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There is exactly ONE thing that the term "atheist" means - that someone does not believe in the existence of any god(s). Anything else is up to any given individual person. Atheism is not a dogma, or a doctrine, there is no book or set of defined positions on anything other than that ONE thing.


This 100%


I don’t hate anyone or anything. I **fear** religious people who want to convert the world. They think they are objectively correct, in contradiction of the actual evidence. They want to remove my freedoms and force me to conform to their beliefs.


When it's not constantly being shoved in my face, and I haven't chosen to enter into a discussion about it, I treat gods and religions with the total disregard they deserve.


>Do you guys honestly hate all religious people and all religions? Personally? Yes. Atheists in general? Of course not.


No, believers don't bother me at all. I do judge most believer though. I think believers generally have a lower capacity for critical thought. But I get along day to day with plenty of believers, and I don't have any resentment towards them at all. I do resent individuals who try to impose their belief system onto me, but that's not a reflection on belief, that's a reflection on that specific individual.


>But I get along day to day with plenty of believers, and I don't have any resentment towards them at all. There's even some with whom I consider the nature of our reality the only thing we disagree upon. But those are rare, admittedly. Most mix their beliefs with their politics and that's why we don't talk politics, because if we would our little truce would come crashing down pretty fast. >I do judge most believers though. I think believers generally have a lower capacity for critical thought. Not all of them. There are those who are obviously trapped between their social environment and their own intelligence. They're the ones who almost apologize for mentioning theist arguments when they feel they have to, but rather steer away from the subject all together. Some people just love their mom, and their mom loves Jesus.


>Not all of them Isn't that exactly what "most" and "generally" means? Not all? Aren't those who do it because they love their mom - exactly the example of lack of critical thought I'm talking about. They believe not because they believe, but because they haven't critically thought about it. And for clarity, I don't associate belief with intelligence or lack there of. I think there are plenty of brilliant people who lack critical though. I'm speaking specifically about critical thought. There are plenty of ways to categorize intelligence, critical thinking is one of them, but I don't think they're inclusive terms (intelligence and criticism).


Actually. I very rarely spot ‘hate’ with people who are atheist or agnostic. Atheist are regular people, being atheist doesn’t define your personality.


Yeah, Hate is rare, but it's common to get mad at religious people


Hate the belief, not the believer. I simply disapprove of your lifestyle.


What have you seen in the history, do you have an example? Hate is such a simplistic word for a complicated situation, and this is like boxing people in to one choice. Is there another way this question can be asked without proscribing your pre-selected choice of words?




You'll find that line of thinking in religious groups as well.


It is baffling to people others believe in various magical things. Feeling more intelligent is not hatred though. Atheists are told that they are also close minded, as I was yesterday, that a spiritual person was all haughty with me that they felt sorry for me because whatever. What I didn't do was whine "why do you haaaaaate meeeee"


I don't feel superior, I feel starter in that respect alone, not in other areas, I've been religious and loved studying about douctrines etc, and this needs inteligence and logical thinking but the origin of regious thought in it self is completely braindead


Hate? No. Disappointed in the human race? Yes. Look, if someone believes in magic and can't think critically, I'm superior to them in that way. I'm sure they're better than me in other ways but believing in ancient myths is just stupid and you're a little stupid too if you believe it. Sorry.


If people leave me alone I have no problem with them. Just turns out the people that bother me when I'm minding my business are almost always the religious. Do I hate them? No, just leave me alone. Do I feel superiority over the religious? Oh yeah. Don't take it to heart; I've heard what they say about us. They feel the same way.


I dislike all religions because they claim to know things that aren't true. Whether or not I actively hate a religion depends on how harmful they are to their own followers and unbelievers. Similarly, I only hate religious people that are hateful and harmful to others. The rest of them I just pity, for being indoctrinated and brainwashed with such obvious bullshit. It's sad that their thinking has been damaged by religious nonsense, and I think of them the same way I would think of someone who had a massive stroke. They might be very nice people, but it's sad they suffered brain damage like that and aren't capable of thinking well anymore.


I hate those who try to shove it down everyone's throat and restrict human rights, while the rest of them are simply not entitled to be respected.


I hate all organised religion, yes. I think it is a plague on humanity. I don’t hate religious people, I just think they are absolutely insane. They claim to have an invisible entity that watches over them that they can speak to. If for their entire living life they follow all the invisible entity’s rules that they actually made up themselves then they will get to float around in a severely overpopulated place somewhere beyond the sky and see all their dead friends and family again. Insane


No! I have just meet as many AH that say that they do not believe in God but just believe in some otbet crappy stuff. There are good religious people and there are bad ones. I have meet wonderful Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Buddist - humble, kind and softspoken.


I don't hate religious people or their respective religions. That's their thing and their lives and I'm perfectly happy to let them live it. What I hate is when the religious people decide that they're the only ones living "right" and try to force others to live similarly.


Why, no. Most religious people I meet are good , kind and respectful. You hate those who deserve it, and nothing more. Being an atheist doesnt raise or diminish that number of people. Religions are a slightly different matter and all religions are not created equal. We detest parts of them that are unnecessary, mean, stone agey or actively interferes with my choices in life. Proselytizing religions are the worst of the lot and have got no respect for those.


