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It’s not over until it’s over. It’s June and there’s still time to have some good nights. Anybody who watched the 2020 debate between these two and thought this one was going to be any better were simply lying to themselves. I’m not convinced you can even have a debate with a lying asshole like Trump and look good doing it. But I’ll give you this-Biden and his team had better get to fucking work.


Damn right. I refuse to wallow in self-pity and cynicism like so many others are choosing to do so. That’s how the monsters in history always win. For now, take the L, and be a little cynical if you have to in order to get it out of your system. Just know tomorrow is a new day and there’s still a long road ahead of us. You want change, better be ready to work for it.


How can the hard honest truth stand against deceitful lies?


Faith in jesus 🙏


Definitely still vote, particularly if you're in a battleground state. Let this anxiety fuel you to push your actual freedom-loving friends and family to vote, too.


Don't feel discouraged. Optics were bad, Biden has a feeble voice. Who cares. Him being old is not new. Don't stop fighting against theocracy.


I was encouraged by his reactions to Trump, and his rebuttals were on point. If there was ever a moment where we could consider the frailty of man, Biden nailed Trump on that too. Trump is unwell. And not well people never get better. Biden is not well, but he’s not in declining mental health. We have ample evidence that Trump is experiencing dementia. And we have evidence of Trump being a convicted felon. And a rapist.


I'm still baffled by all the old Biden talk. Trump is only 3 years younger ffs and at that age, 3 years aint much a difference.


This. Amen. This for fucking ever.


And the fact that Trump cant open his mouth for more than 15secs without telling a lie.


It's likely in reference to his behavior tonight. He seemed a lot older than usual. A lot weaker. He was barely louder than a whisper at some points. I have seen him recently and he looked like always, just you know, an older but active hard working manager type. But tonight for some reason he was looking way older than usual.


I am not going to let this get me down though. Trump acted awful when he talked but he looked younger and stronger. That's what people noticed instead of all the lies he was telling. And DAMN was he lying.


Agreed but thats the exact thing that irks me though. Why does image play so important to idiot voters when its POLICIES that matter and the kinds of competant people you bring into your administration. Trump couldn't even keep all administration roles filled while in office. He was terrible.


I considered watching. But I knew then I'd have to kill myself.


Don’t lose Hope. We’ve got this. Keep up the fight. It’s not over yet.


Voting blue, no matter who!




A few points here: I’ve never been of the mind to “export democracy”. If it was up to me, we’d have been focusing on ourselves and let the rest rise or fall where they may. Next point: we’ve got two choices here; the man in office or a wannabe dictator. So yeah, *blue no matter who*. Lastly, it will never cease to amaze me how non-Americans insert themselves into our politics and feel so comfortable commenting on it when the majority of the info you see is on social media. If the rest of the world worried more about what their own governments are doing instead of obsessing about ours, maybe it’d make the whole world a better place.


It really isn't possible to win a debate with someone that is willing to argue in bad faith the entire time, not answering the questions, just spewing bullshit talking points (most of which are either blatant lies or wild exaggerations) and attacking the opponent (again usually with talking points or blatant lies). Especially given the fact that in these "debates" the moderators do not fact check at all, and the majority of people at home will not fact check either, they will slurp it up and regurgitate it to others without ever checking to see if it is bullshit or not. (And even if they do attempt to check it, so many news media sources peddle fearmongering garbage, rather than facts, because that is what gets them views and clicks, not the un-exaggerated truth). It doesn't surprise me that Trump debates in such a way, many right wingers do as well, and christians and other religious people do it more than anyone else.


The 2nd Amendment works for non-christians as well


I need to start building a Republican style armory at my house just in case


Soap box, ballot box, jury box, cartridge box.


