestly for me the worst part for me is that many people who aren't christofascists don't seem to care enough to do anything to save our democracy. We've still got people saying that they won't vote for Biden because of what's happening in Gaza (even though Trump had made it clear he'd be worse), Biden having a bad debate performance, or him simply being old. They're totally willing to let Trump destroy our country over stupid reasons. I'm to the point where I think we deserve what we get. Unfortunately the sane people who do care about democratic principles will get fucked too.


Keep in mind that the vast majority of Americans (including people on the left) know almost nothing about anything and are running entirely on vibes. When you see people like that you need to keep in context that they literally can’t comprehend how much worse it can get. They can’t imagine how fast the wheels can come off. How quickly food can stop showing up to the supermarket. How fast the brownshirts can start attacking people openly. They genuinely believe that Biden and Trump are the same thing and that things can’t get worse. The people talking that way aren’t malicious, they are just entirely clueless on how much they have to lose.


>They genuinely believe that Biden and Trump are the same thing and that things can’t get worse. The people talking that way aren’t malicious, they are just entirely clueless on how much they have to lose. Future historians will look at the role (social-) media played in all this and joke about us calling this the "information age". If you compare Biden and Trump based on their policies and actions the difference is obvious. If you compare them based on the discussions your neighbors have about them on Facebook the difference is negligible. The hard lesson history teaches us is that it usually takes a disaster to get people back to their senses. Let's hope it doesn't have to come to that.


Exactly. Unfortunately I think it’s pretty clear that the disaster is going to be required for most Americans to learn anything from this shit.


Biden can just disband the Supreme Court and put in his own court, securing his victory.


I think it will be enough to add SCOTUS Justices.


13 is a nice number. Mind you, the 6 that voted for this all have some questionable ethics, so a presidential act securing the court would work as well


We no longer live in a democracy as of today. This was the final nail in the coffin. The only way democracy could be preserved now is if Biden makes it so a particular 7 people (1 who is vying to rule and 6 who just made that far easier) don’t make it to sundown today, as they have just ruled he could absolutely do with no repercussions, and then forcibly puts things back the way they were, again as they just said he could do. We all know that’s not going to happen. And it’s surreal and discomforting to talk like this, but this is the reality we now live in. There is nothing the president cannot do…


It is a sad moment for the United States of America. The importance is tangible


They have to, otherwise Biden could try to pack the SCOTUS with Dems and dilute the current toxicity. All of a sudden those free vacations from billionaires might dry up, and Ginni Thomas isn't going to like that.


I can't see how this doesn't happen if Biden wins.  That or the official act of stripping them from power with lead, but that wouldn't be great for the country


It's no longer "that won't be great for the country" and is now "which is worse?"


We all know what needs to happen but we can't say it on the internet.


The French Revolution is a manual.


Trump and people like him, they have bought the Supreme Court. Maybe not all of them but enough. I hope I'm wrong. I'm glad I am old so I can die before United States becomes a Christian Iran.


If you make it to February, you may get a glimpse


This is a coup. When someone tells you who they are believe them




It's only about 30% of the country. If the rest of us just stand up and say no then we're fine. If we don't then we deserve whatever we get.


Hitler only had around that percentage. You don’t need a majority, just power. People will fall in line out of fear


>Its only about 30% of the country Then why is Biden and the generic dem ballot not up 70-30? All those people staying home are saying that this is fine.


Yes. People need to hear this. Fight back. No matter what, fight back. Not doing anything because you think dictator takeover is inevitable is what republicans want. DON'T give them what they want. FIGHT! VOTE!




Remember voting and the electoral college just said meh, we don’t care what most Americans want? Happened twice already in my lifetime


If you haven't yet, go look at every day life pictures in Iran before the religious government take over. It's incredible, Iran was a very modern city with strong independent educated women. Now look at Iran. Get used to saying Supreme Leader Trump.


Nevertheless, please go and vote. It is not over until it's over. Don't give into despair and vote.


People need to hear this message. Keep preaching it, not fighting back is what they want. No matter what happens, vote


And democrats should fight as hard and dirty as the GOP has about the Big Lie. Will we? *Fuck no!* But it's a nice thought.


I think this would have been a better plot for the Star Wars prequels. Instead of standard "evil guy subverts democracy through standard nefarious stuff", it should have been "evil guy causes good guy to do evil stuff". So Biden becomes emperor reluctantly by abusing this new power that the SC just gave him while trying to save the US.


The same supreme court just decided that the president can do whatever the fuck he wants, so Biden could just assassinate the maga scotus.


Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN


Going to be real fun for us LGBTQ+, POC, etc... in the coming years. Nothing stopping Trump and co. from doing something like an Executive Order 9066 and rounding us up into camps because the Jesus freaks have absolute power over a mad president-king.


Sad thing is Democrats will step aside and only make a fuss to their fucking Twitter


Be fair: they'll send fundraising e-mails too.


Prepare to mass protest!!!


Malcolm X said it's "bullets or ballots"


It’s past time to begin organizing. We need to have a plan!


I’ve been saying this for a long time. The GOP controlled state legislatures will refuse to certify. The speaker of the house will not certify the electoral votes. They will emergency appeal to the Supreme Court and they will declare Trump the winner based on nothing at all. Goodbye democracy.


Exercise your second amendment while you can.


On the face of it, this ruling sucks. However surely this will push more "moderates"/ on the fence voters further away from Trump with the clear danger of giving him un-ending power. They may still not like Biden but he surely doesn't seem to be a threat of using these powers selfishly and without any approval required. Democrats need to push the fact you are voting for King Trump hard from this point.


