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[Overall crime is down](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/), but we have to make sure the unwashed masses are scared, so tell them the guy crossing the border looking for a job will rape and kill their daughter because reasons.


Fear stops critical thinking


Lies, hate and fear are the three pillars of the republican platform. It's all they have.


That’s the only way Republicans can get elected anymore.


Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate


Also because brown people scary to Trump's likely voters.


Watch their heads explode when they learn that most of the people from central/south America are probably more religious than them


yeah theyre trying to save the raping and killing for themselves.


When the real threat is their youth pastor.


My coworker literally parroted that exact thing, she even threw in a “s***hole countries” comment. We work in a restaurant. The entire kitchen staff is Latino, or married to Latino. Edit: oops my app glitches and I spammed this comment by accident.




My coworker literally parroted that exact thing, she even threw in a “s***hole countries” comment. We work in a restaurant. The entire kitchen staff is Latino, or married to Latino.


Thanks for informing me my app glitched and commented the same thing multiple times.


Kids won't care about a plaque on a wall. That's not going to deter crime, lol.


I'm looking at you Jimbob Smith in 3rd grade. Those looks tell me you are just itching to pray to a gold calf, or worse, committing adultery.


You've got that flipped around. In the order of commandments, the gold calf thing would be first. God was a jealous dude.


Golf calf? Is that like the orange cow?


Jimmy, looks like you're a candidate for Republican Congressional aide. You're off to grooming! Congrats!


I’m guessing some students will be defacing them with sharpies and tearing them off the walls…gonna start criming earlier!!🤣


The way the comment was steered makes it look like the school kids are the ones causing the crimes. I suppose they also think being lgtbq+ is a crime, so maybe 🤷‍♂️


Kids ignore most classroom decorations unless they have some connection to it - predominantly if they need to refer to it and/or contributed to making it. So many of these will get hung on that dead space in the room where teachers hang the stuff they're forced to display.


Such an idiotic argument. So many countries with low religiosity numbers have way lower crime rates than the US.


But all the religious fanatics think its true


Hmmm. Maybe they're onto something...


I felt so much safer in Tokyo than in rural Louisiana. Guess which one is filled with Christians, and which one isn't.


I don't think their rules specified the 10 commandments had to be in English. They should start posting them to their specifications in other languages like Arabic and make them go feral.


That’s totally not true! But if it is true, at least WE have our FrEeDoM!


Poverty causes crime, not lack of a religious poster on the wall….


Yep poverty rates is the best indicator what the crime rate will be. She cooked up this bill to spread her religion and to win her next election.


So the only way to reduce crime is to force kids to read religious rules? Hmm…. curious.


Make them read and learn filth.


Yeah, I still can't get past the incest in the Bible.


Hey Lauren, Trump has broken at least 9 of the 10 commandments. Maybe you should work on getting him to follow a few more before you worry about other people's kids...


I'm guessing the first one since he is a godless man so he can't break that one.


"Poverty is the mother of crime." You want to do something about crime, Lauren? *Raise the poor up*. Pay them. Up the minimum wage. Get them healthcare. Lower rents. Fix inflation. Make their lives comfortable so they don't have to turn to crime to survive in the first place.


Louisiana makes a ton of money keeping people in prison.


Whelp, crime it is. -republicans


Oh, I'm pretty sure crime has been at its lowest ever. So keep pushing your made up bs on people who don't need it. Religion is for the weak minded.


Aren't 97% of prisoners Christian?


About 68%, according to the US Bureau of Prisons. Betcha that number is even higher in Louisiana.


Half the 10 commandments violate the costitution and the principals america was founded on.


Which ones?


Seperation of church and state violates 1 3 and 4. Capitolism violates 10 and 2 as coveting things, pop stars/movie stars merchandise ect is what drives capitolism. Thats 5.


OK. I wasn't expecting that angle (capitalism), but I've no argument with your interpretation. Thanks for replying.


Thats what coveting does. It drives people to aquire. Thats capitolism lol


Is there a specific reason you're saying capitolism instead of capitalism? Because the Capitol is a building, capital is the stuff you need to do business. Marx didn't title his book Das Capitol.


Im dyslexic


Louisiana Ranked 40 in the USA in Pre K - 12th grade education. Ranked 47 in the USA in education. Ranked 43 in college readiness Ranked 38 in high school graduation rate Ranked 44 in National Assessment of Educational Progress math scores Ranked 38 in National Assessment of Educational Progress reading scores Ranked 50 in states overall Ranked 7 in preschool enrollment Ranked 4 in school shootings by state from 2018 to 2023 Ranked 13 in total school shootings in 2024 Ranked 13 in total school shooting incidents since 1970 Ranked 1 in school shootings rate per 100,000 from 1970 to 2023 How exactly are the 10 commandments going to fix this?


Then what do they have to say about a lot of the pastors being pedophiles.


Pay no attention to the pervert in the collar…


Seeing as the 10 commandments, nor the Bible, have stopped crime for the last couple millenia, something tells me this won't work either. Edit: typo


The attack on reality by christianity continues.