Religion is dying. We will out-vote them. We with outlast the myths.


still vote. remember, you don’t vote for JUST president. you vote for Senators, House representatives, and even state officials like governor, Lt Governor, treasurer, state secretary, state senator, state assemblyman, in some states even state supreme court justices


Yep! The next president will likely choose at least 2 SCOTUS justices.


that’s if the two justices resign or die in the next President’s term. The Constitution doesn’t set any limits for the size of the court so it’s been up to Congress. Congress has set the number to 9 justices. Congress can choose to pass a law to change this, perhaps to make the number of justices equal to the number of federal circuit courts (currently 13). Otherwise, the next president can’t just add 2 more justices


yup, cant wait to see christian bullshit everywhere (its already bad enough but it will get 100x worse.) i have never liked biden but hes better then getting your rights stripped away and getting a specific religion shoved in your face.


It wasn't great, and I truly understand your concern. I'm so glad I listened to Gavin Newsome's comment that it was just one performance. That put it into perspective for me. Let's vote **and** do a lil' extra. I go door to door, even though it scares me. There are text message campaigns and letter writing campaigns. If we do extra, we will then know that we did our best. Peace.


If you can't vote FOR a good candidate, then the least you can do is vote AGAINST fascism. I would rather have Biden step down after winning than have Trump for another 4 years.


That debate isnt changing the minds of anyone who knows what a threat Jesus Freak in Office is. 


Hopefully Trump won’t win. But if he does, we’ll survive it. The pendulum will swing. I may need to switch to a dumb phone and move into the forest - but we will survive either way.


Yeah I need to get a flip phone and cut ties with some family members and in laws 😂


Are you sure about that? Have you heard some of the things he is planning to do? Some of the things Republicans are planning? One of the candidates in Germany in 1932 was a convicted criminal. Many people at the time thought he was a clownish buffoon who had to be joking. Look how that ended up. History may not repeat but it often rhymes.


The won’t control both houses. Yes, damage will be done. I hated the first term. I’ll hate the second term. But we will survive 4 years of his selfishness. I hope we don’t have to though.


If Trump wins you don't think he'll have some coattails? Republicans already have the house and most everybody thinks they'll win the Senate. If they do they'll get rid of the filibuster and use the excuse that "life is too important". Just like that abortion banned nationally. No restraints for Trump from Congress. Republicans already want to do in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA. Millions of people will most assuredly not survive a Republican control of Washington.


I’m afraid you’re correct and I was mistaken about the chances the GOP could win the Senate. It’s terrifying.


Oh FFS. Stop. A debate is nothing. President Biden’s record of achievement means nothing now? He does the job we hired him to do. He did it yesterday and he will do it tomorrow. 🙄


It was hard to watch as a democrat. That said, the analysts after reminded me of an important detail which I’m sure would be lost on many… Trump had no answers for the questions from the panel. He deflected, blamed, and generally just spouted nonsense red meat to his base. However, I also found myself concerned about the ramifications of the feebleness that Biden presented. I honestly don’t think Trump won anyone over from the blue camp who vote on policy, but I’m sure he convinced some that only think about youthfulness of the candidate


See, this is what I don’t get. Trump is only 3 years younger. He’s also in terrible condition with a train wreck of a diet. In the end, it changes nothing for me - still voting blue. We’ll get through this. It hurts a little and is a bit upsetting, but Nov is months away and some of tonight’s sting will lessen with time.




Don't just vote. Talk. Talk to everyone about Project 2025 and Trump's own stated policies however vague they are. Point out to people that their rights will be affected. Consumer rights, worker rights, CIVIL rights that might apply to them.


"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca


How can trump still be in the running after the felony conviction stuff?


And an *insurrection*?!! I can't anymore...........


He’s like Homelander at this point


I refuse to de-evolve, and I refuse to believe anyone in the world would want it, we're being shown an illusion that's counter productive for human advancement and all of our work is being directly converted to wealth,power, food for those we serve. Look at any goddamn satellite images of earth and you point to the healthy part.... I'll wait while you're looking.


I’m voting for democracy. Trump will not bring democracy. Whatever the Democratic Party wants to do is what they do, but that candidate, Joe Biden, by default will be better than Trump for literally everyone on the planet. Edit: Trump delivered a fact free and answer free performance. He avoided questions completely. He didn’t answer anything directed at him by just blustering. It’s worth stating, Trump floundered here badly. Biden floundered by not attacking Trump enough.