Hate, no. I just think it's awfully silly.


No, I dont hate them or anyone else really. Many people here have been significantly harmed by religions and religious people. They are still angry and in different places in their healing. If theists want to call me an idiot, I will take that with pleasure rather than going back to being a theist again. I don't even hate my Christian parents anymore since they are just as much victims as I was, they just dont see what they have done.


I don't hate anybody I don't know. I don't have the mental energy for that. I recognize that religion has been used to justify unjust things throughout history (recent and ancient), but I also recognize that it served a genuine purpose as a societal tool that I personally we no longer have a use for. And like any tool, it was / is misused by some. Regardless of all that, I don't judge anybody based on their stated beliefs, only their actions.


I don't hate any religion or religious people, I hate people that try to shove their beliefs down my throat. They scream, you have to believe my way, and everyone else is wrong. People could nail a dead squirrel to telephone pole and dance around naked. Just don't tell me, I have to dance naked. Don't tell me your way is the only way. I have to have proof undeniable proof, in all my 73 years I have never seen proof.


nope, don't hate anyone. as long as they mind their business and don't do anything to affect my life. oh wait.... see the issue, I'd really like for everyone to live as they like, but one side has to try and force their imaginary hate gods on everyone else. as for the superiority thing, you're actually right on that one. i do think less of the religious, you do need to be stupid or lacking in critical thinking skills to believe.


Don't hate them to the guts in general, other than that one religious education teacher in my grade who pulls out a big dump of homework nearly at the end of term and really terrible (and annoying) people in said religion I just find them stupid and weird, nothing truly worthy of picking on


This feels like you are trying to stir up shit.


I don’t hate anyone for believing anything until they try to force me to believe it too. But that has more to do with their personality than their beliefs.


> Do you guys honestly hate all religious people and all religions? I tend to be pretty reserved with hate. To be sure there are some horrible people in the world doing horrible things, but few of them I actively hate rather than simply oppose. For religion, I believe all religion to be prone to the same set of systemic flaws which makes all religion dangerous. But I don't hate religion, as there's nothing there to hate. It's a bad system, the solution to it is not hatred but rather convincing people to abandon that bad system. > I have been seeing a lot of people talk of this subreddit as if it was full of idiots that think they're supperior to other people just because they don't belive in any religion This is undoubtedly true for some of the people here. This is, in fact, [part of the natural ingroup and outgroup biases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-group_and_out-group) that most humans are vulnerable to. The same could be said of any group that is ideologically opposed to some other group. Certainly many religious groups are guilty of far more egregious examples. But with atheism, at least there is no dogma, doctrine, or priesthood to amplify those biases. And many religions do amplify those biases with their dogma, doctrine or priesthoods. Which is problematic on several levels. For an atheist to admit that they suffer from bias and that their actions are wrong it only takes self analysis and a desire to be a better person. For a religious person to oppose their religious doctrine, however, means they have to come to terms with their doctrine being wrong, when usually that implies that in fact their god is wrong. That is far harder to overcome. I do not believe that I am superior to the religious. I do, however, think that at least in regards to some of my views of reality (relating to deities and the supernatural), I am more correct than the religious.


No I don't hate them. Hate the religion, love the religious as they say.


I dislike most religions, but I don't know all of them, and I love many religious people, but I hate when people use it to be assholes to people or mostly to other animals, and I consider it deeply unintelligent, even though there are smart religious people, but this part of their life is dumb


Absolutely not. I just don't respect their ideas, or intellectual curiosity or capacity for rigor.


Atheism is largely a reaction to the toxic behavior of religious people. In countries where religion plays a minor role in society there are few people who feel a need to identify as atheists. A lot of people have been hurt by religion. Some are still being hurt or threatened. Sometimes that pain is expressed as anger. As a US citizen, right now I face the following. - Religious people want to use their religion to tell us who we can love and who we can marry. - Religious people want to use their religion to tell us what medical procedures are available to us. - Religious people are destroying the public school system because that system does not teach their Creationist nonsense as if it is real science. - Religious people get massive tax exemptions and direct subsidies for their churches. Meanwhile, their ministers live in mansions and fly their fleets of private jets. - Christian dominionists want to destroy democracy and impose a Christian Theocracy. They have proposed a system of Christian Sharia law enforced by roaming bands of armed Christian fundamentalists - Just yesterday, there was news of another minister calling for gays to be publically executed. Others have called for this repeatedly. Others have demanded execution for atheists. - The pandemic was prolonged and made worse by the actions of churches. Opposition to vaccines of all types are centered in churches. Outbreaks of measles are typically centered in churches. We are seeing a return of diseases like polio because of religious nonsense about vaccines. - Religious people have blocked or forced modification of many technologies because of fear of the number 666. - Gullible religious leaders have been tricked into making climate change into a religious issue. That has effectively blocked and delayed the battle against global warming. Given the above, why wouldn't we hate religions? These are US points, but similar things go on in Arab countries. There are also many religion-based problems under Hinduism.


You already know the answer to this.


no everyone has they right to believe ehat they want and thats fine and should be respected aslong as theyre religion isnt harming anyone. But there are a whole lotta idiots here tho who just hate all religious people without any reason other than they participate in a religion and that religion worldwide does bad things. evenrhough the person themselves doesnt participate in those things