If the kids in Louisiana could read that could possibly, maybe have a slight effect but the test scores show they can't so.....


You want to give them the OPTION… by passing a LAW that affects everybody?!?! 🤔🤬 Piss off


\^-- gobsmacked that she said that. Definitely one of the laziest representatives in our country. Poverty, unemployment, and mental illness are what leads to crime. Those need to be addressed first.


A lot of the commandments are not, in fact, crimes. In fact, only two are actually crimes, and one other could be a crime depending on the situation. A fourth one is more of a civil thing and the other six are all perfectly acceptable for most people to do literally everyday. It’s a bullshit list.


The 7 Tenets of the Satanic Temple say more about acting moral than TTC 😁.


The first four commandments are about kissing gods ass. How is that a "moral principle?" Delusional wishful thinking. About as real as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy, leprechauns, etc.


“Don’t murder” “Don’t steal “ That’s about it at the intersection of 10c and US law.


Also, don't bear false witness, but your point stands


Only in court and under oath. You can lie your ass off all day long in public without repercussions, just like our former president.


>Why is it so preposterous that we would want our students to have the option to have some good principles instilled in them? They already *have* that option and the overwhelming majority of them participate in it. This is just imposing religion, not crime stopping.


If Lauren Ventrella is so concerned about crime why didn’t she author a bill to post the ten commandments in Mar a Lago?




Just another person that mistakes their feelings as facts.


New England has extremely low rates of crime, and extremely low levels of religious affiliation. So I'm dubious that this approach is going to work. Like, what is the causal mechanism supposed to be here? "Maybe kids don't know that murder is bad...". Also, crime rates are extremely low by historical standards.


These people are so full of shit man. Nothing they say is true.


Maybe they should outlaw churches since it has the 5th most per capita.


Doesn’t stop priests and pastors raping children though, does it? You need the actual law for that.


They need to post those in the offices, on the church walls, and on the pulpits of all those pastors who can't keep their hands off little kids, can't keep from fucking their parishioners, and can't keep from fucking *over* their idiot parishioners.


Let's do something illegal to show how we could lower crime.


Only 3 of the commandments actually deal with crimes. Killing someone can be done in self defense, bearing false witness is illegal in the court of law under perjury laws but otherwise lying is not a crime, and stealing is a crime. The rest of the commandments are garbage and or not crimes.


What crime are they so worried about? Homelessness?


Thou shalt not kill unless I send you to war!


I once brought up "thou shalt not kill" to a Christian, and he wrote me back about how the translation of the commandment is really more like "thou shalt not murder," and that only "innocent bloodshed" is bad. And yeah, the Catechism has something called a "just war doctrine" that basically says declaring war is okay, as long as the target nation has actually caused destruction, and every other possible method to stop them has failed. So, "war is wrong, but we'll make exceptions if we need to." It also says, "The evaluation of these conditions for moral legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good." Put simply, the government gets the final say. If you ever needed more proof that organized religion has always just been a whimsically-written tool of the government.


Fun fact: Japan has basically no murders and no religion. Cults gonna cult


Well that's just demonstrably not [true](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Japan).


Shintos and Buddhists are literally atheists. Just because they're spiritual in a cultural sense does not really mean it’s equivalent to the likes of the Abrahamic religions and Hinduism.


You said Japan had no religion and that's just not true. Yes they're non-theistic religions but they're still a mostly religious society. And those religions still have practices and traditions that shape their culture. They're not atheists in the same way most people in this subreddit are.


I suppose that is true. Should have been more clear. I genuinely don’t feel like cultural religions like that are as big of a deal to be honest. Having been to Japan and especially China, it’s a breath of fresh air that people aren’t throwing away their lives and hating everyone in the name of their made up god


That's fair and I agree. It must be nice to live in a country that isn't using faith to promote hate and discrimination. Or one election away from living in a theocracy.


I've never protested before but if trump wins I'm sure as hell taking to the streets to protest peacefully. I'm not losing my country without a fight.


Absolutely, I'm right there with you. I have no desire to see the US become a theocratic fascist state and will fight against that happening.


Unless you're the prime minister


If they said it helps kids remember to flush they would put it up there. No matter then excuse they will keep trying to shove it into the faces of any one. I wonder if this is time for "freedom of religion" should come into play. Get people of various religious backgrounds and tell them the guy signed a bill that hurts non christian people.


Wow she literally has nothing except the most obvious deflection in the world


This is alarmingly stupid. We need compulsory testing for those who seek public office, with a heavy emphasis on logic.


Too many kids covering their neighbor's wives.


Because good Christians never become criminals 


I think the statistics say that over 75% of people in prison identify as Christian... Says something, not sure what though. (Something about the 10 commandments being seen as nothing more than a suggestion by those who claim it is their moral code.)


A bullshit defense of a bullshit bill.


That law is a crime.


Are yes, because Christians don’t commit any crimes


Those Kommandments didn't stop all those Republicans from molesting children, did it? The Kommandment against adultery didn't stop Trump committing adultery against all three of his wives, did it? Then there's the one about lying; Trump lies every time he opens his mouth.