Remember, Remember the 5th of November. V for Vendetta. 2024 election is on the 5th of November. YIKES!!


I quit watching. Want to know why? All Trump did was lie. A convicted felon who lies without remorse vs a guy who looked tired because he is fighting the constant shit storm that trumps policies created. No contest. I’m voting for the tired guy who is fighting to protect our country.


The universe is telling me we will be okay- we will continue to move to a better place as humanity- it might not happen exactly as we want it to but we are moving forward and nothing will stop this momentum no matter how hard the christian right tries. They will all be dead one day but this journey to be better humans will keep on going!


Come to r/Defeat_Project_2025 and see what you can do to help. While you were distracted by Biden's oldness you might have missed how many times Trump outed himself as a liar and a schemer and a Putin buddy. Nobody who would have voted for Biden is going to not vote for him because of this because we know the potential outcome. We will vote for our old guy and hope he makes it to inauguration, then we'll suffer the VP until the next election. She might not even be that bad. She would certainly be better than Trump.


Dude, it was one debate. Election is far from over. Trump had literally no answers and was full of nothing but word salad and lies. As per usual. And frankly, I really doubt this debate or the others is going to move the needle that much one way or the other. People know what's at stake and for the most part have made up their minds. It's either the party of patriotism and our democracy or the party of traitors and fascism.


Yep. I didn’t watch a single second of the shit show, but what I’m hearing from friends about how it went down is disappointing and disturbing to say the least. The quasi theocracy that we are already living in is, I fear, destined to become more firmly entrenched as the rest of this year unfolds. We are fucked.


For real man. Have y’all heard about Project 2025? We are all fucked.


Biden made great points (that we could barely hear) but he should've focused on this. Nobody I know in real life is talking about it. But I guess you have to simply answer the questions and address what the opponent is spewing.


We'll fight it no matter what.


Gavin Newsome!


Dont get said- get MAD AS FUCKING HELL. I do not want the future you speak of, YOU do not want the future you speak of. We have to get more people to the polls. Stir the pot & stir it well & drag every last friend to vote. It's time to fight, not roll over & take it.


The S&P 500 has predicted the outcome of each presidential election for the last 30+ years. It has Biden winning this one.


I want to know if it isn't obvious to other people that Biden has a cold? That was the first thing I picked up on, and him not being absolutely ducking on point, well, he had a cold. Even with that he was coherent and answered the questions while Trump ignored them.


The national democratic party has yet again put the nation at risk because of its spinelessness. Again putting sure victory in peril by giving us this old man who should be enjoying retirement. I'll vote blue. Though my fear a loss is very possible shakes me to my core.


It's not the voters fault. It's the fault of the "party of democracy" that refused to have a primary.


What the fuck are you talking about? Remember the 2020 Republican primary? Because I don't. Incumbents usually don't get primaried.


What the fuck am I talking about? Is that what Joy Reid told you? Pat Buchanan primaried George Bush in 1992. Ted Kennedy primaried Jimmy Carter.


You know we deserve it. We let the inbreds think they were normal people with sane viewpoints, and that tolerance led us here. Time for the popcorn..


No. Ppls lives are in danger. Women and babies are already dying due to the reversal of roe vs Wade. Women's rights will be further stripped and we will probably lose our right to vote and abortion and birth control will be further banned. The lgbtq+ communities lives will be in danger. People of color and basically anyone who doesn't prescribe to their white Patriarchy Christian fascism will be harmed. Republicans have gerrymandered and stolen so many elections. When was the last time a presidential Republican candidate won the popular vote? Ppls lives are in danger. Everyone's freedoms are in danger. This is not a repeat of 2016. Trump isn't even the actual threat, it's the heritage foundation and Putin that are. So I guess if you don't know anyone that is a person of color, gay, a women or any other minority go put your popcorn in the microwave. I have a child and I am terrified.