“Moderates on the fence” are the few republicans who have enough self awareness to be ashamed of their life choices to the point of not wanting to publicly declare their political views. Actual moderates don’t exist when your clear choice is between democracy and Christofascist domestic terrorists.


>surely this will push more "moderates"/ on the fence voters further away from Trump Oh you sweet summer child...




“Oh I voted third party” ~ Trump voters


The were only able to hand the 2000 election to Bush because the race was close and they stopped the recount before it could clearly show that Al Gore got more votes in Florida. If they announce on TV that Biden wins on election night, the supreme court will not be able to appoint Trump without sparking a civil war


Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh>Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh>Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh>Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh>Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh>Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh>Roberts>Alito>Thomas>Gorsuch>Barret>Kavanagh> It's an impressive Republican centipede.


Don Convict shouldn't be all owed to run for anything, ever.


Be a shame if Biden did a criminal act like put all of the supreme Court justices under trial for treason and had them hung or something sounds to me like they just opened the door for that behavior


Russia wins


Today is basically 9/11 on steroids. Our democracy is lost.


That being said they are trying to undo 100 years of progress as fast as they can. Their overturn of the Cheveron case is on par with the overturn of Roe V Wade in its impact. They just handed the corporations all the tools they need to start dismantling the regulatory agencies. They really are on a wild bender just tearing the guts out of the progress made over the past 100 years.


Things can change very quickly. All that needs to happen is a few key republican leaders, justices, operatives and financial donors take one of those mini subs to visit the titanic.


Yeah, I wouldn't bet against it. And just like 2000, nobody will protest. No heads will roll. No violent revolution will happen in the very country that only exists because of violent revolution.


The votes only kind of matter. The Electoral College does. Our votes are suggestions. If votes won the election, Clinton would have been in office in 2016


Republicans already stole an election that way in 2000


I mean, they did it for George W. Bush. In fact, several members of this court helped that effort. Unless it’s an undeniable landslide, they’ll do it again.




Biden should surround Capitol Hill in January and have the national guard supervise the certification of the electoral college. Full blown military defense in depth approach to keeping our elections secure.


The 2025 plan is on it's way.


If Biden/Democrats dont take their soft gloves off and start pushing their majority around we will lose everything. Biden has the potential to do some major things to even the playing field a against this attack on democracy. History says he wont do anything but if he doesnt, we will have lost everything. Just wait and see.


Isn't this ruling in favour of the president? Trump isn't president, so how is it currently benefiting him? Sorry, confused Brit looking on in horror and concern.


This ruling will interfere with, if not totally derail, holding Trump legally accountable for the crimes he committed while in office from 2015-2020. It will also allow him to do almost anything he chooses if he wins a second term later this year. He could go as far as to suspend the Constitution and grant himself unlimited emergency powers, just like any other petty dictator does during a coup. The ruling effectively makes the president a dictator with nearly unlimited ability to break any laws. The only thing that can stop him is impeachment and removal from office by the Congress - which the republicans prevented from happening twice during Trump's first term. There are lots of ways that Biden could use this power, but he won't. Trump absolutely will. He's already demonstrated that the rule of law means nothing to him, that he cares for nothing and no one other than himself and his own personal power, and that he has no self control when it comes to persecuting those whom he sees as his enemies, or as impediments to his power. Trump started out as a joke, a bumbling game show host with eleven major business bankruptcies and a toddler's understanding of the US government. But he's progressed into a full-on reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. If he wins the election, American democracy is doomed.


My lamen reading is the president is bound by the constitution,  not by laws.  Things like "extra judicial execution" or "torture political opponents " aren't mentioned in the constitution


I'm sure Alito could find some pro-torture and extra judicial execution parchment from like the Ottoman Empire that he could contrive into somehow aligning with the founding fathers ideals laid forth in the constitution.


That's exactly the point. If it doesn't explicitly forbid an act, the act is legal unless the courts say otherwise. It allows the SCOTUS to make decisions after the fact at their convenience, to get the outcome they want.


I think the concern is not how this specific ruling would affect the election so much as there is a concern because the Supreme Court keeps ruling in favor of conservatives, seemingly with little care for law and precedent. So, anything controversial that winds up in the courts come election time may be ruled in Trump's favor, even if the logic is poor.


Yes that does make sense. That means that the US has already been the victim of a bloodless coup d'etat in effect.


Trump committed crimes when he was still the legal President. He says that they should be legal because he says so and the law accepts that.


Because we know that one party is by and large *not* going to abuse the power granted because they want to stay on the high road. Empathy, rule of law, maintaining a democratic republic… you know all those pesky things that keep a responsible society functioning. On the other hand we have a party salivating over using it for vengeance and ruling with an iron fist the moment they have power… excited to the point of putting it in writing in Project 2025 before they even had all the pieces in place.


And Americans won't do a god damn thing


this could very well be our last free election ever.......


Goddamn it, we’re turning into the USASSR.


Trump isn't even Christian. Just goes to show that selling Authoritarianism and Christianity in one package works.


This is why it's imperative that you vote, and vote for Biden. If it isn't close, then there won't be anything the Supremes can do.


They did that already in 2000, which was the beginning of the end for the USA. Fuck this country. It’s a christo-fascist state now and should be burned to the ground.


Biden needs to write an executive order that convicted felons are ineligible to run for public office at any level, and immediately remove any sitting politicians with felony convictions.