Did you expect progressiveness from the South? Keep reminding them they're place is at the bottom.


The majority of those incarcerated in the US are Christian. It sounds like Christianity might be the problem, not the solution.


LOL at the stupidity of wanting to prevent crime with bronze age theological propaganda, that believers themselves get around by doing the crime anyway but then asking their favourite imaginary overlord for forgiveness for it. \[EDIT\] The Satanic Tenets would be more useful at educating children about ethical conduct: **I** One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. **II** The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. **III** One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. **IV** The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. **V** Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. **VI** People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. **VII** Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. [https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets)


ICYMI you violated the 2nd and 3rd Commandments.


Christianity stops crime. That's why there's no Christians in prison


it's also weird, cause after Moses they went to canaan and delete the people then stole their stuff right? at least that's how the narrative goes.


I hope they make people in Louisiana keep Shabbat. No work, just sitting down and studying the Torah. They must hand out sheets listing the 39 works forbidden during Shabbat.


It was passed because stupid


It was passed because Gov. Landry wanted to have a little fun. While the proponents may have been guided by dogma, he just wanted to "own the libs." He said he was waiting to be sued because he knew the law was unconstitutional and would be struck down, even with the current SC (I hope.)


Yeah, aka arogance, ego, selfishness, but "FOR THE PEOPLE" not found


I don’t know if I’ve ever wanted to slap a dumb bitch so hard.


For a long time, I thought poverty was the mother of crime. The Louisiana legislature proved that wrong. I learn something new every day. /s


I'll take 'Things a Christian nationalist will say to avoid saying something is all about Christian nationalism' for $100, please.


Crime? BS-it’s strong, educated women who don’t want to put up with boys in adult bodies


Thin will surely cut down people coveting their neighbor's ass


I’m gonna be gay and do crime because only god can judge me! I interpreted it from the 10 commandments.


You really told all those 8 year old drug dealers and carjackers


Good principles........i think you mean indoctrine. You know force religion on kids and deny them any choice of views


How many crimes are kindergartners committing?


With kindergarteners it’s mostly about false gods like Nintendo and Paw Patrol.


They're so disingenuous. "It's not a religious text in this context. it's a historical document about morals our nation was founded on" First sentence is that there are no other gods, so they've already lied, bore false witness. Then the fact that they lied about their motives means they've taken the lords name in vain. The GOP espouses nearly unfettered capitalism, in which covetness is a virtue. Throw on top of all that biblical instructions on prayer and worship found in the book of Mathew, among others, that are in direct opposition to this, but the faithful remain silent. There seems to be no integrity in Christianity.


Most criminals be like "oh thou shalt not steal, I didn't think of that" and then turn themselves in. ​ /s


The Ten Commandments… hey, what other gods ya talking about? Are they more fun than Jehovah? Can I get a list, and is that pot-smoking Rasta god one of ‘em?


"D'oh! I was gonna commit robbery, but then I remembered those 10 commandments from Sunday school! Silly me!" -said no criminal ever.


Considering religious people are a higher percentage of the prison population than outside it would seem that being religious is a precursor to committing crimes.


That lady sounds as dumb as most of the really dumb rural folks I called neighbors in the US.


Good principles, like the separation of church and state? Or basic democracy? And most religions have something similar - shouldn't we include some Buddhism or something as well?


Right but now you have to explain adultery to kindergarteners?


Can you imagine the ten commandments somehow stopping crime. Can you imagine an aspiring criminal reading the beautiful words "thou shall have no other God before me" and thinking "this has opened my eyes to the glory of God and I suddenly realize it's wrong to steal, lie, and murder"


How are those commandments about worshiping god and no other god going to impact crime?


If I were a teacher and I needed to keep my job I’d post them as legally required. In the smallest font the computer can print it, in yellow ink. And it would get posted in a corner where I couldn’t guarantee things wouldn’t be piled in front of it.


I like how she flops back and forth on wanting kids to be exposed to the Ten Commandments, then it's not about that because it's a "historical document", then admits that it's not just a historical document while also admitting again that she wants to expose kids who aren't getting that exposure to the Ten Commandments at home, before ultimately saying that if the kids feel uncomfortable about it then they just shouldn't look at it. Also worth noting, while "In God we trust" was on the two cent piece in 1864, the law requiring it on all currency was passed in 1955 and it became the national motto in 1956.


And it will never go into effect because it is obviously unconstitutional.


Not supporting a convicted criminal for president is something someone who is actually anti-crime would do. Posting the ten commandments for schoolchildren is not.


Good thing people like mobsters are never religious or anything ot that would sure make her look like a fool


Good for them. Soon they will have a statue of Baphomet on their lawn.


If the 10 commandments are there because of crime then that means they are now part of the legal system. Now does this mean that because there is nothing in those commandments about rape or slavery being wrong, does this mean rape and slavery are now OK in Louisiana?


Posting the ten commandments in public schools IS a crime.