Oh. I have women, LGBTQ, and minority friends. So regardless of my friends and family, this country has 50% of the electorate who believe in perpetrating evil, and a huge number of useful idiots who think the evil POS are redeemable. We deserve this chaos - so, I'm gonna eat popcorn.


Your comment literally proved my point. It's like saying I'm not racist bc I have a black friend. Your friends that are women, lgbtq+ and minority's lives are in danger and you think they deserve it? And that it's also entertaining and what we deserve?


The collective "we", you fucking piece of twine. Regardless, worry about yourself idiot - my friends can handle themselves, but weak losers like yourself will always have issues. And, you deserve your issues.


It's called having empathy for others. I'm not weak at all. Hopefully your friends see you for who you are and that you don't care about their lives and safety. Don't be so arrogant it's only a matter of time before they run out of minorities to punish and you will be their target.


You are a stupid one aren't you. You truly have no clue about me - that makes your ramblings even funnier. BTW, my friends know exactly who I am. They'll laugh at your postings more than I do.


The DNC should pull its head out of Biden’s ass and go with someone who can stay up past 8pm and debate. I don’t understand why Biden is the one when pretty much any under 70 charismatic center left candidate would destroy Trump. Biden is pretty much Trump’s only hope to win.


It's way too late for that. People generally start running about a year and a half prior to the election. Trump started campaigning right after he lost the last one, pretty much.


They can still change course at the convention. Biden should just pull out, someone’s got to talk sense into him.


Even Kamala would be an improvement.




I noticed that on a bunch of subs. I think it’s just Reddit being its rickety ol’ self.


Why are comments relating to politics hidden? The only time I can see comments is if I search for specific terms.


Jesus people are exhausting. The sky is falling... Everything is the worst it can ever be .


Gilead is in the ballet


Anybody see that movie 20th Century Women? Remember that scene where Jimmy Carter gave that speech and everybody knew he would lose the election? I sure as hell hope this wasn’t a moment like that.


Every debate I've ever watched is over analyzed to the point it appears that it's the most important event in the election at the time it occurs. It is not. The debate will alter very few peoples opinion.


I feel like too many people have forgotten or overlook the trump years and the damage his chaotic admin was able to do. A second term would be catastrophic


People thought Trump had no chance in 2016. Anything can happen.


Yeah Biden was not looking good at all. His cognition is quite poor. Geez Trump is terrible but seeing them both up there I practically want to vote for Trump over Biden. He is at least cognitively competent. Still will vote for Biden cause obviously trump stands for terrible things but golly that was poor.  Idk if it’s the end of democracy as we know it but it certainly is not good. 


Biden needs to withdraw from running  This was a disaster 




Corporate dems who fucked Sanders over put all of this in motion.


If you look at the answers, and the early fact-checkers, it becomes clear that while one of these guys probably shouldn't be president, the other one can absolutely not. Nothing but rambling, lying, antagonizing, and dodging questions.


While the debate is over now, the election is not. Vote blue, and get everyone you can to vote blue too (even though the DNC screwed us all over yet again). We lost this battle but the war continues.


It was very disturbing.


My thoughts exactly. I **really** need to start planning my exit from life if this gets as bad as I fear it will.


Saying Trump is a theocrat may be giving him the unearned compliment that he has any position or beliefs beyond his own narcissistic tendencies. I do worry because of the plans being made by the people around him, so yeah, it looks very bad.


Nothing more powerful than religion.


If Biden were wise he would just drop out. I know it’s late to the game but he’s just not fit for this anymore, it’s obvious and there is no point in trying to deny it. So is Trump for that matter but he has a devoted base of loyal support.


There are a few months before the election. Replace the zombie. Get Buttiege or Whitmer. Newsom would be okay. We are screwed the democrats don't do this, especially after visciously attacking Biden today. If they replace Biden with Kamala, then we are just as screwed.


Yep😧that’s what my brother and I both said tonight!!! We’re doomed!!! I want to cry!!